Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I don't really have to eat soup at all, it was just fairly low-calorie and easy to heat up at work. Hit the spot after my walks in the snow too, but I'll want something else for the summer anyway. I'll look around and see what lunchtime recipes I can find!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Joy - that cat meme was me on Wednesday night - regret nothing, apologise for nothing!

    @kasey39 - I'm with you on the sodiumlevels. Although I like my chocolate, I will naturally reach for the savoury snacks most of the time. We don't add it to any of the meals that we make so not too much of a problem there but I've had days where I could deal with a bag of Doritos/tube of Pringles single handed - and that would give me enough sodium to last for weeks!

    Jen - so glad that your week has taken a turn for the better. Hope roller skating went well. Understand about the MIL - it's impossible to put down boundaries in that situation and therefore must make it very hard.

    Shy - love the photo. She's watching that bowl so closely!! Sounds like you've got a great weekend lined up - enjoy yourselves :)

    Rachel - thank you, I'll look up Walk Away the Pounds on Youtube. Pre-logging went ok earlier in the week but it's all gone out of the window in the last couple of days! Sorry to hear about Derby being at risk - is there anything you can do to try and push the recruitment of a new trainer?

    It's been a mixed couple of days here. The terrorist incident in London on Wednesday was about a mile and a half from my office and, whilst we weren't impacted at all, it's just a stark reminder of the nasty element of the world that we live in and the risks of working in a big city like that. So came home on Wednesday night and gave my two boys a huge hug - husband was fine, Alistair wriggled away saying 'no don't cuddle me mummy'!! Then proceeded to eat with abandon in the evening. And as for yesterday - well I should never have got out of bed. Never got going for the day and was really, really unproductive at work. So back on it today. We have a friends birthday lunch tomorrow which will be nice - and then nothing planned for Sunday. We'll probably try and find somewhere to go on Sunday but after the busy nature of last weekend and a long week at work, I'm looking forward to a quiet one. Hope you all have great weekends...
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 That picture of Bentley is hysterical! And a 2lb loss is a huge victory for saying no to pie!

    @janetay01Sadly as a new member I've got a pretty low understanding of how to find a derby trainer in a small community. I'm hoping some of the vets have some ideas. That is terrifying that the terrorist incident was so close to you. I hate how frequently these incidents keep happening :(

    @kasey39 Keep us posted if you find a great new recipe :)

    @bluepoppies777 I haven't seen the live action Cinderella either, was it worth seeing? I do like Disney so I'll have to check it out before it leaves theaters :) Sadly I'm pretty introverted so I'm terrible starting things up/recruiting new people which is why I like to join already established groups. My options seem to be dwindling though. I about died at your cat meme, that is totally me!

    @jdelaroy Glad its a roller skating date night for you, that sounds like a lot of fun! And I'm so glad your week is going better. It's so nice when the guys take over the cooking :)

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I went to practice last night and I'm so glad I did because it was so much fun! We did totally new drills and worked our tails off. This morning I woke up a little early to fit some yoga in so I could stretch it out. I've got a happy hour with coworkers after work and then it's on to the weekend! Other than cleaning the house I've got nothing on the docket so I'm looking forward to curling up with my book and enjoying the peace and quiet.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Me this weekend
  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2017
    Will do on the recipes! Good news on the scale today...finally back down (almost...within a few tenths of a pound.) Aaannnd...tonight is my daughter's official birthday dinner at my parents' place with her choice...Grandpa's country barbecued ribs, mashed potatoes, etc. Just in time!! HAHA! Not to mention her party tomorrow...I'll just try rollerskating with them for a bit to burn off a fraction of the calories from the pizza. Haha! At least after this, there shouldn't be any more celebrations for awhile!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Now I can say it.... Happy Friday, Lovely Ladies!! LOL! Glad it's finally here. It's raining today, so ended up not going to the gym this morning (was dark and cold!) Tomorrow if it is nice I will be going for a long hike with a friend. I'm a fair weather outdoor person - don't like to walk/bike/hike in the rain!

