Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt I try to give good advice or keep my mouth shut. LOL I spent a lot of time reading the forums when I first started a lot of it does help. That was so nice of you to give up something you love to do to help a friend. What a great friend you are. I am learning how important back up plans are. I need to be better at this.

    I had grand plans yesterday to go to the gym, or take an evening walk. It all started with an unexpected meeting at work, 2 big projects now due, yesterday, and no breakfast. To make up for no breakfast I ate a brownie, then I missed my lunch walk to help with the projects that still aren't done. Once I was home, I jogged to make up for my missed work out, but then I ate a bunch of chocolate, because well I like chocolate, and I was stressed about work. It was all down hill. The only good thing was I got part of my weekly challenge done. Then bf came home, and he was being a grump. I didn't even want to go for a walk or the gym with him. I need to make plans and stick to them, and not let other people change them for me. Grr. Hopefully, today is better.

    Happy hump day everyone.
    @bluepoppies777, @ngolden3320, @gemwolf110 , @shycush6 Are you guys still alive? How are you doing? We miss you.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Boredom/depression are two of my triggers too. I usually have to drag myself out for a long walk to try to circumvent binges, but it doesn't always work. Sorry yesterday was rough! When I skip meals it's always a one way ticket to binge-town too. I hope today things go closer to plan.

    @Evamutt Sounds like you're doing a great job with activity with all of those classes! I always hate it when plans change last minute too. I hope you were able to fit something else in

    Welcome @iamrosiegxx! We just post here so you're welcome to join in any time

    Welcome @graphics1125! @Jdelaroy gave great advice so I definitely second her recommendations. We look forward to hearing how this week goes!

    I think my cold is finally dissipating! I'm hoping I'll feel good enough for a workout DVD tonight, although my dog has been loving all the extra walks he's been getting (I've got him out there almost 2 hours a day since I haven't been able to do other activities). Not being able to go to my regular classes has meant I've been able to catch up on some cleaning/laundry that got neglected while we were gone so that's definitely a plus side. The down side is I've been feeling like a bloated whale. I know it's water retention, but it still sucks.

    My SO has been super stressed with work this week (he was really busy even before he had to take off a week with his father's passing and none of the work has gone away). I've tried to step up my game at home a bit to cook him dinner and help out but it's been hard to do since I feel so cruddy. I know he appreciates the gesture though.

    I hope everyone else is having a better week than I am! Seriously though...where is everyone??? Holiday is over guys and gals!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Holy cats! It's been ages since I've posted! Sorry Ladies, I've completely lost it over the last week and was taking benadryl and eating tons of chocolate! Being allergic to chocolate usually doesn't bother me too much, but for whatever reason I was shoving the stuff down my throat over Easter!! YIKESSS! haven't weighed myself because I don't even want to look. Lost my mojo AGAIN. Asked myself whyyyyy is this so hard for me to succeed at??.... haven't found the answer yet! PFFFF!

    We were supposed to go away for the 4 day Easter weekend to visit my brother and his family. I was all packed up, bought chocolates for the kids, baked stuff and was super excited. They live 8 hours away (including a ferry ride). We drove all the way to the ferry, had time before we boarded so went to this awesome new mall... and my 9yo barfed everywhere - right on the floor in front of the nike store! Hubs said "that's it! we are going home"!! GOOD LORD. So we drove all the way back home. 10 hours of driving for nothing! Happy Easter!! LOL! So we stayed home, did yard work and finally today my son is feeling better.

    Feeling like I'm in a funk, and can't get myself out! :s It keeps raining here, and I haven't been able to start biking to work yet because it's still too cold. Bored with the gym... and I keep cramming food down my throat!

    I've got to get my head back in the game! LOL!

    On another note, Rachel I'm really sorry to hear about your father in law! My father in law passed away last April around this time, so my hubs has been feeling quite down lately. Hopefully you can cherish all the good memories that you have of him!

