That AHA moment: What made you start?



  • kingleahnidas
    kingleahnidas Posts: 280 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events

    My 28 yo son said "Dad, you always say you're going to do something about your weight but you just blow us off." That was Thanksgiving 2012, I was 65 yo, 376 pounds, retired and had no activities in my life. I promised him I would do something because he made me remember how I lost my Mother at age 54 because she never did anything about her drinking no matter how many times her family tried to help and it killed her.

    2. When did you start this journey?
    Jan 2013 I joined WW, I had tried it many times in my lifetime but never stayed with it after losing the weight. I always gained it back PLUS MORE!

    4. Where are you now?
    Lost 155#, active with aqua aerobics, swim 1/2 mile in laps and try to walk 10K steps several days a week.

    4. What keeps you going?
    Knowing that I CAN DO THIS for me, my health, my wife, my son, my family and a lifetime of seeing the weight come back on IF I QUIT.

    This is amazing. You're an inspiration! I teared up at your first answer. <3
  • jennknut
    jennknut Posts: 32 Member
    In 2009 I had a major PE, CPR, ICU and a year with about 5 surgeries. I was at a healthy weight when this happened but had become sedentary. My aha moment was knowing that I could have lost my kids, my husband and everything we had in a moment. Since then I have run a half marathon but I have focused the last 4 years on really reclaiming my muscle and strength. Not on the running as much but more on HIT and hitting the weights. I don't focus on a number on a scale but do focus on my muscle mass (I use a withings scale and would highly recommend). I would say that setting small goals (running a 5K) meal prepping are great for meeting big goals.
  • shabanabibi1986
    shabanabibi1986 Posts: 63 Member
    I wish I could say that I had a turning point. It was more of a rock bottom for my addiction to try and make myself feel better. I eat for any situation. Happy, sad, anxious, depressed, angry. I eat to change my emotion and not feel it. I finally found a combination of medication that lifted my depression enough to see what I had done to myself. I started trying and really wasn't very successful. Then my son got in a fight with a kid because the kid called me a fat C word. Broke my heart. Then I started seeing daily just how bad I had gotten. When you are in a cloud of depression .. you don't realize what is happening. Or at least I didn't.

    I am on week 2 of the Transform app with Chris & Heidi Powell. I feel different this go around and I will not stop this time. Not going to happen. 3/27/17 is the official start date.

    Down 4 pounds the first week. This is the week that I am interested in seeing as the first week is usually water right?

    At this point I am not qualified to answer what keeps me going bc it hasn't been very long, but at this point my determination is here. I think there is a difference in motivation and determination. I am determined to see this through. I can't be like this anymore. I just can't.

    I can relate with u on the depression which got me to my heaviest of209 and I'm only 4' 11. Im now down to179. With the depression i didn't know how and when i got so heavy. Also my son is7 and the reason i started it's bc i don't want to embarrass him either. My sis in law told me her11 year old son didn't want her to go to parent teacher conference bc off her weight, he took his dad instead. I didn't want to be in her place in a few years.
  • zharptichka
    zharptichka Posts: 127 Member

    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events
    I'm staying with my parents while I finish writing my dissertation and I've always gained weight while living with them. I was 241lbs as a freshman in high school for example. And every time I visited I gained 10lbs (even if it was only for 2 weeks). I knew that if I lived with them for the year without making serious changes I was going to hit 300 lbs and I just couldn't handle that. I was also just generally unhappy with everything and not in a great place. So I was also looking for stress relief that wasn't eating. It was a lot of factors but I kind of just woke up one day and said I'm doing this.

    2. When did you start this journey?

    4. Where are you now?
    I'm down 40lbs and I'm aiming for another 100.

    4. What keeps you going?
    It's actually been pretty easy. I mean I'm working really hard (dear god I'm evening running which should just not happen :wink: ) but I've been really at peace with the whole thing. I'm just eating a little less and adding more vegetables and fewer refined carbs (too many calories when they leave me hungry in an hour). I don't crave sweets any more and a lot of the foods that I loved now taste kind of gross to me. I look forward to my workouts. It's quite strange but I'm loving it. Even though I'm still really overweight (252lbs at 5'8") I feel so much better and happier. I'm hoping it just keeps getting better :smile:
  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member
    I was overweight and obese from age 7 to age 33 and yo-yoed many times with dieting schemes. In 1985, my training in psychotherapy together with what I learned through experience led me to be able to apply effective behavior therapy. I finally lost 140 pounds in 1985 and have maintained 180, within 10 pounds, since. Within a month of beginning this newest approach, I knew I would never have the problem again. My new addiction was better than the old one. p6zvs3st8rx4.jpg
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    edited April 2017
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events
    Christmas pictures were disappointing and I noticed that I was cycling through the same three pairs of pants in my closet. I tried shopping and I couldn't zip up anything that I used to.