    Rachel - YES the live action cinderella movie was amazing! I think I liked it better than the beauty and the beast live action, but both are so good! Definitely try to see if it is on netflix!! maybe this weekend when you are sitting around on your *kitten*! HA! enjoy that, by the way! (oh the joys of a life with no kids - do what you want, when you want!) :wink:

    Jane! So glad that you are ok and were not affected the other day! Wow, talk about close to home. I'm sad that these crazy acts are getting worse and closer together, like on the way to becoming the new normal. It's scary! Definitely hug your family tight (even if he's trying to get away!) HA! Such a boy, mine do that still!

    Well, enjoy your weekends, everyone! We have company staying with us for the weekend, so I'm going to try hard to cook healthy and not drink an entire vat of wine! PFF!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • sarahbelle5150
    sarahbelle5150 Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2017
    I need in on this! I've started and stopped several times over the past year. I need a support system! :)
  • Emma_ExpatinItaly
    Emma_ExpatinItaly Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2017
    Friyay, finally! Well, I will admit it, bad week here on several fronts. Sloth mode: ON. I am feeling quite frustrated with myself as I was doing so well! I am currently, going through a break up too, as an expat this can be a lonely experience without the usual support structures such as life long friends and family. So the high emotions influence my eating, I wish it didn't but I'm hoping others can relate to this also?! New day Saturday, Gym Babe Mode: ON. Have a good weekend all xx
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 368 Member
    This was me last night! A friend and I finished off 3 bottles of wine....eek. I was doing so good on my "Water challenge" as well (trying to drink 3 litres of water for 28 days) IF I was allowed to include ALL liquids such as wine, coffee, diet soda...I'd have this in the bag all ready lol
    oh well, today is a new day, and tomorrow is weigh in, fingers crossed my "enthusiastic" wine drinking did not derail me. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,422 Member
    Happy Sunday to you all. Yesterday we went to our youngest son's Birthday lunch. He grilled desmillo, I made my baked potato salad(with sour cream, no mayo), his mom in law made beans & rice. I did well. Had half cup each of pot salad & beans & had mostly meat. Did have cake. It had whip cream frosting. This morning I went for good dog walk with intermittent jogging. I can do half block at a time. Made some really good beans my other son makes, would like to share: bring pinto beans to boil. Turn off & let sit for an hour. Rinse, add as much of your favorite veggies as there are beans, add liquid (water, broth etc) to cover. Cook for 1 hour till tender. then I use my stick blender to whiz. It's really good plus no fat. You can add some meat if you like, ham, bacon etc.
  • CallaLilyNess
    CallaLilyNess Posts: 32 Member
    @kasey39 I like Zumba and I particularly like the Zumba Country dvd I bought. I just can only do it for about 15mins. I do get discouraged that I can't do it very long; so good job at going 45mins! That's a feat!

    @bluepoppies777 I really want to see Beauty and the Beast! I loved Cinderella so I'm pretty sure I'll like this too. I'm a huge Disney Princess fanatic. I have an ever growing collection of all things Princess. I hope you enjoyed it!

    Oh this week...where to begin...Nathan's dad and stepmom came into town for a couple of days. They hadn't had a chance to meet me yet and wanted to do so before we got married soon. Overall, it was fun. We had some good food, played putt putt golf, and played some archade games. But, his stepmom caught the flu while down here and then I got it. I'm still recovering. I'm worried I've given it to Nathan cause he's feeling bad. So, nothing to report on the health front other than maybe the decreased appetite will help my body get used to less food intake. Lol.
  • CallaLilyNess
    CallaLilyNess Posts: 32 Member

    My furbabies Callie (the calico) and Lily (black and white).
  • Whatelseisthere2lose
    Whatelseisthere2lose Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2017
    Just getting started so feel I have to go cold turkey to jump start and break the negative cycle. No carbonated drinks, fast food, sweets, chocolate or crisps. Have planned holiday for summer and want to succeed!

