The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • 007dualitygirl
    007dualitygirl Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ! Just turned 39. I own a boot camp and workout 7 boot camps a week + biking, walking, contemplating getting off my butt to do yoga and occasionally some interval runs. I eat pretty healthy but have a bad tendency for wine over-consumption. Trying to get to 115-120 and preserve this hard-earned muscle (I'm 5' ... eh maybe 5'1 and you can see muscle even with the body fat lol).

    19-24 pounds to go ... UGH -- seems like every year of my life I am 100 lbs + my age. Got to over 145 and said ENOUGH!!
    Hypothyroidism kicking my butt too.

    Sucks! But ... I think that biting the bullet and just keeping my calories to 1300-1500 / day is doing the trick! I refuse low carb. I think 30/30/40(protien) is healthy. MFP is pretty awesome if you can just really stick with it.
  • _RNR_
    _RNR_ Posts: 875 Member
    How is this still a thing? Oh yes. Birthdays.
  • Aliciabell
    Aliciabell Posts: 13 Member
    Upper 30's....feel free to add me!
    I need more peeps in my feed to help keep me motivated!
  • Jockamo319
    Jockamo319 Posts: 22 Member
    52 here. Trying to get back in shape after a few years of letting myself go . . .
  • Elsiebeane
    Elsiebeane Posts: 95 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. 48 and needing support!
  • newmesfsd
    newmesfsd Posts: 2 Member
    41 here. Spent my 30s getting out of shape. Fixing it now. Feel free to add me.
  • Countrybabe_75
    Countrybabe_75 Posts: 33 Member
    I have just turned 42 and was given a directive by my doctor to start exercising again which should magically fix all my issues. Giving this another try and hoping it sticks this time.
  • MacBugg
    MacBugg Posts: 8 Member
    45 here. Recently took a course of steroids, ate like a mad woman and now am facing 18-20 pounds that I had taken off for 3 previous years. Eating keto-ish worked for me last time (for the big reduction) -- hoping it can again.
  • nuttallf
    nuttallf Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 44 and fitter than I have been for a very long time. Still a long way to go. A few pounds to loose but it more about my fitness now. Feel free to add me. We all need support and encouragement.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 47 and have this whole fitness thing figured out...well, there are moments that I think I do ;)
  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    I thought this thread was dead and gone....but it has been REVIVED! Hello middle-agers :smiley:
  • canadian_bakin
    canadian_bakin Posts: 172 Member
    40, fluffy, flirty and Canadian.
  • Loumossmfp78
    Loumossmfp78 Posts: 149 Member
    Im lou 38 feel free to add me!
  • Going2Getthere22
    Going2Getthere22 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 42, and I never realized how easy it is for weight to just creep up and surprise you! Easy to put on, so hard to get off, and hard to find the time to meal plan, exercise, all without starving, or having to start over several time. Looking forward to talking to some people about their weight loss journeys.
  • Going2Getthere22
    Going2Getthere22 Posts: 17 Member
    also, I just joined and I'm not sure how you go about connecting with people who are in the same boat as you or have good ideas. do I just sent them a friend request?
  • leialeia79
    leialeia79 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 38 and here doing intermittent fasting. Always looking for new friends.
  • jw0110
    jw0110 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 34 but get on far better with older people would love more friends for motivation :)
  • idriszia123
    idriszia123 Posts: 1 Member

    39 here, looking to lose 3 stones in 3 months...feel free to add me
  • Jamaica4god
    Jamaica4god Posts: 22 Member
    Does 36 count? If so, feel free to add me. I love people. I love motivating and I love this journey no matter how hard it is! ;)
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    Add me if you like. I'm 43 and always looking for motivational friends.