What's the point in losing weight?



  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    what are your other interest? and what happened to your friends? Your friends should not change because you started to eat right and exercise, they aren't much of friends if that is the case.

    You can still do the things you like, and that is what people fail to get, you don't need to cut things out completely, you just need to modify or trim thhings down.

    Sounds like you are putting to much pressure on yourself.

    I like a good beer, comedy clubs, etc. I won't change that. I love buffalo wings, every so often I go out with frineds and have a couple of beers and wings,

    you can do what you want in a healthy manner.

    What happened to your friends?

    I totally agree, I am addicted to Chinese food!! and i dont go all healthy with it, I only eat sweet and sour chicken!! That is my favorite thing and i am not giving it up, i just dont eat as much. Eat til im full, not til the plate is empty!!
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    Your weight sounds lovely and slim to me - I can't wait to get there :)
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Then stop and gain back the pounds you lost so you will be happy again. It's your choice after all.
  • dannysilvestre
    Who cares about being skinny? Surely the aim is to be fitter, healthier and be happier with yourself.

    I was happier at 295 pounds.

    How can You honestly be Happy at that weight? It it not about being Skinny. It should Be about being Healthy. Disease Prevention, Feeling better about you. Eating bad food and being over weight is a slow death sentance and No one wants that. Set Small goals. Beacuse if you setone big one it seems to hard to achive. THe small ones add up and then before you know it things are changing

    Yep, I also agree. I started dieting 2 months and 3 days ago, at 273lb [123.4kg] and have lost 30lb since [13.4kg] and am soooooooooo happy, and healthy. i could never ever say that i was any happier, its like am a new person. last week i alredy had to clean up some clothes from my wardrobe because they were too big for me, and that felt amazing :D also when i started dieting nobody believed me, everyone was like : ``she wont do it, she wont lose any weight``, and now, GOSH, i can feel the RESPECT, everyone is so amazed, they cant hardly believe their eyes lol i made them shut up by being strong and determined. now, i even feel that people threat me sooooo differently, everyone looks at me diferently and are no longer mean towards me. everyone wants to know my secret and i always proudly say: dieting, and exercise, when nobody else believed I stood strong, cant put into words, how proud I AM of myself. it s only the very beggining as i want [and will] be at 75.0kg. i will do that. also feel that am so much healthier. have my five-a-day, lots of water, non fatty foods.

    there is sooooooooooooooooooo many points in losing weight girl :D

    1- be healthier
    2- live longer
    3- have more energy
    4- minimise your risks of having heart diseases, diabetes, etc
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    Try taking it a little easier on the exercise and start reaching out to your friends and family. Talk to them about how you feel and what your going through. Sounds like your in a depression and that can be a bad thing. I would think about why you started to lose weight and focus on that.
  • sewist
    sewist Posts: 40
    For me, I find being careful to keep my food management in perspective. I have improved my blood sugar and liver enzyme test and I'm close to moving from "obese" to merely "overweight". BUT this is only a fraction of my daily living. I do give my meals thought repeatedly throughout the day but for only a couple minutes at a time. The vast majority of my life has nothing to do with food or weight loss.
    I'm saying this kindly: perhaps enriching your life will lighten your struggles somewhat. Occupy your mind, do for others, take a class, watch a new-to-you tv show, read a book - any kind you enjoy, visit local parks, buy a child a gift and play with them (if you like kiddos), etc.
    And consider if you are struggling with depression if the above doesn't work. If NOTHING is appealing there may be a greater issue you need help with.
    Please forgive any assumptions made in error. I don't know you. But I do wish you the very best.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Then stop and gain back the pounds you lost so you will be happy again. It's your choice after all.

    I agree. You know the benefits or"the point" of losing weight. Clearly you were unhappy at your starting wweight otherwise you wouldn't have started losing weight in the first place. Now you are equally unhappy. I suggest talking to a counselor to perhaps find out why you are so unhappy because it doesn't zeem to be a weightt issue and anutitionist who peerhaps can shoe you how to go at this with moderation.
  • dannysilvestre
    Then stop and gain back the pounds you lost so you will be happy again. It's your choice after all.

    yep, agree too. if you're so unhappy, stop and back to 295lb where you were happy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OK, talk us through a typical day.

    (I know, it takes great willpower to be around people who are eating when you're not - well done on managing that at the cinema)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I think you've got other stuff going on in your life and you're using your weight loss as an excuse for why things are going wrong. When you were 295, you would've used being overweight as the excuse. It really is true what people say -- losing the weight won't suddenly make you happy or solve every problem you ever had. Skinny people have the same problems as fat people.

    Think about what's really bothering you. Your mentioning friends a lot and one of your updates today was about your friends. What's going on there and what steps can you take to fix it?

