Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • isotoner
    isotoner Posts: 6 Member
    I'm back again. We went out of town to relatives this past weekend, so no exercising. My 15 year old and I went for a walk after we got home late Sunday afternoon. I've walked Monday & today, so I feel good about that. Another good walking week & I'll start watching calories as well.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Missy: Glad your vacation was go great! Hoping your start day is expedited!! Awesome!! And yay for new bikes!! You are ready for some sunshine!

    Janetay: Hope you had a great weekend! Love that you can put a bad day behind you and move forward!

    Rachel: Hope you had a great time at the derby birthday! Way to pre-plan beer & pizza! Love the meme! Way to overcome Friday and be right back at it!! You got this! Looks like you are rocking this week… Love the energy!!

    Jdelaroy: Thank you for the compliment! The gym competition sounds fun! Good for you! Glad to hear your weekend was a success! Way to stick to it!! Nice job on the 3 lbs!!

    Lucy: Welcome! Your dog sounds adorable! We are dog lovers here!! I have a life jacket for Bentley when she goes kayaking with me! It’s so cute! Great job on losing 15!!!

    Melanie: Glad your foot is improving! Sorry you have some crazy months ahead! I’m with you… I need to splurge on things I love… if I cut out everything I fail miserably!

    DeDoubleu: Welcome!

    Eva: Your daughter’s family is beautiful! Hope everything went well with the hubby! My tummy curses me when I change it up and eat horrible…

    Hey ladies! Sorry I have been MIA… Friday was busy wrapping things up for leaving early and my girls weekend, which was super fun… a lil excessive on the food and alcohol intake but I was prepared for that. I did get in a workout in the hotel Sat. morning… so that helped! My stomach is a *kitten* when I eat like that. I need to remember to moderate and be more careful so my stomach doesn’t hate me so much… ruins my fun time when it is achy! Monday I woke up with a workout and ate way better! So I am back on track! My day yesterday was CRAZY! So I might have a new job within my company… way off my comfort zone but everyone seems to think I will rock this position. It could start as soon as Thursday!! Comes with a pay raise and an entirely new dept! Yikes! I’m kind of surprised the manager thought of me and asked if I was interested! So I will keep you posted! You guys are right.. it has been quiet on here! Hope all of you are doing great! Keep plugging along! We can do this!! Hoping for some sunshine so I can get outside soon! You guys are making me jealous of all your outside fun… raining here again today!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ShyCush6 oh my gosh, this is so me today. I was starving this morning. Ate almost a whole jar of pickles. Planned on only eating half the Chinese I bought ate it all, then ate some Starbursts. I'm not hungry, but I still want to eat everything.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,405 Member
    Hubby's cardio version put his rhythm & rate back to normal. Hope it stays. I've been doing well eating wise since our eating out. Cooked up a bunch of lean ground turkey patties & been eating that with salad/veggies since then along with peanut butter & 1oz snack here & there. I stopped having a snack at night. I eat dinner later in the day & tho sometime i get hungry if I stay up later but dinner has been my last meal of the day. I'm not on a "keto" diet per say9kgun1blvksc.jpg
    , but I do feel more alert & just better when I hardly eat carbs. This morning I skipped the dog park & took Grizzly out on bike, then went for 2 walks, took 1 1/2hrs. Then I went for a bike ride with hubby & quick swim at pool at gym. I do hope the dogs enjoy walking as much as the dog park. I'm planing to do that more often. My dogs don't play, they walk around/smell alot at park & my Pearl, who has osteorpetrosis often lays down & watches & doesn't get much exercise but they do get to be off leash, so maby I'll just go 3 days/wk instead of 5. Today we're going to visit my sis in law, who just had her 2nd knee replacement yesterday then eating out (augh) at Applebees, since we have a gift card. I looked up the calories on mfp & think I'm ordering a steak & steamed veggies, that should be ok. This Friday we're having a group meeting & pot luck through a group that used to meet regularly every tuesday for 5yrs, but hasn't met for 6 months. I'm making a pineapple carrot cake to take. I'm not sure what to do as far as eating goes. I may eat at home before i go & have a small sample of something. Junibee is going to her new home tomorrow, her new mom fell in love with her. Have a great week everyone
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    This is not a proper check in cos I'm just too stupidly busy at work - just to say that although I love my job, there are days when it drives me mad - and today is one of them! Hope today treats you all well and catch up later :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 I know that feeling.

