Carbquik and Low Carb



  • bicycleespresso
    bicycleespresso Posts: 5 Member
    Here's an experiment to you calorie counters. I went from 1800 to 1500 calories, same carb weight loss. Went from 200 carbs to 20 carbs- weight loss. And no, it's no effing water weight. You are not talking to somebody that doesn't know anything about weight loss. I've struggled with weight loss since I was 12 years old and I'm now 35. I fluctuated anywhere between 250 pounds to 168, at my healthiest when I was on weight watchers eating correctly and riding my bike almost 30 miles a day six days a week. When I have no life and I could do something like that. You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want. This is why Americans are suffering with obesity. I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body. I just asked a question about people that used carb quick because it is for people that are following a diet of counting carbs. If you are not following a diet of counting carbs then you don't need to comment. I am on a diet of counting carbs, don't count calories, so I can hit a calorie mark of 1600 cal a day which is fine because I am overweight. I am fully aware of how carbs work because as being a cyclist for over 15 years, I know how carbs feed your body. But I'm not doing that anymore so I'm seeking the advice of people that are on a low-carb diet or way of eating. Thank you and goodnight. 20lbs of water weight. That's a good one. I'll go hang out with the Keto folks- thanks
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    And I would have to disagree. Carbs absolutely make you fat. Most Americans are not eating carbs from Broccoli, they're eating it from Donuts and garbage.

    You do realize donuts (which are actually carbs, fat and protein) have waaaaaay more calories than broccoli.

    People eat too many yummy tasting foods without regard to portion size or calories. Donuts are yummy because they contain a number of ingredients (a recipe) that combines carbs, fats & proteins.

    But you can lose weight by eliminating most foods with a carbohydrate component. That's step 1

    Are you going to be keto fovever? OR does doing a low carb diet for a time "cure" you of overeating forever? Temporary changes never cured me - I'm part of the 90-95% of people who gained the weight they lost back. Maybe you will be the exception.

    This is the general forum. Most people here don't do keto. You could control the responses better by asking your question in a keto group.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Here's an experiment to you calorie counters. I went from 1800 to 1500 calories, same carb weight loss. Went from 200 carbs to 20 carbs- weight loss. And no, it's no effing water weight. You are not talking to somebody that doesn't know anything about weight loss. I've struggled with weight loss since I was 12 years old and I'm now 35. I fluctuated anywhere between 250 pounds to 168, at my healthiest when I was on weight watchers eating correctly and riding my bike almost 30 miles a day six days a week. When I have no life and I could do something like that. You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want. This is why Americans are suffering with obesity. I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body. I just asked a question about people that used carb quick because it is for people that are following a diet of counting carbs. If you are not following a diet of counting carbs then you don't need to comment. I am on a diet of counting carbs, don't count calories, so I can hit a calorie mark of 1600 cal a day which is fine because I am overweight. I am fully aware of how carbs work because as being a cyclist for over 15 years, I know how carbs feed your body. But I'm not doing that anymore so I'm seeking the advice of people that are on a low-carb diet or way of eating. Thank you and goodnight. 20lbs of water weight. That's a good one. I'll go hang out with the Keto folks- thanks

    No one is arguing that you shouldn't count carbs, but it's ignorant to suggest that carbs > calories when it's fundamentally wrong. Energy balance is one of the most fundamental aspects of weight loss. And there is substantial amounts of evidence to support that. Even more so, the healthiest places on the planet are the blue zone's which are 70% carbs. Americans and many other countries are fat due to increased availability of food and increase sedentary lifestyles. And just because you have an inability to process carbs well, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Thinking Americans are fat because we are now labeling cakes, doughnuts, cookies, etc.. as carbs instead of fats like we did 15 years a go is a bit short sighted.

    Having said that, there are a variety of conditions that have adverse reactions to carbohydrates: insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, etc... to name a few. In those states, it seems there is a reduction in metabolism when high level of carbs are present. In these cases especially, it is very important (for most people) to monitor carbs; this is depending on the severity of their condition. Additionally, if you find counting carbs over calories, that is fine. Many people here find that beneficial. That is why there is a huge LCHF group that is active.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want.

