"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108

    "Don't exchange what you want the most for what you want right now!"

  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a great Thursday! My day started off great with a 30 minute run at 5:15 this morning before work. It is so awesome having my workout in before I go to work. Of course, I don't really have any other option with my crazy schedule!

    Izzy--no worries, it wasn't just the renovations that put the weight on me. That in combination with not having a funcitonal kitchen, not having a gym membership or home gym (I have a great home gym now!) and the crazy long hours I had to work initially did me in. I'm sure you'll be fine--as long as you stay steady on that huge ladder! I'm the painter in our household too because I can cut in for trim work, ceilings, etc and avoid using the painters tape. And as for the surgery--GO YOU!! I plan to do the same thing down the road after we (hopefully) have another little munchkin.

    Chari--Great work on putting this all together--what a time consuming committment!!! I know you'll get back into the workouts very soon. And good luck with the continued studying!!!

    Ken--I did WW years ago, and it worked well. I had an awesome leader in NJ, but then when we moved to NC it just wasn't the same--the leader wasn't inspiring, and there wasn't much interaction from the group. I've found MUCH more support on MFP than I did at the WW meetings I went to after moving here, and then again after having my daughter. MFP ROCKS!!!

    Renae--I hear you on the sodium! I've had a couple days over 3000 or 4000 mg--Yikes!! I'm trying to get lots of water in to hopefully flush it out by my official weigh in tomorrow or Saturday.

    Amy--good attitude! One day at a time, glad you won't let one bad day throw you completely off track. I routinely have a bad day about once every week or two. Some people on MFP plan a high calorie day weekly as a "spike" day, so that their bodies don't go into starvation mode. Not sure that I totally buy into that, but who knows! I've had multiple bad days and have still lost over 20 pounds since starting in January. If I'd been perfect my weight loss may have been faster, but more likely I would have started to feel deprived and given up.

    Keep up the great work mommas!!!
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Checking in today. I went to Caribbean dance class this morning at the gym. I love this class even though my coordination is a little off. Plus tonight my hubby and I are going to try a yoga class. Love having the free babysitting at the gym. I did go to the store and get some more fresh fruit. Hoping this helps with the snacks. Been craving the salty foods during TOM. I will have my weigh in tom. Hoping it is a good number with the working out everyday
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Sarah--I meant to tell you great workout for your post yesterday (don't know where it went on my earlier post!), but now I get to congratulate you on another amazing workout today! That is fabulous that your gym provides such great child care. Keep it up!! Good luck on the weigh in tomorrow! :smile:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good day all. Made it to Melville today. Never got my walk/jog in today, crazy wind, but will try to get one in tomorrow. The next few days will not be the greatest, with all the visiting, and the sociable beer lol.

    Weighed in today since I won't be around tomorrow. Wasn't good. Was up to 155.4. But I have TOM on the way, and with all that sodium what did I expect.
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Hi girls!
    Sorry I haven't had time to write a bio. Im on MFP from my pphone
    So I am 23 and have a 4 year old girl. I have a sweet tooth which im sure is why
    I have extra weight. I live in AZ and try to get exercise everyday. I am a caregiver
    So at work im always cleaning and on my feet so I do burn calories that way.
    anyway im glad im in a group! And really hope I get down to 125a
    I want to wear a bikini! And shorts! I have really bad thighs...anyway...
    back to being positive! I try my best! And keep moving forward!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Just checking in. I SOOOOO didn't want to go to the gym today because I was so sore from the last time and just kinda burnt out from being outside in the heat a good part of yesterday, but I got there in enough time this morning to crank out a good 45min circuit weight training session. I even tried out standing hip abduction exercises on the cable tower in addition to my usual adduction stuff and even stepped it up to 35lbs from my usual 30lbs :) Then I got in a good half hour of clearing weeds in the backyard so I can justify my "lightly active" TDEE so it wasn't logged in (stepped up from sedentary last month). Under cals, 85g fat/174g carbs/95g protien. Oops! Forgot to log water... I'll get right on that.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey ladies!! Hope you are all having a good morning! I was bad and skipped my workout this morning. Despite going to bed at 9:00pm, my alarm at 4:55 this morning wasn't very inviting. Oh well. Earlier in the year I was overtraining, working out every single day and I ended up with a labral tear in my hip which made me unable to run for about 4 months, so I'm taking it a bit easier these days and allowing myself one or two rest days per week. I know it's not completely conforming with the rules of this challenge, but its what I've got to do to keep myself healthy.