    2. When did you start this journey?
    Tried hard in december 2016, fell off the wagon, then tried hard again in february, fell off the wagon. I would say I started to focus - for real - in about April and reached my lowest weight in about two years - 132 lbs.

    3. Where are you now?
    About the same but I'm using MFP and fitbit to get down another 7 lbs (my pre-baby weight). Trying to be consistent and hold onto these habits even when my work becomes stressful or my life gets too busy.

    4. What keeps you going?
    Fitness makes me feel stronger. When I'm fit, I make better decisions about my life. And of course I want to get back into my favourite clothes and not have to struggle each morning looking for those same three pairs of pants.
  • nrbutton
    nrbutton Posts: 165 Member
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events

    This last weight gain was a combo of fertility drugs to get pregnant, being pregnant, the "I'm pregnant so I can eat whatever I want and no one can say anything about it" mindset, buying a home in a new city, and becoming so uncomfortable I could barely move by the time I gave birth. I weighed 139 last year before I got pregnant and weighed 225 the day I gave birth.

    2. When did you start this journey?

    The day I left the hospital after the c-section March 1st of this year

    3. Where are you now?

    Down 58 lbs. I gained alot of water weight in the final weeks of the pregnancy and the baby weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs so I probably lost a good 35 lbs in pregnancy weight alone. I weigh 167 right now with an ultimate goal of 130.

    4. What keeps you going?

    Remembering how sexy I felt at my lowest weight and the determination to lose the kangaroo pouch from the c-section. I'm determined to have a flat stomach for the first time in my life. Even at my lowest weight I still had extra fat above my c-section scar and I want to prove to myself that it's possible. I know if I work hard enough it's possible and I'm not making excuses anymore. I will wear a bikini again without feeling self conscious about the overhang.
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    edited May 2017
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events
    I looked at recent pictures and just decided it was time. I also tore my meniscus in December making it very hard to walk let alone exercise. My mother's family all died in their early 60's, not from weight related illnesses but I am 63 and I decided it was time to take care of my health.

    2. When did you start this journey?
    Jan. 2017

    3. Where are you now?

    I started at 216 and I'm down to 195. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and bounced up about 5 lbs. which annoys me no end. Way too much wine so I'm being really strict with myself now.

    4. What keeps you going?

    I want to get down to a sensible weight, I don't plan on wearing a bikini but I would like to look nice this summer. Also, my son lives overseas and is coming home in June. I would like to surprise him when he sees me.
  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    1. Like many others, my turning point was seeing pictures of myself and just not liking what I saw. I love stylish clothing and I don't like the way they look when my body is chunky.
    2. Started January 15, 2017.
    3. Currently at 190 with a goal weight of 170 - that goal may be adjusted once I get there.
    4. The alternative - giving up - is no longer acceptable to me. Over the past 5 years, there has been a slow gain of about 5 lbs per year. I will turn 60 at the end of this year and I don't want to compromise my health or my ability to be active in retirement (I have plans!).
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    MichaelRow wrote: »
    1. What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events

    My wife and I had our second daughter Nov 2016. I realized that I didn't have enough energy for my girls. That sucked because my older daughter is really fun. My younger's still a potato, but you can't blame a 4 month old for that. She does help out, though, as she loves being in the ergo-baby with me.

    2. When did you start this journey?

    I've tried off and on with MFP for about 5 years ago, but I keep falling off. For Christmas I got an Apple Watch S1 and didn't want its capabilities to go to waste. I restarted logging and bought some dumbbells and watched Youtube videos on weights. Yesterday I even bought a cheap rower. When I started on Jan 1 I was 283.2. My highest weight last year was 290.

    3. Where are you now?

    I have energy to get through the day while playing more. I don't feel like falling apart after mowing the lawn. My older daughter and I started some gardening outside to grow herbs and flowers from seed. This morning I weighed in at 259.9, 23.3 lbs down in 100 days. The goal is to lose 100 lbs.

    4. What keeps you going?

    My little girls. They are cute, funny, and so very smart.

    You sound like an absolutely wonderful man. All my best wishes for you as you reach your goal.
  • Laura040
    Laura040 Posts: 38 Member
    What was the turning point for you?

    Turning point was after having my third child in 2015 and seeing pictures of myself. My husband is military, and is very active. I wanted to be able to take part in his exercise routines with him. I had never been swimming with my three kids because of my weight, and I was losing out on so much.

