100+ lbs to lose support group



  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    You can count me in!

    My intro, my name is Marion and I am from New Zealand studying at Auckland university. I have also been overweight almost my whole life, I have about 110-120lbs to lose! I have only tried to lose weight once before and I hit a plateau and gave up but this time I am determined to do it and keep it off but I would absolutely love to be apart of this group =)

    Welcome! We've all been there and will be happy to help you during the journey. It takes our bodies a while to get the memo that we are changing things. I just went through about a month of only losing 4 lbs because while I was losing I was gaining muscle so that stupid scale would stare back at me, with the same number. But I never gave up and at the end of the month I had lost another inch everywhere! Just keep moving forward and know that we are all here to help.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I just found this thread, although I notice that I am friends with a few of you already so that's great. I would love to be part of this group. I don't have quite a 100 pounds to lose anymore since I have lost 55 already and my initial goal was 150. I started five months ago tomorrow and I can't believe I am already a third of the way there. I have found MFP to be a great support. Most of my friends are skinny and don't have any idea what I am going through. They are very supportive of me but in a you're doing great sort of way, not in an I know what you are going through way.

    By way of introduction:

    My name is Dusty. I am 37 years old. I am married and just celebrated our 15th anniversary. My husband is overweight also, but at this point is only theoretically interested in changing that. He is very supportive of me though and I think eventually he will get on board.

    I have an 11 year old son. He is an amazing athlete. He plays two sports and trains year round. I am not sure where he gets it from because it certainly isn't from me. For example, today alone he worked out with a trainer for two hours, went to a private lesson and to a team practice, all by choice. He isn't required to do anything during the summer because technically it is his off season. But he loves to workout and loves to be physically active. It is so sweet how supportive he is of me, always offering encouragement, wanting to workout together and telling me how good I am doing. In fact yesterday at the store he said he wanted to buy me a new bike because I have been doing so well.

    I am a crisis worker for abused children and sexual assault victims, so I have a very stressful job. I work full time and then have additional time where I have to be available to return to work at any time. My son's schedule and my work schedule have led to many meals eaten in the car from the drive through which is the biggest factor in my weight gain over the past few years, but I have always been heavy. When I reach my goal I will weigh less than when I graduated from high school.

    I really haven't made any huge changes, but all the small changes and decisions are leading to a huge change in me. One day I just decided and I haven't looked back. I have come so far since then and I really feel like it is easily doable to the end. I have bad days, and I get frustrated, but when I do I just look at the fact that I have lost over 50 pounds in 5 months and it helps a lot. Having a good MFP support network helps too, so feel free to friend me.

    Nice to "meet" everyone.
  • sistertransister
    sistertransister Posts: 56 Member
    I have only been on MFP for about a month and just found this thread. I have been lookng for an open group of people who are working towards a goal of 100+ to lose. Would love to join! :wink:
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    Hello Everyone! I would love to join the group. Total I think I have about 142lbs to lose but I have already lost 8 so far so I am on my way!
    Right now there are 17 pages of posts for this group so if anyone can fill me in on if there has been any challenges posted or what everyone is doing that would be great... truthfully I tried to read the 17 pages and made it to like page 3 and was like ummm no too much reading lol.
    Everyone feel free to friend me. If you do please leave me a message with request just to let me know who you are.
  • mevie666
    mevie666 Posts: 7
    Hi all,

    even though I've opened this account a couple of months ago I've never actually been here so long so Im still getting to know how to use it. I would love to join.. All my life i've been trying to lose weight with loads of different diets.. I've spent loads of senseless money to various nutritionists which have helped me alot and yet i still find myself not happy with the way I look. My will seems to fade after an amount of days.. and pum bam I will re-start to binge on foods.. junks.. chips.. chocolates..etc.. I really really need to take this serious now..-___- ..but seems like the will is gone for long :( so i suppose this group should help me out :D MY target is to go down to 70 from 95 :)
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    I just found this thread, although I notice that I am friends with a few of you already so that's great. I would love to be part of this group. I don't have quite a 100 pounds to lose anymore since I have lost 55 already and my initial goal was 150. I started five months ago tomorrow and I can't believe I am already a third of the way there. I have found MFP to be a great support. Most of my friends are skinny and don't have any idea what I am going through. They are very supportive of me but in a you're doing great sort of way, not in an I know what you are going through way.

    Congratulations of the loss! Those are great numbers! I know what you mean about support types. I have great friends that love that I am losing but can't appreciate how hard it can be to think through meals and activity to reach this goal. It's wonderful to be able to have all the people here on the MFP that cheer you on. I've found this to be a great group. Wishing you much success.

  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I have become friends with several of you. If there is anyone out there that wants to be friends, please feel free to add me. We all need support! It's not easy, but I just keep seeing myself riding rides at Dollywood with my kids next August!!! That's my motivation!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow...so many new people, I can't keep up :smile: I'm down for a challenge. I kind of like the idea of a total calories burned or miles gone challenge for the month with mini/daily/weekly challenges thrown in. It gives something long-term and something else to spice it up. Might be good for some of us who waver after the first week or so.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I just found this thread, although I notice that I am friends with a few of you already so that's great. I would love to be part of this group. I don't have quite a 100 pounds to lose anymore since I have lost 55 already and my initial goal was 150. I started five months ago tomorrow and I can't believe I am already a third of the way there. I have found MFP to be a great support. Most of my friends are skinny and don't have any idea what I am going through. They are very supportive of me but in a you're doing great sort of way, not in an I know what you are going through way.

    Dusty - we joined MFP on the same day. We have similar stories too. You don't live in the Northeast also do you? LOL
    You're doing great - keep it going!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! So glad to see so much interest in doing a challenge of some kind. I'm going make a list of all the ideas that have been suggested and I'll make a new, separate thread for this challenge. I'll keep it exercise/activity based and we'll do x number of miles, plus daily/weekly challenges.

