

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kelly, that smile is what dreams are made of. I know Bea is older but can you imagine if him and Bea met! What beautiful babies they could make. Or maybe Olivia or Mia. Oh do I love babies!!!!!!! They just make the world so happy.

    Speaking of babies, Christina decided she needed to have 'the talk' with Ellie since they were going to talk about girls having periods and boys having wet dreams in school the next day. The genders would be seperated. So they went out to supper together, went to a nice place by a lake sat and talked. The poor child. With a teenage sister she already knew about periods but not the other stuff. So all weekend she has been asking about how bugs do it, if those cute ducks do it. She asked her sister about shaving. She is the one who loves science and engineering and always has to know how everything works. When her big sister got the talk, all she wanted her Mom to do was to get the talk over with.

    Barbie, I'm worried about your husband. Has he had a chest xray?

    Really stormy weather today and more to come. I don't know if our house will ever be painted. But it is helping my azalea to bloom out.

    Well the lies are piling up that I am having to tell Christina about us going down to see them on spring break. But her husband is completely in on this and is helping on his end.

    Michele, at least I think it was you. Aldi's has always finished building and opening up pretty quick. I guess sinc they are such a small building and no frills inside they get done quicker. We recently had a new Schnucks and they took forever to build and open.

    Thinking of all you who are having problems tonight. Always think of Allie. Please don't be fooled over happy Tom.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    hello ladies! So husband and I have discussed getting rid of the internet, we pay $78 for cable, and $102 for phone and internet. He has looked into it and actually we are getting a good deal. If we opted for just the bare bones of TV, it would be more than we are playing for now, (his words not mine lol). So what I did was de-register and de activeate my Fire Tablet. I can use my husbands computer, and I can monitor my digital habit that way :-). It's weird not having access to something I have been checking in with each day, (actually every couple of hours!)

    I also have called my TOPS leader and told her I can't be the Sunshine Lady. I was the one that sent cards to people, Birthdays, illness's etc. For one thing, I am not really in the drivers seat totally in what I am bringing into the house. We might get amazing things at the Food bank, but we also might get a lot of starches, beans and whatnot. So the mental roller coaster that all the ladies at TOPS seem to go on is this. They pig out after the meeting at a local restaurant, then get to business Thursday and Friday eating healthy. Then the weekend comes and they are here and there being social, and then, whatcha know its Tuesday morning and the next day is weigh in! So I told her, for a couple of months I need to concentrate on the home front. That I need to pay attention to how and what I cook. Maximizing carbs to feed my already slim teenager. I also rec'd a notice that $50 was due for his graduation package, so we are down to $130. Split up into 4 weeks that is $30. I shall be channeling Betty Crocker and Martha Stewart mentally so prepare to be amazed! Hahaha!

    Once was talking about my mother to my youngest teenager about how my Mom was. They weren't able to meet physically face to face and get to know one another, but at the mortuary after my mom passed, I had brought my youngest in his carrier. He was barely 4 months old, and after I had my conversations with my dear Mom, my son started wailing. Not a cry I was familiar with, not a hungry cry, or a cranky cry. I said, "Well you and Her have a lot of catching up to do", and I let him cry to her. It echo'ed through the whole mortuary, and was really touching to witness. Anyway, when I told my son the other day about how my Mom was, I said, "I have the best picture that shows you what she is like!" I pulled out an old Betty Crocker cookbook and there she was! Well not actually her, but a lady with like 8 arms all holding feasts and cookies, and other lovely things!!! Hahahaha!!! If my DH was listening to this whole thing, he would be saying, " Ohhhhh I see where you were going with the baby mortuary side road, but you took the LONG road to get back to the Betty Crocker thing!!!!"

    So thank you all for letting me vent, and also telling me I got this. I do!

    Thriftiest Wife in the West in

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Kelly - Of course Grandpa is smitten. I am smitten with Joaquin and I haven't heard hi coo. He is adorable. I don't blame your head for being filled with grandbaby.

