

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited April 2017
    Thought some of you artistic folks might like this that was on my FB this morning. Becca? Lenora?


    Also my DDIL shared a blog from someone about "self care" . Very, very important and the lack of it is the reason why so many of us find it hard to lose weight and get healthy. <3

    DH and I did really well last night with anxiety issues! I was anxious about him being anxious, so I needed to do my own work. I did breathing, relaxation, smiling (yes, that works! ) and mindfulness. Then I did my usual visualisation of my "sanctuary" which I learnt when I was doing a personal development course in the 90s. I had a good night's sleep! DH did much the same, without the visualisation as he hasn't got a visual imagination. He thought of happy times and things instead. The thing he found most helpful, that I read about in a book about phobias and have put into practice for myself, was just to "ride the wave" and learn to stay in the moment when the wave subsides and prolong it. The wave always subsides in the end.This corresponds to the "biofeedback" that someone mentioned. Our nearest centre for that is some way away. But he had great success with his own method (he does mindfulness tapes) He found he could enjoy the respite between waves for longer. In the end he had a good night's sleep. Success!!!! :D

    Lovely weather here. A man came this morning to read the water meter, but couldn't find it in the garden and his metal detector wasn't working. I was in the middle of exercising, so went out in the garden with him in my tiny camisole vest and pyjama pants. Funny! :o:o>:) I don't think he ever found it!

    Lots of love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did one segment of 10 Minute Solution pilates, held my plank for 2 min 50 sec then extremepump. The plan for tomorrow is to do the final segment of "Slim in Six" DVD. The time of the workout is different for all 3 segments. I believe this one is an hour long.

    DJ - if we were to find out that the MIL is, in fact, paying for Denise's reception, I think we're going to have to re-think how much money we're going to give her. We were going to give her $15,000 for the WEDDING, now if we're not paying for the wedding, we may have to rethink that amount. My suspicion is that the mother is paying for the reception with the expectation that they can apply this $15,000 to a house. Why she doesn't just give them $15,000 toward a house is beyond me. I suppose what we could also do is say "we'll give you $15,000 towards a house, but the house needs to be in a location (further away from the MIL) where you can get more house (like in the south)". He works on a tugboat so NC, SC, GA, FL all are on the seacoast. I don't know if that's too much. My suspicion is that the MIL will pick out a house for them and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if there wasn't an extra bedroom for us. She doesn't think of anyone else. You'll love Aldi. To me, their oranges aren't that good, neither kiwi or clementines or grapefruit (really, any grapefruit this far north isn't that good). They do have some good sales, like bananas can be as low as 22 cents a pound. Sometimes they have good blueberries, sometimes not so good. I did find out that prices differ from store to store. When we were in FL blueberries were 99 cents each. I got some because I didn't know if I'd get to ours before the sale was over. Well, I did but blueberries here were $1.29 each.

    We skyped with this "therapist" that bryan was seeing. She spent 1/2 hour talking about how terrible I was as a mother, what I should have done. Hey, the past is the past, it's over and done with, there's nothing we can do about it now. So what are you doing to help Bryan become the mature responsible adult he deserves to be and that Dianna deserves to have as a husband. I've worked with too many therapists to have much thought about them. It seems that the cardinal rule for therapists (and psychologists) is that every boy has a mommy issue and every girl has a daddy issue. And if the person doesn't believe that, then it's the therapist's sworn duty to convince them of that. I was working with one therapist one time and at lunch he tried to tell me that every problem I ever had stemmed from the fact that my father abused me. This therapist got VERY upset when I wouldn't admit this. Well, I wouldn't admit it for one good reason.....it didn't happen. He never ONCE mentioned the fact that my mother died when I was so young. Do ya think that might have had something to do with the person I am today??????

    After going to the gym, I come home and take a full shower. However, I still need to take a "rinse off the sweat" shower, which means I need to lug at least the towel, shoes to wear in the shower, the towel to wipe off my sweat, the blow dryer and curling iron. Admitted the curling iron isn't anything to write home about. As a matter of fact, it's one that retracts into itself. But it works for me in that I don't have to deal with this cord and having to wait for the curling iron to cool down before I can put it away.

    Joyce from Edmonton - congrats on the weight loss! I'm not sure I know what you mean by "extra people around". Do you mean that they bring food or that you have to order it? I've just gotten to where I don't really care much for cookies/cake/etc. Not that I never eat it, it's just that having it around lots doesn't do anything for me. As far as ordering out, you just need to be choosy about what you order.

