Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Ladies. My understanding is that this group is closed. You could take the captains kit and create your own if you want. Sorry-- we are an off shoot of a main group. Correct me if I am wrong Daisy.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Ladies. My understanding is that this group is closed. You could take the captains kit and create your own if you want. Sorry-- we are an off shoot of a main group. Correct me if I am wrong Daisy.

    Yes, it is a closed group. You are understanding correctly. (Even though I feel all snobby saying that)-goo suggestion to take the Captain Kit and start their own.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I am sooo starving right now, fixing to make my husband's lunch. Let's hope I make it through...

    I guess technically the group is closed, though we have a couple that haven't checked in yet. I can ask Chari if we can accept more or if there is a competion or something that requires all the groups are a particular size. I hate the idea of turning people away from motivation and comradery(sp.) and just making friends :P I will let ya'll know what I find out.

    I want to do the C25K also, but the first day I tried, I hurt my heels. It was either due to my shoes or my heel to toe running style. I want to try again after I get some actual running shoes, but I'm kind of afraid now that I will still hurt myself and buy running shoes for nothing!

    So far today I have 90 calories left... but I'm hungry. I plan to make a good choice before bed, but my husband always wants peanut butter and jelly for his lunch... well then I'm sitting there with all this bread, and peanut butter, and jelly! and I just gotta have one cause they are soooo good! BUT, this week I bought only strawberry jam, which I am allergic too, and we are out of grape, which I love, so hopefully this will make it easier to make that good choice :glasses:

    I should not allow my 7year old to keep me from working out. She can entertain herself for an hour or so! I vow to kick her off my TV during her brother's naptime so I may workout... at least 4 times next week. It's not like she doesn't have her own in her room...
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    So excited to be a part of this group! My name is Amanda, I am 34 yrs old, married 14 yrs to a great guy and have two girls ages 12 and 9.

    I'm really hoping that by being a part of this group that it will force me to quit "lying" to myself about what I eat and don't eat since I'll have to report back! My biggest challenge will be eating enough and making the time to exercise. I am currently 5'8, 190 lbs, wearing a size 12/14. My final goal would be to weigh around 150.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    So excited to be a part of this group! My name is Amanda, I am 34 yrs old, married 14 yrs to a great guy and have two girls ages 12 and 9.

    I'm really hoping that by being a part of this group that it will force me to quit "lying" to myself about what I eat and don't eat since I'll have to report back! My biggest challenge will be eating enough and making the time to exercise. I am currently 5'8, 190 lbs, wearing a size 12/14. My final goal would be to weigh around 150.

    Nice to hear from you!!! I will send you a friend request. Did you get my email? Glad you are on this journey with us! It has already helped me in this short time to be accountable. I know you all can see my diary and exercise:)
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. Getting exercise in and trying to make decent food choices :) Since we really aren't posting, I feel kinda stupid saying how I have been doing, since I don't know if anyone will also post their progress. Getting a little frustrated with this process. We started off so well. I don't know if most of us are on vacation, or extremely busy. (With that said, I will be gone for two days to go camping:) Too busy to just add a quick note to support one another? Sorry, just feeling a little let down after all of our enthusiasm about joining this group.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Aww don't feel let down. Everyone will post as they have time, because everyone does have different schedules. Once a day, or every other day is pretty typical of these challenge groups, except those super dedicated to their jouney that reply to each post every day. I wish I was one of those folks!
    When I read your wall post, I thought Chari had rearranged groups :(
    Also, as we get to know each other better, a natural banter with more to talk about will come around.

    As for my update... the last two days I have still gone over, but by less than 200 each time, so I am feeling better about that! Today will be my first day working out with my daughter, she is quite insistent on it actually. Wanted to workout last night at 10 o'clock, but of course that was bedtime. Hopefully she holds me to the promise of letting her join me at brother's naptime! I am sitting here now having my oatmeal and milk, wishing I had chosen the eggs instead... maybe I can have eggs and toast for lunch... hmm yummy.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I think it may be time to challenge ourselves! Let's take the weekend and rid ourselves of excuses!!!!
    We all make them, most of us are aware when we do, yet they just sound sooo good~
    Yesterday, I took the big soda "because it was happy hour and it was cheaper" ~ excuse
    I tend to skip workouts "because the kids are watching a show" ~ really bad excuse

    Whatever excuses you tend to make that keep you from reaching your goals---throw em out the window!~
    I would like to see everyone skip at least one excuse everyday for the next week, keep us posted so we can cheer you on!

  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Well said:) I like the no excuses idea. I am going camping over the next few days and need to keep this in mind when the candy and s'mores roll around.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I am under my calories today! yay!
    My daughter picked a video that really works your muscles, it is a yoga/pilates superSlimDown Crunch video. And that name should technically be read backward....
    Well, I didn't feel like it got my heartrate going, so I backed it up with my favorite Crunch video - AbAttack. It's a lot of fun and I am sweating hard core when it's over. Unfortunately, I pretty much did both videos with my daughter as coach instead of partner. LOL I was like: OOWWW and let my legs fall for a second or whatever and she was telling me "ya gotta do it". So that was helpful.

    No Excuses ~ I did not buy the Klondike sandwiches "because my kids asked for them" ... ok, so they saw fruit snacks they wanted more, then changed to ring pops, but I would have bought the ice cream regardless before~
    No Excuses ~ Today I worked out while my son was napping even though "my daughter was hanging out in the living room." She even helped me straighten up the mess from the morning so we had room :smooched:

    Overall, my day went well. I think you have to have s'more on a campout, but the excuse that "there's an unclaimed half melted marshmallow that will go to waste!" is not acceptable. When we go camping I tend to be so busy playing that I forget to eat, and I'm so busy playing that I burn a lot of energy! Have a great time~
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Ha! I made it today! A huge 17 calories left over. I just had a whole paragraph written and just deleted it. WTF? So, I am out of here for a few days, won't be able to log in. Going to work out tomorrow morning before we leave. Will be able to swim on Monday, so will tread water and sneak in some exercise. I will not make the excuse that I am on vacation so I can overeat or have a beer. I will watch my portions.