    I don't have much time to respond either. Had a not so great day yesterday. Hoping today is better! Do not eat all the food!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 I hope the day goes by quickly for you!

    @jdelaroy I hope today is better for you as well. Remember that food only helps to temporarily self sooth. It isn't worth it!

    @Evamutt Great photo of the pups! So glad Junibee is going to her forever home. It sounds like you've got a great plan in place for eating out in the upcoming days. I actually don't mind Applebees since all their nutrition info is online, the steak is a great choice!

    @ShyCush6 Great job fitting in a workout during your girls weekend! I'm glad you had a wonderful time. I'm crossing fingers that you'll get the job, it sounds like a wonderful opportunity!

    @isotoner Great walking streak, keep up the good work!

    Public Service Announcement: Soy noodles are disgusting. The 20+grams of protein per serving sounds tempting, but it's not worth it. I literally never threw food out but this one went straight into the trash. Gag.

    Luckily, since I had to throw out my perfectly pre-proportioned lunches for the week, I was able to raid my freezer stash so I didn't have to go grocery shopping and cook up something new.

    On the bad news front, I learned that I don't get to go up early to my conference in May to present with admissions since they think I'll be gone from the office too long :( On the bright side, this means I don't have to skip derby that Monday so I won't have to worry about making attendance for upcoming bouts. I do have to skip tomorrow since my SO and I are taking a housing class (we're considering buying). Since I'm not making as many of my pre-planned workouts, I've been doing a good job of getting up early to fit in workout DVDs before work. I'm thinking tomorrow I might even get up the courage to go running (I haven't ran since Christmas...I'm definitely out of running shape). Wish me luck!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Eva: Glad everything came out good for your husband! Cute pup picture! Pineapple carrot cake sounds delicious!

    Jdelaroy: Snaccidents happen… pickles are better than girl scout cookies! LOL! I have those days were I could eat the pantry! It’s just awful! Hope today is better!

    Janetay: Understandable!! I’m pretty crazy busy today and will be even crazier the rest of the week!

    Rachel: You are so good at looking at things positively! I love it!! House buying… how exciting!!! Great job fitting in the DVDs…

    So I had a rough workout last night… got in a 500 cal burn, but finished up at 8:30 last night… I hate late workouts… I had to work late and then had dinner and it just pushed everything back. On the up side I got in my workout this morning before work so I am good to go today!! So, I got the job! Wow! What a whirlwind! I will be in heavy training this week and next week to get all the info before the guy I am replacing is leaving. His last day is Thursday, the 13th! So if I am MIA… please forgive me! Have a great week!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Shy - congrats on the new job, that's all happened rather fast!

    Rachel - house buying, what scary fun! What's a housing class? Not something that I think we have here in the UK.

    Jen - hope today is better for you. How are you doing with the HP challenge? I need to do something to day to get my non walking 2 miles exercise in - thinking probably cross trainer. Like you, I think I'm far more competitive than I ever realised!

    @evamutt- lovely photo! Glad your husband came through well - must be such a relief. Love the sound of a pinapple and carrot cake :)

    Today is slightly less mad than yesterday. I got home last night feeling like I'd been run over by a bus at work - nothing bad, just so, so busy. Working from home today and still got loads to do but it's easier when you don't have the constant distractions at work. Starting to think about the weekend - and guess what, it's busy! Alistair's godparents have a daughter (his godsister if such a thing exists?!) who turns 14 tomorrow so we are going to them for lunch and birthday cake on Saturday then we have a private session booked in the swimming pool on Sunday afternoon. It's only 30 minutes but it's a lovely opportuity for me, husband and Alistair to be in the pool together, mess about a bit and work on some of his skills with him - trying to encourage him to kick his legs and paddle his arms together at the moment - he will do one or the other but co-ordination of both is beyond him!! And then 4 days at work next week then a week off - can't wait!! Hope Thursday treats you all well.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Rachel0778 so glad you are getting back in your groove. Send some of your MOJO my way.