    Today is my weigh-in day, so I figured I'd go ahead and post:

    SW: 148.2
    IW: 140
    GW: 135

    Week 1: 147.6

    I've been in a plateau recently so I will definitely take a 0.6 loss!!! Have a fabulous Friday everyone!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    renaegry wrote...
    A little about myself. My name is Renae and I live in a small village in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am somewhat of a stay at home mom, who does books out of the house. My son is 5, and my daughter is 3. I love to walk/jog, and do biggest loser dvds. I have lost "20 pounds so far", but decided to start my ticker off with my starting weight of 155. I weigh in on Friday mornings. So in a few days, hope to see the ticker go down.
    My intermediate weigh is 147, and my goal weight is 140. I have quite the baby pouch to get rid off that is 3 years old already.
    Havent really ate healthy today (taco/burritos for supper) but have stayed within my calorie goal. Did 25 minute walk/jog with my son this morning before it got to hot, and burned 354 cals.

    Hey Renae,
    20 Lbs? Oh Boy! what a great start! Please give us your best tips since it has been working great for you :wink: 2 kids? Awww I also want tow kids, like you a girl and a boy. hopefully next year. From Canada, I will check where are in the planet my Hot Moms. I am in Orlando, Florida, yes with the princesses and Mickey all the time :) but also very stimulating to lose weight, people here workout like crazy :smile:
    Keep the weight down dear Renae :drinker:
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Amydurazo wrote....
    Hi girls!
    Sorry I haven't had time to write a bio. Im on MFP from my pphone. So I am 23 and have a 4 year old girl. I have a sweet tooth which im sure is why I have extra weight. I live in AZ and try to get exercise everyday. I am a caregiver So at work im always cleaning and on my feet so I do burn calories that way. anyway im glad im in a group! And really hope I get down to 125a
    I want to wear a bikini! And shorts! I have really bad thighs...anyway... back to being positive! I try my best! And keep moving forward!

    The good thing in this group is that we have similar weights so we can help each other. You are so young Amy! I also have a sweet tooth but I somehow have learned to replace everything with Splenda. There are great things we can do with that. I don't believe in starving, I mean, we can do it for a little bit but then the rebound can hit hard. Small changes can make a difference.
    Hey we could give ideas of low cal but yet yummy desserts or snacks.
    Great to have you here Amy!!!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    wanna_be_fit wrote...

    Hello all!! Here's my bio:
    I'm Heather, mom to a wonderful little girl named Olivia, almost 2 1/2. She's a feisty one for sure and keeps us on our toes! I'm a Physician and I work at least 50-60 hours per week. Lucky for me my husband stays home with our daughter. My weight has been up and down all my life, and I have a tendency to gain every time we move. When we moved from NJ to NC in 2007 it was overwhelming for me. We bought a fixer upper house, so in addition to being new faculty (first year out of training), learning a new city, leaving friends, etc, we were renovating a house! That spelled disaster and I gaine about 30 pounds in the first year or so, and unfortunatley didn't lose it before getting pregnant with my daughter. Currently I'm 23-25 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight, but still about 8 pounds from my weight prior to moving to NC. My BMI is back in the healthy range (just barely!) so the next 10-15 pounds is purely for vanity!! I started this journey back in January and have lost 23 pounds since then. The biggest thing for me is that I have to workout at 5:30 in the morning before I go to work, otherwise it doesn't happen. I too, am also a fan of moderation. Is life really worth living if you can't enjoy food and wine?!! :bigsmile:
    So far today I have been successful in getting my workout in, and I've had half of my water. On trach to be under or even for calories, so doing well. Hope you guys are all doing great!!!

