Carbquik and Low Carb

Do folks out there who use items such as carbquik still able to lose weight by using it? I'm so afraid that it's still a "bread" that it will make me gain weight. It's in my mind, I know. I've dropped 19lbs in 3 1/2 weeks and want to keep it going. I don't want it to stall but want to use other options like carbquik. Any experiences?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If carbquik helps you stay at a calorie deficit you won't gain weight. Bread doesn't make you gain weight....too many calories do.

    19 pounds in 3.5 weeks is really aggressive. Water weight "whoosh" with a low carb diet is part of that, but unless you are really overweight that's a faster than is safe. How many calories are you eating?
  • bicycleespresso
    bicycleespresso Posts: 5 Member
    1200-1500 calories and yes I'm overweight. I'm 230 now, trying to hit 180. I've counted calories before and it didn't really do anything to help. I was hitting over 200 carbs a day, sometimes more. Now I don't count calories and I can stay within a 1200-1600 area with a under 40 carbs per day.
  • bicycleespresso
    bicycleespresso Posts: 5 Member
    And I would have to disagree. Carbs absolutely make you fat. Most Americans are not eating carbs from Broccoli, they're eating it from Donuts and garbage.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Exactly, I'm with MalkinMagic71.

    It is a calorie deficit that has caused your weight loss. Really, 19 pounds in 3.5 weeks is too aggressive. You have no idea how much you're eating - so not sure how you are coming up with those calorie numbers, because common sense says you are under eating quite substantially.

    Carbs don't make you fat, excess calories do.
  • gen39
    gen39 Posts: 36 Member
    Exactly, I'm with MalkinMagic71.

    It is a calorie deficit that has caused your weight loss. Really, 19 pounds in 3.5 weeks is too aggressive. You have no idea how much you're eating - so not sure how you are coming up with those calorie numbers, because common sense says you are under eating quite substantially.

    Carbs don't make you fat, excess calories do.

    19 pounds in 3.5 weeks, guaranteed most of that is water weight and not true fat loss since the OP is clearly on a low carb diet.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    gen39 wrote: »
    Exactly, I'm with MalkinMagic71.

    It is a calorie deficit that has caused your weight loss. Really, 19 pounds in 3.5 weeks is too aggressive. You have no idea how much you're eating - so not sure how you are coming up with those calorie numbers, because common sense says you are under eating quite substantially.

    Carbs don't make you fat, excess calories do.

    19 pounds in 3.5 weeks, guaranteed most of that is water weight and not true fat loss since the OP is clearly on a low carb diet.

    Maybe five pounds of it...but that still leaves 14 pounds in three weeks and that's aggressive.
  • gen39
    gen39 Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2017
    gen39 wrote: »
    Exactly, I'm with MalkinMagic71.

    It is a calorie deficit that has caused your weight loss. Really, 19 pounds in 3.5 weeks is too aggressive. You have no idea how much you're eating - so not sure how you are coming up with those calorie numbers, because common sense says you are under eating quite substantially.

    Carbs don't make you fat, excess calories do.

    19 pounds in 3.5 weeks, guaranteed most of that is water weight and not true fat loss since the OP is clearly on a low carb diet.

    Maybe five pounds of it...but that still leaves 14 pounds in three weeks and that's aggressive.

    OP did say he was 230 lb. 10+ lb of water weight loss within a few days of very low carb dieting can be expected at that bodyweight.

    Either way, you're correct in that the calorie deficit determines fat loss. Being afraid of carbs and buying useless "carb-imitation" products like carbquik is pointless IMO. If you want a slice of bread, then eat a slice of bread. If you can't control yourself around carbs or sugar, then you will probably have the same issue with products that imitate carby foods.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited April 2017
    The PP'S have all the pertinent points covered re: CICO. As someone who lost all the weight after adopting a keto lifestyle I can tell you it's a function of the calories OP. Manipulating macro concentrations can have other effects and benefits re: health, performance and satiety but weight loss is a straight numbers game.

    Regarding Carb Quick and similar products, they are not looked at positively in basically any keto circle I run in, especially for those in a cut. You can of course still lose weight eating those products but if you truly cannot live without bread and bread substitutions (which are in many ways the same when the ingredient cards are down) this may not be the WOE for you.

    Best of luck!
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm LCHF and diabetic.

    I've never used carbquik and would be weary of it and similar products even if it doesn't drive up my blood sugar. If it's easy to overeat (stalls your weight loss), then I would avoid it or use it sparingly.

    I understand eating low carb (keto) is an easy way to lose weight without counting calories. For many they reach a healthy weight without resorting to calorie counting. For some, like myself I lost a lot weight before I stalled but still had a lot more body fat to lose. So counting calories and adjusting my macros into a calorie deficit helped me get the ball rolling again.

    If you ever read keto or LCHF forums you may come across people with stalled weight loss complaints and usual one of the resolution is to cut back on some fat (like bullet proof coffee or tea). Same concept less calories.
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    1200-1500 calories and yes I'm overweight. I'm 230 now, trying to hit 180. I've counted calories before and it didn't really do anything to help. I was hitting over 200 carbs a day, sometimes more. Now I don't count calories and I can stay within a 1200-1600 area with a under 40 carbs per day.

    I went from 270 to 185 (still losing) eating lots of bread.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited April 2017
    And I would have to disagree. Carbs absolutely make you fat. Most Americans are not eating carbs from Broccoli, they're eating it from Donuts and garbage.

    The average American eats 3000 calories.... if you look at cultures like the blue zones (who are the healthiest people and longest living people in the world) their diets are 70% carbs and around 1600 calories.

    Energy balance is a fundamental of weight loss. How you address that, its very personal. Even if i was low carb, i wouldnt really use a lot of substitute products. If anything id look are recipes so you know all of the ingredients.

    Eta: i eat bread daily and i lost 50+ lbs so far.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I have bread every single day and I'm losing weight as predicted by the amount of calories i'm eating.

  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    edited April 2017
    1200-1500 calories and yes I'm overweight. I'm 230 now, trying to hit 180. I've counted calories before and it didn't really do anything to help. I was hitting over 200 carbs a day, sometimes more. Now I don't count calories and I can stay within a 1200-1600 area with a under 40 carbs per day.

    You might want to tell this to the vegans out there that used a high-carb, low-fat diet to lose weight. Or send this to the guys that use IIFYM to cut; I'm sure you'll make their day.
    And I would have to disagree. Carbs absolutely make you fat. Most Americans are not eating carbs from Broccoli, they're eating it from Donuts and garbage.

    Most Americans are human vacuum cleaners that will eat anything as long as you put cheese or icing on it. You cannot possibly point to them as evidence when at the very least two-thirds of the population never counted their calories to begin with.

    * Lost 50 lbs spending most of my calories on candy, bread, or noodles
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2017
    And I would have to disagree. Carbs absolutely make you fat. Most Americans are not eating carbs from Broccoli, they're eating it from Donuts and garbage.

    Nope. Wrong. Science disagrees. Find reputable scientific proof that carbs cause weight gain in a deficit.

    Excess calories make all living creatures fat. Calories are a unit of measure of energy.

    If you were counting calories, you may have underestimated them. I personally have to use a food scale to weigh everything or I don't lose weight.

    * daily bread eater. Lots of carbs. Almost daily chocolate and snacks. Over 100lbs down.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I would probably skip it because it would lead to cravings. It may act as a trigger food.

    I'm one of those people who ate bread (most days) and gained weight. ;)