Can you still drink DIET pepsi or coke while on a diet?



  • anarchysdaughter
    anarchysdaughter Posts: 17 Member
    I drink nearly 100 ounces of water on a daily basis. If I didn't mix that up once in a while with a Fresca or a Diet Pepsi, I think I would cry. Even a La Croix does the trick once in a while.

    Everything in moderation, they say...
  • HonestNikki
    HonestNikki Posts: 14 Member
    Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke. It has half the calories. I still prefer Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi though, lol
  • Charlot4444
    Charlot4444 Posts: 170 Member
    Diet mountain dew all the time! Love it!

    5 calories/can.. it fits in my day.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    BeauNash wrote: »

    As things stand, all of those studies you found through PubMed show that we shouldn't be worried about consuming NNS.

    Correct. I was responding to the guy who said to use Google, but got busy at work and ended up cross-posting.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    There are studies that show consuming most artificial sweeteners causes cravings. Apparently, they don't affect everybody the same way, so you might be fine using them. From personal experience, I can tell you that if I drink a lot of diet soda or other drinks with artificial sweeteners, I DO crave something else to eat which does make it harder for me not to snack.

    Try drinking them if you want to, but be aware. If they give you problems, eliminate them. If they don't, then keep them.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke. It has half the calories. I still prefer Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi though, lol

    Not sure if this is a joke post or not?? :*

    Maybe diet pepsi has half the calories of diet coke, I havent checked - but if it does, we are talking something like 2 calories a can instead of 4.

    Totally insignificant.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    I'm doing this and I switched from regular Mt. Dew to Diet (and it has aspartame, oh no!!!). I found that once I made the switch, it still allowed me to get my "sweet fix" from the lower calorie option and I had no desire to eat sweet things in great quantities like I did with regular Mt. Dew.

    I suppose it's different for everyone, but I'm down 12lbs from when I made the switch and while sometimes, I still will drink a full calorie drink (usually a bottled Coca-Cola), I don't desire it the way I used to.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    It's totally fine...carry on :*
  • BeauNash
    BeauNash Posts: 103 Member
    allyphoe wrote: »
    BeauNash wrote: »

    As things stand, all of those studies you found through PubMed show that we shouldn't be worried about consuming NNS.

    Correct. I was responding to the guy who said to use Google, but got busy at work and ended up cross-posting.

    Ah ok. Your post read like you were responding to mine. My apologies.
  • NancyYale
    NancyYale Posts: 171 Member
    I drink less than I used to, but I lost all my weight drinking some daily. It may or may not have a bearing on your health, but it's neutral for WL.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    xpurplumx wrote: »
    Is it true that the body cannot metabolize sugar so the sugars from the coke will turn into fat?

    if your body cannot metabolize something it cannot turn it into fat

    actually my liver cannot properly metabolize fat and cholesterol. so it does get stored as fat.I have a health causes fat stores under the skin called "fat pads" which are a mix of fats/cholesterol. I lost a lot of them when I changed my diet and lost weight.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    You can only drink it if you are having it with an orde of a triple cheeseburger meal deal with a large Sunday and a second helping of fries.

    Love me some Pepsi max, sugary drink without the calories - stopped me from getting a chocolate bar instead. It was purely the cost that stopped that habit.
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yes you can drink anything that will fit in your calorie goal. You ca even go over if you want, but your rate of loss will slow down.

    Btw your profile picture is a model that I would always see in promotions for Chinese mechandise right now the product being modeled is the necklace.

    I bought items from the merchant before, so I've seen that picture all over the site. Not sure if you know it's a copyrighted image... unless you're claiming to be the model in question... just a little FYI.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited April 2017
    If you can't, then I'd better run, because the 49 lbs I lost drinking it are about to come running back!
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    I'm doing this and I switched from regular Mt. Dew to Diet (and it has aspartame, oh no!!!). I found that once I made the switch, it still allowed me to get my "sweet fix" from the lower calorie option and I had no desire to eat sweet things in great quantities like I did with regular Mt. Dew.

    I suppose it's different for everyone, but I'm down 12lbs from when I made the switch and while sometimes, I still will drink a full calorie drink (usually a bottled Coca-Cola), I don't desire it the way I used to.

    I had the same experience, it decreased my cravings for sweets.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    I'm addicted to diet dr. pepper I couldn't give it up. Maybe it's not the best thing for me but it's my vice of choice. You can literally eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your caloric goal period since it's diet soda theoretically it has zero calories you're not consuming any calories.

    To put things in perspective over a. Of 8 months I lost 80 pounds and I've maintained that loss for another eight months. During that time I never gave up anything that I truly enjoyed. I still had the occasional Wendy's hamburger pizza and beers on the beach. If I had to give those up I could have never done this. For this process to work it has to be enjoyable and that's why in my opinion diets fail. I've been on diets before and I was absolutely miserable. They suck you give stuff up you and joy and they don't work. What I did and my advice to you is educate yourself as far as food and how it affects your body.
  • Makeitso39
    Makeitso39 Posts: 51 Member
    I find a nice cold can of Coke Zero is an excellent fix when I have a sweet craving.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    xpurplumx wrote: »
    Is it true that the body cannot metabolize sugar so the sugars from the coke will turn into fat?

    if your body cannot metabolize something it cannot turn it into fat

    actually my liver cannot properly metabolize fat and cholesterol. so it does get stored as fat.I have a health causes fat stores under the skin called "fat pads" which are a mix of fats/cholesterol. I lost a lot of them when I changed my diet and lost weight.

    Fat is already fat, it doesn't have to get turned into it. For something else like sugar to get turned to fat, it would have to metabolize it first, break it apart, run through the krebs cycle and then through lipogenesis.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've noticed that it seems to be a common misconception that diet soda has a bunch of sugar in it. It doesn't. I'm not sure why so many people (and I've seen several posts lately) think diet soda is a sugar bomb. It makes no sense. :o