    Would welcome some friends
  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    @CallaLilyNess Haha - I'll admit I barely made it to the end, and I've only done it once...usually it's more like 20 minutes. I'm hoping to do 45 at least a couple times a week until I can build up to doing it every day!

    Survived a 12 year old roller skating party...boy have they changed since I was 12. Half the girls spent half the party on their phones. I even saw one texting AS SHE WAS SKATING! Geez! Haha! Didn't actually eat much pizza, just had a few Pepsi's, out of the ordinary for me. Shouldn't have anything else coming up for awhile now, so hopefully any more set backs I might have would be my doing and my doing only!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hi everyone! I had a really horrible weekend mood wise. There was a fire right after I left work on Thursday, so we dealt with that on Friday, which put me behind at work, didn't sleep well and had some personal problems, plus I think I over did the exercise on Thursday. Friday I was having pain in my stomach. So I took it easy, but my food was crazy! I haven't had a day like that in a long time. Saturday, there were issues with my money and the bank. Needless to say I spent an hour on hold just to be told they are having system issues, and there is nothing wrong with my account, but I will just have to wait until they can get it fixed. So the shopping I had done, was a big waste of time.

    Both my younger kids decided to be brats, my son decided to tell his little sister she didn't need to ask me to play in the water in my bathroom. He then later decided, that throwing all the dead branched in our back yard into the neighbors was a better way to clean them up. Then last night he decided to throw all his vegetables under the table so he didn't have to eat them. Youngest daughter decided she wanted to lie to me about doing something. Sad part is had she just said she did it, it wouldn't have been a big deal. So both are now grounded over spring break, and we didn't go roller skating.

    I got no exercise this weekend. Ugh, I let my emotions over ride my goals, and felt sorry for myself most of the weekend. I really need to figure out how to control this. On the plus side, I can now do pelvic exercises. I can start doing yoga now among other things. :)

    Hope today is a fantastic day!
  • DLH63
    DLH63 Posts: 3 Member
    I have not joined a group here before, but am feeling that encouragement is a good thing. I have used my fitness pal on and off, but recently have been consistent. I have added working out at a gym, and really want to keep up the positive changes. I did not have a good Sunday, eating way too much and not getting much activity. So - A new day today!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @kasey39 Glad the birthday party went well! I cannot imagine skating and texting! They must have way better balance than I do. I always think it's a shame when I see people at an amazing location spending more time on their phones than enjoying the event. I hope your daughter had a good time!

    @Evamutt That sounds like a great birthday lunch! For the bean recipe, since you blend them are they similar in texture to refried beans?

    @JenHul Sounds like a fun girls night! I bet the water challenged helped with the hangover ;)

    Welcome @sarahbelle5150 @Whatelseisthere2lose and @DLH63 !

    @Emma_ExpatinItaly I can completely relate on emotional eating. I only moved one state away during graduate school and I often found myself diving head first into food because I was so lonely without my friends and family. I can only imagine moving half way around the world! The gym sounds like a great place to go to start to build some local community and to get you away from the food, keep us posted on how it's going!

    @bluepoppies777 How was the weekend? Did you get your hiking in? Any new recipes to share?

    @CallaLilyNess Love your fur babies, they are adorable! Sorry to hear about the flu, that is brutal! When is your upcoming wedding?

    @jdelaroy What a frustrating weekend! Those little stinkers ;) It's a shame they got in the way of your roller skating date. Glad you're able to do pelvic floor exercises again. I love yoga and hope you will too!

    This weekend was wonderfully lazy. The problem with lazy weekends though is that I end up eating way more than normal so today I just feel bloated. My head is just not in the game with either weight loss or exercise lately. I had to force myself to walk the dog both days and get a measly 22 minute workout DVD in. I don't know what's going on with my lately. I'm lethargic and apathetic about most everything. I've stopped being excited about roller derby or my at home workouts and none of the alternatives sound good either. I'm blaming the cloudy, rainy weather so I hope this is just a temporary malaise.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member