Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    @joan6630 : I'd bet you could find it at a local library ;) That's where I got mine...she wrote another book with it, "Who Switched Off My Brain?" (also in libraries), which sort of goes more into the "How to...". The "Switch on...." book presents more of the science. :) I'd love to hear if you ever read them/like them! YAY for you on doing better with the water!!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today: Sunday

    Water 8 glasses-a little short, and boy am I thirsty today.
    Log, log, log- nope nope nope
    Enjoy my day :):)
    Reevaluate how I can be more successful in reaching goals for next week! :)

    Just for today: Monday

    Water 8 glasses

    Have a great week! Wishing you all the best in accomplishing your goals!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @kwfitgal Thank you so much for the book recommendation. I will definitely look for that book. There are so many negative factors and people in my life right now, that I feel my soul being sucked right out of me. I am not a negative person, so it's draining. I don't like conflict and it stresses me out. So, yes, I'll definitely look for the book and see if I can at least retrain my thought processes. That would be great. And as for #7, yes he did! A couple of them, as a matter of fact! He's a sweetie pie...

    @joan6630 I actually wrote the Serenity prayer on the whiteboard on our refrigerator and left it up for about a week. I think it is something I really need to get a handle on. Accept what I cannot change; change what I can; know the difference! Stress is really high right now and I am also an emotional eater!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Sunday
    1. Stick to my food plan and journal every bite :smile:
    2. Hydrate :smile:
    3. Meal plan and grocery shop :smile:
    4. Prep for work week :smile:
    5. Do one thing today that makes me happy, no matter how small it is...just do something for "me" today :smile: It wasn't much, but I ran errands alone yesterday. I opened the sunroof on the car and enjoyed the 50 degree weather and I ran errands myself which gave me alone time and also let me go at my own pace. No rushing. It was heaven.
    6. Reflect on life situations...what can I change; how can I change it; what must I learn to accept? :neutral: I reflected a lot and did come up with a few things for some of my family members who are struggling and tend to want to drag me into their angry depressed mindset so they won't feel so alone. I am a person who empathizes and takes on others' feelings and want to fix everything so this really sucks the life out of me when it goes on for several months. So, a little bit of progress but still have much more reflecting to do...
    7. 30 minutes of activity :/ does shopping count? I did get my steps in...


    1. Be pulled into negativity :/ Got pulled in the minute I woke up.
    2. Grab junk and eat away my feelings :) Stayed away from junk
    3. Quit :smile: I'm too stubborn to quit. lol

    I didn't have time today to log in and post my goals for today, but basically they would be:

    1. Stick to my food plan and journal every bite Done
    2. Hydrate
    3. Get my to-do list done at work
    4. Read out of my Simple Abundance book tonight and journal in my Gratitude journal
    5. Do one thing today that makes me happy, no matter how small it is...just do something for "me" today
    6. Reflect on life situations...what can I change; how can I change it; what must I learn to accept?
    7. 30 minutes of activity

    1. Be pulled into negativity
    2. Grab junk and eat away my feelings
    3. Quit
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Video workout :)
    Steps 7000 :)
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Drink 32 ounces of water :)
    Read and study :)
    Prepare for my meetings. :)
    Call dentist and make appointments for myself and my daughters. :)

    Heading to my mom's. Will be in the car for about 3 hours. I will try to get a walk in when I get back.
    Steps 5000
    Log all food
    Drink 32 ounces of water
    Enjoy visiting my mom and sister, while doing laundry at my mom's. (My washing machine will be replaced the first week of March. I have to wait 21 days for Sears to not be able to find the parts they need to fix my machine.)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    I didn't have time today to log in and post my goals for today, but basically they would be:

    1. Stick to my food plan and journal every bite :)Done
    2. Hydrate :)
    3. Get my to-do list done at work ;) Kind of?
    4. Read out of my Simple Abundance book tonight and journal in my Gratitude journal :) Going to do that right now.
    5. Do one thing today that makes me happy, no matter how small it is...just do something for "me" today :) I logged onto this thread and caught up with everyone and updated my log. This made me feel happy to take the time out from working to do this one thing for my well-being. You all make me smile. Thank you for that!
    6. Reflect on life situations...what can I change; how can I change it; what must I learn to accept? :neutral: This will be on my list for awhile. I plan to journal on this...make a list on what my stressors are will be my first step, and then determine which can be changed and how, or what cannot be changed and why not. Then I will reflect on each one individually. I do better with it in black and white in front of me.
    7. 30 minutes of activity :( I worked all day and brought my laptop home from work to continue working tonight after dinner. Ran out of time.

    1. Be pulled into negativity ;) I didn't get pulled into it at home tonight, so that was good!
    2. Grab junk and eat away my feelings :) I managed to keep the cravings at bay tonight. Yea!
    3. Quit :) Not in my nature. Plus, I dropped 2 lbs!