    If you actually count calories accurately, and especially (for nutrition and health) if you make sure to eat a healthful diet, sure you can! People lose weight on high carb diets all the time, and average carb diets, of course. Some of those diets are extremely healthful (since carbs are not unhealthy) and some are not (just as some low carb diets are healthy and some are not).
    This is why Americans are suffering with obesity.

    Americans have a high percentage of obesity NOT because we eat a higher percentage of carbs, on average, than thinner parts of the world (we don't -- many of the healthiest diets are higher carb, as in the blue zones). We are fat because we eat too much and are too inactive. (Our carbs and fat also come from unhealthy sources on average, and we don't eat enough of other carbs and fat, particularly omega-3s and vegetables and fruit. But none of that means "carbs" are the problem.)
    I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body.

    I don't think there's anything wrong at all with counting carbs. I think claiming that carbs are unhealthy and lead to weight gain and low carb=healthy and weight loss is false, however.

    And I don't think fruit, even higher sugar fruit, is at all a problem in my diet, and similarly I think some of my more delicious and healthy meals include pasta -- a reasonable amount of pasta (whole grain or white) with some shrimp or other lean meat (salmon is also good), and lots of vegetables sauteed in olive oil for a delicious topping? Or even a homemade tomato sauce with lean beef and lots of vegetables added -- yum.

    I don't eat much bread because I don't care about it, but it's certainly possible to include it in a healthful diet, and I don't get saying bread is bad for you, even whole grain, but carbquick is different.

    I also rarely eat donuts (a couple times a year, on the day before Ash Wednesday and in the fall if I get apple cider donuts, for sure, maybe at other times if good ones are on offer), but saying the problem with donuts is carbs vs. calories and not that many nutrients for the calories makes no sense when half the calories are from fat, not carbs.

    I only commented because you claimed that carbs are why people are fat, and that is not true.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    Where's that Easy Mac thread? :smiley:
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2017
    Here's an experiment to you calorie counters. I went from 1800 to 1500 calories, same carb weight loss. Went from 200 carbs to 20 carbs- weight loss. And no, it's no effing water weight. You are not talking to somebody that doesn't know anything about weight loss. I've struggled with weight loss since I was 12 years old and I'm now 35. I fluctuated anywhere between 250 pounds to 168, at my healthiest when I was on weight watchers eating correctly and riding my bike almost 30 miles a day six days a week. When I have no life and I could do something like that. You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want. This is why Americans are suffering with obesity. I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body. I just asked a question about people that used carb quick because it is for people that are following a diet of counting carbs. If you are not following a diet of counting carbs then you don't need to comment. I am on a diet of counting carbs, don't count calories, so I can hit a calorie mark of 1600 cal a day which is fine because I am overweight. I am fully aware of how carbs work because as being a cyclist for over 15 years, I know how carbs feed your body. But I'm not doing that anymore so I'm seeking the advice of people that are on a low-carb diet or way of eating. Thank you and goodnight. 20lbs of water weight. That's a good one. I'll go hang out with the Keto folks- thanks
    Science disagrees with you. I do, too as I've lost over 100lbs including carbs in my WOE as have many here. My RD (someone with many years of nutrition and diet education) disagrees with you, too.

