Stupid things you did as a teenager



  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Some of the fashions I wore were pretty stupid.
    JNCO's anyone?
  • chrisvausa
    chrisvausa Posts: 1 Member
    Had sex with a girl I met at OfficeMax. After we finished she told me she was married. A few months later I walk by her and her husband in the grocery store. She was sweating bullets. I said nothing.
  • Wild_Daisies
    Wild_Daisies Posts: 318 Member
    Skinny dipped with too many ppl for it to be considered proper! lol
  • Wild_Daisies
    Wild_Daisies Posts: 318 Member
    Only as friends tho....just to clarify ;)
  • kassierodriguez1
    kassierodriguez1 Posts: 357 Member
    Sneak a boy in my house while everyone was sleeping
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    csbnga wrote: »
    Got in a drinking contest. After 30 shots of rum, I won. Also, I spent the night with alcohol poisoning and puking on myself.

    Well at least you won...
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    edited March 2017
    Let's see...

    1. Got expelled for attacking a teacher (funny thing, I never attacked her and the whole class was there to testify but the principle believed the crazy teacher)
    2. Got drunk a lot
    3. Smoked
    4. Tried drugs like weed, cocaine and speed. Found out I didn't like it.
    5. Moved to Spain at 18 cause.. I have no idea
    6. Skinny dipped at winter in a freezing lake
    7. Stole horses
    8. Snug out of the window a lot
    9. Had way older friends
    10. Oh god so many more things but ehh..

    And this isn't really something I did but something I was offered when I was 13 years old and mom and dad would have gone nuts had I told them. I just didn't think much of it back then.
    I've always been very feminine and back than I actually had boobs that now are gone.. One day I'm walking in home when a dude I knew a little (he had a son who was friends with my 7 year old brother) runs up next to me and starts talking about my body. It made me feel very uncomfortable... and I really wanted him gone..
    Next thing I know is that he tells me his friend owns a tanning salon and they're shooting a film that happens there and he asks me if I'd want to play a part in that film, all I needed to do was to wear a bathing suit and kiss him a little... Again, I was 13 and he was a grown up around 35 ish....

    I kindly refused and it didn't register back then how serious that was and that I should have gone straight to the police and I think that's one of the stupidest thing. Should have reported the *kitten*.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I have so many things I could list here. There has been many occasions that I think I should not have lived through it, or truly wish I had not.

    Experimenting with just about any thing you can think of. I left home after HS graduation at 17, so instead of me getting in trouble with the parents, I just got in trouble with all those folks I hung out with that were older and completely influential in my life. The weekend binges, crashing off campus University parties, and the list goes on an on..

    I am not dead, and I was never arrested, not sure how I skated through to be honest. >:)
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    Jesus where to begin

    I went to Prague with roughly £30 in my pocket and stayed for 4 months.
    I had an affair with my Mothers best friend.
    Started working as a bouncer at 16 - telling people older than me that they couldn't come into the bar I was working in.
    I took ALL the drugs.
    Got 17 stitches in my hand when I punched a guy on the other side of a window.
    Was almost expelled for punching a teacher ( not so sure this is stupid, he made an insulting remark about my mother )
    Slept with a Mother and Daughter within 3 months of each other.
    Crashed my Uncle's car.

    I'm amazed my mother made it through my teenage years, I was kind of a little *kitten*. I've since apologised profusely for the *kitten* I put her through.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Rode a bicycle down a hill without brakes.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    TonyB0588 wrote: »
    Rode a bicycle down a hill without brakes.
    without BRAKES?
    Foot on the back tyre job was it?
  • blackcomaro
    blackcomaro Posts: 796 Member
    Still have some good scars as reminders of pushing my bicycle to the limit
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    Tha actually reminds me of a funny story.
    I was coming home one night and I took a shortcut through a local cemetery.
    Now it was Summer, so it wasn't " A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT " there about 50 yards a head of me was a hedge and behind the hedge I could see ( from about the chest up ) a Nun moving behind the hedge.
    The freaky thing was, her head wasn't bobbing, there was no cadence to indicate steps - well *kitten* me, this Nun was floating. Bare in mind how quickly your thought process can work.
    I was absolutely terrified for about 2 seconds - until she went past a gap in the hedge and I saw that she was on a bicycle.
  • blackcomaro
    blackcomaro Posts: 796 Member
    I was a naughty child.... expelled from to schools. First time.. was when I a set a popsicle stand on fire on the table in the art room...
  • sfa90
    sfa90 Posts: 105 Member
    Having unsafe sex with random guys. Ugh!
  • Free2LiveAgain
    Free2LiveAgain Posts: 966 Member
    I stole a pad of hall passes and got the teachers signature down to a T. Used to give them out to my friends.. I should have charged lol

    I was always getting in school detention, or after school, but since I usually had dance class the same nights my parents never found out.

    I skipped school.. a lot.

    My friends and I went "stump jumping" in cars in the woods, drunk. I don't know how the cars didn't get ruined.

    Bonfire parties. Alcohol, smoking, etc.

    Parties.. lots and lots and lots of parties.

    They were truck drivers, so they'd be gone like 2 weeks at a time. Those 2 weeks, so much crap. No supervision for an out of control teenager.. plus internet. I'm thankful someone didn't kill me.

    So many more stupid things.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    ketomaniac wrote: »
    Saxophone as well among other things

    I feel a band camp story coming on.

    I have the best band camp stories
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    most things I did as a teenager were stupid
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Snuck out of the house a couple of times but that was the extent of my daring deeds in HS. 1971. Was a pretty well-behaved kid. Didn't start getting in trouble until I was a Marine living away from home.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Snuck out of the house a couple of times but that was the extent of my daring deeds in HS. 1971. Was a pretty well-behaved kid. Didn't start getting in trouble until I was a Marine living away from home.