    Welcome to all the newbies!! Feel free to add me!! Obviously I need lots of motivation lately! haha!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member

    This is OBVIOUSLY what I need right now! HA!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hey guys! Not sure I can go back and catch up from my time away… but… I’m here now… I’ve been on a ship that has sailed off course lately… With the new job and training, it has been quite overwhelming… I seem to have a headache by the end of the day daily… ugh! I seem to be hitting snooze a lot lately… I did though get up early and get in a good burn this morning… And I feel so much better when I do, so I am frustrated with myself when I don’t! Easter candy has got the best of me also.. Grrr…. Easter is like the best candy of the year!!! Other than that nothing new… soccer mom and overwhelmed worked about sums up my life right now! Oh.. and hubby is building me a new front deck… so that is exciting.. My job soon will be to stain it! Fun! Fun! Other than that had a great Easter with family!

    Rachel: So sorry to hear of you loss… how sad… Thoughts and prayers for your family… Sorry you came down with a cold as well. That sucks. Hope you are feeling better and are back to your normal spunky self soon!!

    Jdelaroy: I feel your pain… I have been exhausted mentally lately and I think that triggers physically as well… and it is just frustrating… so much to do and learn and not enough time in the day… I’m betting water retention… hang in there, you can do this! Sorry yesterday’s stress levels weren’t much better… it’s so hard to deal with. And grumpiness at home doesn’t help either… Hope you can make it to the gym today! I really have found exercise to help my stress levels… it’s just getting myself to do it… I always feel better afterward…

    Janetay: Glad you had a great Easter!!

    Welcome Bryan!!

    Eva: I love that you keep so busy… it really does keep you young. Way to go with the classes! You are doing great!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Shy - good to see you back! Hope the training is going well and that the pressure of it starts to ease - I hate it when you get to the end of the day with a headache brought about by work, it happens more often than I like.

    Joy - good to see you back too! I sympathise with the feeling of funk and needing to get back in the game. I lost it for a good couple of months and it's only in the last couple of weeks that it has come back. For me, I have to be in the routine of logging and working out and I've learnt that I also need a challenge, some element of competition. I've joined the Hogwarts challenge group here and it has helped me immensely - wanting to win and not let team mates down seems to really spur me on. How is the teaming up with your son's girlfriend going? Can you push each other along?

    Rachel - look after yourselves, it's always such a difficult time after you lose someone. Take care of yourselves and the rest will follow when you are both ready and able. Glad the cold is going!

    Jen - hope the week is getting better for you. How are you doing with the classroom challenge for this week? I've not got to the workout yet and realise I don't know what half the exercises are!

    @evamutt - so frustrating but you are clearly a good friend to her. Hope the week is treating you well.

    @iamrosiegxx and @graphics1125 - welcome to you both, come back and post often!

    Having such a nice week off - it is so needed. Gardening, work on Alistairs quilt and stuff around the house - it's so nice to just be able to chill and not worry about work! Hope all are having good days - will catch up again later :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Glad to see you back. Sorry about your son. You can get back on the wagon. I love the vet diet, think I need to give it a try.

    @rachel0778 Good to hear you are feeling better. Your SO is lucky to have you. I am sure he appreciates all that you do for him. Or he should anyways.

    @ShyCush6 Glad you are surviving the new position, even if it is just barely. Give yourself a little wiggle room. I bet you are doing fantastic. Don't forget a few minutes for yourself today.

    @janetay01 I am envious of your holiday break. I didn't even get a half day off. Although my daughter was sick on Monday and ended up having to call in to take care of her. I am doing pretty good on the challenges. Did Dada. completed 3 days of the potion challenge. The exercise portion is to pick a word from the 6th book, and do the exercises associated with each letter. I am about half way through with it. RoR has been posted as well.

    My eating is still out of control, but it was better yesterday than it was the 2 days before. However, this morning started off with a chocolate marshmallow egg. Very rich, very yummy. Then a spinach wrap and a tea from Star bucks. Too many calories this early in the morning. Luckily, I will burn some of those roller skating tonight. My two younger kids took a sample karate class, and they are graduating from the class tonight. They both want to continue, but I can't afford to send them both. It is $200 a month per kid. No way can I come up with an additional $400 dollars. Makes me kind of bummed.

    Back on the wagon. Let us keep on keeping on! Almost the weekend guys!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 So sorry your Easter plans went astray. It stinks driving all that way to end up not seeing your family after all. Hopefully you can do a makeup day sometime soon. I completely relate to eating feelings after that kind of disappointment

    @janetay01 How is Alistair's quilt coming along? Your week sounds so relaxing!