    Yes. 20lbs of water is absolutely possible. I recently gained 13lbs from TOM, extra lifting and excess sodium. It was water weight due to the fact that it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. It takes longer to add/remove fat.
  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    edited April 2017
    Here's an experiment to you calorie counters. I went from 1800 to 1500 calories, same carb weight loss. Went from 200 carbs to 20 carbs- weight loss. And no, it's no effing water weight. You are not talking to somebody that doesn't know anything about weight loss. I've struggled with weight loss since I was 12 years old and I'm now 35. I fluctuated anywhere between 250 pounds to 168, at my healthiest when I was on weight watchers eating correctly and riding my bike almost 30 miles a day six days a week. When I have no life and I could do something like that. You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want. This is why Americans are suffering with obesity. I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body. I just asked a question about people that used carb quick because it is for people that are following a diet of counting carbs. If you are not following a diet of counting carbs then you don't need to comment. I am on a diet of counting carbs, don't count calories, so I can hit a calorie mark of 1600 cal a day which is fine because I am overweight. I am fully aware of how carbs work because as being a cyclist for over 15 years, I know how carbs feed your body. But I'm not doing that anymore so I'm seeking the advice of people that are on a low-carb diet or way of eating. Thank you and goodnight. 20lbs of water weight. That's a good one. I'll go hang out with the Keto folks- thanks

    Oh yes, I forgot that anecdotal experience trumps the laws of physics, as well as the overwhelming evidence that you can eat whatever you please to lose weight as long as you're at a caloric deficit. It's not that you weren't simply miscounting or overestimating the amount of exercise you did; that would imply that you're wrong, and we can't have that can we? The Twinkie Diet must have been staged. Americans aren't overweight because they were never taught portion control; they're overweight because THEY EAT THE DEVIL'S MACRO.

    I don't know why I never thought of it before. It must be everyone except you. All those "high-carb" dieters are conspiring to cover up the real truth because there's money in keeping people fat! That must be it! Wow, we're so smart.

    For the record, running to the keto folks isn't going to help you either. There was a post just yesterday in the LCD group that stressed the importance of counting calories, as they were the only thing that mattered in terms of actual weight loss. You simply drank the Kool-Aid and now think that every little bit of hearsay regarding your weight loss strategy is an immediate fact because the strategy worked for you.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I bought it when I was new to keto. I experimented with it a few times but wasn't that excited about it and didn't end up feeling like I really needed it anyway. I still have a mostly full box in my pantry somewhere 16 months later ...
    I do know when you're eating keto, eating more grains/carbs than usual will sometimes cause a temporary water weight gain/bloating that can make you feel like they're hindering your weight loss. But unless they trigger your cravings and hunger, hinder satiety and consequently adherence to your calorie level, they're not going to really affect your weight loss.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Here's an experiment to you calorie counters. I went from 1800 to 1500 calories, same carb weight loss. Went from 200 carbs to 20 carbs- weight loss. And no, it's no effing water weight. You are not talking to somebody that doesn't know anything about weight loss. I've struggled with weight loss since I was 12 years old and I'm now 35. I fluctuated anywhere between 250 pounds to 168, at my healthiest when I was on weight watchers eating correctly and riding my bike almost 30 miles a day six days a week. When I have no life and I could do something like that. You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want. This is why Americans are suffering with obesity. I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body. I just asked a question about people that used carb quick because it is for people that are following a diet of counting carbs. If you are not following a diet of counting carbs then you don't need to comment. I am on a diet of counting carbs, don't count calories, so I can hit a calorie mark of 1600 cal a day which is fine because I am overweight. I am fully aware of how carbs work because as being a cyclist for over 15 years, I know how carbs feed your body. But I'm not doing that anymore so I'm seeking the advice of people that are on a low-carb diet or way of eating. Thank you and goodnight. 20lbs of water weight. That's a good one. I'll go hang out with the Keto folks- thanks

    No one is arguing that you shouldn't count carbs, but it's ignorant to suggest that carbs > calories when it's fundamentally wrong. Energy balance is one of the most fundamental aspects of weight loss. And there is substantial amounts of evidence to support that. Even more so, the healthiest places on the planet are the blue zone's which are 70% carbs. Americans and many other countries are fat due to increased availability of food and increase sedentary lifestyles. And just because you have an inability to process carbs well, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Thinking Americans are fat because we are now labeling cakes, doughnuts, cookies, etc.. as carbs instead of fats like we did 15 years a go is a bit short sighted.

