Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    I had a pretty "on-track" day yesterday, MFP-wise, even though I didn't post :) ....I think I was feeling like I just needed at least one day of success before I dared type on here again! Whew! Still in midst of busy craziness schedule of driving teens to too many places, which is usually not the case. That really discombobulates the motivation and focus! I'll be glad when it slows down next week.

    JFT 21 March Monday:
    1. Log/Cal limits
    2. 3+ pints water/tea/broth
    3. Abs challenge
    4. Peacefulness

    @OConnell5483 : I read your bit about wanting to "detox" from sugar. This gal has a lot of encouragment and some great sugarless recipes in her book--I mean, they taste YUM! :) : https://www.amazon.com/Quit-Sugar-Complete-Program-Cookbook/dp/0804186014/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490099611&sr=8-1&keywords=I+quit+sugar You could probably check it out from a library. She has written several books/cookbooks.

    @Bex953172 : Journaling is great! Awesome way to process your thoughts and events in life. Just be YOU! ;) Write down whatever seems important at the moment. I like going back and reading later, realizing I have grown in some area, or seeing how some difficult thing worked out well over time...etc. And there are so many cool journaling things out there...like those coloring books with sayings with beautiful pictures etc. Have fun! :)

    @LiveLaughLove1969 : I noticed you were wondering how to do the quote thing a bit ago, and your entries are sort of a cascade. If you like them like that, then great :smile:! If you want to get rid of the multiple windows: When you post your new day, click on the Quote, of course. But then go in and figure out what is just your most recent entry (your "yesterday" at the very end) and go ahead and delete (like, backspace) all of the other previous quotes. Then you'd get a single entry with just your one previous day and your "today" part. (Otherwise, of course, you might like having your previous entries all visible in one place?)....Anyway, hope that is helpful!

    @bri150lbs : Good luck on your 5K! Do you do many of those?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    @kwfitgal Thanks for the tip! I really struggle with the sugar thing and try so hard. I'll definitely check her out. I've been feeling like a trip to the library is in order, so that's a great idea! I never think about the library for cookbooks! I'll check it out this afternoon. Have a great day!
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Steps 8000 :)
    Drink 24 ounces of water :)
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Walk at least 2 miles :) Got this done while my daughter had her trumpet lessons. Better than just sitting in the car waiting for her to come out of the building!

    Steps 7000
    25 minutes circuit train. :) Done it already!
    Drink 24 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Read and study

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Monday
    Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!- :)
    Figure out some meals, exercise, and projects for the week-eh well maybe today
    Quality time with grand babies-boy do I love them cuddles! Would like to do a game day, project, or maybe day at the park

    Great day of doing pretty much nothing lol. Getting restless though. Time to get cracking on something! I have really noticed how my eating habits have changed three months in. Feeling good and not really craving the things I used to.

    Just for Today: Tuesday

    Keep logging
    Hello? Water?
    Get out for a walk
    Declutter one thing
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yesterday M 3/20/17
    1) Stick with food that I have already pre-logged for today! Yes, for the most part. I added a few things like veggie straws and my 10 M&Ms, and still managed to stay w/i 48 of my calorie limit counting the dog walk. I can tell that shifting my focus to stay within a range of my daily limit (and actually doing it) is paying off....I'm starting to see the scale move in the right direction after months of basically maintaining. :smiley:
    2) Meditate in afternoon - Yes (want to extend the length) :smile:
    3) Walk dog after work - first day of spring should be gorgeous! Yes walked 3 mile route before supper, got home hungry! Good thing I had planned supper already. :smile:
    4) Put papers in recycle bin for hubby to put out after his shift - Yes :smile:
    5) Review vegetarian cookbook borrowed from Jennifer / plan meals - Started but dozed off, lol. Evening walk and fresh air will do that to me. Try again. ;)
    6) Floss - Yes Day 2! :smiley:
    7) Bedtime by 10:30 w/o TV - Yes 10:16 but then woke up when hubby came upstairs after his shift ended. :smile:

    Just for today T 3/21/17
    1) Keep focused on Daily Goal calories and stay w/i 100
    2) Meditate in afternoon
    3) Check at least 3 things off To Do List in evening
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 (if I don't list this, I know I'll stay up later)

    @LiveLaughLove1969 Another way that I use for updates is: go to my previous post, copy what I want to bring forward and paste that into the dialog box (whatever it's called), then add my updates and current day's goals.

    @Bex953172 I love your motto "strive for progress not perfection." Describes how I want MFP to work for me: not a diet but a healthy way to live, lose weight, and be fit. Thanks for all your great suggestions, and hang in there!
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Well.... I succeeded yesterday. I ate more than my calories allowed, HOWEVER, I logged it all. I drank a bottle of water and I went for a nice walk down at the river....