    MI in MI
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – To open up 2 windows (at least for me, I use Windows and Outlook – might not work on anything else); I will minimize the ‘community’ window [upper right-hand corner, next to the “X” there should be an icon that looks like one page in front of the other. When I hit that icon, the entire page gets smaller (doesn’t disappear like it would if I hit the “-“(minimize completely; which would require you to log back into MFP). I will take the cursor up to the upper portion of the page and holding the cursor on it, it can be moved around on the desktop screen. Move it out of the way of your Word Processing program (which for me is “Word”). I will click on it and I can choose to open a ‘blank’ page. When I open it, it will be small. You can respond to posts made and not worry about losing what you have typed.

    Now, after I have responded to all I want to do; I will make sure that I am on the ‘last’ page of MFP community. I will ‘click’ on that box and it will turn ‘yellow’. Then I go to my WPP and ‘highlight’ all that I have typed; I will ‘cut’ it and move back over to the posting box; then, paste what I have written there. Then I will “X” out of the WPP and it will disappear; and I then go back to the MFP community page, ‘explode’ it [make it full page]; and, then I will proofread (sometimes) my responses; and, make the necessary spaces between paragraphs and the next person’s response. Sign my name (bold all names); and, then hit ‘post’. You might want to try this doing it for a few posts until you get the hang of it.

    I do NOT recommend that you “X” out of the WPP until it will ‘copy/paste’ to the MFP box. Sometimes, especially if they are ‘long’ it might not actually take it (allow you to post at the moment) … if it is near the end of the page. Seems like MFP takes in all posts and decides what will ‘fit’ on a page. You will ‘know’ it before you need to “X” out of the WPP; I can’t remember what it says exactly … but it just won’t take it. Take your cursor and move it back to the blank page and ‘paste’ it … your post will be ‘saved’. Wait a few minutes and then ‘try it again’. Usually, you will be able to post it a few moments later. Hope this helps. Somebody else ‘might’ be able to tell you how to do it in ‘less words’; but, as an ‘artist’ … I don’t ‘think you can paint a picture using only a 1000 words. But, this is about ½ way there. Just over 480 words. You can minimize or expand the pages to full size when you want to read or type.

    I hope that my DDsnL#1&#2 will be able to say, they ‘loved’ me like a ‘mother-in-law’ ought to be loved. But, DOS was his ‘Daddy’s baby’; and, DYS was ‘my baby’ (not a Mama’s baby, per se); but, he was more attached to me. DOS’s temperament is a lot like mine, so we tend to butt heads; and, DYS’s temperament is more like his Dad’s … sort of a nice ‘cross-over’. I’m very proud of both my sons. I just sometimes think that after DOS’ first divorce, he just did not want to come home to an empty house. DYS ‘fell in love’ … and, it was ‘obvious’. I had told him once that ‘when he did fall in love, he’d know it – because it would hit him like a ton of brinks’ … and it DID. DOS and his wife ‘argue, complain, fuss and fight over some of the most idiotic things’. My DH said, that ‘he would have kicked her to the curb a LONG time ago’. If I was a ‘betting woman’ … I think I would ‘win’ on whether or not she might be ‘bipolar’; but, she definitely has a few screws rolling around and can’t find the bolts to go on them. She is stubborn as a mule (Jack@$$ occasionally), she is ‘always right’, won’t take any ‘instructions’, is going to ‘do it her way – because it is better’, says things about our son, to our faces, to her friends, occasionally in front of him, that really should NOT be said. He seems to be afraid of ‘putting his foot down’ because it ‘makes her mad’. Well, 2 things have happened recently and he has made ‘threats’ of divorce. I told him to ‘stop making threats unless he was willing to follow through with them’. That has been the problem. She knows she can come back home (after making an @$$ of herself, stomping out of the house, and driving off like a maniac). The last time she did that neither of the girls wanted to go with her and one is old enough that she cannot be ‘made’ to do so, and the other one, … my son held her back and would not let her get in the car with her. I don’t know where she went, don’t care; but, she came back about 11:00pm and acted like nothing was wrong. Oh well. Like she told someone … “if I wanted her GONE, I’d run her off with a big stick” I have not found one big enough that I can pick up and have it do any good. LOL!!!!!

    On the other hand, I got ‘introduced’ to my soon-to-be DDnL#2 … properly. When my DDnL#1 ‘thought’ that DOS was not ‘introducing us to her’ she ‘thought he was putting her off’, so she comes to the house and introduces herself (as his fiancée). I had just gotten ‘out of the hospital’ after a ‘near-fatal’ crash and I really had needed time to get better before dealing with anybody other than ‘immediate’ family. She’s done some equally or more stupid things since. She is a ‘stressor’ to me, so I do my best to avoid being around her without appearing ‘ruder’ than she thinks I am.