    Katla - someone on here suggested this item to get rid of mold called "Wet and Forget". Honestly, at first I was really skeptical. I read the reviews of it, and almost everyone said that they too were skeptical but it worked! And it really and truly does. You just spray it on the area where you want to get rid of the mold/algae. Now it doesn't work overnight. It works with the rain. But in a few months you WILL see the mold/algae disappear. I was shocked that it worked so well. I can sometimes find it at Sam's, but that is hit-or-miss. I usually order it from Amazon. I've never heard of a 30 second cleaner. Sounds good to be true, and you know what they say...if it sounds too good to be true it probably isn't. But this Wet and Forget in a few month's time, you will see a definite difference. I was shocked!

    Penny and Becca - I remember before Vince and I were married, I had my own apt, money was super tight. I remember going to a friend's apt to just gab because I didn't want to use my electric!

    Penny - I just can't imagine it being so cold that my phone would freeze. I'm in awe of you.

    Michele in NC
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    edited April 2017
    Michele you can get away without a shower if you're ok with using baby wipes to wipe down, towel dry and go home
    I saw the exercise physiologist today, part of care referral to deal with pre diabetes, after we went through what I'm currently doing exercise wise, he was very enthusiastic about my new hobby of dancing agreed that what I'm doing is spot on for the results I'm after and advised all he could do was help keep track, i.e. Blood sugar, cholesterol checking etc. Up to 25 kilos with my deadliest today, 15000 steps
    Pam in Adelaide
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :'( Jake had a worse night last night and I was awake for over two hours listening to him after I took the dogs for their midnight walk. Bernie, the cat, woke me at my regular time so I haven't had as much sleep as I wanted. Perhaps I'll indulge in a nap this afternoon. Thank you all for being with me as I ate my breakfast. Now it's time to walk the dogs. The walk is a two hour self-indulgence. Today I will finish the audio book I've been listening to for a few days.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Hydrogurl
    Hydrogurl Posts: 11 Member
    got schooled by MFP - finished food entry for last night 645 cal for the day yesterday -bummer - was planning a big lunch which got cut short as I munched on too much cabbage while my food was cooking and was full - ate the yam but the Norway salmon was a nogo - butcher said its as good as wild as they net off the area in native waters but looked it up while baking and - um no i cant eat that. I have MHFTR genetic mutation and can't detox - frankly wouldnt eat it even if I could. Had errands and didnt bring a snack got home at 9 and was not going to eat that late so had a protein shake. Not enough calories for the day is never an issue wierd day but could not see making up for it at 9 pm.

    ADJUSTMENT - carry an apple and protein bar, nuts when doing errands ;0
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited April 2017
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Beachbody Challenge
    Burpees- 5x10
    Kick down crunches 5x10

    April Move your @$$ Challenge
    Today I will take at least 2-2 mile walks.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited April 2017
    Katla, we have used the 30 second cleaner and it worked - didn't seem harmful to paint or exterior surfaces. I think our local Ace Hardware had it on sale not long ago. They sell a lot of it.

    Michele, your comments about the therapist blaming you brought back a memory. Many years ago when we lived in the Seattle area, I went to a therapist who told me something that made sense about my dad: if I'd have gone through the same life experiences he had gone through, I probably would have acted the same way. If I wanted to heal and find joy, I had to find it in my heart to forgive him (and myself) and move on. Make my own happiness. Just that simple.

    BOY that resonated with me and a giant light bulb went on. I started looking at everyone that way. It didn't make what his/others' cruelty right, but it cast them in a different light. One of the last conversations I had with him before he died was at my mom's funeral. He told me (out of the blue!) I wasn't a wanted child. My parents were deeply in debt when I was born due to a horrible barn fire-equipment and animals lost. He was a farmer without insurance and struggled back from that throughout my childhood. I told him it was OK, and that I loved him, he told me he loved me too. We shared some tears and a hug and I climbed into the car and headed for the airport. That's the last time I spoke with him - when I saw him next, several months later, he was in a coma and nearing death from a severe stroke.

    Heather, I took a look on Dr.Jessamy's blog about self-care today. Very good and I especially liked that poem at the end by Martha Postlewaite called Clearing: http://drjessamy.com/2017/04/02/blog-swap-self-care-we-have-nothing-to-give-when-we-are-empty/. Glad DH is getting better and the mindfulness tapes work so well. The therapist I saw also had very good relaxation tapes and I listened to some of them so much I can still "play them in my head." Lost them in one of our moves. :(

    Barbie, sad to hear Jake is still coughing. That bug has been going around here as well...the bronchitis that hangs on and on. Drat. Her highness Miss Kitty has decided she doesn't like the canned food I opened for her and she's giving me a hate stare. She'll probably eat the dry food and barf it up in retaliation. :s

    OK, need to wrap it up and head out this morning to run errands. Here's something to ponder:


    SW WA State where it's a chilly 30 but sunshine predicted - hopefully DH can finish mowing and I can get more weeding in this afternoon.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Hydrogurl
    Hydrogurl Posts: 11 Member
    Mary - so I decided to look into the 30 day beach challenge - day 1 and 2 - ok but then, you lost me at burpies...All I could see was a face plant and trip to the hospital for a broken nose - I think I need to drop 40 before attempting this (rule 1 know your weakness)But I am here cheering you on! Ill stick with my simple start up of good food and walking - I have a weight lifting w a PT tomorrow :) the first week is the most difficult (I know as I have had many of these)

    Best to all.

