
I'm considering become vegan hopefully in the next month (when I'm back home and have more control over my groceries). Any thoughts? Has anyone else decided to become vegan during their weightloss journey?

(btw: I'm not deciding to become a vegan to lose weight, just for the overall nutritional benefits)


  • ated217
    ated217 Posts: 4 Member
    Just curious, are you already vegetarian? If not, I would suggest trying that first before cutting animal product completely. Not speaking from experience or anything, I just don't know if cold turkey (pun intended) is the way to go.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Retaining good health while not eating animal products is difficult, challenging. Not impossible, but you will need knowledge and motivation. Go vegan for the animals, not for your health.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Vegan doesn't have overall nutritional benifits. It makes it a lot harder to eat healthy and get all the protein vitamins and minerals you need. So don't do it because you think it is more healthy it isn't.
    Now one can be healthy as a vegan but it is very difficult and requires paying a lot of extra attention to proteins and vitamins.
    The only valid reason to go vegan is animals or maybe enviroment.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
  • nats2508
    nats2508 Posts: 45 Member
    I agree with all the above, best to ease yourself into it, that's how my husband started. You really have to get yourself checked out with regard to vitamins and minerals etc as I considered becoming vegan but I have severe iron deficiency so would have to be careful that I get food containing the right nutrients to keep healthy. Get as much info as you can and go from there x
  • marymissmary
    marymissmary Posts: 5 Member
    I've been vegan for just under 20 years. It really works for me. I feel crazy good. Everyone is different though.

    At first it was really hard to figure out how to eat nutritiously. If you're currently doing a macros-based diet that will help a lot.

    Be sure to get the relevant information about vitamin B12, and good luck!!
  • KristyDonovan
    KristyDonovan Posts: 67 Member
    Veganism is more an ethical and moral diet than a weight loss plan. Could you lose weight going vegan? Of course, but you could possibly lose weight on any diet. Do what you think is sustainable to your lifestyle and not your goal weight.
  • christiantripodi
    christiantripodi Posts: 13 Member
    I find it interesting that a lot of people believe there's no nutritional benefit. I've done a lot of research and have seen a lot of evidence suggesting that animal based food is actually more harmful for your body than beneficial.

    Of course there are nutrients that you'll become deficient from being a vegan, but I don't think it's as difficult to find them in your diet as people make it seem.

    I barely eat meat already, I eat chicken occasionally. I do eat eggs quite often but that's about it for dairy.
  • ikaraboutu2
    ikaraboutu2 Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2017
    I just recently became what I like to refer to as a vegan plus. It's actually not as difficult as people make it seem to get my nutrition from plants versus animals, and overall I feel a lot more energetic and healthy. In a week and a half I've already lost 10 pounds!
    If you have Netflix, I highly suggest the documentary Forks Over Knives. Also, look up the Engine 2 Seven Day Rescue Plan! It all makes total sense!
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited March 2017
    I find it interesting that a lot of people believe there's no nutritional benefit. I've done a lot of research and have seen a lot of evidence suggesting that animal based food is actually more harmful for your body than beneficial.

    Of course there are nutrients that you'll become deficient from being a vegan, but I don't think it's as difficult to find them in your diet as people make it seem.

    I barely eat meat already, I eat chicken occasionally. I do eat eggs quite often but that's about it for dairy.

    re: Statement in bold - That is highly unlikely.

    Omnivourous diets can be bad for you and vegetarian or vegan diets be better for you, but the opposite can also be true. To say that en mass animal based food is bad is a bold claim and most likely reflects poor data sources rather than "evidence".
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    amtyrell wrote: »
    Vegan doesn't have overall nutritional benifits. It makes it a lot harder to eat healthy and get all the protein vitamins and minerals you need. So don't do it because you think it is more healthy it isn't.
    Now one can be healthy as a vegan but it is very difficult and requires paying a lot of extra attention to proteins and vitamins.
    The only valid reason to go vegan is animals or maybe enviroment.

    Are there things to consider when going vegan? Absolutely. But I've been vegan for ten years and after the initial learning curve of figuring out labels and learning which plant foods to eat for certain nutrients, it isn't that difficult.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2017
    liigums wrote: »
    I've been vegan for half a year now. Don't find it difficult to find food. Definately have no problem getting all the protein, vitamins and minerals, since they are in fruits, vegetables and tofu. Tofu is great if you don't have soy allergy.
    The hardest part is eating out and explaining friends and family all about it. And listening to things like: "I love my meat", "bacon tho" etc.
    Vegan diet is proven to be healthier way of eating for a human beings, and is better for animals and the environment. Read the numerous studies of benefits of being a vegan.
    For me it didn't happen overnight. Didn't happen because I wanted to lose weight. I just gradually cut out animal products over the year and that's how it happened.
    It's more as a mental change than dietary.
    Hope I explained well enough.
    Funny that becoming vegan is the latest trend.
    Anyway, best of luck no matter what you decide!

    No it's not...we are omnivores. It's fine to be vegan, but you can eat perfectly healthy without being vegan and eating animal products. You can eat a vegan diet and it can be unhealthy or healthy just as you can eat an omnivores diet and be healthy or unhealthy. I eat meat...I also eat a crap load of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, lentils, etc. If you're comparing vegan to the SAD then you might have a point...but there's a whole lot in between in regards to healthier eating.