    She will not ‘allow’ either of us to ‘love’ her; much less ‘like’ her. I hate it because it is obvious that she has said things to or in front of my DGDs. But, one day, “Karma” will come home to roost. M-E-O-W!!!!! Yes, I do have a bit of a ‘mean-spirited’ streak when someone doesn’t know when to ‘back off’. Gee, all you have to really do is look at the color of my eyes. IF they are ‘amber’ … ‘just leave me alone’. All 4 of us have different colored ‘hazel’ eyes that all turn ‘different’ colors when we are ‘upset, mad, or sick’.

  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Hi <3 to all,
    I am trying to read your posts through a foggy head blew my carbs yesterday. Can just the photos are all great and little Joaquin is beautiful.

    Heather, Vera fan here too watched all 3 episodes. Do miss David Leon thought he was a dish. Also a Foyle's War fan, thankfully they keep repeating it on free TV here so enjoying it as well as Escape to the Country.

    Sorry people can't remember anything else, heading to bed for a day nap, as very tired, and tired = carb cravings for me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Joyce, when Jake saw the PA on Wednesday, she ordered an immediate chest x-ray and read it to rule out pneumonia. When he saw the doctor on Friday, the doctor listened to his lungs and ruled out many other things that I didn't understand. He is getting better but not as fast as he wants to.

    :)Tracey, in OK Don't worry about keeping up with the thread. Keep coming back, read as much as you can, and use MFP to log food and exercise. One day at a time, you will get results and begin to feel like part of our friendly community.

    :)Kelly, I'm glad your visit to Joaquin is as great as you had hoped.

    :)Becca, your thriftiness is inspirational. Thank you for sharing what is going on with you.

    :) Accomplished a lot of exercise but not much else.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    edited April 2017
    Barbie hope Jake feels better soon.

    Kelly love the picture of Joaquin.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Hope you can keep your Internet connection with us. We all ‘enjoy’ the comments you have to say; that goes for you, too, Re and Lanette! Actually all of you give good advice with ‘stories’ to tell.

    Michele and Pip – I would never make it to the “Y” if I had to ‘tote’ my stuff there every time I went (did not have a locker to keep it in). I don’t eat back my calories I earn by exercising; I just ‘know’ they are there and ‘if’ I go over I can look at them and feel a bit better about having had gone over.

    Margaret and Michele – We’ve always put citrus peels down our garbage disposal. If it ‘acts out’ like it did a couple of years ago, we will take it out. Not really supposed to have one since we are on a ‘septic tank’. But, the plumber/electrician we used when we built the house, did some extremely screwy things. We had to hire another plumber to come out here when it messed up; then, I hired an electrician when I got tired of running extension cords to every outlet in the house. I had told Louis that I wanted a double outlet every 4’ (6’ at the least). I have a single outlet on each wall in most rooms – ALL behind pieces of furniture. When the electrician came and needed to know the power coming to the box; he asked if we had had a ‘real’ electrician wire our house. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! RITFLMAO!!!! Yeah, the guy who ‘teaches at the technical school'; which goes to show you that those who can, do; those … some of them ‘try teaching’. Teaching is a HARD job; if you want to be 'good at it'. Like with a ‘painter’ … when times are hard and jobs are lost, people ‘think’ it is an ‘easy job to do’. Not so if you are actually ‘painting’ and not just ‘throwing paint at something’. Louis ‘hates’ going behind someone ‘throwing paint’. He has submitted quotes before and the person not choose him; but, expect him to go with his original quote and come ‘paint it correctly’. They are sorely surprised when his quote goes UP because of what he sees has been done. Windows painted shut; doors not left open long enough for paint to dry, etc.

    Margaret – I will tell you, from experience, don’t ever make the mistake of putting ‘detergent’ (dish) in your dishwasher; make sure it is ‘dishwasher’ detergent. I did it by mistake one day and when you see pictures on TV of bubbles ‘everywhere’ … that is exactly what I got, then water all over the place as well. I was down on my hands and knees mopping it up when Louis walked in. He could not see me for the suds! Then I had to rinse them off before putting them back in the dishwasher to get any residual soap off them.

