How did you decide your goal weight?



  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    3 years ago I was 210lbs and at 5'2" that was quite a bit!
    Initially I had a goal weight of 133lbs - which is what the 'New Atkins' calculator said I should be.
    Well, I got to that in Jul-16 but it didn't feel 'right'.
    I've kept going and I'm now 119lb and it feels better.
    Going to stick at it for a bit longer as I think 112lb is probably about right and sustainable.
    It's all about 'when you feel good about yourself'
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm 5' tall and my goal weight is 80 lbs. I know I'll be slightly underweight according to BMI charts, but I don't think they're super perfectly accurate especially for shorties like myself. I picked my goal weight because I know that being a little bit "underweight" I feel best physically and feel best about how I look. My entire childhood I was truly underweight and it was when I was forced to gain a lot of weight around when I was 10 years old that I didn't feel good and I was horribly self conscious and didn't like my body. All the food therapies and treatments I went through also caused me childhood trauma I'm working through in my therapy now.

    80lbs? How short are you?
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    If I'm cutting, it's always 5lbs less than my current weight.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I picked the middle of the healthy weight BMI for my gender and height as a goal, 160 lb.
    I guess I need to re-evaluate that. I've heard that gender is fluid. I might need to change it to 125 lb.
  • MotivatedMom17
    MotivatedMom17 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I'm going midrange healthy for my height (:
    I'm shooting for 130-140, but I'm weight training as well. If I wasn't I would probably shoot for 120ish.
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I'm aiming to be back at 110 lbs- 115 lbs. Potentially 105 lbs but we'll see how I feel when I get to my first goal :)
  • pacingoamy
    pacingoamy Posts: 78 Member
    I am 5'4.5 inches (yeah, that half inch matters!) and the highest for me in the "healthy" range is 147.5. I am currently at 164 with a SW of 187.5

    I honestly had to break this whole thing in to mini goals and I never looked past each goal .... so part of me never expected to get this far! Even in high school, I stayed about 150 lbs and that will likely be my lowest and goal weight. I'm even okay with 155 at this point but that may change. I'm interested more in how I feel and the maintenance it will take to remain steady at a goal then being thin. Despite my obesity, I was always in fairly good shape and had an excellent medical history ... I just had a ton of extra fat lol! So, getting 'small' is not my bag.
  • DapperDassie
    DapperDassie Posts: 190 Member
    I'm 5'7/muscular build with naturally big frame and hips and my long term goal is 140. My start weight was 215 and my first goal was 190, my pre-pregnancy weight. Currently at 185 and my next goal is 160, where on the bmi chart I'm no longer considered overweight. Then 140 as my final goal because that's just where I've estimated I'll look the best. The lowest weight I've been in my adult life was around 170 and still felt much too big so I'm hoping 140 will feel good. If once I get to 140 I still feel like I want to fo smaller than 135 or 130 seems ok to me too.
  • ItsBetterThisWay
    ItsBetterThisWay Posts: 42 Member
    I know I feel more mobile, faster. stronger and fitter at a particular weight. Plus my leg veins are crazy when I'm at my ideal weight. Everything crystalizes at the right size. I got their through physically knowing I felt blah at a heavier weight.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have to be realistic with myself. I'm 5'8" and about 200. My goal weight is something that has to be realistic and I don't want to constantly be in starvation mode. My goal weight is 155, which is what I was when I got married. Still curvy, but what I'd consider thin and within a healthy BMI range. I'm going to aim for 150, however, but I'm not going to kill myself trying to get there or maintain. Would I like to weight 145? Heck yeah, but realistically I don't know if it's possible. I like to eat.
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    Libby283 wrote: »
    I am seeing others my same height posting goal weights vastly different than my goal. Some are close to what I weigh now, which I say is my "fat size".

    Is it a certain size you were before? A goal to just get to a certain pant or dress size you think sounds good?

    How do you decide what weight you want to become?

    My current stats

    5'3", 38 year of F.

    SW 158
    CW 152.6
    GW 124

    I want to get back to the same size I was 2 years ago and wear my favorite size 2 Levi's.

    I calculated my ideal weight and it's in the 140s. I want to be smaller than that, so my goal is anywhere between 130 and 140. At 5'3, I'm pretty short.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I am 5'3", 47 years old

    SW on Aug 12, 2016 was 204lbs
    GW was 130
    CW 122

    I think I am done but am freaking out. The smallest I was in my 20's was a 7/8 and now my size 4's seem to have too much room so I think I am just going to do some toning of my butt since that seems to be all I need and just see where I end up.

  • Volbeat79
    Volbeat79 Posts: 185 Member
    I started with BMI. I am 6'7", and BMI says I should be about 215 pounds. My lowest weight as an adult was 260 pounds, and people thought I was starting to look sick. I now have my goal at 250 pounds, but plan on having more muscle at that weight than I did years ago at 260 pounds. Btw, I am 339 right now.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm 5"8 and my goal weight was 143lbs, which is around the weight i was throughout my 20's and 30's. I did reach it, but it was draining and exhausting staying there! My natural appetite seems to coincide with staying at 148lbs, so that's where I'm parked for now. Plus my hubby has made me promise not to lose anymore, which is a nice excuse for me to stop dieting, because i hate it.

    The thinnest I've ever been in adulthood was 127lbs, it was NOT a good look then, and would look even worse on me now at my age.
    Even when i got back down to 143lbs after losing 30, friends of ours asked my husband if i had cancer! The older i get, the older i look if i try and lose too much. I can't pull off the weight i was when i was younger these days.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I set a goal for the top of the healthy bmi chart. will adjust later on either when i get there or when i get close. im thinking probably another 5-10 after that not sure. . never been in the healthy range dont know what ill look like. Im near the top of overweight atm and to me i look good but i know that 148 at 5'0" isnt exactly healthy. . so i keep going.
  • ILoveGoal
    ILoveGoal Posts: 141 Member
    Using this website:
    © 2017 FitWatch, all rights reserved

    Enter your average weight, body fat, choose being (fe)male, and using imperial or metric.. click calculate and seeing at which weight range you'd be when reaching x body fat percentage.

    Possible being at a bit higher weight when exercising due (gaining) muscle mass (not wanting to loose muscle but fat), though being leaner (lower body fat %).
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    Right now my goal weight is atleast 150 I have a lot to loose. I'm 5'1 medum frame so when I get to 150 I willl go from there
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Never had a specific weight in mind. I was mostly interested in reversing some bad blood work and getting my health and fitness back. I figured I wanted to be around 12-15% BF...not super lean, but not overly fat either and easy to maintain in that range.
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    edited April 2017
    I used to be a fairly hardcore cyclist, and my ultimate goal is to get back into riding shape. So I'm targeting a weight of 150 lbs. because that's the weight I averaged when I was riding. That's a weight that's easy for me to maintain without really trying, as long as I keep riding.