    Is so nice to have a Doc in our group :) This is funny but when I ask my friends who lost weight how they did it, what worked for them, they say "You are a Doctor, you know it already" and I get so upset, cause, Hellooo! why I would be asking you for tips If I knew the best formula already :smile: I think every experience in the weightloss journey can help us and give us new ideas facing this battle to lose weight :huh: Anyway, Heaher, I see how committed you are with your weightloss journey so, Keep up the great work. I also don't believe in eating boiled chicken and salad all the time. Food is comforting, we just have to learn how to control our portions. We can even have ice cream if we want, we just need to keep an eye on the calories when we have these goodies.
    Heather, is nice to meet you, and you are mi inspiration to workout, let's do this! :drinker:
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    mrsjohnson75 wrote...

    Hello, I'm a soon to be HOT MOM to a 12 , 7, and 4 year old. I joined WW in March at 176 lbs and have lost 24 pounds on the program, I also use MFP to compare my points to calories. My intermediate goal is 145 and my ultimate goal is 135. I'm 5'5".
    I'm currently doing the 30 day shread and I sometimes use my elliptical machine at home. My average weight loss is 1 lb per week...its slow but that works for me. I'm glad to be a part of the group!:wink:

    Hi Ken, I love Jillian Michaels, actually there was a lady in that site who told me about this site :laugh: and that's how I found this great place to lose weight :love: So, you are doing "The 30 Days Shred" I love home DVD's one of my favorites is Zumba but Beach Body and Jillian really make you sweat. I love dancing latin music that's why I like Zumba :wink:
    Ok Ken, Hope we make a great team. Let's do out daily report and keep that scale down. Monday we update the Tables.
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    I'm so excited to start this group!! Let's go Mama's!!! We can do this :happy:

    We are happy to have you with us and that's a very cute picture :smile: Please come on more often, the idea is to do daily report of your progress, this is a Support team. We hope you are having a great time On Plan :drinker:

  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hi There Group 7 of Future Hot Moms 4DkY2.gif

    I am so glad the group is becoming more active and doing your daily reports. I weight in everyday just to be sure I am not going over board with my meals. Today I am 149, actually yesterday I was 148.5 so I accept that yesterday I went over the calories with some yummy dishes my mom made in here :wink: well, anyway, I lost almost 3 pounds already for this week but I can't put my hands down. i am not starving at all. But I have to still confess that I haven't completed my workout yet :blushing: shame on me!!!
    Is just that all this study keeps me on the chair studying and studying and having a bad feeling that I will waste time if I don't do this continuously :sad: BUT, I know all the benefits I will get working out, so I will do it today By Hook or by Crook!!!! Arrrrrrrggggggghhhhh!!! Xa12U.gif

    So for today my goals:
    1) Stay under my calories allowed (1200)
    2) Do Jillian's Workout "The 30 Days Shred"

    Report later.

    Quote of the day:

    "Don't exchange what you want the most for what you want right now!"


  • jackies620
    jackies620 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, now that my internet is back up (Thanks a lot storms!!) I figured I'd post a short bio!

    I'm 29yrs old & have 3 little ones at home--8, 4, and 1. I've always been in the 130's for my weight, well up until I had my 2nd 4 years ago! I've struggled since then to get back down. I also run an in-home daycare, so that consumes about 75% of my day right there! I love to drink water, and actually gave up soda not too long ago, so water is now my absolute favorite! Especially in these 100 degree Chicago days!! I'd have to say my biggest weakness is my diet. I've slowly begun working out again, and am getting into a nice rhythmn with it, but my diet SUCKS!! I'm a sucker for greasy food that is no good for you! I'm not big on sweets, but I'm telling you--I love my salty & greasy foods. So, I'd have to say that is the first thing I really need to get under control to be successful! If any of you have any yummy food tips you'd like to share, I'd love to hear!!

    Good luck to everyone...WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Here's a little challenge! What are a few of everyone's guilt-free sweet & salty snacks? Maybe we can get good ideas from other's...

    Mine are:
    Coffee Ice Cream (usually only 100-110 calories per 1/2cup)
    Dove Dark Chocolate (I stick them in the freezer and suck on them like hard candy so they last a loooong time. Dark chocolate is also far more satisfying than milk chocolate! 42 cals per square. On TOM, I'll sandwich between pretzels.)
    Original PopChips (they're kinda $$ though and only 3 servings/bag. Drives me batty when hubby eats "mine"; TWENTY THREE chips is 120 calories!)
    Popcorn (pretty much any microwavable kind except Kettle, with a touch of butter already in the bag. Great for when you have the mindless munchies.)