    DJ - thanks for the welcome - everyone is a newie at least once :smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Done some memoir. :drinker: Writing about the car journey from North London to the South Coast to see my grandparents when I was young. Stopping off at various relations on the way. Happy memories. :)
    I always feel so much better when I keep to resolutions I've made, so I don't know why I occasionally blow it. :laugh: Self discipline makes me happy, but I sometimes choose to be unhappy. A puzzlement. ;):*:o

    I emailed DDIL this morning to say I have decided not to give the grandchildren chocolate for Easter as they always get so much. I thought about what to give instead and decided on new melamine plates as they could do with some new ones. I chose these.

    The crocodile is for Max, the elephant for Edie and the octopus for Bea. :D<3
    I put them on express delivery so I hope they will arrive before we go down there on Friday.

    Made chicken curry for tonight with chard and sorrel from our garden. Tastes heavenly. I will have green beans with it and I have made a raita. Yummo! Calculate 260 cals. :D While I was out picking the leaves I noticed an abundance of self sown rocket (arugula ) Love me some rocket. B)

    Lanette - Isn't it wonderful all the resources we have these days to help us and so much more information. I find all my "improving" books so useful, not the least to realise I am not alone. I remembered the "Epley manoeuvre "from something somebody wrote on this thread once. :D There is something to help with almost everything.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy World Party Day!

    Thank goodness it's a new month - I need a reboot.

    Sending happy, healthy thoughts to all...

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I think 30 second cleaner sounds too good to be true, too. I can get it at Ace Hardware, and they usually don't sell garbage. I still feel suspicious but the house is so bad I'll try just about anything.. :ohwell:

    Heather: Our utility meters are on the outside of our house on the garage. That has been true for every home we've owned. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Thanks for the Wet and Forget recommendation. I'll get the Wet and Forget because it is local, but you've given me a great back-up plan if it doesn't work. :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I'm sorry that Jake had a bad night. I'm guessing that neither of you got decent rest. :yawn: I wonder whether he's been using a humidifier at night. It sure gives me a better night's sleep when I have any congestion. We got ours at Walgreens for not much. Our old one wore out after 40 years or so. :wink:

    Lanette: Thanks for the good review on 30 Second Cleaner. I'll stop by my Ace store later today. Thank you for sharing the story of your dad. It made me think of my dad. He's been gone for decades and I still miss him at times. :heart: I followed your link to Dr. Jessamy.com and was very impressed with the ideas about self-care that she shared.

    Sue in TX: Congrats on your March weight and inches loss! Enjoy your trip. :smiley:

    Yoga today! I have missed too much yoga during the time DH was having eye surgeries and am noticeably less fit. I like today's teacher and look forward to her class. I plan to stop at Ace on the way home to get some 30 Second Cleaner.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @Hydrogurl I thought the same thing when I saw the Burpee's but I will just do them slowly! Also the large number of exercises I have had to change to doing them as broken up intervals instead. So when it gets to doing 200 I will do 10 X 20. Your strength training will be very beneficial for you! Have a good work out with your PT tomorrow.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited April 2017
    Katla - I'm not sure if you realised that Dr Jessamy is my lovely daughter-in-law. The mother of my gorgeous grandchildren. <3 The blog on self care was a blog swap from a colleague, but she does write her own regularly as well and has just finished writing a five day happiness challenge. :D It's great to see her stepping out and doing so much. She has co-written six books on Amazon. She's not a naturally lime-lighting person, so it's quite a stretch for her. She believes in going beyond your comfort zone. <3 Anyone can opt to follow her blogs etc.

    Can't wait to eat my curry. :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LuvmyFurbaby
    LuvmyFurbaby Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning Ladies!!

    I hope y'all don't mind if I join in?

    I'll be 52 in May and I was rear ended in late February. Since I cannot exercise I really have to get my diet back on track and I could sure use all the help/support I can get.

    My goals for April;

    Is to track every morsel and caloric beverages that I passes my lips!!
    Meditate every day.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member