I drink a lot of soda. Anyone have any suggestions to help cut the soda out??



  • Louis1118
    Louis1118 Posts: 1 Member
    I made it a challenge to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. I bought one of the large Smart Water bottles at work one day and drank it. Since it is 1 liter, I refill it 2 more times at the water fountain and make it a challenge to drink at least a quarter of the bottle by the top of the next hour. Now I have a hard plastic bottle that is 24 oz. I am an avid Pepsi drinker and I would get headaches too. The headaches still come every now and then, but I can drink two-three refills of my 24 oz waters a day and I noticed my craving for Pepsi has disappeared. I can drink water throughout the day, but it's when I'm eating that I can't stand the taste of water. My solution- I get a cup with my lunch meal and fill it up with a little ice, then 2/3 unsweetened tea and then top it off with a little lemonade. It tastes watered down, but once you start moving away from soda, sweet drinks like Mt Dew and others almost have a sickening taste to them. I quit soda a while back and lost 20 pounds. I'm trying to quit altogether again. You can do it!
  • zoeallman
    zoeallman Posts: 1 Member
    Sparkling water and flavours in it :)
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    edited April 2017
    rianneil wrote: »
    I used to drink a lot of soda as well. 12 cans of coke a day. I switched to seltzer water which gives the bubble sensation like soda but without the sugar or calories. Took a while to get used to the flavor, but haven't had a soda in 8 months.

    I've often seen posters on here claim that no one drinks that much soda everyday.. I'm sure there are many more people out there like you @rianneil who drink the same amount day in day out like you used to.

    Yep. 12 cans Diet Code Red Mtn Dew every day for ten years. Horrible knee pain/swelling issues that went away when I switched to the non-red regular diet kind... ?! But I miss the red...

    Finally switched to the occasional diet orange sunkist (has caffeine!) and Rock Star Recovery (orange, no carbonation) mixed in with Orange Vanilla Mio flavored water the rest of the time. Its a work in progress :)
  • ferd_ttp5
    ferd_ttp5 Posts: 246 Member
    Coffee or either Tea :smile: Coffee is more cafeine dense so choose what you like. Cheers
  • crazyycatlady1
    crazyycatlady1 Posts: 292 Member
    edited April 2017
    YaGigi wrote: »
    I used to have a glass of Diet Pepsi every day. It was like an addiction but more likely just a habit developed over years.

    I stopped drinking it last year, instead I have water, sometimes sparkling water, with lemons or berries.

    You'll feel better and your skin and hair will look so much better once you cut all those t nasty things out.

    I went from 4-5+ cans of diet soda a day to now drinking none-1 a day and nothing magical has happened to my skin or hair, and I feel the exact same as I did before, (which matches up to my experience when I've cut it out before).

  • carymccown
    carymccown Posts: 1 Member
    I started SodaStream which gives regular water carbonization. You can add fruit for flavor. Now I don't even like Diet Coke anymore.
  • Mikeyiscool182
    Mikeyiscool182 Posts: 35 Member
    I used to drink a monster/mountain dew daily. I still think they are amazing. I found a way to cut-down on soda by drinking coffee in the morning and having a flavor of ice tea with my lunch. Also chugging water helps
  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    I gave up soda cold turkey. I drink mostly water now, 4-6 oz of kombucha a day, and 1-3 cups of green tea. If I'm craving something fizzy, I'll drink kombucha or La crois. I just try to distract myself and move on to something different.
  • harraquelxo
    harraquelxo Posts: 18 Member
    I went from 3Ls of pepsi a day to cold turkey for about a month now. Any time I crave pop.. I drink a sip of carbinated water that is naturally flavored.. I do that about twice a week. I dont drink anything but water with lemons now. I feel so much better without pop. It was literally taking over my health.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Wait a minute. Powerade is a sugar drink isn't it? That's still a lot of calories. I had hubby switch to Mio sport. Far fewer calories.

    Regular powerade does have calories. There is a powerade zero version that is calorie free
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member
    Just stop cold turkey
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member
    I use to have 5 cans of pop everyday. Now I don't drink pop, on a cheat day I may have a can but the addiction isn't there anymore. Cut out sugar in your diet overall and ur body won't crave it as much.
  • Amymappes55
    Amymappes55 Posts: 5 Member
    Flavoured carbonated water may help
  • ashtoncm554
    ashtoncm554 Posts: 1 Member
    I like Pellegrino (or really any carbonated mineral water) with fresh lime squeezed in. Lots of flavour and you still get that satisfying fizziness!
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Two routes- cold turkey and take Advil for the headaches, or cut down to just at meals, then just one meal, then none. Each step should be like two weeks to give your body time to adjust to the lessening caffeine intake.
  • ambermmattox
    ambermmattox Posts: 6 Member
    I put different flavors of crystal light drops in my water to keep me interested. I love the strawberry lemonade!
  • victorias36
    victorias36 Posts: 28 Member
    Coffee and tea have plenty of caffeine. My stomach can not tolerate any thing carbonated. I have not had soda in so long I can not remember the last time I drank one! I drink water, tea, milk and coffee. You morning teas have a large amount of caffeine if that is what you are missing!
  • Citronova
    Citronova Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2017
    The new study in the news this week adds even more hazards of consuming artificial sweeteners than previously known. When I drank Crystal Light and diet soda, I craved Crystal Light and diet soda and sweet things in general. I have found from being vegetarian for eight years that when you give something up, its replacement becomes your new normal and after some time you don't even miss the former thing. I don't like plain water, never did, so I drink unsweetened iced tea (green, Earl Grey, mint or herbal). Also, it's so easy to make yourself a big glass of icy cold cucumber mint water or fruit water. Good luck! :smile:
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    Citronova wrote: »
    The new study in the news this week adds even more hazards of consuming artificial sweeteners than previously known. When I drank Crystal Light and diet soda, I craved Crystal Light and diet soda and sweet things in general. I have found from being vegetarian for eight years that when you give something up, its replacement becomes your new normal and after some time you don't even miss the former thing. I don't like plain water, never did, so I drink unsweetened iced tea (green, Earl Grey, mint or herbal). Also, it's so easy to make yourself a big glass of icy cold cucumber mint water or fruit water. Good luck! :smile:

    The new study in the news didn't control for other risk factors that might put people at higher risk of things like stroke, and make people more likely to drink diet sweeteners, like diabetes.