SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)

Starting MFP Weight
Starting SAHMU Weight
Week 1 Weight
Goal Weight

* If you have already lost weight on your journey here at MFP you are welcome to post it here.

Week 1
Exercise Challenge(7/20-7/27):
Cardio: Get out those strollers Ladies!! (if your kids are to big for a stroller, have them come along if they can keep up).
Walk 2.5- 3.0mph 4 times this week for 45 min. ( I notice alot of you are doing workout videos and if you would rather do those that is okay, just make sure it is 4 times this week to count your point)
Strength: 25 Squats a day 5 days this week

Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
Kitchens closes at 9:30pm!

Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27):
Post 1 reason you believe you have carried this extra weight around. (try to limit it to just one reason, something that you may need to just get out, it helps to release our emotional baggage along with our weight)

*Each Team member will recieve one point for each challenge they meet this week and your team will earn a bonus point if everyone completes there challenges.
*A Point will also be awarded to the team with the highest weight loss for the week.

Post your victories daily and please remember to add up your points for next Wednesday.


  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    Hey black team! My name's Sara, I'm a sahm to 2 (thus the screen name) little girls, the oldest will be 3 on Sunday and the youngest will be 2 in September. Last year I did so great watching what I ate and exercising and I lost a bunch of weight, but I recently got off track and gained a bunch of it back :( I'm motivated again to get this weight back off though, so here I am!

    Starting MFP Weight- 197
    Starting SAHMU Weight - 193
    Week 1 Weight- 193
    Goal Weight (long term)- 160

    Week 1
    Exercise Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Cardio: day 1 done, went on a bike ride :)

    Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Kitchens closes at 9:30pm! So far, so good... I'll report back tomorrow!

    Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27): I eat when I'm stressed, and with 2 toddlers running around the house, I'm stressed a lot! I'm trying to channel that stress into workouts now. I also tend to use dessert as a reward or "treat", when I want to have a fun afternoon with my kids, that generally includes dessert somewhere. I don't want to deprive them, but I also don't want them to equate fun with sugar... it doesn't have to be like that. Some days we can go to the park *without* getting icecream.
  • DivineSensation
    DivineSensation Posts: 51 Member
    Team BLACK........HEYYYYYYY
    Ok........where should I begin??? I have not a clue at all......but here goes, something is better than nothing. My name is Keonia. I'm an at home mom of 4 and a military wife. The childrens ages are 11 years, 8 years, 22 months and 4 months. Just to let you all know, I'm just about like all over seem like today when it came to exercising.

    Starting MFP weight: 140
    Week 1 weight: 147

    Today I have walked 2 miles in 30 minutes ( I usually do 4 miles in the house with a video)
    160 jumping jacks
    40 sit-ups
    100 calf-raises
    25 push-ups
    25 squats

    When it comes to meals..... I try my best to have dinner eaten and kitchen cleaned by 7:00, no later than 7:30pm. I just need to learn to eat right.

    I have no clue as to why I have gained 7 extra pounds. I talk to some people and they say that it is probably because my body have started toning. I don't know what to think because I never weighed this much unless I was pregnant
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Welcome black team! And awesome job being the first one to post Sara!

    My name is also Sarah!

    Alrighty, so I will just admit to my own stupidity, I had no idea what the acronym for SAHMU was, but I was excited about an upcoming challenge and signed up for it! Soooo, now that i know, I hope no one minds that I do not have any children of my own! I was a surrogate mother, and have children around me all the time in one form or another! However, I'm an aspiring SAHM, and someday soon hope to start my own family- thus the inspiration for my weight loss journey!

    Starting MFP- 355
    Starting SAHMU- 353
    Week 1 Weight- 353
    Goal Weight (long term)- 150

    Week 1
    Exercise Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Cardio: Recovering from a back injury, but I WILL complete it before the week is over!

    Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Kitchens closes at 9:30pm! Roger that!

    Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27): Like many, I am an emotional eater. In my family food is a sig of affection, making it, distributing it, and re-distributing it! When we are happy we eat, when we are sad we eat. Over the past 10 years, possibly my entire life I have had to deal with highly stressful life circumstances, and developed a deep depression and mild anxiety. I ignored my personal life circumstances by diving into helping others - and always put myself last. Now, the low self-esteem and fractured confidence, and depression all makeme want to eat for comfort, and it becomes a vicious cycle. I don't want it to continue anymore. I want to put myself first, nourish some self-love, and pursue happiness.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Team Black! I didn't see your forum before. I am glad you are here!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi guys sorry i Did not weigh in on here yesterday but here i go...

    Starting Weight - 211.8 7/20/11

    Im a stay at home mom to three lovelies! My oldest is a boy, he is 5 and goes to school in september, my middle is my girl who seems to be the devil! lol She turns 4 in January, and my youngest is another boy, who turns 2 in september.

