Why do you want to lose weight?



  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    Well there are many health reasons - but a lot of the reason is vanity.
  • Loug1983
    Loug1983 Posts: 89 Member
    As I've gotten heavier, I've started isolating myself from friends and family because I'm ashamed and embarrassed that I've let my weight get so out of control. I was once outgoing and social but now I'm that friend that makes endless excuses for turning down invitations.

    I want my confidence back.

    I want to again be able to enjoy the simple things in life with the people I love. I miss them and I miss the old me.

    All of this!
  • JuneAnneB
    JuneAnneB Posts: 3 Member
    I'm trying to lose weight because I'm tired of being being tired and lacking energy all the time. Dealing with aches and pains and other health issues at 41 is nuts and I need to get back to the healthy me, who loved long walks. I've been going on 4 mile walks with my sis and her parents and it's proved that I need to get healthier. At the end of a walk, I am totally exhausted and just want to shower and sleep now, while in the past walks always energized me to do so much more.
    So I want to lose weight to be healthier naturally, but also to be able to do more outdoor stuff - hiking, swimming and other events, without feeling tired. The Bonus will be fitting into smaller clothing again and looking better. :)
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Infertility - we are going to be doing IVF later this year and success is higher with a lower BMI.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    Vanity I want to be lean again.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    When I gained some back my clothes stopped fitting (I worked hard dropping almost 90lb to get those clothes) and my knees hurt all the time. I've damaged both knees in the past. I missed wearing my favorite outfits, didn't want to spend $ on a new wardrobe again, and needed the constant pain to stop.
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I'm trying to lose my baby weight before starting to try for baby number 2
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    It wasn't so much the weight, it was that I got disgusted with how much I was eating and the way I was consuming it and it was consuming me too. Just wanted out of that rut.
  • rainwife79
    rainwife79 Posts: 7 Member
    As I've gotten heavier, I've started isolating myself from friends and family because I'm ashamed and embarrassed that I've let my weight get so out of control. I was once outgoing and social but now I'm that friend that makes endless excuses for turning down invitations.

    I want my confidence back.

    I want to again be able to enjoy the simple things in life with the people I love. I miss them and I miss the old me.

    This. So much of this
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    There are SO many reasons for me but here are my top 3:

    1. My husband
    2. My kids
    3. So I feel more comfortable being in a group and look cute in clothes again
  • EmPersson
    EmPersson Posts: 768 Member
    For me, it's a lot of what's been said. Vanity, for sure. The clothes that I miss, too. My husband and I used to be called Barbie and Ken. Now... we're just nice people. :-)

    But, I love doing yoga, and I used to be pretty good at it. Then I got into pizza, netflix, and drinking every night after work. Now, as I'm working to get back into my yoga routine, I can't bend as far, not because a lack of flexibility, but because I have too much flesh in the way (around my waist, in particular). It brings to mind the reasons to get healthy to age healthy - to avoid the self inflicted health issues that my parents are going through. To avoid needing to be medicated...

    I have two coworkers about the same age who each had hip replacements at about the same time. One lady loves hiking. Even though her hip was hurting, she kept up her hiking right until the day of her surgery (even lost a couple extra pounds in advance), and came back to work shortly thereafter with barely a limp, and she's recovered beautifully! The other coworker is overweight, and he had to walk very slowly with a cane before his surgery. Because of his weight and lifestyle, after his surgery his limp has gotten much worse, and he can barely get around with a walker. I know which of those two people I would like to be if one of my joints ever decides to give out on me!
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    My why is cause I'm not attractive beint fat. No guys will look at me being obese. I have 0 confindene. I hate going out in public. Already on a few meds. Hoping if I drop all my weight I'm able to get off of them. I'm almost 31 and I don't want to die at a young age soo I'm on a diet and exercising to get healthy.
  • whatlunasaid
    whatlunasaid Posts: 173 Member
    Pain reduction and vanity. When I'm lighter it is physically easier for me to live my life. I have fewer migraines and moving doesn't feel like such a chore. I also want to keep being able to see my cheekbones, look great naked, and have my boyfriend lift me easily.
  • keilee0408
    keilee0408 Posts: 65 Member
    I have a million reasons why I want to lose weight but just to name a few. First, I don't want to be the "fat mom" at the playground and school events. Secondly, I want to have more energy to play and spend time with my daughter. And I want to find me again. I think I lost sight of who I was after becoming a wife and mom and just put myself last. Its time to find a balance :)
  • pennygm72
    pennygm72 Posts: 179 Member
    I've just turned 45 and I've been overweight or obese since my mid twenties I would guess. In the run up to my separation 4 years ago I'd lost 42lbs through WW and exercise, I felt my confidence growing as I lost the weight. Following the separation, amongst the chaos of suddenly becoming a full time working single parent to two small children, then 5 and 2, with an abusive ex in the background, I managed to keep the weight off for a while, however all effort at self care had gone. Everyone kept telling me I had to look after myself but I couldn't see the wood for the trees, I was barely surviving and keeping my children safe, happy and healthy took priority over any of my needs, I gained back around 18lbs.
    Fast forward to last summer, work pressures are mounting and the ex is still raising his ugly head just to keep me on my toes, I start to eat erratically, often not eating anything until 3pm, the weight falls off, I lose the 18lbs unsurprisingly, people start to tell me I'm looking good...but underneath the weight loss my body isn't happy, I start to experience pain under my ribs after eating and suffer with wind badly. This doesn't prompt any change in behaviour from me until 13th Jan 2017 when I end up in ED in excruciating abdominal pain. Yup...gallstones...multiple gallstones, requiring surgery. That was my light bulb moment really, I reactivated MFP and haven't looked back, I'm down 30lbs since that hospital attendance and still awaiting surgery, could be another 6 months before it happens (NHS cuts = long waiting lists for non-emergency surgery) but I am now firmly in the overweight category and 12lbs from healthy BMI, other than a grumpy gallbladder I feel great, full of energy and exercising daily, can't wait to get to goal to experience 'me' at a weight I haven't seen since I was around 16 years of age.
    So my reasons were initially for health but are now also for vanity, who knows I might even venture back into the world of dating!!
  • mariazmabey
    mariazmabey Posts: 22 Member
    To feel good and not worry about feeling 'fat' in fitted clothes and for my man ;) ..