Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @kasey39 That's quite the loss! 6lbs in 3 months is nothing to feel bad about, it may be slow but the number is going down and that's the important part. I'd have a hard time blaming the exercise for the slow loss and instead look closer at your intake (or maybe medications?) for the culprit

    @Evamutt Are you weighing all of your food? Sorry to hear about the car accident. Jogging a block is a huge accomplishment and you should feel proud!

    @jdelaroy Sorry to hear you're in the eat everything mood :( TOM coming up? That's when my urge to eat hits

    Thursday has arrived! I am surviving this week...barely. Work has been insane since we had a big retirement in the office and the replacement isn't starting for a few more weeks. Pole class last night was amazing and just what I needed. My body is not used to my exercise classes after two weeks away though so I'm definitely feeling it! Tonight is derby again and I'm so excited (even though I'll definitely need Friday as a day off!).

    I'm now 4 days into the competition and still rocking it. My SO has only hit his goals for 2 of the last 4 days (he got seriously derailed yesterday, but then again if someone showed up to my office with gourmet monster cookie dough cupcakes I probably would have too!). I'm excited for the shopping spree, but even more excited to see the changes in my body after these 10 weeks. It's fun having the new dieter excitement back, this challenge was definitely a good idea for my mental health.
  • lallybc
    lallybc Posts: 24 Member
    Very odd
    Don't see my post from yesterday grrrrr
    So I'm 5 days posting and getting back in the groove here. Working out details in the app etc.
    saw dr this week and need my thyroid meds tweaked also -- and an ultrasound for possible swelling there. Cholesterol going down but still room to improve it. I know I can do that when I alter diet -- want to succeed so I know support is where it's at B)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @lallybc - Welcome! Support is always available on this thread :). Sounds like you are getting a few things sorted out - take it step by step and you will make progress.

    Rachel - surviving the week is about the extent of it here as well! You are doing really well on the competition - bet the SO doesn't know what has hit him. You've got a great shopping spree coming up if you keep this going!

    Jen - sorry you have had a rough few days. I sympathise with the eat everything approach - I've got a stinking cold and am eating as though it is going out of fashion. Hope the end of the week is an improvement.

    @evamutt - a block of jogging is definitely a big deal, more jogging than I think I could do!

    So I'm still here - but as mentioned above, full of cold and coughing so feeling rather sorry for myself. Just trying to pull myself through work to the long weekend that we have here in the UK - I could sleep for a week but that isn't particularly practical! Happy Thursday everyone.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    Yes I weigh ALL my food & haven't changed the type of food I eat much from when I was losing before, just eating a few more ounces of protein per meal (meat,pork or chicken) I have actually cut out snacking(all planed & weighed) except for peanut butter in the afternoon & added my snack calories I used to eat to my 2 main meals instead. This makes me think if it's better for me to eat smaller meals & bring the snacks back in so I eat something every 2-3 hrs instead of 2 meals a day like I used to eat before I lost weight? This morning I walked the dogs for an hour so I can make it to my zumba class at 10:30 but I was already tired by then from the last 2 days of exercise so I skipped class today &took them all to the dog park instead. Today I"m going to help a friend clean & my dtr is coming in the morning by herself (with her 2 dogs) She's very pregnant & her baby shower is Saturday. Her husband & 2 kids will join her on Saturday . She has a hard time being pregnant so I'm going to drive her around to get some things she needs. Busy weekend.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @lallybc Sorry to hear your post didn't post! Great job on the 5 day streak! I hope your doctor is able to find the right meds balance for you

    @Evamutt That is frustrating (sorry I always have to ask on the food weighing just in case-my scale was a sharp dose of reality when I started weighing peanut butter!). I bet your fur babies had a blast at the dog park, my pup is jealous!

    @janetay01 Having a cold is the worst! I hope you get a long nap to catch up on sleep


    I'm really sad how quiet this board has gotten, I miss everyone :(

    Today I'm headed to my friend's house and we are going to carpool to her show tonight. It will definitely be a challenge with food/booze since I'm sure we'll be up until 2am. Luckily she scheduled us back to back workout classes tomorrow morning to hopefully mitigate the damage. I might not get my healthy habits star today. I did pre-track the entire day including a booze estimate to try to help...but who knows? I just don't want to undo all the work I did this week. It was rough getting back into a regular calorie range!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Me at my standing desk...I regularly do quad stretches lol
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited April 2017
    How I feel about today
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Great job getting back on the healthy habit wagon. My BF will do challenges with me, but they aren't much of a challenge. He doesn't really try. I think I am going to have to do a sticker chart are something. So many stars and I get a reward. Have fun on your girls weekend. I know you can keep yourself accountable and do moderation. PS I miss everyone too. Hope they come back soon.

    @lallybc 5 day streak is awesome. Hope the DR gets your meds figured out soon.

    @evamutt Hopefully, you are seeing improvements in other parts of your body. Inches, fitness level and what not. If you decide to make a change in your eating pattern, they recommend you give any changes 6 weeks to show if it works or not.

