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Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread



  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I hope I'm transitioning into perimenopause. Had a second night of waking up coated in sweat. Is it bad to be excited about this?

    Nope I'm ready to get on with it. 41 not in perimenopause yet. always been a night sweater though. I don't have a need for a period or my uterus for that matter. I just want it gone :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    I hope I'm transitioning into perimenopause. Had a second night of waking up coated in sweat. Is it bad to be excited about this?

    Nope I'm ready to get on with it. 41 not in perimenopause yet. always been a night sweater though. I don't have a need for a period or my uterus for that matter. I just want it gone :)

    The uterus does more than just house fetuses. That's why I'm hanging on to mine despite extremely heavy bleeding.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    So I picked up The Wisdom of Menopause at the library and, since it's huge, have mostly been skipping around to the specific chapters of interest. Then I came across a glowing account of one of the author's patients, who presented with a prolapsed bladder and severe pain and whose problems were traced to the sexual abuse she experienced *in a past life*. :/ Plus, she pushes a 5 day, high-fiber cleanse "designed to decrease tissue inflammation, eliminate glycemic stress, and reset your metabolism." I have to say, it hasn't created much confidence in her advice. :(

    Dr. Northrup also recommended that patient have her bladder repaired by a urogynecologist. I love that she gives multifaceted options and covers many aspects of the healing process.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    So I picked up The Wisdom of Menopause at the library and, since it's huge, have mostly been skipping around to the specific chapters of interest. Then I came across a glowing account of one of the author's patients, who presented with a prolapsed bladder and severe pain and whose problems were traced to the sexual abuse she experienced *in a past life*. :/ Plus, she pushes a 5 day, high-fiber cleanse "designed to decrease tissue inflammation, eliminate glycemic stress, and reset your metabolism." I have to say, it hasn't created much confidence in her advice. :(

    Dr. Northrup also recommended that patient have her bladder repaired by a urogynecologist. I love that she gives multifaceted options and covers many aspects of the healing process.

    That's fine. Just thought others might like a heads-up in case it might not be for them.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I hope I'm transitioning into perimenopause. Had a second night of waking up coated in sweat. Is it bad to be excited about this?

    I had mixed feelings. Natural, normal stage of life is largely how I see it. It sits hand in hand with aging, I try to ignore that and focus on years without a cycle. So, bittersweet feelings.

    I don't get night sweats or anxiety or flashes though. Mine is all about a heavy 2/mth cycle, fatigue and joints which I attribute more so to "other" just put under pressure by menopause.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Q for those with PMS-no M: do you get non-stop cramps?

    Like others, over the past few years, my cycle has shortened from a reliable 28 days to a 25 days median. I've had three 35-37 day cycles in the past 18 months, but haven't skipped a period.

    Until now. My last period was Jan 14 so I would have expected it the first week of Feb. Every day for the past month, I have cramps that feel like my period will start today. I earnestly feel it will start any moment now. I can't discern other peri symptoms (other than rash overeating here & there, but honestly, that could be due to any number of things unconnected to hormones).

    So is this consistent with anyone else's peri experience? Or should I start googling other things that could be causing the pain? My GYN retired more than a year ago and I am presently without one. Dumb, I know. I need to find another dr.

    A month of cramping would make me visit the Dr.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Q for those with PMS-no M: do you get non-stop cramps?

    Like others, over the past few years, my cycle has shortened from a reliable 28 days to a 25 days median. I've had three 35-37 day cycles in the past 18 months, but haven't skipped a period.

    Until now. My last period was Jan 14 so I would have expected it the first week of Feb. Every day for the past month, I have cramps that feel like my period will start today. I earnestly feel it will start any moment now. I can't discern other peri symptoms (other than rash overeating here & there, but honestly, that could be due to any number of things unconnected to hormones).

    So is this consistent with anyone else's peri experience? Or should I start googling other things that could be causing the pain? My GYN retired more than a year ago and I am presently without one. Dumb, I know. I need to find another dr.

