

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Ginger you might be able to borrow it from your local library too. I just watched season 1 and 2 of Rosemary and Thyme this way. Here it is free as long as you return it on time. I watched 9 seasons of Murdoch Mysteries that way too and New Tricks. I loved the episodes with Alun Armstrong.

    :heart: Margaret
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – That’s really sad; but, I am sure that our DDnL#1 has been ‘talked into staying with DOS' by many people, him and his in-laws; but, it is a bad relationship because of her ‘fetish’ with FB. She’s got that as her “Home Page” on her cellphone and it is ‘on’ 24/7. She might miss something. If it went off as much as our DOS says it does at night; I would be throwing that sucker in the trash, or out the door. It drives me ‘crazy’ when she is looking at it all the time while driving and texting, too. Louis and I say it is just a matter of time before she either gets 'stopped' by the cops or is 'involved in a wreck' because of it. I might have mine on while in the car; but, I don’t answer it if I am driving. That drives DOS ‘crazy’ with me … ‘why do you even have it if you aren’t going to answer it’. I do, next time leave a message for me, so I will know what to say to you when I call you back’.

    Yeah, that is what my friend told me about her son’s marriage and subsequent divorce. Wasn’t between the 2 of them, it had a 3rd party in the midst. We did not even have that much interference when we lived near my inlaws. MnL would always call. I don’t go to my DOS and his wife’s house unless ‘asked’ to or I call earlier. I've interrupted too many 'obvious' arguments when I haven't. I don’t mind them coming down here – I ‘do know’ what will clear the house. They invite us down to each ever so often. I call it ‘eat and run’. We talk while we are eating so Louis doesn’t see any need to stay afterwards. Everything has already been discussed. We don’t rush through the meal either. She’d probably talk him ‘out of that, too’. DDnL#1 ‘turned down an interview’ for a job that would have brought her back to town with a raise. For the life of me, will never understand it. DYS is a very ‘private’ person and he has never had, nor does he want, any social networking site. DDnL#2 has one, she deactivated it for a while, until the cheerleader sponsor said that was the way she made contact with the parents. She finally decided the best way would be to ‘email’ them instead. DDnL#2 had told her they don’t get good reception and she doesn’t check it on the weekends anyway.

    Heather – I don’t know what it is about ‘psychologist’ that always want you to tell them ‘how bad your relationship was with your parents’. As in my case, I could not have asked for better parents. I just did not ‘understand’ what my body was going through and how it made me feel and other issues that just acerbated the entire situation. I stopped going when one tried to keep the notebooks I would write and drop off, so they would not waste time getting to the issue at hand for the period. My boss had to write them a ‘nasty’ letter to get them back – all 15 of them; then, after that I destroyed them; but, I could read them first to last and see ‘how I was getting better’; but, with no thanks to them. I did not want them to become a part of someone’s “book.”

    Barbiecat – My goals are to ‘exercise’ more (maybe not in April; but, in late May) a soon as the pool is opened by son. That is the ‘best’ exercise that I like. Will try to walk on treadmill every day and hopefully can increase the time. I don’t think I will get up to doing 40minutes on it. I get too distracted. Eat healthier, and do a little ‘purging’/Spring cleaning, too.

    Becca – My DDnL#2 sent me a couple of books to read about budgeting money (and getting out of debt). At first I got really frustrated; then, I realized, that I don’t have to get Louis’ business wrapped up in it. He runs that and takes a ‘draw’; so all I had to do was budget everything right down to the penny; and, adjust if I have to. His 'income' and 'mine'. I guess we will see how this goes. It’s by “Dave Ramsey”. She said she still looks through the books ever so often to stay ‘on track’. I made copies of all the forms and gave a copy to DOS. Now, they will have $$$ to budget! They eat a lot of venison and turkey when he kill a deer or a turkey. They eat for practically nothing; but, one thing I have realized is: they eat a lot of ‘starchy’ foods. Like the vegetables for the meal will consider of Mac & Cheese (boxed kind), mashed potatoes, lima beans, and sometimes one other bean of some type. I want to get one of those ‘pressure cooker/crock pot combination cookers’. I’ve seen something like them at Kmart; will shop around and see what I can find. I’ve got to go in for my ‘weigh-in’ on Tuesday, so I will do it then. Then, it will have to be saved up for. Going to be ‘interesting’ to see if we can actually do this. I’m pretty sure I can, just not too sure about Louis. I gave it to him to look over but it was on the ottoman the next time I looked. He was resting up to watch the MSU and S. Carolina girl’s game this evening. I ‘don’t’ think MSU will win against them.