    Just for today, my goals are:

    Record all my food
    don't eat anything I didn't bring for lunch/snacks (no store purchases today)
    Have a big salad for dinner
    Start a 30 day challenge.
    Drink a bottle of water

    Thanks everyone, for being there and needing/offering the same thing I am needing/offering!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited March 2017
    1. log all food :) yes,even that bowl of icecream. But. .. I went on a 5 mile walk, so it was OK.
    2. carry that water bottle with me :) Yes! Getting better at doing this
    3. no sugar. Get this crap out of my system, and stop the cravings :/ Had a bowl of ice cream, but now, it is all out of the house! So don't buy any more. !!!
    4. get out for a long walk :) 5 mile walk!
    5. clean the garage :) Got this done - what a job!! Had to break up so many boxes for reclying.
    6. sew :) Just did a little of this, but at least got some done
    7. get out simple abundance book and start reading it :)

    Had a OK day yesterday. So nice to finally be feeling better to get out and start exercising again. Made it to the gym this morning, so a great way to start my day. Plus .. I finished off that box of ice cream. So note to myself -- no matter how much it is on sale, do not buy any! I weighed myself this morning, and darn, the weight I had lost while sick is back up by 3 lbs. Don't let this discourage me though!

    JFT, Tuesday, Mar 21
    1. log all food
    2. carry my water bottle with me. Aim for refilling it at least 4 times = 8 cups
    3. go for a walk tonite
    4. lay out clothes for tomorrow morning for the gym
    5. finish sorting through photographs
    6. read simple abundance
    7. read some success stories on here for motivation (thanks for reminding me to do this @Bex953172
    8. stay committed. Get back on here tomorrow.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »

    @OConnell5483 : I read your bit about wanting to "detox" from sugar. This gal has a lot of encouragment and some great sugarless recipes in her book--I mean, they taste YUM! :) : https://www.amazon.com/Quit-Sugar-Complete-Program-Cookbook/dp/0804186014/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490099611&sr=8-1&keywords=I+quit+sugar You could probably check it out from a library. She has written several books/cookbooks.

    Thanks for this link. I'm also going to check this out!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Well.... I succeeded yesterday. I ate more than my calories allowed, HOWEVER, I logged it all. I drank a bottle of water and I went for a nice walk down at the river....

    Just for today, my goals are:

    Record all my food
    don't eat anything I didn't bring for lunch/snacks (no store purchases today)
    Have a big salad for dinner
    Start a 30 day challenge.
    Drink a bottle of water

    Thanks everyone, for being there and needing/offering the same thing I am needing/offering!

    Great job! Glad to see you back here. You can do this!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    misw1kat wrote: »
    Can I join, I'm at "day 13" today and boy staying on track is a struggle. I keep moving my goal posts :/
    My goal for today:
    1: stick to my food plan for today which I have already logged.
    Thank you

    Love to have you join us!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member


    1. Track all food :)
    2. Plan and pre-track exercise for the week :)
    3. At least 5 freggies :)
    4. 30-day ab challenge: 80 situps, 110 crunches, 48 leg raises, 70 second plank :neutral: did some of it...
    5. an hour of intense Zumba :smiley:
    6. salsa and bachata--at least two hours :smiley: danced for three hours
    7. 10+ cups water :)


    1. Track all food
    2. At least 5 freggies
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 85 situps, 120 crunches, 50 leg raises, 75 second plank
    4. salsa/bachata/reggaeton--at least two hours
    5. 10+ cups water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    6. salsa and bachata--at least two hours :smiley: danced for three hours

    Do you belong to a club where you go dancing? I would love to be able to go out dancing again - but there seems to be no places, other than nightclubs, that have a lot of smoke!
    I bet you are so good at dancing! Do you compete or anything! Great exercising!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    6. salsa and bachata--at least two hours :smiley: danced for three hours

    Do you belong to a club where you go dancing? I would love to be able to go out dancing again - but there seems to be no places, other than nightclubs, that have a lot of smoke!
    I bet you are so good at dancing! Do you compete or anything! Great exercising!

    No club, just lots of events in a metro area. Tonight a friend from Venezuela is DJing at a little hipster bar in Portland--just a fun thing for people who love music, not a serious dance event. Last night was more high-level stuff for really good dancers at a bar with a wood dance floor. In my dance community, everything is organized via Facebook--people post events and anybody who wants to can come. There are also Facebook groups for different dance events, and a friend of mine puts together a blog that lists EVERYTHING within 100 miles that is in any way related to Latin dance. Most events start with a free lesson at the beginning for people who want to learn or practice. There happen to be a lot of ballrooms in my area, so big events happen in those places, but I also dance at bars, wine bars, cider houses and the occasional restaurant. One thing that I love about it is that age doesn't matter much--if you can keep up, nobody cares.