    @ShyCush6 New jobs can definitely be stressful. Sorry to hear your days have been ending in a headache. It's hard to stay on track with all that added stress. Just do the best you can

    I am finally feeling like a regular human today (no Dayquil or Nyquil needed!). I was even able to do a workout DVD last night instead of just going for a walk. I'm looking forward to increasing my activity over the next few days and then hitting it hard next week.

    I decided to do my hair and dress pretty today to try to perk my spirits a bit. I'm sick of feeling bloated and frumpy. It's amazing what even a week of being sidelined does for the body.

    I'm thinking of maybe starting a healthy habits challenge with my SO to help get back on track. Whoever wins gets taken out to a fancy dinner. We'll see if he's up for the challenge :)

    Happy Thursday everyone! Only 2 work days to the weekend!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hang in there Shy! In the coming weeks things will settle more when you know your job better. You are doing great! I know about the snoozing, I haven't been to the gym in the early morning in weeks! I keep snoozing myself!

    Jane - So glad you are having a nice week off! You deserve it. I just finished reading the book "The Year of Living Danishly" on the weekend and for whatever reason, it was reminding me of you! You should read it. :) Enjoy your time to putter!

    Jen - My eating is out of control too! I had a pretty decent day yesterday for the first time in a long while. I went over my cals, but I didn't have candy or pie or anything crazy. I told myself I just have to take it one day at a time and try to appreciate small successes.

    Today my success is that there is free coffees and muffins etc and I am not partaking! I actually had to walk away from my desk and take five minutes of a time out and talk myself down off the ledge! LOL! I told myself I HAVE to be able to have more than one day of behaving!! LOL! So I poured myself a mio flavoured water and I'm just going to ignore the free treats!

    It's raining here AGAIN. I told myself coming in to work this morning that at least it isn't snow... but that didn't even cheer me up! I think I'm going to float away or hibernate... I need some sunshine, people!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Dreary days are so depressing! Hang in there! I hope you're so proud of yourself for ignoring those treats. That is such a challenge. We had donuts at work the other day; it seemed like they were everywhere! Stay strong :smile:
    @Rachel0778 I'm glad you're feeling better! I hope the healthy habits challenge works! That sounds like a great idea.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,405 Member
    I'm so glad it's sunny today, so beautiful. I hate the dreary weather too. I went to my second zumba class today. I really like it even tho I have no rhythm. Right after is the stretch & flexibility class. I wasn't going to stay for that today but a friend I invited showed up so I did. I was so glad when it was over. All I wanted to do was get home, have some coffee & food but me & friend stayed & talked for a while. I shared last week how I've not been losing but maintaining lately because I just felt I needed more food & that was ok for now. This week I want start to lose again so I'm back on the lower calorie foods. I had tilapia sauteed in a little olive oil & a bag of broccoli & my snack of low fat waffle, 1 Tbl pb & 1/2 Tbl of jam. I have that 1-2 x a day. Really sustains me, plus my smoothie. I'm hanging around the house rest if the day (too much exercise today lol) but taking my dogs out for a few more walks. Making hubby dinner he likes (I'm not having any, too many calories) & will repeat my dinner from lunch. When I worked there was always food in the break room & pot luck every Sunday so I'm glad I don't have that temptation any more. It was before I joined mfp. I ate healthy but never lost weight. One of the things I ate was sunflower seeds. I would bring them in a baggie & munch on them all day. I found out after that how many calories they had yikes!! no wonder I didn't lose. I also made my own trail mix with nuts & craisons. For lunch I usually had veggies & tuna/chicken breast. Now I'm eating the things I used to avoid, like bread & potatoes, go figure.Rachel, you've inspired me to try work out at home too. I never liked doing it at home but will give it a try.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Joy - ha, I'll look it up - I'm on the hunt for something different to read, getting tired of going for the same kind of book every time! Well done for avoiding the muffins - my manager is constantly bringing food into the office (and it's not healthy stuff) and I have a daily fight to not partake. However, I have found that it gets easier - and eventually colleagues start to get it and stop offering it to me which helps! And I love the meme of the cats :)

    Rachel - I love the sound of a healthy challenge for you and your SO. Has he taken you up on it? Glad you are feeling better and good on you for dressing it up - it does wonders for how you feel.