    When did you start this journey?

    January 2016, with. Restart April 2017

    Where are you now?

    I reached my goal weight of 150 pounds 6 months ago. But then a series of events occurred and I lost focus. I am back and ready to lose 40 more pounds and to be in the best physical health possible.

    What keeps you going?

    Seeing how far I've come. Seeing how much my body is capable of. Finally, living my life with my kids and husband.
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    1. What was the turning point?

    For me the turning point was getting the couch to 5K app and realizing that to improve my running I would have to lose some major weight. I had a goal to run a 5K in under 30 minutes and the first one I ran took 35 (granted I had to walk on the steepest hill on the course).

    2. When did you start this journey?

    I started the C25K app in Dec 2016 at a weight of 225 and did my first 5K in Feb. 2017 at a weight of 220 (35 min). I am only 5'8" so I was squarely (or roundly
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    Sorry for split post.

    ( Cont. ) in the obese category. It was at this point I started to really count my calories and eat health and I also bought a fitness tracker.

    3. Where are you now?

    50 years old 5'8", 189 pounds with a 28.9 BMI. No longer obese!!! Last 5K I finished in 29:30.

    4. What keeps you going?

    Finding I really like to run and push myself. I would like to run a 10 K by the end of the year and a marathon by age 53. I also have reversed my marginal hypertension and high cholesterol. I want to continue with an active lifestyle and be there for my family for many years to come.
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 290 Member
    Just want to get in shape, after losing I think 20 lbs last year I bought myself a nice mountain bike and have been hooked on it. Just want to get in better shape so I can go harder on the trail and have better balance. Would love to eventually do a few xc races just for fun.

    Hope to be in top riding shape by next summer.
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 290 Member
    Oh yeah where I'm at now

    I gained those 20 back after being laid up for a year between a back injury and some odd health issues I have been dealing with all year.

    Was 220 and I'm down to 209 now . My goal is 150-160.
  • JDHayesBC
    JDHayesBC Posts: 9 Member
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events
    My wife ran across a diet book she was intrigued with... basically high fat low carb. So I fired up all the spreadsheets and played around with the new tech while she worked the kitchen. Of the two of us, her contribution was much more valuable. I'm routinely astonished that I am eating so little and yet not hungry. It's midnight now. MFP thinks I should eat another 1200 calories to meet my goal of 2lbs per week. The calorie counts say I ate like a bird but my body and mind don't agree.

    Who ever heard of a diet where you are struggling to eat enough calories?

    2. When did you start this journey?
    This particular rendition of it... about 2 weeks ago.

    3. Where are you now?
    We're still in the ramping up phase. I have a new scale and fitness trackers on order. Carol is working out new recipes and pantry supplies. It'll be another 4 weeks or so before our stuff arrives and if I haven't garbled the numbers badly, I should be down near my target weight just in time to weigh myself :)

    4. What keeps you going?
    Really it's not much of a big deal. The freakin diet makes it easy to lose weight. The gameification added by fitness trackers is more than enough to motivate me out of my computer chair to get my 10k steps and elliptical session and whatnot. Strength training is what I loath and that'll be really hard to keep going once I start. I need to educate myself. Right now I find it way too much fol de rol... gear... gyms... technique... blah.
  • LemonadeCandy_
    LemonadeCandy_ Posts: 195 Member
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events

    Rapid weight gain coupled with a desk job caused herniated lumbar 24. Now I can hardly sleep and am always irritated because I am in constant pain. Losing weight/strength training alleviates the pain a bit and takes the pressure off of my discs.

    2. When did you start this journey?

    December 15, 2015. Most recent restart like two days ago after months and months of neglect and relapsing into BED behaviors.

    3. Where are you now?

    At my heaviest (pretty sure).

    4. What keeps you going?

    The thought of spending the rest of my twenties in pain and unhappy.
  • NanP135
    NanP135 Posts: 219 Member
    1.What was the turning point for you? It's OK if it was a series of events

    I Knew I was overweight for years but I saw a picture of myself and didn't recognize myself and I I got scared. Also MD put me on low dose BP meds and made me realize I could help myself and get healthy

    2. When did you start this journey?

    July 28,2016

    3. Where are you now?

    I am down 47 pounds and going to Crossfit 3 days a week..loving it, might be the oldest one there but enjoy it

    4. What keeps you going?

    Feeling better about myself in every way, had forgot how good it felt to not hurt every morning and to have energy again . I feel 20 years younger. I promised myself to lose 50 pounds before I turn 51 and I know have 5 week to lose 3 more pounds
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