    Joyce – I would say that one of my BFs is someone that she and I just did NOT see eye-to-eye; and, because of it … we ‘argued’ a lot online (until someone told me why she felt the way she did about this particular subject). Since then we have become friends like the kind you have over for morning coffee and a chat. If she doesn’t hear from me, she will call to ‘make sure I an OK’. We both tell one another if we are going to be away or doing something that prevents us from getting online … we know it. We ‘chat’ about anything. She is the ‘best’.
    My surroundings have become my ‘church’. Not like having a ‘church family’ … the type who bring ‘food over when you’re sick’ or anything like that. I talk to God all the time, I read my Bible, I ‘try’ to be a ‘good person’. When you live in Podunk, Anywhere, America … you have to drive to get places. Being Catholic – I miss it; but, it takes 35 minutes of driving hard to get to the church, either in Albany or Americus … it’s hard to get up, get dressed, drive there – not knowing how the traffic is going to be, and spending an hour there and back home. The Catholic Church and school that we went to when our boys were little has tripled in size. I feel like I sit there and nobody around me even notices that I am there, if I am new, if I’ve been out due to illness, it just isn’t the same. I’ve never been to the one in Americus; but, it is on the far side of town. Praying that God will lead me where He wants me to be; and, doing what He wants me to do. I’m married to a “Godly Man” … I’m just happy that my DYS and his wife and daughter are going to church, period. Like I have said before, she and Mallory can get Will to do things that he would have NEVER done before he met them. DOS will not go to another church other than a Catholic Church. His neighbor on the other side and his wife are at ‘church’ 3x a week (or more). He is one of those types who ‘preaches’ salvation to you. Personally, I don’t think you can ‘preach’ one into ‘salvation’. Most times, it makes them step back. He was asked to say something at his neighbor’s, on the other side, funeral and he got up and PREACHED. I saw people looking around like they were looking for the nearest exit. For a long time, my oldest sister did the same thing; not until she ‘stopped’ preaching at us was I able to ‘come to the Lord Jesus’ as my Savior. God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are a part of my very being. Without them, I’m nothing.

    Kim – I have a friend and her husband who go to Augusta during the “Master’s” and they stay at someone’s house, who leave town and rent it out to them. They make enough money renting it for a week to pay their house payment for 2 months. They’ve done this for years. I’ve never been to the “Master’s”; but, Louis and I went to a big tournament when we were first married. Neither of us are much of golfer’s; but, we got a lot of exercise walking and watching. I played some in HS; but, because the school only had right-handed clubs and I am ‘left-eyed dominant’; I would take my ‘eye off the ball’ every time I went to hit it off the tee.

    Michele – I will turn the app on, on my phone and use it. Our last car had it; this one doesn’t. I remember somehow trying to program it to take us to my MD’s office (out-of-town); and, then it would say, “In a quarter mile, if possible, make a U-turn.” That got irritating as HELL – doesn’t take you long to go a quarter of a mile. I banged on that thing for several minutes before I finally got it to ‘shut up’! Come to find out, the people who owned it before we did had their parents’ address in Idaho programmed into it. Good thing I did not have a ‘carry permit’ and had a gun with me – I was frustrated enough by it that I would have gladly shot it to shut it up’.

    Well, time for me to end … it is 11:35pm and I have not accomplished too much.

    Albany has been slammed a 3rd time this year with high winds and rain. More damage, more trees uprooted, more trees crashing through houses and on top of cars. We missed it, thankfully; we had a lot of rain; but, not much wind. We had the sun come out this evening shining on the dark clouds in Albany’s area. Pretty picture; but, knowing that it had to be ‘storming’ there when I took the picture.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Lanette - what you said about the therapist made so much sense. I never thought of it that way. I'm so sorry for you with your dad, but glad that you were able to get past it all. You are a good person.

