30 Day Shred Newbies!



  • Lexino
    Lexino Posts: 153 Member
    check out the
    "ultimate 30 day shred thread"
    for inspiration! it always works for me!

    definitely an inspirational thread!! It's what got me to buy it in the first place!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member

    1st goal is just to stick with it for 30 days.......hard for me, i am good at finding reasons not to do something.

    Last time I did it I only completed 15 days ,and it took me about 20 days to do it. This time I want to complete all 30 days,in under 35 days.

    I love the tonigh aspect and how in the inspiration thread people seem to not lose THAT many measure inches off their middle but their midsections always look way more defined. Someday I WILL have abs!
  • determined2bfit
    determined2bfit Posts: 41 Member
    Today was day 3 and I did level 2 just to see if I could hang, and boy did that dvd work me out! Level 1 is challenging in itself, but in a good way..I have been using 10 pound weights, and I really am feeling the burn... I don't know if it's me or not but I can see my flab on back is going down, and it wasn't going down as fast on my other workout dvd...So, far so good! Best wishes to everyone!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I'm on Day 3, Level 1!

    The hardest part for me is the side lunges with the arm raises. Towards the end I really struggle with getting those weight up to eye level. :)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I'm gonna be starting 30DS on August 3rd... ( Next week's not an option as I'm going on vacation July 27 - August 1st. Going to the Dr's for a Physical on Aug. 2nd.)
    I bought the DVD the other day and popped it in the player this afternoon just to check it out. Holy Cow! I was sweating and feeling the burn within minutes.
    I've read a lot of people raving about it, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
    My only real question is how the heck am I gonna log it in my exercise diary?

    I log it as circuit training. I don't have a HRM to check, but it seems about right (MFP says I burn about 192). I think most people log it like this too.

    Circuit training - thanks, I will be starting on Monday. Not going to do 30 days straight as I usually try and do a mix up of walking and other stuff for a couple of hours in the morning before I start work. But on any days when I cop out of the long workout I am going to do 30DS instead!! Think I will start with my 1lb hand weights for the first couple of times before I break out the heavier weights.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Just did D2 of L2 - and I switched to 1.5 pound weights for the last circuit for strength. I think it's better to keep form with the smaller weights than fall over using my 5 pound ones! But it's getting there - I still sweat buckets haha.

    Keep going guys! I'm really starting to notice a difference in my stomach. I've dropped another pound, which brings me down four since starting the shred. I don't think that's typical, I've been in a plateau for three months and I think my body is ready to lose those pounds now haha.
  • jwil1231
    jwil1231 Posts: 89 Member
    Yikes. What is 30 day shred, who makes it, where do you get it?
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Yikes. What is 30 day shred, who makes it, where do you get it?

    Jillian Michaels is the maker (and trainer) in the videos. It is a set of three work outs at levels 1, 2, and 3. You spend 10 days on each, without skipping any days (unless you have injury). The workouts are great because they are only 20 minutes long (although with warm up and cool down its about 30 minutes). Jillian does three circuits with 3 minutes of strength, 2 of cardio, and 1 minute for abs. You can get it at walmart for 8-10 dollars. I have on demand and right now levels 1 and 2 are on there.
  • melcarroll
    melcarroll Posts: 26 Member
    I started yesterday and it kicked my butt! I am soooo sore today, I really don't want to take a day off, but not sure if i should or not. Anyone else just work through the pain? lol.
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    I started it the other day and it kicked my butt lol I just started doing wts at the gym so I'm not doing it everyday.Mabye I will start in Aug and do it everyday or add it on to my gym workouts. Not sure if I can handle that though since I just started working out again.
  • Lexino
    Lexino Posts: 153 Member
    Today was day 3 and I did level 2 just to see if I could hang, and boy did that dvd work me out! Level 1 is challenging in itself, but in a good way..I have been using 10 pound weights, and I really am feeling the burn... I don't know if it's me or not but I can see my flab on back is going down, and it wasn't going down as fast on my other workout dvd...So, far so good! Best wishes to everyone!

    10lbs?? I'm impressed! I soo struggle to keep the 5lb weights up, esp with the side lunges. Good job!!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Just completed day 1 and I am now determined to do 30 days straight. I have taken some before photos and on day 31 will take some after photos. Feel so energised!!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Im on day 3 level 1. I can tell its a little easier for me but I still break a sweat on level 1. Its definitely a great workout though. Does anyone do any other types of exercise along with it? I am trying to get back into a schedule of walking like I was before I started working again. Its a little rough though, lol. I hope everyone is doing well in their 30DS journey.
  • saavey
    saavey Posts: 1
    Hi! am new to the forum but have been busting my *kitten* in gyms for years! i mean I've tried everything! cardio/strength training by myself, working out with a personal trainers, yoga, power yoga, pilates, cardio, interval and circuit training... the works! but i have to say, interval is THE BEST. only issue is, my knees and back start to hurt if i do it all week. i started 30 day shred but had a bit of pain in the knees so stopped. However, after going through people's posts here, i might get back on it from tomorrow. No harm in seeing the progress in 30 days right?
    Anyone know the calories burned?
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I am thinking of buying this DVD after seeing peoples results on here.
    Aside from the Dvd what else do I need. I have some little weights I think they only go upto 3.0kgs
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    i have a Q about 30DS... when you do it, do you progress level 1 then level 2 level 3 and then back to 1, in 3 day increments or do you do level 1 for 10 days, then level 2, then level 3?
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    i have a Q about 30DS... when you do it, do you progress level 1 then level 2 level 3 and then back to 1, in 3 day increments or do you do level 1 for 10 days, then level 2, then level 3?

    Hi there! It is typical to do each level for 10 days, however, the idea is to switch when each level is no longer a challenge. I would say switch after 10 days, unless you feel ready sooner :)
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    I started yesterday and it kicked my butt! I am soooo sore today, I really don't want to take a day off, but not sure if i should or not. Anyone else just work through the pain? lol.

    As long as the pain is not an injury but just a tight muscle, definitely work through it! The workouts will help loosen up the muscles and in a few days it should be gone. I like to experience tight muscles because I know I worked out hard the day before! Just stick with it :)
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    I am thinking of buying this DVD after seeing peoples results on here.
    Aside from the Dvd what else do I need. I have some little weights I think they only go upto 3.0kgs

    If you're going to workout on a hard surface, you will need a mat for abs and a few other exercises. I workout on carpet and that is just fine. Also, I don't know how strong you are with your arms, but I would say start with the 3kg weights and get heavier ones. I use 3lb weights and could probably be using more but I think I'm typically stronger in my arms from playing sports. Also, the thing thats great about this DVD is it does not require a lot of room and you don't need to keep your eyes on the screen at all times. Good luck with 30DS :)
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    Hi! am new to the forum but have been busting my *kitten* in gyms for years! i mean I've tried everything! cardio/strength training by myself, working out with a personal trainers, yoga, power yoga, pilates, cardio, interval and circuit training... the works! but i have to say, interval is THE BEST. only issue is, my knees and back start to hurt if i do it all week. i started 30 day shred but had a bit of pain in the knees so stopped. However, after going through people's posts here, i might get back on it from tomorrow. No harm in seeing the progress in 30 days right?
    Anyone know the calories burned?

    The only way you can be certain of the calories burned is to wear a heart rate monitor. Most people who log 30DS in their exercise log it as circuit training, which is probably a fair estimate.