Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    I'm off tomorrow. I'm lousy at logging my food over the weekends, so for the next three days log at least 2 out of 3 meals a day. and brush my teeth at least once each day. Another thing I'm lousy at on the weekends, I now gross

    mixed success, I logged some and brushed some, but not as much I had planned. And some of the logging including my usual random food eating, rather than just meals. so that counts for something in my book.

    so JFT 3/13/17: - Log all food (breakfast and lunch already in the book)
    -Floss before bed
    -vacuum upstairs
    - vacuum stairs (more ambitious and less likely, cause it's a pain)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I'm with @shenna333 . I'm not going into details of why I didn't meet any of my goals yesterday either. It's gotten out of control. So, I'd rather focus on details of what I am going to do to meet them today.

    Just for Monday
    1. I will start over with the low carb plan and detox my body from all the sugar I've been consuming
    3. Remain calm during our big meeting this afternoon where I'm sure there will be-finger pointing. (I really do not like conflict so it brings out anxiety in me.)
    4. Activity today, at least 30 minutes.
    5. Stay on task at work. Work smarter, not longer.
    6. work on the "Simple Abundance..." plan, journal.
    7. Leave work at work. No complaining to husband when I get home tonight
    8. Prep veggies for the week tonight.

    This month I will:
    9. Look at stressors and determine what can be changed, how to change it, and accept things out of my control.
    10. Separate the "reality" from my "story" of situation. Look at facts, not perception.

    Happy Monday everyone!
    Tracie in blustery snowy Green Bay, WI
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited March 2017
    So apparently, it's not just me who's in a funk. Some of it is related to the crummy March weather, I think, but not all of it. It really showed up in how I ate Sunday. Anyway, today is a chance to try again.

    Yesterday 3/12/17
    1) Drink 10 glasses of water (why is this harder for me at home on weekends?) - No 6
    2) Walk dog (maybe go longer route?) - Yes, with 26F and light breeze, we stuck to the 3 mile route :smile:
    3) Spend time with hubby instead of doing "my own thing" - Yes, but suffice it to say, not much fun (his idea of "doing something" was going to Walgreens)
    4) Floss and apply cream before bed - Yes :smile:
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 (will seem early with time change) - Yes 10:16 did not feel early b/c I didn't get enough sleep the night before. :smile:

    Just for today M 3/13/17
    1) Drink 10 glasses of water
    2) Eat healthier and stay within 100 of goal
    3) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    4) After hair appt., remember to make banana bread for breakfast potluck the next morning
    5) Floss
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    - Get 12,600 steps in ** managed it
    - Pack lunch ** yup
    - Make cauliflower pizza with SO (Hes not as excited) ** He didn't have any and hated the morsel he tried
    - Walk outside if weather is good with SO ** yes he is helping me so much
    - Check BP ** all good
    - Charge Fitbit ** need it

    So the weekend was busy and it was my grandson's 1st birthday.... Managed my eating, enjoyed some cake a few treats and small amount of party food... was tough getting steps in and just hit the bare minimum at 11pm on the dreaded treadmill ... But the surprising part was that I was down in weight!! Yay me. I am celebrating this small victory. So, continuing forward.....


    - Steps steps steps
    - Make ahead dinner and put into slow cooker
    - change up breakfast
    - Evening walk with SO?
    - Keep up the logging of meals

    Its time change Monday here.... This could get interesting. May all my co workers have ample sleep!!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the part of Me will be played by Oscar the Grouch's cousin, Lucinda the Grouch. You have been warned.

    Love it! I may have to borrow this message. :D
  • beginforthelasttime16
    beginforthelasttime16 Posts: 533 Member
    Log my food
    Drink my water
    Say no to pop
    No bread

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Do not hiss or claw at people who disturb me

    Put this on my whiteboard at work:

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the part of Me will be played by Oscar the Grouch's cousin, Lucinda the Grouch. You have been warned.

    We'll see if it keeps unnecessary people away. (I work in IT, probably not)

    @linnea4 : You crack me up! Love the "Do not hiss or claw at people who disturb me" funny!

    Also, love your whiteboard message. I work in IT also, so I totally get it! hahaha!

  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Steps 7000 :)
    Drink 32 ounces of water :/
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Read and study :/
    Laundry. (One more time at my friends house.) :)

    Steps 7000
    Exercise 20 minutes
    Drink 32 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Read and study
    Do laundry at my own house!!!
    Bake a pie for pi day.
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today: Monday

    Keep a good Attitude- needs some work
    Don't let stress get me worked up- eh mostly handled it
    Celebrate the good- :)
    Be productive- not too shabby. I must say my time management skills are sucking right now. I'm a procrastinator.

    Long walk home. Felt pretty good. Between work and the walk, almost managed 30000 steps, near 12 miles. If the body would hold out and I had the time, my blubber butt would just melt away lol. Cooked dinner which I never do anymore. All in all, good day.

    Just for today: Tuesday

    8 glasses water
    10000 steps
    Could be a stressful day. Breathe. Handle it with my new found charm and grace
    Focus on tasks that MUST be completed

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Yesterday M 3/13/17
    1) Drink 10 glasses of water - Yes 10 :smile:
    2) Eat healthier and stay within 100 of goal - Yes! It helped that I was totally in control of my meals, and I pre-logged. :smiley:
    3) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - Yes 30 :smile:
    4) After hair appt., remember to make banana bread for breakfast potluck the next morning - Yes, but not finished with everything until 10 p.m. much later than I'd hoped. :smile:
    5) Floss - Yes 2 days running! :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - No, in bed by 10:26 but electronics not off until 10:58. Spring time change really screws me up!

    Just for today T 3/14/17
    1) It's breakfast potluck / staff meeting in my dept. today and lots of unhealthy choices are coming in. I skipped breakfast at home (which I ALWAYS have) to compensate. I physically need my breakfast and already had to have a yogurt while I wait for the potluck to begin at 9:15 (why we start "breakfast" so late, I have no idea, after two years working here). So my goal is to take very small portions, not necessarily sample everything, and log it all, to the best of my ability.
    2) Meditate in afternoon
    3) Evening, walk at least 1.75 miles on treadmill
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 and NO electronics (read book would be ok)