    @Evamutt glad things went well with hubby, and junibee is liking his new home.

    @ShyCush6 congratulations on the promotion. Good luck, stay strong and we will be here when you are ready to be back.

    @janetay01 I am doing great on the challenges, except the food one. I will get at least half points for it though. I have completed the quid one, but didn't have house colors. Found a shirt that will work, so going to do another 2 miles, so I can get the bonus point. See competitive.

    My weekend is going to be crazy busy. House cleaning, laundry, then team training, kids karate lesson, birthday party for son, hopefully gym time, then Mm a fights at sisters. Sunday Red Rocks weekend warrior work out. Possibly roller skating. Wow, that makes me tired just typing that.

    I am doing lousy the last two days on food. I need to do better.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 Congrats, that is great news!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

    @jdelaroy I hope you got the MOJO I sent to get you through the weekend ;) It sounds like you've got a lot of fun plans coming up, plus a lot of great workouts! The food part is always the hard one for me too. I have no trouble fitting in activity, but saying no to treats is a whole other story

    @janetay01 Our city sponsors a housing class that teaches new homebuyers the ins and outs of buying a house. They have local experts come in to discuss budgeting, mortgages, home inspections, what to look for, etc. Since I know nothing about houses I'm glad for any advice I can get! I hope today goes smoother for you. Playing at the pool sounds like a blast, I bet Alistair will be tired and sleep well after that busy day!

    This week I've had a heck of a time getting motivated at work. I'm still getting my stuff done but it's felt a bit like pulling teeth. Today, however, I woke up feeling ready to conquer the world.

    I woke up a little earlier since I dropped my fur baby off at daycare (there was another pit bull puppy for him to play with!!!). I only got a 20 minute PiYo DVD in this morning (I wasn't as impressed with this series as other ones, but I do feel it in my shoulders) but I'm going to workout both Friday and Saturday so I'm not too worried. I'm glad my fur baby will be tuckered out from daycare since I have to leave right after work to that housing class so we won't get our regular walk and play time in :(

    I figured out that I have 5 meals that I'll be eating out in the next 4 days so I planned ahead and pre-tracked as much as I could. Today is my Grandmother's birthday so I took an extra long lunch so I can meet up with family at the cemetery to visit her and then go out to lunch with them. It'll be good to see everyone and catch up. I honestly think that is what is getting me through the day today. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello long lost friends! Sorry I have been completely MIA lately - life has been wild! It was spring break for two weeks here and we had four families come through to visit from out of town. Talk about too much company! Thankfully not everyone stayed at our house, but it was a lot of events, dinners, meeting out, visiting and eating & drinking! I came into work on Monday, and I felt like I needed a vacation. I only took two days off during that time to go up to the ski hill, so it was crazy working every day and being busy every night!

    Tuesday I drove 3.5 hours each way to attend my friend's dad's funeral. :( he died of Alzheimer's, and was sick for a long time before he passed, but what an emotional day! And I've been pretty slammed at work lately too!

    We celebrated 3 birthdays during spring break, and with all the eating and drinking, my weight went up and down. Finally on Sunday I said to my son and his girlfriend - we have got to get our *kitten together!! So they both signed up in MFP and we decided that we are going to have a family competition, my hubs joined too. The losers have to buy the winner a bottle of booze of their choice. I told them if I win, they are buying me whip cream vodka! LOL!

    My son's birthday is on Tuesday - he's turning 22! So we won't be counting the cals on that day. LOL! His gf is in a wedding in January and she wants to lose 25+ lbs. We made the deadline August 1 (before our family cruise). So fingers crossed I win! I had a snaccident on Tuesday after the funeral, was exhausted and emotional and ate a bag of chips and cookies!! OOPS!