    I recently had my first 50 day cycle. From day 28 until day 50 when I actually started I had total cycle symptoms. Some cramping (not non-stop, just normal cycle cramping), bloating (lots), tons of water, and every other symptom I normally get that indicates I'm going to start. The symptoms did not go away until I actually started on day 50 and then they started the usual downhill slide. This past month when I hit 33 days my practitioner had me induce a cycle so we could get rid of the PMS symptoms. It's mostly the bloating and water weight that make me miserable. She plans on having me induce a cycle every month around day 33 if I don't start on my own. It's mostly for my comfort since the cycle symptoms seem to go the entire time until I start.
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    Help me please. ..I'm 49 and have had terrible periods. My gynaecologist checked my bloods and said in 12 months I will be on the menopause. He gave me an injection to bring on a medical menopause and put me in hrt. I'm now concerned as I've got terrible headaches and am concerned I'm gonna gain weight. Anyone else had this done. .Thanks ladies xx
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited March 2017
    It's almost as though starting MFP kicked off peri-menopause for me (I'm 42). My weight loss journey has been a huge success since September, and I was trucking along on my path to losing 100lbs and along comes January and BAM. Weird dry skin, horrible constipation, cold ALL the time, periods going from 31 days to 25 days apart, and now a crazy dull headache for the last two weeks. All of the sudden I also have the ability to wake up early involuntarily (and I am a world-class sleeper inner).

    My nurse practitioner friend said a combo of peri-m and thyroid stuff could have me all out of whack, so headed to the doctor next week to get it all checked out.

    Just wondering if anyone else has had symptoms like that...

    Edited to add: Also hella hair loss. Clumps. It's freaking me out.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    edited April 2017
    Just wondering if any of you might have some suggestions about what to do about the feeling like I've got bad sunburn all the time. I don't look like I've got a bad sunburn. Everything looks normal. But I can't wear about half my wardrobe anymore because half my clothing feels like I'm trying to wear a heavy prickly wool sweater the day after acquiring a bad sunburn.

    I am NOT a cream person, so that idea doesn't appeal to me at all. And I use anti-allergy detergents and things.

    So ... I don't know what other options might be.

    BTW - This started up during/after my "measles" episode last August, but is also probably related to perimenopause.
  • I searched and came across a forum where people have similar complaints.


    Also this page which specifically addresses these skin sensations.


    That sounds like a very annoying problem to have! I hope you can get some relief!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Recently I've been getting that weird "crawling" sensation just on one shoulder blade now and again, along with a temperature feeling that's hard to describe... it might be either 'so cold it's hot', or maybe 'so hot it's cold', if you know what I mean! A strange kind of "burning" sensation that's hard to pin down. Feels very odd, but the crawling is the worst! Feels like a million ants climbing over my back. It usually lasts a couple of minutes or so and then goes away, and so far I haven't noticed it happening anywhere else.
  • hlblakeley
    hlblakeley Posts: 55 Member
    I just came across this thread and am so thankful I did. I started peri about 4 years ago when I was 38. Kind of on the young side but I started my periods very young so I kind of expected it. I went two years where I was not doing much in the way of having a period. I was having hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings (although they felt more like rage fests...I'd be fine then suddenly the kids dropped a gum wrapper on the floor and I turned into the hulk!) I went several months between actual periods, and loved it. Then my daughter started her cycle and after she got regular so did I. The downside... I'm still experiencing all the peri symptoms but now have a regular period and pms to deal with to! I am hoping that in the next year or so I'll go back to skipping a month or 12 :smile:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    I searched and came across a forum where people have similar complaints.


    Also this page which specifically addresses these skin sensations.


    That sounds like a very annoying problem to have! I hope you can get some relief!

    Yeah, it is a thing.

    And as with my hot flashes, it comes just before and at the start of my periods. I presume that's when my hormone levels are the lowest, and if I could do the hormone thing, that would probably solve it.

    But I did have to have a bit of a chuckle about something ... so there I was all day yesterday with this "phantom sunburn" and feeling hot in general and having hot flashes periodically throughout the day and wondering why they had the heat turned up so high in my office when I noticed that one of my coworkers was putting on her jacket. I figured she was planning to go out in a moment, but she sat down and continued to work. Someone else came by and asked her if she was cold, "Yes, it's freezing in here" she said. :astonished: "Yeah, OK", I thought, "It is just me melting with hot flashes here."