    SuebDew-safe travels

    Mary form Erie - welcome

    Exercised, then counted the collection money for the church, then we had a bowling luncheon (I made the butterscotch spice cookies and snickerdoodles for it. Next time I need to bring something to senior bowling, I'm going to have Vince go to the store and buy something that he likes. I swear, almost everything was store bought. They really weren't interested in trying any of the different foods (like my cookies) ), then home for dinner, left early to take the casserole and cookies to the lady from Newcomers who got hurt, then ceramics, then mahjongg. Gave the other casserole and the most of the cookies to the guy whose wife is in the hosp. He said that her UTI is clearing up and she'll go to the rehab place tomorrow but the MD told him that she's never going to come home. Evidently, this infection and the antibiotics did a number on her mind. I feel sorry for him

    Tracey - welcome

    Michele in NC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gloria, glad to see your post. I've been thinking of you and wondering if everything was OK with you. Sending hugs and good thots. <3<3<3

    Janetr OKC
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Hydrogurl - Ain't it the truth. The healthy food has more fiber... so it fills you up. The delicious bad foods don't have much fiber so they break down quickly. When I prepped for my last colonoscopy I was on a "low residue" diet for the week of my procedure... white bread, potatoes, sherbet.

    Kelly - Joaquin is a cutie! Hope you enjoy Cowtown tomorrow. DD always liked when we came for visits. Her Dad could never sit still and he and I did lots of little home projects. When they moved back to Texas and bought a home... Dad put a floor and light in her attic. Build custom cabinets for the garage. Installed chair rails in 2 bedrooms. He's a handy Dad.

    Barbie - hope Jake gets better soon. I hate when DH is ailing. Stubborn and cranky.

    Pip - great stats! Love your commitment. Sucks about the locker business. Hope you find an easy way to manage your workout gear.

    Cheri - congrats on the 180! Oh how I dream of just getting to One-derland one day.

    Lanette - love the yard! We don't have a green house. DH has 2 "grow boxes" made with the old glass storm doors as the tops. He starts seeds there. I need to get new plants and flowers for DM90's garden in the sky - as she calls her back porch deck outside her suite on the 2nd level of our home.

    Margaret - I forgot about the library. I checked and they have Vera available on interlibrary loan. I should make better use of my library. I will. I always loved going to the library.

    Welcome Tracey and Mary from Erie, PA! And other newbies I've missed - this is a great group. Glad you joined us.

    Monday is my official weigh-in day and I was up 1.4 lbs from 2 days ago. But... I've been off my fluid pill for 2 days - pharmacy mix-up... so it could be fluid. It feels like fluid anyway.

    And... I can't find the post just now - but THANKS! to whomever mentioned Midsomer Murders. Another series that I didn't know was still in production. This one was a favorite of mine.

    Good night!

    --Ginger in Texas
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce - When my DDnL#2 got asked a question about ‘abortion’; she asked her ‘where she had heard that word’. He teacher had brought up the word in a conversation … this child is a 5th grader. She left work, went to the school, raised HELL with the Headmaster; called the man who practically owned the Charter School – he was instrumental in getting it started and wanted them to get to the bottom of this. She had only talked to her daughter about having her period and she had NOT shown any interest in learning about ‘sex’. She wanted someone’s head on the chopping block. I haven’t asked her about it since she told me about it back before the first of the year. I do not remember having any kind of ‘sex talk’ before HS … when the girls and boys were separated in health class and shown videos of what happens ‘if you have unprotected sex’ … no mention of ‘getting pregnant’ … just the ‘really bad results of untreated STDs’. I remember one girl getting up and running ‘out of the room’ … she ‘tossed her cookies’ half-way to the restroom. For me, that would have certainly been a ‘game stopper’. I learned what I knew from ‘older sisters’. My Mother had bought my oldest sister 3 books that said it all; and, it was meant for them to be passed down when the next one of reached that age – about 12, if I remember correctly. Our youngest GD knows a lot more than I knew, even in HS. Her parents are amazed. She is going to be the ‘one they will have to watch like an eagle’. She is sneaky already.

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hydrogurl wrote: »
    My evening thoughts as I close day 3..

    Why is it that healthy food seems so filling that I cant enough calories but crapy food never seems filling and I can easily eat three times my calorie need? Who makes up these things and do I hear laughter? sigh.

    The more crap you eat, the more crap you crave.... the more veggies and protein you eat, the more you will crave that... Think of Sugar as a gateway drug... LOL.

    You can do this.

    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited April 2017
    Kelly -

    I would love to have a coffee date with Joaquin. He is adorable~

    Gratz, Granny!


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited April 2017
    Becca - you are a MIRACLE worker. I believe.... I believe...


    Re in TX