    I had a great day yesterday. Made all my goals and despite the chocolate stayed under calories. I didn't even have to count my exercise ones. I did to roller skating sessions for a total of 3.5 hours on the rink and 36000 steps yesterday. I am set for another good day hitting my goals. I think next week I need to set some weekly goals to help keep me motivated. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Still here, still coughing!! Jen - good for you having such a positive day - and wow, that's a lot of steps. Rachel - pre-logging is such a good idea and one that I need to get back to.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    So glad it's Friday - we have a bank holiday in the U.K. so it's a 3 day weekend. Going to focus on getting healthy and hit things hard again next week. Hope all have lovely weekends
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 Feel better soon and give yourself a rest.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    My dtr is on her way for the week end, they moved 2 yrs ago but are about 3hrs away. Tomorrow is her baby shower. I'm planing to indulge. Her husband is a manager of Whole Foods & is catering it! I bought some PB2 peanut butter. I like it & am switching from regular pb. Hope ya'll have a great week end
  • lallybc
    lallybc Posts: 24 Member
    Eva that sounds like a worthwhile splurge - have fun. I have some of that PB2 that I haven't tried yet. Nothing exciting today but I did stay in calorie range and walked 3 miles -- weather is hot already here - you have to learn to love it B)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I'm having end-of-school-year nightmares already. My high school students are in open rebellion, refuse to do their work, hang out and talk loudly with their friends, leave the room without permission, and apparently we are also being visited by elementary-school-age munchkins who run around minus shirt or shoes.

    The nice thing about that is that when I wake up and it's time for exercise, I'm now relieved instead of annoyed ;)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    I took the dogs out for walk this morning ( I don't go to dog park on week ends) also walked my 2 grand dogs. Did some jogging too. was out for 1 1/2 hrs so that should make up for some of the yummy food I'm having at the baby shower today
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good afternoon everyone! I've been on and off the site for a while but have never really been on the message board side of it. But I quit smoking a little over a year ago and that was made mostly possible because of a website that was kind of like this that I literally CLUNG to! The motivation and support with just life's ups and downs was amazing and I really feel like this might be the place for me! So here we go!

    I'm Hannah. I'm 28. Married to a wonderful man and mother to great cat named Panda. I was a little over weight when we quit smoking last spring and in the beginning of the quit journey I ate pretty much nothing but sugar and carbs. I mean entire boxes of donuts in one sitting. I think the main problem was that I worked at a Wawa(a convenience store on the East Coast) doing overnights and before we quit I would buy cigarettes for myself and my husband as I was leaving. That was always my down fall, so instead of buy smokes, I bought sweets. The first month, I would walk out of the store with 4 candy bars and two 20oz bottles of coke and chug a bottle and eat 3 of the bars before I got home. The second month was snack cakes and the six months after that were coffee rolls as big as my head. It's no wonder that I went from 135lb to 183lb. That is my current weight but I've found some good resources about clean eating and I've been walking more and found some very doable workouts that I think I can master(if I can get my interval timer app on my phone to work! Lol)

    But I'm actually really excited to be here!

    So far today I've gone over my sugar limit and it's only 4pm but I'm still under my calorie count. I'll have to be more careful about my sugar. But It's beautiful out today so I took a four(and a bit) mile walk after I got home from work. That was nice but I think I burnt the back of my neck. Lol

    Sorry about the super long post!

    I just wanted to let everyone know who I am and such!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 Are you feeling better? Hope you are enjoying your holiday.

    @evamutt How was the baby shower? Great job with the walking to counter balance those extra calories.

    @lallybc a 3 mile walk is awesome.  We had 6 inches of snow on Saturday. Most of it melted Sunday.

    @cliketykeys. That is a crazy nightmare. At least it is helping motivate you for the workout.

    @hgsmith0920 Welcome back to MFP. Quitting smoking is no joke. Great job! I am sure your body is very happy with this change. Looks like you already have a great start to your better health journey.

    Well, I had a pretty good weekend. Friday, met all my goals. Didn’t make goals for the weekend. I managed to stay under calories, limit my sugar intake, roller skated 2 days and hit the gym all 3 days. I did some thinking about my snacking down fall. I know that I eat when I am bored, so I am going to try and stay busy. I am also giving up sugary stuff for the week. Maybe kick the sugar craving. I did it before but kind of fell back into it. Plus had a talk with the BF about the gym. He really doesn’t mind if I go without him. So I am going to try and go at least 4 times this week. And in case I am not crazy enough, I added in a squat challenge for the month. I am hoping this will help make my knees stronger. I also want to start working on improving my core muscles. I want to be able to skate really well, and to do that I need stronger knees and a better balance.

    Have a rocking Monday guys. We can do this.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Sounds like you did a great job this weekend! Squats are going to help tons with your roller skating!

    @HGSmith0920 Welcome! Good for you for quitting smoking, that is a tough habit to kick! Glad to have you in the group!

    @Evamutt How did the baby shower go? Great job staying active!

    @clicketykeys I cannot imaging dealing with high school kids around this time of year, I'd be excited to exercise instead of manage that too!

    @lallybc I'm jealous of the hot weather, it was 40 degrees and raining all weekend. PB2 is pretty decent. I like the chocolate stuff. I personally think it works better in cooking/baking than it does as a spread

    @janetay01 How was the three day weekend? Are you feeling better?

    I am so excited, I made my goal for the entire weekend!!!! I didn't go over a single day this week! And that included Friday night going to my friend's performance at a bar and staying out until 3am and on Saturday functioning on 4 hours of sleep and going out to eat to brunch. I can't wait to weigh in and see if it showed on the scale. I'm definitely feeling less bloated at the very least.

    This week will be challenging. I've got two days in the office, but then I'm driving to a three day conference (all meals included). I'm packing fruit, 100 calorie packs of almonds, and protein bars for snacks to avoid the cookies/brownies. My SO will probably win the challenge this week, but I'm going to try to give it my all!

    I'm also packing my tablet so I can do workout videos in the morning/at night before and after the conference. I'm hoping it will be nice out so I can explore the resort with lots of walks too.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Awesome job! I knew you could do it. You can do it this week as well. I love that you are pre-planning for it. Also, check out where you are staying, they might have a gym you can use.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Thanks @Rachel0778 I'm actually really excited but I've only been serious about it for the last couple of days so I'm gonna wait until Wednesday to step on the scale. Lol