    Oh, and I have worked my bum off this week, so I will give you my weight Daisy. This morning I was at 178.6. Getting close to the goal weight. Just need to plug along and get there!!! Then it will be maintenance mode. I think I am more nervous for that:)

    Be strong all of you!!!! You can do it!!!
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    hey ladies... I just saw the documentary- sick, fat and nearly dead... all i can say is that this is something that I'm looking into... i am so bad with eating veggies and fruit that are "required" for my body.... and I have been feeling sluggish and blah.... i think I'm gonna try it for 3 days.... idk yet.
    other than that.... ijust been hanging around... eating ok and doing my exercise....but i still feel blah..lol
    hope you ladies have a great weekend!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I just saw that documentary last week too. I didn't like the idea of strictly juicing for that long, and only juicing. But I did like what the doctor said about the amount of meat and carbs in our diets. For those that haven't seen, we need even less meat than carbs. I was a vegetarian for 6 years, then I developed hypoglycemia which is better after adding meat back to my diet. *the protein helps keep blood sugars level* So, I can totally see how meat should be the smallest portion on the plate. And just think how much more sustainable the animal kingdom would become if everyone cut down to just one serving of cow/pig/chicken per day! ~rambling, sorry~
    OH, and I don't remember the reasoning, but the NearlyDead dude said he recommended doing the juicing diet for 7 days minimum to start.... think it was to get past the no-energy blahs! So keep that in mind

    On yet another side note, I will be without top teeth for like 3 months very soon and will prolly get a juicer. Eating fruits and veggies are hard enough without the back top teeth! I don't know what else to do on that....

    Well, today was a good day. Got to workout during naptime. I am so glad that naptime has returned. The whole summer has been a totally jacked up non-schedule sort of mess. We have 3 weeks till school starts, so I am trying to fix all that. I am planning for cookies and milk before bed, and remain under calories. So, that is awesome. If it gets under 100 before 9, we may go for a little bike ride... but it's still 109 at 6:30, so I'm not holding my breath.
    Is the heat a valid excuse?

    NoExcuses~ I still did my workout even though my husband was sitting behind me watching and telling me to shake that booty!
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    I'm checking in my weight----195.4.

    Now, I did one juice- apple carrot beet... not bad but I can't see doing it for 7 days. three maybe, MAYBE! lol good luck with your teeth situation... gotta suck!!

    On a side note... i did manage to drink 6 glasses of water-pure water -aside from the juice and chamomile teas...and I didn't feel like throwing up.. I hate water but I guess it's getting better!

    See ya ladies!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Checking in today! 181.9lbs! So excited! This is great since I haven't weighed in in 3 weeks!! YAY!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi ladies. I have been out camping this weekend. Sorry I have not been posting!! I thought I was doing good and then yesterday I ate junk instead of drinking water. Not good. So my weight is up today. :(. 190.8. One victory this weekend is that I turned down a s'more. My daughter made me one but I wasn't hungry so I said no thanks. I then felt bad because she made it for me and was so sweet but I turned her down. I hope she understood. Congratulations to everyone who has lost weight this past week. I will be joining you there soon! No excuses!!
  • badbrat2005
    Hey everyone. I'm running a little late on the introduction, but here we go. My name is Jessie and I'm a mother of one almost 7 year old boy. He can be a handful because he is constantly atttached at my hip. My starting weight was 193.4 last week and today I weighed in at 190.6. I was pretty impressed considering I really didn;t change my diet yet in the past week. I have been busy with starting a new job and have spent alot of time swimming the last week. My intermediate goal is 165 and my end goal is 135. I think that is a reasonable goal considering I am only 5 ft 4. I am going to have my fiance be my motivation as he is good about trying to get me walking and what not. My goal for this week is to track everyday and do not use work as an excuse for not doing so or eating poorly. I enjoy reading everyones post, its great motivation. By the way, Mio is a great thing to add to water. It tastes delicious and is 0 calories.
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    Morning everyone! I am down 1 lb since last week's weigh in...I'll take it! :) Sounds like everyone is doing a great job so far...keep it up!

    Things I need to work on being better at this week.....Eating more, and physically doing more. I should look into getting a video to work out with at home, it's been so hot outside about the only thing we do is go swimming. Anyone have any videos that they really love?

    As far as checking in here goes, I tend to not be on the computer at home, so weeknights and weekends I'll kind of be MIA....I will check in from work, so I should be around during the week unless things get super hectic around here.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I am willing to help out with charts or anything if needed. I'm not very active on here weeknights or weekends, but thats is going to change. I finally have internet at home!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Good morning!

    My weigh-in today is 195.8. Yay!

    Here are my favorite videos right now --

    1. Bob Harper Inside Out Method -- Pure Burn, Cardio Conditioning, and Yoga for the Warrior
    2. Jillian Michaels -- No More Trouble Zones
    3. Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders -- Body Slimming Yoga
    4. Butt Bible

    I've tried the first three at my local library, and I still check them out regularly. I just tried Butt Bible using On Demand on cable, and I loved it! The Swedish lady is SO funny that she had me laughing out loud! I love, love, love that I can try new workouts On Demand or from my library's DVD collection without paying a single cent.