I drink a lot of soda. Anyone have any suggestions to help cut the soda out??



  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    davisfanny wrote: »
    Most my calories come from drinking soda. MT Dew is my biggest issue. I get headaches from lack of caffeine....

    We no longer buy it in our house.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I've been cutting back to just a few cans a week. I replaced it with flavored sparkling waters- my favorite is the la croix brand.

    I still get my morning coffee, though.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    pamfgil wrote: »
    One thing you can do is only have one bottle in the fridge at any one time, with a rule that you can't put a new bottle in to chill until you finish the bottle you're drinking, this should help you cut down
    Lol. Unless you are like me and don't mind your drinks room temperature.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    What, specifically, makes you want to drink more plain-water and less sweetened-and-flavored-and-carbonated water? Are you looking to decrease calories, sodium, or something else?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    No such thing as can't in my vocabulary - cut back bit by bit or go cold turkey. You might get headaches but they'll be temporary.
  • davisfanny
    davisfanny Posts: 35 Member
    I did buy a 12 pack of cherry coke zero witch I can drink. I do drink alot of tea. I keep it in the fridge. So today I am only drinking one MT. Dew. I do love juice. Thank you for all the great feedback.
  • jilleebee77
    jilleebee77 Posts: 329 Member
    ccsernica wrote: »
    Cold turkey for 6-8 weeks. After I did that, I found I just couldn't stomach the stuff anymore. It was undrinkable.

    I used to drink coke A LOT. I am not a very religious person, but had some religious friends that asked 16 years ago "what are you going to give up for Lent?" I told them I was un aware of what that was (at the time) and what it meant. They explained and I said "why not, I will join in the giving up of something" I chose to give up soda. I did not have it for the entire duration of Lent. Yes it sucks at first, the headaches/withdrawals. I compensated here and there with coffee. I made it through and to this day I still rarely drink any soda, I can't stand the taste of it anymore. If I do its usually sprite or orange soda (no caffeine). I drink TONS of water now, iced tea (no sugar), coffee. That's about it. No juice, soda, sugary drinks often at all. You CAN do this! You need to be firm with yourself. You don't have to give it ALL up either, you can cut way back, a glass a day/serving size a day. Some will say diet sodas, but in my opinion that has a lot in it that can cause harm to your body over long periods of time.

    You get to choose for you, what ever will work, if you want to, or not.
  • crazyycatlady1
    crazyycatlady1 Posts: 292 Member
    edited April 2017
    Theo166 wrote: »
    no need to give up caffeine, switch to coffee and tea.
    Or drink water and take caffeine pills, very cheap and a tablet is same as a cup of coffee.

    Between my husband and I we were drinking 4-5 cases of diet soda a week, plus he was drinking 2-4pks of generic Red Bulls. A few weeks ago we both decided to cut it mostly out, (me for teeth issues and him because his doctor thought it was triggering his IBS.) I switched to coffee and he went the caffeine pills route. Both of us had no problem cutting out the diet soda, (I'm down to one can a day and he's pretty much quit all together).
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I always drank diet diet. But I have been wanting to give up diet soda even so I started drinking water with cucumber and lemon in it. So good and healthy.
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    5 calorie Minute Maid lemonade. Yum!
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I cut out soda completely one day, had headaches for about three days, and then less than a week later I just went and picked up some carbonated water, I realized I missed the bubbles from the soda, but that's about it, so I only drink water or carbonated water, and occasionally milk or a few sips of juice. If your worried about the headaches, either take the caffeine pills or just take Advil for a few days and the head aches will go away. If you want to get rid of your caffeine addiction, then try quitting cold turkey, if the caffeine is something you dont want to give up, find another way to get it.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    edited April 2017
    1) Calculate exactly how much money you spend on soda, knowing that water is free (or cheaper alternative). Once I did this it made my resolve to quit stronger - I was making a car payment every month.

    2) Bottle of caffeine pills from walmart - like $4. No matter what else I drink, I carry these around and take one or two throughout the day. If I need to be up early, I set the alarm 30 min before I want up and take two and go back to sleep - by the time my "real" alarm goes off, I am usually plenty awake - and no headaches.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    no need to give up caffeine, switch to coffee and tea.
    Or drink water and take caffeine pills, very cheap and a tablet is same as a cup of coffee.

    Between my husband and I we were drinking 4-5 cases of diet soda a week, plus he was drinking 2-4pks of generic Red Bulls. A few weeks ago we both decided to cut it mostly out, (me for teeth issues and him because his doctor thought it was triggering his IBS.) I switched to coffee and he went the caffeine pills route. Both of us had no problem cutting out the diet soda, (I'm down to one can a day and he's pretty much quit all together).

    Crap surprised your hearts didn't explode with all the caffeine.