    No, what you don't understand is that there ISN'T anything else going on in my life. I've pushed away every single one of my friends because I have calories to count and recipes to save and exercise to do and scales to step on and water to drink. Every single minute of my day is devoted to food. You know, I think I wake up in the mornings just to eat breakfast. I went to see a movie with my family tonight and couldn't pay attention to it because of the popcorn my little brother was eating and the 30DS I was skipping.

    Okay, I'm about to become very unpopular:

    Bull S*it. You're making excuses because you're burnt out. I don't know how long you've been doing this....and really it doesn't matter...Take a week off....if you feel guilty see a therapist...it seems like you have anxiety issues about gaining weight back. Have a cheat day, whatever...you skip a workout it's not going to kill you. You eat a candy bar one day a week, it's not going to kill you.

    You eat the right things and you exercise in order to live the life that YOU WANT to lead. If you want to lead a 295lb life and be on medication and shave years off your life...then by all means, I'm not going to say it's a bad idea FOR YOU, because you are happy.

    But in my opinion....you need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself....what kind of life do I want to lead 30 years down the road?
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    This says a lot to me, you need to stop this, it is bad for your mental state and your friendships. I want you to call your friends arrange a night out, have some fun, you don't have to go crazy, but have a fun night.

    as they say all work and no play makes johnny a dull boy.

    there is afine balence to achieving your goals, and getting swallowed up in the progression of it and failing.

    Stop counting everything, just eat healthy....ie some eggs and wheat toast, not a bacon, sausage, cheese and egg on a everything bagel breakfast.

    Eat a nice grilled Chicken breast, not 20 buffalo wings

    Don't count them, but also limit yourself...

    I used to go to teh pizza place...

    3-4 beers, 10 wings, 3-4 slices of pizza

    now I get..

    1-2 beers or water, a house salad and 1-2 slices or just the 10 wings and no slad or pizza

    I still enjoy it, but I just don't eat as much, I just curb my intake.

    I like Ice cream, I just don't add any extra and only have 1-2 scoops

    I love a good burger, so I have one, I also like Turkey burgers.

    But you don't need to cut out your friends, add them to your life, you don't need to stress over calorie counting, just eat better, plus exercise and do things you like, I love to play soccer, so I run our local adult league, I play and have fun, we have about 80 over 30 year old adults playing for "fun" and health...because we enjoy it and it keeps us moving and helps kill work stress.

    really it is up to you, don't punish yourself or your friends, because what happens when you reach your goal??

    you can have both, don't cut one thing out completly, that is not what it's about.

    Ok maybe donuts can go, but not everything else
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    Okay, I'm about to become very unpopular:

    Bull S*it. You're making excuses because you're burnt out. I don't know how long you've been doing this....and really it doesn't matter...Take a week off....if you feel guilty see a therapist...it seems like you have anxiety issues about gaining weight back. Have a cheat day, whatever...you skip a workout it's not going to kill you. You eat a candy bar one day a week, it's not going to kill you.

    You eat the right things and you exercise in order to live the life that YOU WANT to lead. If you want to lead a 295lb life and be on medication and shave years off your life...then by all means, I'm not going to say it's a bad idea FOR YOU, because you are happy.

    But in my opinion....you need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself....what kind of life do I want to lead 30 years down the road?

    Your just telling it like it is, I agree, i used to be an all or nothing kind of person, now i am more forgiving of myself, and in turn i am more happy, sticking with it, and losing weight!!
  • dannysilvestre
    I think you've got other stuff going on in your life and you're using your weight loss as an excuse for why things are going wrong. When you were 295, you would've used being overweight as the excuse. It really is true what people say -- losing the weight won't suddenly make you happy or solve every problem you ever had. Skinny people have the same problems as fat people.

    Think about what's really bothering you. Your mentioning friends a lot and one of your updates today was about your friends. What's going on there and what steps can you take to fix it?

    No, what you don't understand is that there ISN'T anything else going on in my life. I've pushed away every single one of my friends because I have calories to count and recipes to save and exercise to do and scales to step on and water to drink. Every single minute of my day is devoted to food. You know, I think I wake up in the mornings just to eat breakfast. I went to see a movie with my family tonight and couldn't pay attention to it because of the popcorn my little brother was eating and the 30DS I was skipping.

    Okay, I'm about to become very unpopular:

    Bull S*it. You're making excuses because you're burnt out. I don't know how long you've been doing this....and really it doesn't matter...Take a week off....if you feel guilty see a therapist...it seems like you have anxiety issues about gaining weight back. Have a cheat day, whatever...you skip a workout it's not going to kill you. You eat a candy bar one day a week, it's not going to kill you.

    You eat the right things and you exercise in order to live the life that YOU WANT to lead. If you want to lead a 295lb life and be on medication and shave years off your life...then by all means, I'm not going to say it's a bad idea FOR YOU, because you are happy.