    So happy to see all these new faces!!! Welcome to each and every one of you!!! If you're new to MFP, it's a great tool. Stick with it and you'll be amazed at what changes you can make. To everyone - new and NOT new :smile: - Glad to have you all here!!!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I just found this thread, although I notice that I am friends with a few of you already so that's great. I would love to be part of this group. I don't have quite a 100 pounds to lose anymore since I have lost 55 already and my initial goal was 150. I started five months ago tomorrow and I can't believe I am already a third of the way there. I have found MFP to be a great support. Most of my friends are skinny and don't have any idea what I am going through. They are very supportive of me but in a you're doing great sort of way, not in an I know what you are going through way.

    Dusty - we joined MFP on the same day. We have similar stories too. You don't live in the Northeast also do you? LOL
    You're doing great - keep it going!!

    Nope, a little different there. I live in the Northwest. You can tell because I am perpetually pale and wearing a coat :laugh:
  • sambustem
    sambustem Posts: 83
    I want to join too!! I'm saying I have 100 to lose - but I'll still be over "acceptable limits" according to charts, but I know what I look like and that's what I want! I lost 130lbs about 4-5 yrs ago and gained about 100 over the past year due to high risk pregnancy and sitting around eating because I couldn't do anything else! My baby is now 9 months old and I NEED to get back to "happy".
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! So glad to see so much interest in doing a challenge of some kind. I'm going make a list of all the ideas that have been suggested and I'll make a new, separate thread for this challenge. I'll keep it exercise/activity based and we'll do x number of miles, plus daily/weekly challenges.

    So happy to see all these new faces!!! Welcome to each and every one of you!!! If you're new to MFP, it's a great tool. Stick with it and you'll be amazed at what changes you can make. To everyone - new and NOT new :smile: - Glad to have you all here!!!

    Yay.. very excited for this group and for a challenge for us
  • Musterion
    Musterion Posts: 15 Member
    I like the idea of keeping this forum separate from the soon to be created 100 + lbs to lose challenge forum. Over the years, I have certainly accomplished challenges while losing weight (the 100 mile club comes to mind) but what I am really going for this time is simple exercise - burning at least 300 calories each time for three times a week. That is a challenge enough for a non-exerciser as far out of shape as I am. It is also sustainable from now on... I am really setting my mind as this is the way I need to eat and exercise for the rest of my life - because if I don't I'll go right back to being in terrible shape. In that light, a challenge seems like maybe a good starter or a good occassional motivator when I hit a weight plateau - but not as something I should do throughout my weight loss journey. Best of luck to those who feel differently than I!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi everyone,
    So, if you haven't heard...I'm going to be hosting a new challenge soon that I'm planning to gear toward people that have what they'd consider "a lot to lose". I wanted to open it up to you all and see if anyone was interested. If so, check out the thread and let me know if you'd like to participate.


    Thanks!!! :flowerforyou:
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    wow! A lot has happened since I have been MIA for the past several days. Welcome to the new people, congrats to Jen for stepping out and being a leader! I too have dropped out of several challenges, and quite frankly I am having trouble keeping myself on track.... I read the success stories and tell myself that food will never tempt me again, but the next cookie, or hamburger I see, it all goes whoosh! Right out the window! Trying to get myself back on track even thoughI am out of the "fun" stage and into the"this is hard work " stage. Beginnin to sink in that I am gonna have to work harder at this weight-loss lifestyle change than I wanted to admit... I need encouragement folks! And a good kick in the butt! Good luck to y'all!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    wow! A lot has happened since I have been MIA for the past several days. Welcome to the new people, congrats to Jen for stepping out and being a leader! I too have dropped out of several challenges, and quite frankly I am having trouble keeping myself on track.... I read the success stories and tell myself that food will never tempt me again, but the next cookie, or hamburger I see, it all goes whoosh! Right out the window! Trying to get myself back on track even thoughI am out of the "fun" stage and into the"this is hard work " stage. Beginnin to sink in that I am gonna have to work harder at this weight-loss lifestyle change than I wanted to admit... I need encouragement folks! And a good kick in the butt! Good luck to y'all!

    Come on, Rose! Here's my mantra that kicks my butt into shape and keeps me on track: In a year, do I want to look back and wish I'd stuck with it, or do I want to look back and see the incredible progress I've made?

    I want you to look back and see your amazing progress! You can do it!

  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I don't know how on earth I missed this thread lol. Im Devin, SAHM to Alex (6) and Cheyenne (3). I started with 133lb to lose and have lost 49.2lb so Im between 85-90 to go. Im currently 248.8 and hoping I can get as close to 200 or less as possible by my follow up doctors appt in January. That will make him so happy. He's already pretty impressed with my weight loss so far. He would like to see me between 180-190 but I set my goal for 165ish so we'll see where I end up lol. If anyone wants to friend me, feel free, I love all the support I can get!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi Devin! Welcome! It's been sorta quiet in here lately, but it's a great bunch of people!

    (Just a side note - thank you for posting in here today! I was looking for this thread in my topics and I've posted all over the place and it was LOST!!! Glad to see it show back up again!!!)

    Hope everyone's doing well!!!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Good Morning Losers

    I'm going to go over to the challenge topic and see what's going on for August. Thanks for getting things started Jen!

    July has been a success for me. I've logged 68 miles and have nearly lost my 10lb goal. Gearing up for an August vacation that will be challenging but have tons of physical activity planned so my goal is to release a pound or two that week.

    I hope this thread continues. A separate one for the challenges is nice but should be used only to log updates. Staying here for chit chat is a good idea.

    Happy Hump Day!
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