I love giving random advice



  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    happimess1 wrote: »
    Why do pigeons seem to have such an excellent aim but i cant pee straight standing still?

    Lol, they don't have great aim considering I can beat them at their game with an umbrella. You will never win you evil pigion/crow/bird like descendant from demon spawn!

    And technically no man would ever pee straight it would aim a little off to the left, just adjust, make sure the alochol intake is low, and try again till you succeed. > This is meant to be a joke, please don't be offended.

  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I like giving random advice too, should I? Only if they ask?
    I also love talking to random strangers, do you see any problems with this?

    I love it too, it might be a sickness, or my own innate need to help people. I don't know. I don't like to analyze it.

    Best policy withhold all advice, shove it down, till someone asks. The worst kind of advice is the unsolicited advice that is vague and doesn't meet the situation. If someone asks you, let loose, and go talk to the strangers that is how you build friendships and meet people. They were old things called social skills that people somehow grew afraid of, and I don't see a problem with talking to new people. Good luck.
  • angelamy1977
    angelamy1977 Posts: 24 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    How many puppies are too many puppies? Can I have too many puppies?

    I find it hard to believe there are "too many puppies". That's really an oxymoron of a statement. If you can afford them, can care for them and give them attention...there's never too many puppies!!! And if you can't...go to a shelter and revel in the joy of playing with the puppies who need to be socialized to find new homes :)
  • wardamnirish056
    wardamnirish056 Posts: 119 Member
    If I have say 6 toilet rolls.. when is action advised to purchase more? Should I play safe and purchase at 3 rolls remaining or live a little and wait until the last roll?

    This is a great and timely question. I'm struggling with this right now, with only three rolls left. I keep telling myself I need to buy more, but at the same time something tells me I can wait. I eagerly await the response.
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    How many puppies are too many puppies? Can I have too many puppies?

    I find it hard to believe there are "too many puppies". That's really an oxymoron of a statement. If you can afford them, can care for them and give them attention...there's never too many puppies!!! And if you can't...go to a shelter and revel in the joy of playing with the puppies who need to be socialized to find new homes :)

  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    Also should I say pahsta or paaahhhhsta?

    It depends on where you are from and who you are around. If you around people who constantly correct you and you don't mind that then go with whatever you remember at the time, and never apologize. If you don't want people to recognize where you are from then pah-sta is the Italian way of pronoucing it, or if you are in different parts of America paahhhsta (paa-sta) is the way you would pronouce it. Either way like tomatoes and potatoes it is fine saying it which ever way you prefer. Unless your Canadian, who will say it both ways because they don't actually have a normal dialect. Just don't apologize for it:)
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    If I have say 6 toilet rolls.. when is action advised to purchase more? Should I play safe and purchase at 3 rolls remaining or live a little and wait until the last roll?

    This is a great and timely question. I'm struggling with this right now, with only three rolls left. I keep telling myself I need to buy more, but at the same time something tells me I can wait. I eagerly await the response.
    If I have say 6 toilet rolls.. when is action advised to purchase more? Should I play safe and purchase at 3 rolls remaining or live a little and wait until the last roll?

    My dear the day will come, it will happen in the middle of the night, you will go to your toilet and let loose then you will reach for that sweet roll that you need so very badly at that one moment. And it will be a brown cardboard tube with little white patches left on it after you scrapped away your last bit of toilet paper yesterday, and you will reach around looking for the spare, but then there is nothing because you got busy and forgot to get on your last shopping trip. Go get the spare paper, look for a deal and stock up. You really can't ever have it expire so you can actually stock up. :)

  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    If I have say 6 toilet rolls.. when is action advised to purchase more? Should I play safe and purchase at 3 rolls remaining or live a little and wait until the last roll?

    This is a great and timely question. I'm struggling with this right now, with only three rolls left. I keep telling myself I need to buy more, but at the same time something tells me I can wait. I eagerly await the response.
    I mean you never know when there might be a back door dilemma!


    This was funny then it got scary:)
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I like giving random advice too, should I? Only if they ask?
    I also love talking to random strangers, do you see any problems with this?

    I love it too, it might be a sickness, or my own innate need to help people. I don't know. I don't like to analyze it.

    Best policy withhold all advice, shove it down, till someone asks. The worst kind of advice is the unsolicited advice that is vague and doesn't meet the situation. If someone asks you, let loose, and go talk to the strangers that is how you build friendships and meet people. They were old things called social skills that people somehow grew afraid of, and I don't see a problem with talking to new people. Good luck.

    I think you give excellent advice :)
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    Ask your date first if they like lizards, most of the time slow baby steps are needed, and maybe wait till the second date to bring out the lizards? Maybe they could visit the lizards rather then you bringing them.

    Who doesn't like lizards?

    Some people might be scared of them at first, they just need the opportunity to meet them when they are comfortable with it instead of it being thrust upon them because it means that you cared enough for their comfort to be aware of what they needed in that situation. However, if they tell you to get rid of your lizards (all of them) or call you weird for liking them, then they aren't going to be the best match for you.

    I think I need advice on this but don't know how to word it

    Well it is about being conscientious of another person, of the fact that every single person you interact with has had their own experiences. Some may be more open to trying new things, some may be traumatized from something they experienced before and are scared. That is ok, it is a spectrum. Understanding that takes time and effort to get to know the person you are talking to, and it requires building trust in your relationship, no matter how brief they may be. So best policy is talking to the person, find out what they like and what they dislike, and ask them if they want to try new things together. If you need more advice, maybe send me an email if that works better for you.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Toilet paper - over or under?
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I like giving random advice too, should I? Only if they ask?
    I also love talking to random strangers, do you see any problems with this?

    You sound like my mother. She loves talking to random strangers and giving them advice
  • Ben_there_done_that
    Ben_there_done_that Posts: 732 Member
    I really like my .40 cal, but I'm worried that in the zombie apocalypse that 9mm will be much more available. Should I switch?
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Toilet paper - over or under?

    Whatever fits your lifestyle. I like over when at home, but the way it comes out in the malls/office buildings is under. And I think the old guy on the Business Insider came out on the patent and said it was meant to be over.
  • SpoonInTheRoad
    SpoonInTheRoad Posts: 35 Member
    What do you say to the drowners who have 20,000+ comment posts and live to just drown out what anyone else is saying? I have decided they ruin MFP and it is no longer a forum where we can just connect. So, I just do my thing, which is working extremely well, and pretty much avoid commenting because of drowners. What do you think of these spoilers?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    we've got a new person joining our D&D group next week. the group currently consists of a human fighter, an eladrin wizard, a human ranger, and two halflings, one is a druid and the other is a rogue. what race and class do you think the new player should be?

    we're very low level right now so we're easy to kill, but we also don't murderhobo everything in sight either, so hit points don't matter too much. i'm the fighter so whatever character they play is prob going to stay behind me most of the game anyhow if that helps.

    Chicken Salad

    Did you quote the wrong thing? LOL
    cee134 wrote: »

    I did not.

    Chicken Salad is an appropriate answer to most of life's questions.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Did Sinbad Play a Genie in the Movie Shazam and Then Did He Move Into My House?