    Just for Tuesday, I WILL:

    1. Pick food wisely and journal every bite.
    2. WATER. Try using the new water enhancer I found this weekend. See if it helps.
    3. Try to get my immediate to-do items done at work so I can maybe not bring work home with me Tuesday night.
    4. Take an actual lunch break, and walk outside.
    5. Walk away from the drama or gossip. I don't need it or want any part of it.
    6. Reflect on life situations...what can I change; how can I change it; what must I learn to accept? Start a list of stressors.
    7. Read from my Simple Abundance... book and write in Gratitude journal tonight
    8. unplug and go to bed one hour early

    I will NOT:
    1. Be pulled into the negativity
    2. Eat emotionally
    3. feel inadequate

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Get to work early✔️
    Morning walk✔️
    Lunch time walk✔️
    Walk during son's practice✔️✔️
    Plan dinner for week- started
    Make (4) days overnight oats.✔️ well made 3 plus a salad!!


    - Morning stretches
    - Make bed
    - Try to get most of my steps by 5pm
    - Walk at lunch
    - If leg feels ok try a few steps of running (Gotta start somewhere)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a good day emotionally. I finally had the scary meeting I'd been anticipating and it didn't go as hoped.

    I hadn't disclosed what the meeting was to you guys... It was slightly different from what you might have imagined. It was lunch with my colleague that I am basically in love with, where I was going to ask if he thought there could ever be anything between us. I did it. He doesn't think so :'(

    Not what I wanted to hear, for sure. But potentially what I needed to hear. I do have a boyfriend that I love - I'm just doubtful over whether I love him enough to commit forever and that decision is scaring me a lot. Hearing a 'no' from my colleague now means I basically have to confront the difficulties in my relationship and figure out what I want.

    So it's probably a good thing. But it feels RUBBISH.

    Not sure why I'm going into this other than as context for why I didn't meet my commitments :) Although weirdly I didn't over eat... I was possibly too sad? (And panicking over weight gain). Didn't manage to say no to the gin though.

    Commitments were -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - ABSOLUTELY NO snacks. Ryvita is allowed before / after exercise class if I am HUNGRY :)
    - Choose healthy option at lunch and log it afterwards :| Probably about as healthy as was on the menu but not healthy
    - No alcohol :'(
    - Exercise class after work :)
    - 30 + minute lunch break :)
    - Don't wimp out in scary meeting - say what I want to say :) for not wimping out.... :'( to response
    - Leave work by 7 latest :)

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - No alcohol
    - Exercise class after work
    - Stay within calories

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Put yesterday's disappointment out of mind for now and focus on work
    - power through to-do list

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Monday

    Water 8 glasses- :)
    Log- :)

    Just for today: Tuesday

    Keep on with the water
    Log AND stay on target
    Focus and accomplish

    May your stumbling blocks be small, and your will to overcome big!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    this week is about data collection, not making changes. So that means measuring and logging food, wearing my pedometer again. Next week, will be some changes.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yesterday M 2/20/17
    1) Drink 10 glasses of water - YES 13, including some at restaurant :smile:
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES 26, took 6 stairways breaks during work :smile:
    3) Meditate in afternoon - YES but want to increase time :smile:
    4) Federal holiday, so hubby off and we're going out to dinner for belated V-Day - make healthier menu choices - Nope, but at least I chose a vegetable side, and I took a box home. Had small glass of wine, and hubby and I shared dessert - thank goodness, it was huge! At least I logged everything.
    5) Floss - going for 2 consecutive days (again) - YES :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - YES 10:21 :smile:

    Just for today T 2/21/17 - will be a very sedentary day, webinar at noon, and tonight driving total of 2 1/2 hours and sitting on bleachers to watch niece's regional bball game.
    1) Drink 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs (need to take many breaks throughout workday to do this)
    3) Pace in office during webinar
    4) Floss
    5) Dependent on when I get home tonight: bedtime by 10:30 - 11:00 with TV off
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yesterday wasn't a good day emotionally. I finally had the scary meeting I'd been anticipating and it didn't go as hoped.

    - Put yesterday's disappointment out of mind for now and focus on work
    - power through to-do list
    Your goal today - put yesterdays disappointment out of mind - is a good start. Hope today will be a better day for you -- when that right guy comes, you will know it, and it will be worth the wait. Hugs to you
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    1. drink water. Carry my water bottle with me all the time :)
    2. log all food :)
    3. exercise. :) Already done - 60 minutes on treadmill. Hoping to get another walk in tonite :)
    4. lay out exercise clothes for tomorrow morning :/
    5. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable. :)

    Had to take my daughter to the retina specialist this morning, so no exercise. It is so hard dealing with someone, who while she has a severe mental illness, refuses to let us help her. I have no idea of what the retina specialist says, other than they think the meds she is on is causing spots on her retinas, affecting her vison. Psychiatrist refuses to change medication, since our daughter is somewhat stable. But .... these HIPPA laws are awful when dealing with mental illness.