    Sounds like everyone is still going strong, which is really motivational for me! Hope everyone has a great week! I can't believe it's Thursday, the days are going by so fast!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member

  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,405 Member
    I feel for all of you who had a busy day at work. I got laid off 3yrs ago & I'm so thankful I was able to retire & didn't have to get another job. It was the most stressful job I ever had or could think of having. My dtr in law worked there also & quit 3 months ago because she couldn't take the stress any more. Worked there for 15yrs, the first 10 I loved then moved to a different dept which was the stressful one. didn't stop moving the whole 8hrs of every day. Don't know how I did it. I have 2 delicious moist carrot/pineapple cakes in the kitchen for tomorrow but I'm not having any. It's not too hard for me to stay away from sweets but hard to stay away from salty things, like chips. We call my hubby the cookie monster because he craves sweets. I feel bad for his struggle but he really does try. someone posted a protein cheescake recipe on here that I'm going to make, says it's 137 cal a serving. Cheescake is my favoite
  • Luv2Dispatch911
    Luv2Dispatch911 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! I've also been gone for quite awhile. I joined a few years ago thinking I was ready and realized I wasn't. After getting told I'm prediabetic recently I have really pushed myself and have never felt more motivated. I'd love to.join the group and get/give motivation.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Luv2Dispatch911 - welcome! I've been in that place where I thought I was ready - it's nice when you realise that it really is the right time now. Come back and post often - we are a good, supportive bunch!

    @evamutt - jobs like that aren't worth it! Life is too short and we have to find a balance so well done to you and your daughter in law for getting out. That cake does sound nice - but like you, I would struggle more with the savoury snacks!

    Joy - welcome back, thought we'd lost you! That sounds like a lot of parties and people - fun and exhausting in equal measure. Well done for getting your son and his girlfriend on board - nothing like a bit of healthy family competition to get you going again!

    Rachel - sounds like you are rocking it this week. I hear you on the work motivation - I've done things this week in spite of myself. It doesn't help that we've got lovely spring weather here now and I would rather be anywhere than sat at a desk! Well done on making the derby team - you'll be great :)

    Jen - yep, that sounds a crazy busy weekend. Ha I love your competitive streak showing through!

    So, a good news story to start. I have lost 1lb in the last week - it's the first movement in weeks and I'm so pleased! Really feeling motivated again and I've got further incentive with the challenge group that I'm in. I even turned down the offer of dessert last night so husband had a portion of rhubarb crumble and I didn't - sad and yet so good!

    Really, really glad it's friday - nice, busy weekend coming up and the sun is shining so I just need to battle through today at work. Hope the day treats you all well and that you all have lovely weekends!
  • brahns5
    brahns5 Posts: 9 Member
    I joined a year ago and never really got into it. I have restarted with 80 lbs to lose. I'm here and finally doing this for me!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 I think I did get that Mojo, it saw me through yesterday. I hope it carries on through until at least Monday (or is that greedy?) I love that you take your dog to day care for a treat. Sounds like you have a super busy few days coming. (No surprise there.) Great job pre-planning as much as you can.

    @bluepoppies777 Welcome back. I am glad you had a great spring break, but I understand needing another vacation. Great job getting your daughter in law, and son to join you. I find a little healthy competition really gets me going.

    @evamutt I had to quit a job because it was so stressful that it was making me sick. When I tried talking to my trainer, and the manager they both just blew me off. Because I tried talking to them about the working conditions making me sick, and they refused to do anything about it, I was able to claim unemployment and received the benefits for it. Let me know how the cheese cake came out.

    @luv2dispatch911 Welcome, and glad you are back! Good luck on your journey. You can do this. I am assuming by your screen name you are a dispatcher. I did 911 dispatching for 3 years! I loved it and still miss it to this day. I quit when I became a single mom, and rotating shifts (Especially graves) played hell on my daycare.

    @janetay01 Your competitive streak is showing too! I love a good competition to really make me think about what I am doing. Great job on saying no to the cobbler. It only gets easier right? Enjoy your fun and busy weekend. Don’t forget to post your points. Great job on the 1 pound loss.

    @brahns5 Welcome, and good luck! You can do this. I have lost between 50-55 pounds since I joined. I am at the half way mark. There is some great support here. Just join in and we will help you out.

    I am sunburned, sore as heck, and fighting “allergies” today. If I can make it through today, I will be having a great physical weekend. I am up 2.5 pounds since Tuesday.  Sad panda. I am about 90% sure it is water retention, and such. I was retaining so much water last night. My skin would turn white when I would gently push on it, and it would take about 45 seconds to return to normal.
    Let us all have a successful and fun weekend.