1000-1200 calories, anyone?

buglesalmoncatgirl Posts: 43 Member
edited March 2017 in Health and Weight Loss

Have any of you been on a 1000-1200 calorie per day plan? Did you follow it strictly? What was your experience? (Plateaus, weight loss rates, sleep quality...)

It is what I am doing; I never had to go so low before.

Thanks kindly.


  • buglesalmoncatgirl
    buglesalmoncatgirl Posts: 43 Member
    True. I am building up my workout routine gradually. I hit the gym 3 days a week and walk as often as I can.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »

    Have any of you been on a 1000-1200 calorie per day plan? Did you follow it strictly? What was your experience? (Plateaus, weight loss rates, sleep quality...)

    It is what I am doing; I never had to go so low before.

    Thanks kindly.

    Why does it seem this is what you must do? What are your stats? Goals? What have you tried previously? Do you have a medical condition that would require you to eat at a lower than recommended calorie level (1200 is the minimum recommended for women)?

    QFT. Very few women should be eating that low.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yeah... I'd murder someone if my calories were that low. Then I'd have to take up that Santa Clarita diet to cover it up. Seriously, there's no reason you need to eat below 1200. Eat at a sustainable level and lose weight more slowly

    BWAHAHAHA! ^^^This. So much this!
  • DJ_Skywalker
    DJ_Skywalker Posts: 420 Member
    Mmmm all the candy, cookies and milk
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    OP what are your stats?
  • sahalbur
    sahalbur Posts: 18 Member
    I used to be one that would push for the 1200 calorie a day, however I found myself starving between meals or between-meal snacks, which made it easier to fail and gorge myself on unhealthy snacks, candy, etc. Plus getting to sleep was harder because I'd be hungry before going to bed, however I couldn't "afford" any more calories.

    1000 calories is going to starve your body. I wouldn't even attempt that one. If you have an exercise level of zero and hardly do anything, I think the 1200 calorie intake would probably work. However, once you start moving, working out, being active in general, you are going to require more energy... that you get from calories.

    Days that I have "rest day" I consume around 1400 calories a day. Days that I spend an hour and a half at the gym doing heavy lifting and cardio, I will consume up to 2000 calories. That system works for me.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited March 2017

    Have any of you been on a 1000-1200 calorie per day plan? Did you follow it strictly? What was your experience? (Plateaus, weight loss rates, sleep quality...)

    It is what I am doing; I never had to go so low before.

    Thanks kindly.

    1200 - 1300 is maintenance for me at my proper weight, so yes, I have to dip lower when I need to lose. It's normal for me, but I fall outside of the general norm. I don't think the experience is any different than anyone else though....I just have to eat a bit less than others. And I am a meticulous logger, weigh everything - after 12 years of journaling I know the drill, believe me. ;)

    I do get quite a bit of exercise - and while I track that on my FitBit site, I do not concern myself with how many calories I burned and if I need to "eat back" any. I try to keep below 1100, and really do best if I stay closer to 1000. If I do a LOT of exercise, and I find myself hungry, I will eat what I feel is necessary. But it does not ever really match calorie for calorie. For instance, I consumed 1036 calories on Sunday, and did a 17 mile bike ride that morning - at a decent clip, in a stiff cold wind. My Polar watch said I burned 579 calories for that ride. (Who know how accurate that really is, but all we have to go by is these devices, so...) I never found myself hungry that day - and did not feel like I had to eat extra to cover the calories I burned. But some days, I do. Yesterday I walked 4 miles, and rode about 18 miles, for an hour on the stationary bike at the gym. I was starving when I got home from the gym, and ate what wound up being an extra 300 calories. But I don't plan the calories/do any math on that stuff. I just eat what I need to, to feel good. I try to make sure get in my protein, and not eat too much sodium at night - that's really all I concern myself with. Oh and I have taken multi-vitamins, for years. That's a daily norm for me as well.
  • ami4kids
    ami4kids Posts: 6 Member
    I sit at a desk all day, so I have MFP set at 1200 and if I don't exercise, I don't get that bump in calories, so I try to stay under the 1200. Is it bad for me to be on a 1200 cal diet? I'm trying to lose 6 more pounds. I'm 5'6 and 141 currently. I typically run 3-10 miles 5 days a week. (10 miles only once during the week)
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