    Lanette – Got to pay all those shipping costs; not buying American like Sam did when he was running it. I wait and looked at the sales rack and especially at the ‘sidewalk’ sales. I am the same way about how ‘families raise children’ with prices the way they are. We wore hand-me-downs; and, thankfully Mother made most of our clothes. I had boys, and, they are harder to sew for. We had a Carter’s Manufacturing Co., in the town I grew up in; and, when my boys were young, there was a place here we could buy children’s clothes at a greatly reduced price. I like the raglan sleeved gowns because they could wear them until them until they were almost 2-yrs-old. A little shorter and the sleeve were ½-way up their arms; but, they still wore them.

    Charleen – I am happy to say that my ‘boobs’ have lost enough mass that I now can wear a smaller cup-size. New bras, hated that the ones I bought almost 3 years ago, went from $38 to $65. Needless to say, I went elsewhere and was pleasantly surprised, too. Never thought I'd be happy to wear a 'smaller' bra; but, back in the size before I gained all the weight.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening fine ladies. I sure wish I could remember who wrote everything 4 pages ago. I used to write eerything I wanted to say to everybody but I write so bad that by the time it was time for me to respond, I couldn't read what people had written!!!!!! I know people have said to open up another window and go back and forth but I don't understand that. So I again will just respond to topics I remember.

    Mother in laws. Sometimes I wish I had a 'normal' one and yet I loved the one I had so much I am glad I got who I got. She was paranoid schizophrenic and by the time I had met my husband to be, she had had so many shock treatments that she was a different person. So I never had the opportunity to have all those moments of looking at pictures, knowing her recipes, etc. But she was so sweet. With the diagnosis she had boy did she have her moments but with the advances in medicine she was well controlled in her later years. I remember as a newlywed going to her house and she was chasing Mr. Clean with a very big kitchen knife. But I was very proud to be her DIL and hearing her refer to me as the daughter that came to see her and take care of her. She had a 'real' daughter that after she went in a nursing home and therefore DD couldn't get access to Mom's SSI checks then DD quit coming around. But it hurt me to the core knowing that a daughter would do that. I also remember one time when she first went into a nursing home and the nurses getting intake info and DD walked in and immediately let them know that she was the real daughter and I was just the daughter in law and therefore didn't know anything about her. OK, vent over but I loved that woman. And I wish she had been at our wedding instead of an institution.

    Prices. Oh Becca, sure wish you didn't have to go through this. You seem so well balanced in everything and especially in your budgeting. If you have to give up your internet you wouldn't be able to Skype with your son :'( I truly don't know what I would do without my internet.

    OK, that takes me to digital cleansing. Oh my, that would be hard on me. My fingers start getting fidgety if I'm not on one of my devices. Here within inches of my hands right now is my phone, iPad and laptop. My poop kitty tries to nudge them away from me so she can get on my lap. It used to be that I knew her cry for Mommy, well I still do, and I would immediately shut whatever I am on and she would jump up on my lap. I don't now. Even if she comes over and sits on the arm of my recliner, I will use my iPad or phone and she will try to nudge them away.

    Michele, I have this one lady in my choir that when I met her I jsut really didn't like her at all. Well, I've been in the choir 3 years now and I guess it was the first week in March when I was getting all of those memories from face book sent to me about Mom and her death that made me think about the kind of advice Mom would give me. So I have tried to get to know her. And it has helped. Yes, Rose is 'very confident' of herself. I used to say conceited but I have changed that. She has many talents and she will very readily tell you about all of them. When I hear her tell about all the experiences her voice has taken her, I just remind myself that she does have an exceptional voice and I really enjoy hearing it in the choir. Now hearing it as a solo, not so. So Michele, how many one on one times have you had with her?

    Penny, I admire you so, so much. Not many people could live in the place you do.