    Having said that, there are a variety of conditions that have adverse reactions to carbohydrates: insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, etc... to name a few. In those states, it seems there is a reduction in metabolism when high level of carbs are present. In these cases especially, it is very important (for most people) to monitor carbs; this is depending on the severity of their condition. Additionally, if you find counting carbs over calories, that is fine. Many people here find that beneficial. That is why there is a huge LCHF group that is active.

    Brad Schoenfeld is commenting on another study that hasn't been officially published yet, but which is showing that neither insulin resistance nor genetic factors mattered from a weight loss standpoint--over 12 months both high- and low-carb groups lost the same amount of fat when calories and protein were equal.

    I suspect that, while the means show no significant differences, there is some variablility in response among subjects. Given all the factors involved, this would make some sense. That, and the difficulty in individuals being able to differentiate the effects of low-carb vs satiety vs auto suggestion vs placebo vs actual calorie intake vs fluid shifts (to name a few) IMO would account for much of the n=1 anecdotes that are so prevalent.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Azdak wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Here's an experiment to you calorie counters. I went from 1800 to 1500 calories, same carb weight loss. Went from 200 carbs to 20 carbs- weight loss. And no, it's no effing water weight. You are not talking to somebody that doesn't know anything about weight loss. I've struggled with weight loss since I was 12 years old and I'm now 35. I fluctuated anywhere between 250 pounds to 168, at my healthiest when I was on weight watchers eating correctly and riding my bike almost 30 miles a day six days a week. When I have no life and I could do something like that. You can't just count calories and stuff your face with whatever carbs that you want. This is why Americans are suffering with obesity. I'm not really understanding why you think it's so bad to count carbs when loading up on Breads, pasta, donuts, high intake of sugar fruits, and all that kind of stuff might not be healthy for your body. I just asked a question about people that used carb quick because it is for people that are following a diet of counting carbs. If you are not following a diet of counting carbs then you don't need to comment. I am on a diet of counting carbs, don't count calories, so I can hit a calorie mark of 1600 cal a day which is fine because I am overweight. I am fully aware of how carbs work because as being a cyclist for over 15 years, I know how carbs feed your body. But I'm not doing that anymore so I'm seeking the advice of people that are on a low-carb diet or way of eating. Thank you and goodnight. 20lbs of water weight. That's a good one. I'll go hang out with the Keto folks- thanks

    No one is arguing that you shouldn't count carbs, but it's ignorant to suggest that carbs > calories when it's fundamentally wrong. Energy balance is one of the most fundamental aspects of weight loss. And there is substantial amounts of evidence to support that. Even more so, the healthiest places on the planet are the blue zone's which are 70% carbs. Americans and many other countries are fat due to increased availability of food and increase sedentary lifestyles. And just because you have an inability to process carbs well, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Thinking Americans are fat because we are now labeling cakes, doughnuts, cookies, etc.. as carbs instead of fats like we did 15 years a go is a bit short sighted.

    Having said that, there are a variety of conditions that have adverse reactions to carbohydrates: insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, etc... to name a few. In those states, it seems there is a reduction in metabolism when high level of carbs are present. In these cases especially, it is very important (for most people) to monitor carbs; this is depending on the severity of their condition. Additionally, if you find counting carbs over calories, that is fine. Many people here find that beneficial. That is why there is a huge LCHF group that is active.

    Brad Schoenfeld is commenting on another study that hasn't been officially published yet, but which is showing that neither insulin resistance nor genetic factors mattered from a weight loss standpoint--over 12 months both high- and low-carb groups lost the same amount of fat when calories and protein were equal.

    I suspect that, while the means show no significant differences, there is some variablility in response among subjects. Given all the factors involved, this would make some sense. That, and the difficulty in individuals being able to differentiate the effects of low-carb vs satiety vs auto suggestion vs placebo vs actual calorie intake vs fluid shifts (to name a few) IMO would account for much of the n=1 anecdotes that are so prevalent.

    Oh, that will be interesting..i love the work of Schoenfeld.