    Hopefully you're supplementing B-12 and Omega 3...because you aren't getting that with your food which says to me that the diet itself is lacking. Plant sources of Omega 3 are completely void of DHA and EPA.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2017
    I find it interesting that a lot of people believe there's no nutritional benefit. I've done a lot of research and have seen a lot of evidence suggesting that animal based food is actually more harmful for your body than beneficial.

    Of course there are nutrients that you'll become deficient from being a vegan, but I don't think it's as difficult to find them in your diet as people make it seem.

    I barely eat meat already, I eat chicken occasionally. I do eat eggs quite often but that's about it for dairy.

    Nope...B-12 and DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids are only going to come from animal products and these are pretty essential to health and proper nutrition...also consider possible anemia.

    And I don't really think people aren't saying there aren't nutritional benefits...any movement away from the SAD is going to have nutritional benefits...eating more vegetables and whatnot is great...but that doesn't mean you can't have a very healthy diet that includes meat. Personally, I eat a lot of fish.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Eggs are not dairy. (Sorry, it's something I see on MFP occasionally that always puzzles me, so I feel compelled to correct it.)

    I have looked at the research about 100% plant-based vs. other sorts of diets, and am not convinced that there's any nutritional benefit (or that animal based foods, especially such foods as fish, eggs, lean meat in general) have negatives, when part of a healthful balanced diet. Humans seem to do well on a huge variety of diets, and most of the blue zone diets are quite a bit lower in animal foods than we consume on average in the US, but not without them.

    That said, if you want to go vegan for ethical reasons or just to see if you enjoy eating that way or feel better, I think it's a reasonable thing to try. I've flirted with plant-based from time to time (and eaten vegetarian for longer periods) and there are definitely people on MFP who do so successfully.

    I'd say you should learn about nutrition and what a nutritious plant-based diet is -- too many people seem to jump into it thinking all the benefits are from cutting out animal foods or, sometimes, that more extreme is better or all vegetables (non starchy) and fruit is better or that protein/fat doesn't matter or are actively bad or that no supplements are better.

    Personally, I'd supplement B12 and probably omega 3 (there are algae-based options forth is), at least. I'd also make sure to log and watch protein and perhaps fat to make sure the diet is balanced and you are getting enough calories. One thing I've learned from trying it is that even though I find it easy to get the protein I want eating vegetarian I am not yet good at doing so eating 100% plant-based, so that's something that for some people may involve a learning curve. I'd check out diaries of successful vegan posters and read some sources they recommend. (I also like the YouTuber Unnatural Vegan -- I believe there are lots of youtubers who give bad information on vegan topics, so beware. There are also some podcasts that could be inspirational if you are into running or endurance sports, like NoMeatAthlete.)
  • ikaraboutu2
    ikaraboutu2 Posts: 8 Member
    re: Statement in bold - That is highly unlikely.

    Omnivourous diets can be bad for you and vegetarian or vegan diets be better for you, but the opposite can also be true. To say that en mass animal based food is bad is a bold claim and most likely reflects poor data sources rather than "evidence".

    Have you ever heard of the China study?
    Also, research the works of Drs. T. Colin Campbell and Caldwell Esselstyn. There is plenty of "evidence" against animal based foods. Like everything else, you just have to research it.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited March 2017
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Eggs are not dairy. (Sorry, it's something I see on MFP occasionally that always puzzles me, so I feel compelled to correct it.)

    I have looked at the research about 100% plant-based vs. other sorts of diets, and am not convinced that there's any nutritional benefit (or that animal based foods, especially such foods as fish, eggs, lean meat in general) have negatives, when part of a healthful balanced diet. Humans seem to do well on a huge variety of diets, and most of the blue zone diets are quite a bit lower in animal foods than we consume on average in the US, but not without them.

    That said, if you want to go vegan for ethical reasons or just to see if you enjoy eating that way or feel better, I think it's a reasonable thing to try. I've flirted with plant-based from time to time (and eaten vegetarian for longer periods) and there are definitely people on MFP who do so successfully.

    I'd say you should learn about nutrition and what a nutritious plant-based diet is -- too many people seem to jump into it thinking all the benefits are from cutting out animal foods or, sometimes, that more extreme is better or all vegetables (non starchy) and fruit is better or that protein/fat doesn't matter or are actively bad or that no supplements are better.

    Personally, I'd supplement B12 and probably omega 3 (there are algae-based options forth is), at least. I'd also make sure to log and watch protein and perhaps fat to make sure the diet is balanced and you are getting enough calories. One thing I've learned from trying it is that even though I find it easy to get the protein I want eating vegetarian I am not yet good at doing so eating 100% plant-based, so that's something that for some people may involve a learning curve. I'd check out diaries of successful vegan posters and read some sources they recommend. (I also like the YouTuber Unnatural Vegan -- I believe there are lots of youtubers who give bad information on vegan topics, so beware. There are also some podcasts that could be inspirational if you are into running or endurance sports, like NoMeatAthlete.)

    Unnatural Vegan and NoMeatAthlete are both good sources. I also highly recommend for nutritional information. The man who maintains it is an RD and he promotes a science-based approach to vegan nutrition (avoiding unreasonable claims, being responsible with supplementation, etc). For people who are interested, he breaks down the research on potentially confusing topics like B12 and omega 3 supplementation, whether or not we should avoid soy, and bone health.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You can find claims that support anything. There are problems with the China study that have been discussed lots (and lots and lots) of times on this website. I am sympathetic to the plant-based approach, but I find the extreme claims made or fearmongering about meat/animal products to do disservice to the arguments.