    Im so ready for these challenges, 9:30 kitchen closed sounds good to me!
    Ive been doing Insanity for the past 3 days so im going to try and keep up on that but ill try getting in your workouts too and the squats!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    no question, We keep track of points which go by say we do our squats - 1 pt, if we do our cardio - 1pt... correct? and then on weds we let you know how many pts we have?
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hey black team! Sorry I didnt weigh in yesterday, Karie was trying to get me over here but I didnt get the messages soon enough. Im Ashley, a sahm of 1 hyper little 2 year old boy! I started gaining weight back in High School because of some meds I was taking and wasnt ever able to get it off. I've been dieting and working out for about a week now and Im so excited to see results already!

    Starting Weight-258
    Week 1 Weight- 256
    Goal Weight (long term)- 180

    Week 1
    Exercise Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Cardio: day 1, 1 hour of aerobics on the Wii

    Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    No food after 9:30, thankfully I've been working out so hard that im passed out by then!

    Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27): This is a tough one, because I dont want to sound like im blaming anybody but, all my life my mom has been telling me I eat too much, I weigh too much, I dont fit in because of my weight, and clothes dont look right on me and I should work out more...Instead of taking this as constructive criticism (no matter how hurtfull it was) I rebeled because I could control what I ate and my weight and I just let myself go to spite her even though the only person I was hurting was myself. Proud to say that I am at a place in my life where I can rise above the emotional pain that her words inflicted on me and get healthy!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Just completed my Day 4 of Insanity! thats 35 minutes today and roughly a burn of 444 cals!! :)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Just completed my Day 4 of Insanity! thats 35 minutes today and roughly a burn of 444 cals!! :)

    Awesome job Katelyn!
    I have never tried the insanity work out but my fiance does it every morning before work and it looks INSANE! As for your question about points I believe that is correct. I will double check and update you if it is NOT correct, otherwise keep doing what you're doing!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Just completed my Day 4 of Insanity! thats 35 minutes today and roughly a burn of 444 cals!! :)

    Awesome job Katelyn!
    I have never tried the insanity work out but my fiance does it every morning before work and it looks INSANE! As for your question about points I believe that is correct. I will double check and update you if it is NOT correct, otherwise keep doing what you're doing!
  • DivineSensation
    DivineSensation Posts: 51 Member
    I hope that we all got it in on our exercises today. Keep p the good work on our goals. I know that we all can do it. This is Keonia checking on this evening. Today I kinda fell behind due to pain and the kiddies, no excuses though. I didn't do as much as I would liked to have done, but I did do. Today, I did 3.5 mile walk, 25 squats, 60 jumping jacks and 20 calf raises. The kitchen here was closed at 7:30. I was a bit disappointed at myself and barely ate today.....but tomorrow, trust and believe....... my goal is to really get it in and go hard like I did yesterday. I can do and so can you. LETS GET IT LADIES.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Stayed on it for today! Did 45 minutes of walking, while carrying my son most of the way because he got tired, plus another 1 and 1/2 hours of cardio (steps etc.) and my 25 squats! Kitchen closed at 8 tonight! Glad to see we're all sticking to it...Question, are we posting new threads for each day or should we just go back and edit our original posts so that the points are closer together??

  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Great question bella!

    I think it would be easier to just continue to update our original post, but adding a new entry with the date. However, I think as a team we can all pick which works best for the majority?

    Great job everyone ...

    P.S. Bella I ♥ your signature!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Great question bella!

    I think it would be easier to just continue to update our original post, but adding a new entry with the date. However, I think as a team we can all pick which works best for the majority?

    Great job everyone ...

    P.S. Bella I ♥ your signature!

    I love the signature too!!:)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    haha Katelyn I love yours too!

  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Haha thanks bella :)
    haha Katelyn I love yours too!

  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Insanity - Day 5 - COMPLETE...... That *kitten* is banana's!!!

    Today was "Pure Cardio" .... i cant say anymore but oh my goodness! 1 more pt for me... gotta get my squats in :)

    How are ya'll doin?
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    7/22- 80 Minutes of workout on the Wii Fit consisting of 50 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes each of strength training and yoga.
    7/22- 25 Squats

    I will probably do another 30 minute walk tonight. Hoping a praying that I can get some things done this weekend even if its just a little bit...its so hard to stay motivated when everyone else in my house is laying around a relaxing. The 100 degree weather doesnt help any!
  • DivineSensation
    DivineSensation Posts: 51 Member

    Today, I went really hard and got it i like I said that I was. I really had to make up for yesterday. Today I have really pushed myself and I pushed hard.

    Today I started off with a 4 mile walk in the house with low-impact, 200 jumping jacks, 50 squats, 30 push-ups, 70 sit-ups 10 leg raises and I worked out my triceps a bit. I felt REALLY DARN GOOD AFTERWARDS. Oh wow. That is all that I can say. I really ejoyed myself and I had plenty of fun. I hope that you all have had a very good and prosperous day.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    7/22- 80 Minutes of workout on the Wii Fit consisting of 50 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes each of strength training and yoga.
    7/22- 25 Squats

    I will probably do another 30 minute walk tonight. Hoping a praying that I can get some things done this weekend even if its just a little bit...its so hard to stay motivated when everyone else in my house is laying around a relaxing. The 100 degree weather doesnt help any!

    Forgot to add to this, Kitchen closed at 7:15 thanks to a big grilled chicken salad my husband brought home for me!