    So I've just completed my exercise workout for the Hogwarts challenge that I'm in - boy, did that kick some butt! I am rediscovering muscles that I didn't know existed - and maybe later will be wishing that they didn't! Last couple of days before I go back to work - not much planned here for the weekend beyond swimming with Alistair. As we are on holiday, we got the food shop done this morning - all unpacked and stored away by 10.30am so that is one less thing to worry about. Hope the weekend is good to you all :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 What will your healthy challenge be? Sounds like fun. My BF joined me in the gym challenge to be supportive, but he has only done 1 workout with me, and hasn't really been watching his eating, so not much support.

    @bluepoppies777 Great job resisting the treats! We started getting some much needed rain yesterday. It is carrying over to today. I love the rain, so I am a happy camper.

    @Evamutt Great job on the exercise and heating healthy. You are absolutely right, there is nothing wrong with going on maintenance for a few weeks to get yourself back in the game. As long as it is a conscious decision, and realize you won't be losing weight during that time.

    @janetay01 Great job on getting your challenge done. I am almost complete with it. I am doing pretty good on potions. I picked sodium, figured that would help with my high blood pressure. Kind of funny, I don't have too many problems with the sodium, but it has made me aware of it, and I haven't been adding it onto my food once it is made.

    Had a crappy day last night. Found out that my uncle passed away, and then the BF got all mad at me, which of course just pissed me off beyond belief. We didn't talk to each other for the whole roller skating session, he then dropped me off at home and took off. So I slept like crap. Now I am sore, tired, have a headache, and I just want to cry. Here is hoping I don't emotionally eat all day. Oh we are supposed to go to dinner and a baseball game tonight. Lots of temptations.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Great job resisting temptation at work! We've got a retirement event today so there will be lots of treats and cake. I pre-planned a slice, but also made sure to pack a lot of protein packed options at my desk so I stop at 1. The rain has been getting to me too, thank goodness it's supposed to be gorgeous today onwards!

    @jdelaroy I'm so sorry your uncle passed away. I haven't run the challenge past my SO yet, but I'm thinking that we'll get a gold star every time we hit our calorie/activity goals for the day and whoever gets the most gold stars at the end of the month wins. That way it's an even playing field (if we did weight loss % he'd wipe the floor with me since I don't have much to lose)

    @janetay01 Swimming sounds like so much fun! Great job taking part in new physical challenges. I haven't had a chance to run my idea past my SO yet, but he's usually pretty game for new challenges so I bet he'll be on board

    @Evamutt You are incredibly active, I'm impressed by your workout ethic! I've never had rhythm either so I think it's awesome you're rocking zumba and having a great time with friends!

    @mbam89 Great job resisting those doughnuts at work, that is not easy!

    So I had a "first world problem" this morning. My beachbody streaming service is revamping their website and the log in was down when I wanted to do my morning workout...grrrr....

    Instead of throwing in the towel I went to good ole youtube and streamed a different circuit training video. It wasn't quite as good of quality but it still did the trick. Beachbody tech support is going to get an earful from me today though. Don't stand between a lady and her morning endorphins!

    We've got a busy social weekend coming up with drinks out tonight and brunch on Sunday with friends. Here's to hoping I can continue to make mindful decisions and stay on track. I'm going to run my challenge idea past the SO tonight so hopefully that will be extra incentive. Happy Friday everyone! We made it!
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am an avid cyclist who, in a weaker moment, signed up for a Sprint Triathlon. So I added swimming (my gym has a pool) and running to my routine and greatly cut back on cycling since the Sprint-Tri ride is only 15 miles. I am doing the same amount of exercise per week time-wise, just mixing up cycling/swimming/running for the past 2 months.

    What I have found out so far:
    • I HATE RUNNING ... but it is getting better. C25K app is cool. And - I know with 100% certainty that cycling and running muscles are 101% different muscle groups.
    • I LOVE SWIMMING ... best total body workout next to cutting, splitting, stacking firewood and clearing brush
    • CYCLING is still cool ;-)
    The other surprise is I dropped an inch in waist size on my pants.
    And -
    Since I am mixing up workouts and they are so different from each other, working out is more fun.
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @Evamutt Nice job with the zumba! I love zumba :smile:
    @jdelaroy Woah! I'm really sorry to hear that! What a rough time.
    @Rachel0778 Way to improvise and still get that workout in! Great job :smile:
    @Tweaking_Time That's awesome. Mixing it up keeps your muscles guessing, too!

    Happy Friday!