    Oh, my grandma made this awesomely decadent chocolate cake with zucchini once... I'll have to dig up the recipe!

    Edited to add (just for Jackie) favorite greasy foods that are guilt-free? Give me some fried okra, green beans or mushrooms any day!!! :D
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Boo! I gained : ( 152.2.... ill try harder this week!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Boo! I gained : ( 152.2.... ill try harder this week!

    This is why I weigh-in every day. Otherwise I find myself avoiding salt, fasting, or other not so healthy stuff the day before a big "weigh-in", then I get stuck going to more and more extremes to keep getting good results. I understand some can't weigh-in daily simply due to the mental aspect. I just take my lowest weight of the week and record that. If I go two weeks without dropping or I'm even averaging a bit higher, THEN I record the new "low" weight.

    What's everyone's calories set at? For my first 6 weeks I averaged a net of 1500/day and got from 162 to 156. Then I had a 5 week plateau. The only things that changed were that 1.) my body-fat dropped from 26% to 19.8% in the first 6 weeks, so the BMR calculator here no longer worked for me because it assumes every 30 year old woman is 27% body-fat according to the Katch-McArdle method and 2.) my net calories for those weeks averaged 1450/day. Less stopped working in my case. I stepped up to 1700/day a couple weeks ago and dropped 3lbs. Took a long time for the whole "eat more to lose" thing to sink in for me.

    Anybody else tracking body-fat? Even if you don't have access to somebody trained with calipers, this method comes pretty close: http://www.healthcentral.com/cholesterol/home-body-fat-test-2774-143.html#accurate I think I got 22% with it the same day I was last calipered, so 2.2% off isn't too shabby :)
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    What's everyone's calories set at? For my first 6 weeks I averaged a net of 1500/day and got from 162 to 156. Then I had a 5 week plateau. The only things that changed were that 1.) my body-fat dropped from 26% to 19.8% in the first 6 weeks, so the BMR calculator here no longer worked for me because it assumes every 30 year old woman is 27% body-fat according to the Katch-McArdle method and 2.) my net calories for those weeks averaged 1450/day. Less stopped working in my case. I stepped up to 1700/day a couple weeks ago and dropped 3lbs. Took a long time for the whole "eat more to lose" thing to sink in for me.

    Increasing my calories TOTALLY freaked me out! I initially had my goals set to 1250net per day, but 2 weeks ago increased to 1470 net per day after several weeks of a plateau. I was pretty doubtful that it would work, and I'm certainly not losing fast, but at least the scale is moving again!!! And I'm also like you--I weigh in every day and then take my Thursday or Friday weight (whichever is lower!) to record for the week.

    Hmmm....favorite salty/sweet snacks.

    Sweet: Mini ice cream sandwich--not low fat, light or anything. Has 100 calories and is great. I also like to have one reeses peanut butter cup--just 105 calories. My husband buys the 4 packs at Sam's club, so they are always around, but I'm able to control myself and have just one.

    Salty--Nature's Own Veggie Sticks. They taste kind of like air filled french fries, and one serving is 38 stick. Yummy!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well today I did my 30 minute walk/jog and burnt 419 calories. Eating so so today, so far within calr but I am sure drinks this evening will put me over.

    I also weigh in every day, but don't track body fat.

    Yes I have lost 20 pounds so far and it was fairly easy with just tracking on her and exercising. My loset weigh was 149 a few months ago, but now I have crawled back up to 155. I seem to be in a slump, was down to 153-154, started counting and exercising again, and I have gained weight. Just like this week I gained a pound. I am sure or hoping it is just muscle, since my clothes still feel good. It feels good to wear medium, and not large. My mom keeps telling me maybe this is my ideal weight, but I am not happy with this. I am 5' 7.5" and won't be happy till I am 140ish.

    I also love doing the 30 day shred, and other biggest loser DVDs.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I love reading up on the discussions once or twice a day.