    It has been illegal to smoke indoors where I live for something like 20 years, so that is not an issue. Marijuana is legal here, but fortunately it is not legal to smoke it outside of homes yet, so that is not a problem either. Salsa/bachata dancers are VERY clean people...we are dancing close. As far as I can tell there are only a couple of people around who smoke at all.

    You should try Zumba, Nia or other gym-based dance fitness--that's how I got back into dancing. You don't need a partner and it isn't a big commitment, but it will get you in the right kind of shape for doing more authentic kinds of dance. It's also great stress relief.

    I'm old and fat, so I don't compete or dance in any kind of professional way. It's just for fun.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited March 2017

    You should try Zumba, Nia or other gym-based dance fitness--that's how I got back into dancing. You don't need a partner and it isn't a big commitment, but it will get you in the right kind of shape for doing more authentic kinds of dance. It's also great stress relief.

    Our gym offered zumba in January, but it was on a monday morning at 9am. Unfortunately, myself and one other lady were the only ones there - and after just 2 classes, the girl stopped doing them. But that is what I heard - that zumba would be a good start! I may check around and see if I can find a place that has them. Is it hard to learn though? I know, at age 66, that it will be hard for me to keep up!
    I think here smoking is allowed where alcohol is served - but I am going to check that. Maybe the law also is for bars? I know restaurants people cannot smoke, but I was thinking bars and nightclubs were exempt from that law. My husband and I have our 40th wedding anniversary in a few weeks.I would love to find a place where we could go dancing. We used to do that all the time. Not very good though - but it was a fun workout!
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member

    Ok I apparently have missed a few days. Busy weekend. So moving on
    No mocha frappe
    Drink more water
    No M&Ms
    Chin up and keep faith

    Received my total gym w/Pilates attachment today. Need to work on putting it together and cleaning basement for it (that'll be a workout)
    No mocha frappe today. Yay
    Still trying to drink more water and still on my list

    More water
    No frappe
    Less snacking
    Walk more

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member
    Goals for Tues
    - Don't eat when stressed - yes!
    - Stay close to allowance - *looks down at bowl of Ben and Jerrys*.. ummmm.. :blush:
    - Exercise today!!! - no but I'm 200 off my 5000 steps and I'm happy with that!
    - Carpet clean - D'ya know what I never got round to it! And I'm glad! The puppy has been accident free alllllll day! It's now 23.51 and the dogs just took a dump on it! I'm so effing glad I didn't do it because that would of made me rage! So! Quick clean of the poop and blast it tomorrow morning!
    - Don't forget to drink (water not wine :sweat_smile:) yes, this I accomplished!
    - Journal :) doing so now!

    Goals for Weds
    - Go pick up my new shoes from River Island! *yayy*
    - Go pick up my medication *booo*
    - eat less calories than Tuesday
    - Drink more water than Tuesday
    - Carpet clean!
    - Exercise - someone please hold me accountable! I just cba and I need someone to make me!
    - Journal

    March Goals
    Current Weight: 12st 6lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Motto for March
    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    6. salsa and bachata--at least two hours :smiley: danced for three hours

    Do you belong to a club where you go dancing? I would love to be able to go out dancing again - but there seems to be no places, other than nightclubs, that have a lot of smoke!
    I bet you are so good at dancing! Do you compete or anything! Great exercising!

    I dance too!! Though I fell off the exercise/healthy eating thing when I got back into it... sigh. Lost my health motivation after it got me back into dancing shape.... how did THAT happen??? I'm competing in 3 weeks and I'm not looking forward to huffing and puffing but I do so love it...
  • PennysOnaMission
    PennysOnaMission Posts: 13 Member
    I've been reading the posts but not contributing. So I need to push myself here. After getting used to this application and it's qwirks, it's time to stop making excuses and do the work. Ok, here goes...

    This started 7 days ago but it's for 30 days:

    Walk 3 days/ week and have be tracked through this app.

    Journal every day every food and caloric drink that hits my lips... And I will slow down and enjoy it.

    For 2 days/week I will do resistance based or yoga videos at home (cost is an issue) for muscle tone and flexibility

    As I've just had surgery that has changed my diet - bye bye red meat, chocolate, diet coke and very fatty fried foods - My meals are smaller and more frequent

    And somehow I'll find a scale....
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    J4T Tuesday
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Stay under 1200 calories. :neutral: a little over

    J4T Wednesday

    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    2. stay under 1200 calories