    Anyway, today is a bit better ... only a mild phantom sunburn. The ol' hormone levels must be on the rise.
  • boopster99
    boopster99 Posts: 48 Member
    Ah yes, our devilish friend peri menopause. I'm just past 52 and have been told I've been in this cycle for about 5 years already. I was always super regular with menstruation but absolutely miserable with PMS most of my life. After some minor uterine surgery in 2009 my flow has been significantly reduced but the pain/PMS associated with my periods has never stopped and recently has become worse than ever. I'm still pretty regular - about 6 weeks apart now preempted by 2 weeks of miserable cramping, bloating and being hangry. And the hot flashes ... OMG ... there are days when it's -30 here in winter and I'm in the garage trying not to lose my mind. Night sweats are the worst, waking up in a sea of my own sweat but waking up only when I'm freezing. Ugh! My hot flashes are definitely triggered by consuming certain foods and beverages. And never mind the scale not moving for up to a month because of water retention and bloating. My latest weight plateau has been around a month long, hoping after this cycle I see some movement downwards, it's really disheartening to work so hard and not see any changes in the scale. And looking at yourself and seeing the bloat just adds to the dismay.

    OKAY, enough misery and venting - just think of how nice it'll be to get through this nonsense and be free!! :):):)

    Now, where's my wine? Oh wait, that gives me hot flashes ... :p
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    I messaged on here about a month ago after having my menopause medically induced due to being peri. At the time I messaged I was devastated at having it done, fast forward 6 weeks my hrt had kicked in its the best thing ever! ! Cannot believe the reservations I had but I'm like a totally different person. No crying no pain no flushes no headaches or mental blocks! ! I'm not here to tell my life story but please ladies if you are experiencing bad peri get help don't suffer you don't need to :)
  • Machka9 wrote: »
    I searched and came across a forum where people have similar complaints.


    Also this page which specifically addresses these skin sensations.


    That sounds like a very annoying problem to have! I hope you can get some relief!

    Yeah, it is a thing.

    And as with my hot flashes, it comes just before and at the start of my periods. I presume that's when my hormone levels are the lowest, and if I could do the hormone thing, that would probably solve it.

    But I did have to have a bit of a chuckle about something ... so there I was all day yesterday with this "phantom sunburn" and feeling hot in general and having hot flashes periodically throughout the day and wondering why they had the heat turned up so high in my office when I noticed that one of my coworkers was putting on her jacket. I figured she was planning to go out in a moment, but she sat down and continued to work. Someone else came by and asked her if she was cold, "Yes, it's freezing in here" she said. :astonished: "Yeah, OK", I thought, "It is just me melting with hot flashes here."

    Anyway, today is a bit better ... only a mild phantom sunburn. The ol' hormone levels must be on the rise.

    LOL! That's funny! When I was pregnant with my first baby I was in bed one night unable to sleep because of the unbearable heat. I was naked and barely even under a single bed sheet. I looked over to see my poor husband wrapped up in like 3 thick blankets. Another time during the same pregnancy I had called the apartment management because my AC "wasn't working". When the maintenance man knocked I opened the door and when he stepped inside he immediately got goose bumps from the cold. LOL! I feel bad for people who freeze when we feel like we are roasting!
  • Nixi3Knox
    Nixi3Knox Posts: 182 Member
    Bad breath about a week before my period! Holler if ya hear me!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Ladies, can we talk about unwanted facial hair?!

    In the space of a few days I've had both my husband AND my son comment on my emerging "mustache"... It's only a few dark hairs right now but I guess it's only going to get worse in the future. I don't want to pluck them out because I'm sure that'll just make things worse when they grow back, so what's the best way to deal with it? Is bleaching the only answer?

    (I've also had fluffy hairs at the sides of my face for a loooong time - to me it always looks like I have very light sideburns and it's the main reason I'm reluctant to have my hair cut shorter, although other people don't seem to notice it. Any suggestions for that, or should I just put in my application to the circus as their new Bearded Lady now? ;) )
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    Ladies, can we talk about unwanted facial hair?!

    In the space of a few days I've had both my husband AND my son comment on my emerging "mustache"... It's only a few dark hairs right now but I guess it's only going to get worse in the future. I don't want to pluck them out because I'm sure that'll just make things worse when they grow back, so what's the best way to deal with it? Is bleaching the only answer?

    (I've also had fluffy hairs at the sides of my face for a loooong time - to me it always looks like I have very light sideburns and it's the main reason I'm reluctant to have my hair cut shorter, although other people don't seem to notice it. Any suggestions for that, or should I just put in my application to the circus as their new Bearded Lady now? ;) )

    Shhhh.... I'm trying to ignore the mustache hairs, and you bringing it up isn't helping! ;)

    The hair issue bothering me right now is my eyebrows. I've always had full eyebrows that didn't require any shaping or attention. Now it's like they've left their neat little packs and have begun roaming all over. And like you say, I remove one and 3 more grow in its place! *sigh*