2017~~52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • shawnburnshbs
    shawnburnshbs Posts: 1 Member
    Ok, so I am starting late.
    Starting weight: 240
    Goal weight: 200, then we'll see what happens.
    Current weight:238.6
    Total weight lost:1.4 lbs.
    This week's successes:none
    This week's challenges:getting old and not enough testosterone.
  • omgstfualready
    omgstfualready Posts: 63 Member
    Just saw this today, finishing up 2 weeks on MFP so here is my info. I'll probably update tomorrow since that's my weigh in day

    Starting weight: 262.6
    Goal weight: 139 (US dress size 6/8)
    Current weight: 257.8 as of March 27
    Total weight lost: 4.8
    This week's successes: I'll see tomorrow morning's scale but I went to lunch at a great place and had what I wanted but didn't stuff myself silly.
    This week's challenges: Knowing I was going to an insanely great favorite place for lunch (out of town, can't get it more than annually, if that).
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    edited April 2017

    You've missed my point. What I'm saying is I exercise and stay the same weight, have a lapsed week yet lose a couple of pounds.

    You've got to be happy with your overall weigh lose of 12 pounds. That's great!! Keep focused on the things you are doing right. If you fall off the wagon for a week and still lose it is a blessing not a sign to continue behaviors you know won't bring the results you want. Stay the course. Keep exercising and eating right. Your 12 loss over the last 12 weeks is because of the things you've done right not your lapses.
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    edited April 2017
    Starting weight: 213.8 lbs
    Goal weight: 165
    Last week weight: 193
    Current weight: 194
    This week's loss: gain 1pound
    Total weight lost: 19.8
    This week's successes: 10,000+ steps per day.
    This week's challenges: Drinking more water and stop skipping meals.
  • nlld0720
    nlld0720 Posts: 2 Member
    Is it too late to join? If not, I'm in
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited April 2017
    Week 13

    Starting weight: 226.4
    Goal weight: 175
    Last week weight: 215.9
    This week weight: 210.1
    This week: 5.8 (it was a Woosh loss)
    Total weight loss: 16.3

    This week's successes:

    The numbers are back on track! Week 13 and pounds 16 = right where I want to be. I like having a few pounds buffer, but I DO NOT want to lose rapidly. Been there , done that, got the bad hair (etc) as a result. This week was a real loss, but also a woosh from all the pent up sodium and whatever else I picked up on my almost two weeks of spring break and vacation. Those days were very physical, as was the last weeked, and my eating was reasonable so I knew it was coming. I have been very unfocused on exercise since my challenge group ended, but we have been doing physical labor at home so it counts for calories out.

    Checking on last week’s challenges:
    :) Log everyday - Absolutley! The geek in me loves this.
    :) Log water – I passed for logging water but I wish I had partaken of more.
    :s 1000 stairs. - Ha! not even close
    :) Get back to work. I have been off for most of two weeks. I need to focus professionally. Yeah, I'm back at work. Made my boss happy!

    This week's challenges

    Well, I don't have any events coming up - that I know of - that will make my life hectic. Still stressing a litte about change in leadership at work. No news is good news. I have looked out at the interweb and work is out there, but I really don't want to go find it. This will be an item for me until I get my reappointment for July 1 so I have to live with it.
    Let's set up some other self imposed difficulties
    • Change my shift at work. Start two hours earlier. This will be a challenge for the next month as I try to set up a new habit.
    • 2000 steps - hey if I can't do 1000 let's double the goal!
    • Log water.
  • RayvenSkye96
    RayvenSkye96 Posts: 45 Member
    Starting weight: 198 lbs
    Goal weight: 146
    Current weight: 172.4
    Total weight lost: 25.6
    This week's successes: Had someone say they could tell I have lost weight. It made me feel good to hear that and gave me a boost in motivation.
    This week's challenges: Same as before: drink more water and log it. I would rather drink tea :)
  • KaeCir09
    KaeCir09 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting weight 161
    Goal weight 120
    Current weight 161
    Total weight lost 0
    This week's successes: goal planning
    This week's challenges: Walking 6 times this week
  • DanaD068
    DanaD068 Posts: 14 Member
    Week 10
    Starting Weight: 256.4
    Last Weight: 243.8
    Current weight: 243.8
    This week loss: 0
    Total Loss: 12.6

    This week Challenge: Life altering loss and dealing with emotions instead of eating them into suppression! And Food Logging!

    This weeks Success: Coming back, keeping my sanity, smiling!

    Next week goal: get back to the gym/exercising at least 3 times a week, taking steps to getting my life back on track!
  • pinklily330
    pinklily330 Posts: 54 Member
    SW: 242.8 (3/5/2017)
    LW: 227 (3/27)
    CW: 223
    GW: 199
    GW: 140 (ultimate)

    Total weight loss: -19.8 lbs
    Loss/gain this week: -4 lbs

    This weeks successes: I walked everyday for at least 20 minutes.

    This weeks challenges: Cravings! I really had a hard time this week.

  • omgstfualready
    omgstfualready Posts: 63 Member
    03/20 - 262.6 Starting weight
    03/27 - 257.8
    04/03 - 255.6

    1 week loss = 2.2 lb
    Total loss = 7 lbs
    52 wk goal: unknown (just less than I am now)
    Eventual Goal 139

    This week's successes: Logged every day and have been looking for patterns (eg I was hungry when I haven't been and saw I didn't have a lot of fiber that day and am going to see if that is the root)

    Last week's challenges: Work is to the point I'm ready to walk out with no job (and 1 income and a mortgage). I won't overeat because of it but I worry that the stress will inhibit continued weight loss.
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    nlld0720 wrote: »
    Is it too late to join? If not, I'm in

    Never too late!
  • dabeck62
    dabeck62 Posts: 32 Member
    3/29/17 (Week 12)
    SW: 280.2 (Jan. 4)
    GW1: 228.2
    GW2: 199
    CW: 262.1
    Weekly WL: +1.6
    TWL: 18.1
    Last week’s challenges: Very stressful week which I binge ate through. Having Easter candy available did not help the situation.
    Goal this week: Even though I logged everything last week, I didn’t seem to care that I went over. Things are settling down, so no excuse to not stay within goal!
    Jan: 7.9 lbs; Feb: 7.1; Mar: 4.7; Apr: +1.6
  • risyfitforlife89
    risyfitforlife89 Posts: 26 Member
    Fitness Pal Template for 52 week challenge

    Starting weight on February 23, 2017 - 220 lbs
    Current weight: 202 lbs

    This month's loss: so far 2 lbs

    Total weight loss: 18lbs

    This week's successes: haven't craved anything.

    This week's challenges: Continue to be consistent with my food diary. Still trying to overcome pesky cold congestion.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    I had no motivation to do anything this morning... so I needed a pick me up:

    Here's a little JT to get things moving in the right direction!