    Well last night I really didn't sleep well at all. Now a month ago, this would have meant I would just tun off the alarm and skip church, yet again. But I really want to get back in the habit I had last year before I had my stent put in, I went to Sunday School, church with choir and I was so happy with myself. I feel like I have let God down when I don't do at least that. Last night I set the alarm for my first time back to Sunday School in many months. So when I got up around 7 to go potty, alarm was set for 8, I re-set in to later to get up for church and changed my sleep number for 5 points lower and actually got a couple of good sound hours of sleep. But my back paid for that lower, softer setting. Getting ready in the bathroom, I could only stand up by bending my knees and then it was still an effort. A month ago I would have given into it. But I knew if I could jsut get 5 minutes sitting in my recliner I would be up and walking. And it did! Now I was still hurting but I was up straight and I knew I would be able to sing in the choir. I have really neglected the back exercises Beth gave me in physical therapy.

    Well, we have now perfected our little white lie we will give our oldest daughter about going down to see her this week. Because if my back hurting more this week, I can't take the drive down. Her hubbie will let us know where they are going out to lunch on Saturday on her 40th birthday and we will meet them there. Michelle, youngest daughter wants to give her sister a proper 'over the hill' birthday experience. So we will take my wheel chair and have it highly decorated and take her to the mall.

    New Kim, I think you said you live in Augusta Georgia??? Big golf tournament coming your way I hear!. I love it.

    Love you guys, Joyce in wonderful Indiana

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Jake is feeling better, coughing less, and sleeping more but is still very miserable. I stayed close to home except for walking the dogs a lot. While home I spent a lot of time riding my exercise bike and watching the world figure skating championships. We get both US and Canadian broadcasts--the US channel shows more skating and the Canadian channel shows more interview with the skaters.

    <3 Barbie in windy NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Cheri - isn't it weird when you get sick and aren't used to it? That's how I was a few months ago. I am, for the most part, a pretty healthy person. Yet, a few months ago I got some sort of bug and boy, was I feeling it. But I still had to do the cooking, cleaning, etc.

    I need to get a new piece of elastic for a pair of pajamas that I keep at the condo. They were SOOO big on me. There is no way I lost that amount of weight, no way on earth. Probably the elastic just stretched out over time. I'm not going to do a fantastic job (I'm not that good) but these are just for the condo so who'll see me -- Vince????

    Lenora - when I went to Charlotte today, I used for the first time this new navigational app, it's more up-to-date than the one in my car. Vince was concerned that I would be constantly looking at it. Really, I needed the turn-by-turn directions. Honestly, I very seldom looked at it, but I did listen for the turns.

    Joyce - has it really been three years that you've been in the choir? Boy, time passes! How many one-on-one times have I had with Pete's mother? None! I've invited his father here but he never took me up on it. Denise did tell me that she thought I was upset with her because she paid for Denise's wedding gown so Denise asked me if I was. Why she didn't just ask me directly I have no idea. If I was upset (and I was a little) did she REALLY think I'd tell Denise that I was upset? Maybe what I should do is invite them here for a bit hmmm....gotta think on this.

    Michele in NC
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Not a very good day in the studio. My first piece was too thin and folded over itself. My second piece of the evening broke. Then I did something to my wrist and it hurt too badly to make any more pieces. Grrrrrrrr. Sigh. Deep breath. Some days are like that. Here's hoping next week will be better.

    Today was a rest day from prepping for the 5K. I need to write down my goals for this week so I can report if I kept to my training plan.

    Monday 4/3 - walk 1 mile
    Tuesday 4/4 - walk 1 mile
    Wednesday 4/5 - walk 1 mile
    Thursday 4/6 - rest day
    Friday 4/7 - walk 1 mile
    Saturday 4/8 - strength training day w/PT
    walk 1.5 mile

    I can do this!

    Mia in MI
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    So tired tonight. I'm off to bed soon.
    Hugs and prayers for all.
    Paula Y.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends

    Lanette, thanks for the thought to start the month. I’m so glad you are here with us.

    KimGA, welcome. This is a great group of women for support and information. We have a Kim already that has been here a long time so if you would add the GA it will help us tell you apart. Come often and join right in.

    Pat, I love the doors and know you will enjoy.

    Purl, good to see you again. Sorry to hear about the weight gain but it happens to the best of us. Please come here often and we will hopefully help you get back on track.

    MicheleNC, I hate that you seem to be having a hard time with Denise’s future MIL that is doing and influencing so much for the wedding. I say, if she is paying for the reception, just be happy that it’s not out of your wallet. You will always be her mother and nothing is going to change that. (((Hugs))) Our new Aldi is getting close. They are ready to pave the parking lot any day and then should be putting the fixtures inside.