    So JFT, Tuesday
    1. Except the things I cannot change.
    2. look for the positives in things. Things could be worse
    3. log all food
    4. do not use food as a comfort. It only makes things worse
    5. carry water bottle with me. Sip on water instead of snacking
    6. lay out workout clothes for tomorrow
    7. try and get out for a walk tonite
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a good day emotionally. I finally had the scary meeting I'd been anticipating and it didn't go as hoped.

    - Don't wimp out in scary meeting - say what I want to say :) for not wimping out.... :'( to response

    Hey there. I've been in that situation before also. It's really hard, especially with a colleague you have to see often. It's a difficult thing to hear and is heartbreaking. I'm sorry it didn't go as hoped. I do want to say that I am proud of you for being brave enough to get it out there so you know where you stand and can move forward. It had to be a hard conversation to have.

    One thing I learned from the experience is that when the "dream" was squashed and I really looked at reality, I realized the man I was with was really a wonderful and kind man, and it was more the excitement of a new adventure that was drawing me toward the other person. I am now happily married and cannot imagine life without him. It helped me look at what my reality was so I could make decisions for my future path.

    Again, I'm sorry it went that way but I hope something good comes from it, whether it means a stronger relationship with your current boyfriend or moving forward and starting fresh. (((HUGS)))
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @joan6630 I'm so sorry about your struggles with your daughter and her medical team. It has to be very difficult to see your daughter struggle in the first place, and then to not be able to get the info you need to be able to perhaps help has to be frustrating as heck too. I have no advice but I am sending you hugs. xoxo
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    So it's probably a good thing. But it feels RUBBISH.

    Sorry to hear all that stress ended up not in your favor.... His loss right? Chin up, I hope you find what your looking for.
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »
    Last Wednesday:
    Try to maintain the motivation to record. My give darn is breaking again. It happens with annoying regularity. - Well, I recorded. So there's that.
    Aim for that 100 calorie range - Finally! of course I didn't eat very well that evening...
    Continue looking forward to this weekend (easy, it's Pensacon) - Did that
    Do not lose temper (Irritability tends to accompany my depressive episodes)

    So, Thursday was bad - took one of our cats to the vet, twice. She fell off the bed a couple of times Wednesday night and was not walking well Thursday morning. They took blood and gave her an anti-inflammatory shot. I then went to work, leaving her in the care of my kids (both are in their late teens). Was at work for a couple hours when my daughter called, Pixel was falling over trying to eat and had not had anything to drink. Back home and back to the vet. They gave her another anti-inflammatory shot (a different one though - one was short term, the other was more long term. They were supposed to help with appetite and thirst as well.) Also ran the blood work in house instead of sending out. (They can't do the thyroid checks, which is why they normally send them out, but with her getting worse, we wanted the faster results.) Probable cause - Stroke or blood clot, but the results were relatively normal. :(

    Obviously had other things on my mind, and did not record food intake. Friday morning, She seemed to be walking better, and had been eating and drinking so everyone but my son headed off to Pensacon (my son had already planned on staying behind and working. Now he was keeping an eye on Pixel as well.) Saturday morning he texted that he was worried. She was still having some troubles, and he was calling in, but she wasn't too bad. Sunday, as we were on our way home, he texted that she was worse. Falling again and not drinking well, and she'd peed somewhere in my room. Got home to find her unable to stand, much less walk (she pulled herself with her front paws, but couldn't go far before stopping) and incontinent. Offered her water, which she refused, but then drained a can of salmon (pacific/wild caught so low/no mercury concerns) and offered her the water (which she guzzled down) and salmon (which she ate some of. Her poor head was bobbing as she could barely hold it steady. Spent the night with her laying on a "puppy pad" on the futon/sofa in the living room. Yesterday took her to the vet to be put down. Obviously she'd had another stroke, and poor dear was struggling. She did drink some more water that morning, but ignored food. :(

    I ate ok during the weekend, but yesterday and today have been off the rails...

    JFT - Tuesday:
    Love on the cats we have left, and hug my kids.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    @linnea4 So sorry for your loss. Pets are family. (((hugs)))
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @linnea4 I am so, so sorry!!! That is devastating to lose a fur baby. It's so hard to watch them decline too. (gentle hugs)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Not been on for a while, this cold is taking its toll now! I think I'm almost out the other side!
    I stopped posting and logging because I just wanted to eat whatever I could when I could!
    I'm not a good poorly person.

    Just read most the updates, I'm so sorry what some of you are going through, especially your poor cat, sending love to those who need it

    I think I'm gonna start goals again in a couple of days, been pretty poorly/busy/mind boggled to log or post so just posting now to get back into the swing of things

    So February was NOT my month, but luckily it's the shortest month, will all be over soon and I can really get a focus on in March!