Who watched "fat sick and nearly dead"?



  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I liked the first one, a juice fast can get results on health problems, which can be a huge benefit. I also agree with the criticisms that the approach doesn't change your non-fasting diet.

    Watching #2 now, glad to see the focus is on healthy regular eating and not juice fasting.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,183 Member
    I watched 1 & 2 after seeing this post yesterday and it does look like there is something in it. A lot of people who were on loads of meds for various health conditions were able to completely get off their meds, their conditions had vastly improved one guy beat diabetes as well I thought that was pretty amazing.

    Unsure if I could actually juice for 60 days but I might give it a try some time

    You might wanna go read the Success Stories forum here for a while first.

    Many people have used MFP, often but not always in conjunction with changes in exercise activity, to lose weight in a sensible way, get off most or all their meds, and - bonus - do it by learning to eat in healthy ways they can continue for the rest of their lives, to stay healthy & off meds permanently.

    While my story is less dramatic, I did avoid the statins my doc had been threatening, bring my triglycerides/cholesterol from very high to solidly normal, and take my blood pressure from pre-hypertensive to low-normal, simply by losing 60 pounds . . . without a single day of juice fast.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    So I watched the first one yesterday, and I'm watching the second one now. They're actually really interesting. The nutritionist says flat out that a 60-day juice cleanse is extreme and is definitely not recommended by any stretch of the imagination, which the host agreed with.

    I think the point is to go cold-turkey on things like sugars, refined carbs, fast food, and junk. The juicing itself is secondary. The main thing is to brute force your way through cravings and the will-power-leeching habits of the first couple weeks of any new WOE. Which is easier if you're only drinking a melange of fruits and veg.

    The second one (so far) is less about extreme measures and more about maintaining healthy, sustainable habits - which one of the subjects of the first film was able to do with some success, and one of the subjects was not. And they go into why that is - importance of community, predominantly.

    Juice cleanse - not necessary, definitely needs doctor supervision, very extreme
    Getting most of your nutrition from fruits and veg, and to a lesser extent animal products, and cutting out junk foods and processed foods - pretty good idea

    If the goal is to lose weight there's no need to go cold turkey on anything, unless it's a food type you seriously can't control your intake of. But it's not a good idea to demonize sugar/carbs/fast food as pure junk. It all can be fit into a diet that allows you to continue to enjoy food you like while losing weight.