    Beth, how wonderful that your DH wants to start eating right and exercising. Now about you???? Don’t make me get my boots out!! Come on, girl….now you have a partner in crime to work with on this journey. You can do this. Put the Oreos in the trash and move on. (((Hugs)))

    Kate, glad the eye is doing well. How long till you can hit the gym? Sending healing vibes your way.

    Penny, that snowmobile ordeal sounds like a real job. It reminded me of a time that DH was trying to get our car unstuck from the snow and ice when we lived in Milwaukee. At one point he was gunning the car and it just sat with the tires spinning and we both had visions of it catching traction and shooting out the end of the driveway and into the drainage ditch behind our property. LOL So sorry to hear about your strained muscle. Do take care.

    Gerda, welcome. This is a wonderful place for support and information so come often and join right in.

    Allie, your dinner with your friend sounds like it was a great outing. How is DFIL doing? Does he know who you are when you are there?

    Sarah, great going on getting your DH to do the video with you.

    KarenVA, some of what you described sounds like my DD who will be moving back to live with us for the time being. In one phone conversation she can go from hostile and angry to sweet and loving. I pray that she will not disrupt our home too much. I love her and can get along with her most of the time but she and DH just butt heads.

    Heather, the girl’s mother was a psychologist and told your son to blame you for all his troubles???? OMG. I’m so glad ya’ll are on better terms now.

    Glammie, welcome to you as well. We love meeting new friends so come on in and pull up a chair…..or stand and exercise; it’s up to you. Lol

    Pam, welcome. Yes we are all friends here and happy to have you as one. Some of us have been friends for a while and some are almost as new as you. s13023.gifWhat part of Texas are you in? That is a new one to me. I grew up in McAllen but have been away for a lifetime. But you know, once a Texan always a Texan.

    Becca, sorry to hear about your day. It can be so stressful to have less money than to total for the shopping list. You are so good at working it all out and I admire you for that. (((Hugs)))

    Lanette, I agree that prices on everything seem to just keep going up. Too bad our SS hasn’t kept pace. I sure know our 401K’s haven’t. I really don’t know how someone on minimum wage can make it no matter how many jobs they have.

    MicheleNC, I do like working out at the gym but I agree about how much you could take if you shower and change there. I only go when I can come home to shower and dress. It’s just too much work to do it all at the gym and as nice as their locker room is, the make-up area just doesn’t have good enough lighting for me. lol

    Cheri, sorry about your cold but congrats on the weight. Keep it up.

    Joyce, so glad you made the effort and got to church. I know you enjoy it and it has to make you feel good.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I bought some commercial clothes racks off of Craigslist last week and this morning got one of them set up in the garage. I started moving clothes out there every time I come down stairs so I don’t have to make so many trips at the end of the week. Saturday is supposed to be nice weather for the garage sale. This afternoon was a Fashion Show at the Moose and that is always a good time. It’s been a long day so I’m off to bed.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • therwil
    therwil Posts: 19 Member
    Hi from Joyce in Edmonton. I have chosen the most calories I can eat and still lose weight. It is a very slow process but I'm down about 15 pounds in 90 days. I hope this strategy will keep me motivated and on track. I had a busy few days with company and I find it very difficult to keep to my plan with extra people around. How do you do it?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: (((HUGS))) I don't want you to lose your internet connection, either. I hope there is a solution. :heart:

    Patceoh: I'm glad you're back! I love this quotation: "Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak...someday in life you will have been all of these." George Washington Carver

    Pam from TX: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    The outside north wall or our home is turning green with algae and needs attention. The homeowner's association won't repaint until next year. The President of the HA suggested a product called "30 second outdoor cleaner." Have any of you tried it? If so, what did you think of it?

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Charlotte – the wonderful thing about this group of gals is you can vent – let everything out – and we’ll have your back, sometimes there are suggestions, some times just hugs… always encouragement.

    Penny - I wish NoCal stood for no calorie! But alas it is the land of wine,sour dough bread, great chocolate and great chefs. I was looking at your goals and I think the “be lighter” should be weight and/or mood – as either or both will make May an easier month.

    Leigh - Blueberry pancakes are a splurge, but just blueberry’s or some on some non-fat yogurt not so bad…

    Becca – sorry to hear about the money troubles…. For me it is the only trouble that I find makes it hard to sleep or settle… I hate knowing that the checkbook is at zero, which is (in the winter) pretty normal at my house.