    But in my opinion....you need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself....what kind of life do I want to lead 30 years down the road?

    he said everything.
  • dannysilvestre
    I also was like you girl, an all or nothing person, thats why i have never ever succed. now if i want to have a piece of chocolate, i just have it. i loooooooooooooooove nutella. sometimes, to treat myself, i do have a tablespoon and thats it :D
  • bwinslow42
    heres something i have read recently that has helped me :
    a belief is a thought that you keep on thinking and what yoy belive about yourself really does become what you are. so improve those beliefs
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    There are different levels to being healthy, you've done awesome with getting your body there, but it has meant sacrificing your social life, which hits your mental and emotional health. Its really easy to do when you've got something getting in the way of the simple things that make you happy, and the things that make you you. (Not only weight loss, but relationships, jobs with crazy hours, none of it bad, but it all takes a big part of you) There always has to be a balance, and after coming through all that you have, its getting time to get that back. If you went totally back to unhealthy habits, you'd most likely be miserable, unhealthy and disappointed after all the sacrifice you've made so far. Maybe it might take discipline, like not eating or drinking a million things with your friends, or taking the time to workout when you've got soo much to do that day, but its possible. It may take scheduling out your day, and you may need to do it slowly at first. There IS no point in being miserable, but it IS possible to be happy and healthy at the same time. I know because I'm in the middle of getting that balance back (Not from weight loss, but something else) and it feels good to take these steps. Feel better and good luck.
  • lcs1211
    lcs1211 Posts: 121 Member
    I am so sorry you are going through this. I have been on this site for about 180 days and I love the support and friendships. As for the time spent, I feel I have much more time because I have more energy and just feel better. I exercise 60 - 90 minutes a day at least 6 days a week and although I am still about 15 lbs. from my goal weight, I feel like a totally different person. I do not spend a lot of time calorie counting, I just log what I eat and make sure it is in my allotment for that day. I hope you will stick with it and get the energy / love of life that I have gotten since I started exercising and joined this site to count calories and make friends. Feel free to add me and I will gladly offer all the support and encouragement I can. Best of luck to you!
  • HalloweenNinja
    Hmm... I'm going to say something that's not entirely different to what Joehempel has already said, but I personally do disagree with his summary:


    To everyone: seriously, what's with everyone and this massive desire to be slim, fit and what you consider "healthy" and the rage when someone doesn't have the same view as your own? Why is it you guys can't accept that some people are simply happier with their life when they are a different shape to what you consider ideal? There is nothing wrong with being 150lb, it's only bad when the 150lb person is unhappy with weighing 150lb.

    We have one life to enjoy: taking care of our health, fitness and well being is simply to allow us to enjoy our life as much as possible for as long as possible. If at any point you realise that you're not enjoying life, then something needs to change. And as long as you enjoy your life, you should never care about what other people think or say.


    To Funkyspunky: what I'm going to say is going to direct and honest - I don't do the whole beat-around-the-bush thing.

    You're doing it wrong.
    If you've cut out the friends you want to keep, you're doing it wrong.
    If you're devoting minute of my day to thinking about food, you're doing it wrong.
    If you feel like you're wake up in the mornings just to eat breakfast, you're doing it wrong.
    If you can't even enjoy a movie with your family, you're doing it wrong.
    If you're not enjoying your life any more, you're doing it wrong.

    People change all the time. As we change, the goals and challenges that make us happy in life changes. As these change, our actions need to change.

    Change is *not* a big deal. Months ago you felt that you were overweight, so you changed your lifestyle to change that. Similarly, people who aren't satisfied with their jobs look for jobs elsewhere. People who aren't satisfied with their love life go to new social events, sign up to dating websites, date new acquaintances.

    Now that you feel that you're not getting the social life you want, this is now the time to change that.

    The most important thing in life is to enjoy life, and the things that make you enjoy life have now changed. Do yourself a favour: figure out what they are and go for them.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member

    To Funkyspunky: what I'm going to say is going to direct and honest - I don't do the whole beat-around-the-bush thing.

    You're doing it wrong.
    If you've cut out the friends you want to keep, you're doing it wrong.
    If you're devoting minute of my day to thinking about food, you're doing it wrong.
    If you feel like you're wake up in the mornings just to eat breakfast, you're doing it wrong.
    If you can't even enjoy a movie with your family, you're doing it wrong.
    If you're not enjoying your life any more, you're doing it wrong.

    So important i think it deserves repeating.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You've gone too far in the other direction.

    You've become obsessed, addicted to the whole process.

    This whole thing is about balance. Learning to balance eating right and exercising with your normal everyday life.

    Have a chat to your doctor. He may recommend councelling, as your mind isn't right. You need someone to help you put things into perspective. If you stay as you are eventually you'll have a meltdown, and either get clinically depressed, start eating everything again, or both...