    Katla – 30 second cleaner? Sounds too good to be true!


    Kim from N. California
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited April 2017
    Kim and Becca - Feeling for you about your tight budget. I'm in a comfortable financial situation nowadays but when my husband and I were starting out, money was a major struggle. For a couple years we shared my husband's parents' apartment with his eldest brother. He was OLD, over 30! (Oh, and their parents were living in India at the time, so it was just the three of us.)

    The brother was a computer whiz when that was still rare, and his programming job gave him a salary commensurate with his skills. Like your stereotypic genius, he had untidy habits -- but they were our salvation. Loose change was always escaping from his pockets. I'll never forget all the times I scrounged around on the living room floor among the dust kitties and half-pairs of socks looking for stray coins. I could usually scrape together enough for a liter of milk and a box of macaroni.

    I'm glad I've been there and can remember what it felt like being flat broke on a regular basis, but I'm also infinitely grateful I don't have to deal with it anymore.

    We went out snowmobiling yesterday afternoon, despite the cold (-18C, about 0F). We drove to the top of the glacier above town and admired the view. A tour agency has set up an entrance to an ice cave halfway up and we visited it on the way down. We weren't prepared for ice-cave exploration (no head-lamps) so once we had climbed down the ladder and the steps cut in the snow and were out of reach of the stray light from the entrance, we had to rely our cell phone flashlights. My husband's cell phone flashlight, to be precise. My phone had frozen to death when I tried to take a picture of some spectacular crystals growing out of the ice walls. Think snowflake, but as big as the palm of your hand.

    I got spooked by the dark and felt claustrophobia coming on, so we turned back. But we hope to return soon, better prepared.

    Progress on goals for April:

    500 g veggies on 15 days (ø ø o o o o o o o o o o o o o)
    Jog a total of 100 km (0/100: o o o o o o o o o o)
    Be lighter at the end of the month

    /Penny at the North Pole
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Ginger: love the tree app idea!
    Becca: so sorry to hear about the rent increase. It doesn't seem fair that they can go up so much in such a short time.
    Penny: snowmobiling on a glacier sounds amazing, but the ice cave part really scary.

    Wishing all of you a fantastic week.
    Leigh in France

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    How did you do with your goals or resolutions for March?
    What goals or resolutions have you planned for April?

    Activity Breakdown
    Walking Distance (km): 110.5
    Walking Time (min): 1381.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 1002.7
    Cycling Time (min): 3231.8
    Stairs Climbed Number: 116.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 92.8

    Total Distance (km): 1113.2
    Total Distance (miles): 691.7
    Total Time (min): 4705.9
    Total Time (hr): 78:25:54

    First time my husband and I have cycled a 1000 km month since December 2011. :)

    April ... hopefully more of the same. :)

    Oh, and by way of introduction ... I turned 50 in March too. :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Margaret ~ My kidney Dr told me the same thing about meat.. use it as a condiment and make sure the plate is 1/2 full of veggies and fruits and a little bit of grains..
    Tom got home around 4 yesterday afternoon.. with his pride and joy.. I asked if it was worth all the travel and driving for the car and he said no lol..but he had to show me how it runs and had me sit in the drivers seat and rev the engine ..let me just say why they put 4 seats in this car is beyond me,there is NO legroom in back whatsoever..
    I sure hope this car makes him happy.. would love to see him Happy again..
    working 9-5 today..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning! going to take my new windbreaker jacket out for a trial run today :) Have my lunch and gym bag packed and ready for a positive step toward keeping my daily goals.

    I think I am on the mend from the UTI,but must stay on the medication all week, makes me a little queasy but I'll take it cause o:)

    Beth I agree with DJ, toss those sweets out and partner up with your dh's new found interest in getting healthy! The only part I hate about that is how easily men seem to shed the weight, it jobs drops right off, how unfair is that?

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    edited April 2017
    Joyce from Edmonton Welcome, there are a few other Canadians here too. I am from Ontario but originally Saskatoon. This is a great group of diverse, supportive and non-judgmental women <3

    Need my DH to get out of the washroom so I can get going to the gym before work. Really, he primpts and preens himself more than a lovebird lol!

    Have a great day, make good choices and be the change! <3 Sarah, Ontario
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER - we are also watching Vera Brenda Blethyn is such a great actress

    DJ - couple of weeks I think

    Going out for a walk as rain is forecast for later

    Kate UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member