Juice fasting



  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    bump for reading later:)
  • Loseforb
    Loseforb Posts: 18 Member
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Day 2 is in the books. Yesterday i was very hungry and craving everything, today i was watching food channel all day and thought meh...i can do without it. I also get these sudden spurts of energy, no jogging in the shower though lol. Im still doing my workout regimine but i feel weaker. I dont really care though, being healthy and resetting my body away from all of the junk is more important than becoming strong. Once its over then i can worry about gaining muscle but while eating better.

    quick question to other juicers...is 4 16oz juices and a coconut water enough? Im doing all fruits in the morning, then mostly fruits mixed with a few veggies for the next 2 and finally all veggies in the evening.

    I think thats plenty... Drink a lot of water though and when your tummy is growling, drink some water. Some people don't like water, so try flavored water. I would avaid watching the food channel, unless you think you can handle not getting cravings. I can't do it. I want to go out and eat if I see food on tv, I avid commericals at all cost cause I will crave it. But your doing great and keep it up. The first few days are very hard...
    Happy Juicing
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    OMG, I think I'm gonna cry. :sad: weighed in and I am at 260.4, so close to 259. I am almost there. Last night I was thinking about going out to eat breakfast cause I was watching a movie and they were eating breakfast, Breakfast foods are my favorite meal of the day. I love eggs and bacon and sausage and biscuit gravy and hashbrowns and wheat toast. Some times panckes and waffles and french toast. Anyways when i weighed in this morning I decided I wasn't going to cheat, not now. I am so far along I can't give up. So Juicing I will continue and just fight the cravings. :grumble: and be happy :bigsmile: and push,push,push. Can't wait to see what happens next week for me...

    How is everyone else doing who is juicing? :drinker:
  • Pudgemuffin1
    Pudgemuffin1 Posts: 22 Member
    I think my fiance and I watched the same netflix movie sick of being sick and fat or something it really was a eyeopener and when he got that truck driver to juice that was amazing I think there is alot to it I bought a juice over a year ago it is still in the box never used I have been wanting to try it for a least once meal to start with that movie was amazing good luck with your juicing I wish they told you what veggies he used in the movie it seemed to be greens and a cucumber not sure what else though?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I think my fiance and I watched the same netflix movie sick of being sick and fat or something it really was a eyeopener and when he got that truck driver to juice that was amazing I think there is alot to it I bought a juice over a year ago it is still in the box never used I have been wanting to try it for a least once meal to start with that movie was amazing good luck with your juicing I wish they told you what veggies he used in the movie it seemed to be greens and a cucumber not sure what else though?

    Just about any greens a good to juice, you should definately try it at least for one meal like you said and see how it goes for you. Good luck to a new healthier you.
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    I've been trying to do the Juice fast thing too. But I really need protein. I'm working out a lot and I really feel much more worn out without the protein. I've been having some solid food, but now I'm looking for a whey protein powder that doesn't have too much of anything else. Any suggestions?

    The best blender is a Vitamix. It's very high speed and breaks down the fruit and veggies more than anything else. Even seeds from berries are broken down all the way.

    If you want to add protein to your juicing plan, look for something vanilla flavored so it doesn't overpower the shake and make it disgusting. In fact, I'd stick to using the protein powder with just fruits and it doesn't mix that well with veggies. Optimum Nutrition makes a decent one. Gaspari Myofusion is another one. If you want maximum taste with something that you can mix by itself with water and don't mind spending a few extra dollars, look into XF Ultra Peptide 2.0.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    OMG, I think I'm gonna cry. :sad: weighed in and I am at 260.4, so close to 259. I am almost there. Last night I was thinking about going out to eat breakfast cause I was watching a movie and they were eating breakfast, Breakfast foods are my favorite meal of the day. I love eggs and bacon and sausage and biscuit gravy and hashbrowns and wheat toast. Some times panckes and waffles and french toast. Anyways when i weighed in this morning I decided I wasn't going to cheat, not now. I am so far along I can't give up. So Juicing I will continue and just fight the cravings. :grumble: and be happy :bigsmile: and push,push,push. Can't wait to see what happens next week for me...

    How is everyone else doing who is juicing? :drinker:

    That is awesome!! I too LOOOOOVE breakfast and can eat it anytime of the day hungry or not!! Great job persevering :happy: I think I'm going to borrow my mom's juicer for a week or 2 to try it out before shelling out the cash for my own. Any advice??
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member

    Personally, this would kill me! I'd cave within hours and eat a mars bar....However, I'm very interested to see your results!

  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    OMG, I think I'm gonna cry. :sad: weighed in and I am at 260.4, so close to 259. I am almost there. Last night I was thinking about going out to eat breakfast cause I was watching a movie and they were eating breakfast, Breakfast foods are my favorite meal of the day. I love eggs and bacon and sausage and biscuit gravy and hashbrowns and wheat toast. Some times panckes and waffles and french toast. Anyways when i weighed in this morning I decided I wasn't going to cheat, not now. I am so far along I can't give up. So Juicing I will continue and just fight the cravings. :grumble: and be happy :bigsmile: and push,push,push. Can't wait to see what happens next week for me...

    How is everyone else doing who is juicing? :drinker:

    That is awesome!! I too LOOOOOVE breakfast and can eat it anytime of the day hungry or not!! Great job persevering :happy: I think I'm going to borrow my mom's juicer for a week or 2 to try it out before shelling out the cash for my own. Any advice??

    I at least try 5 days of juicing so you can decide if its for you. lots of apples, I use apple in just about every juice.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I've been trying to do the Juice fast thing too. But I really need protein. I'm working out a lot and I really feel much more worn out without the protein. I've been having some solid food, but now I'm looking for a whey protein powder that doesn't have too much of anything else. Any suggestions?

    The best blender is a Vitamix. It's very high speed and breaks down the fruit and veggies more than anything else. Even seeds from berries are broken down all the way.

    If you want to add protein to your juicing plan, look for something vanilla flavored so it doesn't overpower the shake and make it disgusting. In fact, I'd stick to using the protein powder with just fruits and it doesn't mix that well with veggies. Optimum Nutrition makes a decent one. Gaspari Myofusion is another one. If you want maximum taste with something that you can mix by itself with water and don't mind spending a few extra dollars, look into XF Ultra Peptide 2.0.

    You can also buy unflavored whey protein powder. Also, could try hemp or pea protein powder too.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    OK What does Bump mean... I've been seeing it around and don't know what it means or stands for. I'm not good with the first letter of every word lingo. I know some of the basics like WTG and GJ and LOL (duh) but most of the rest I haven't a clue, can some one please fill me in.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Bump just sends the thread back up to the top of the forum list like a new post would. Sometimes it can make it easier to find the thread again if you wanna come back in a few minutes, say after your yoga dvd ends :wink:

    Oh, and I watched that documentary and my husband is very interested. We may give it shot, we'll see.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I've been trying to do the Juice fast thing too. But I really need protein. I'm working out a lot and I really feel much more worn out without the protein. I've been having some solid food, but now I'm looking for a whey protein powder that doesn't have too much of anything else. Any suggestions?

    The best blender is a Vitamix. It's very high speed and breaks down the fruit and veggies more than anything else. Even seeds from berries are broken down all the way.

    I use Body Fortress from walmart. Cheap and no added sugar!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Starting out my raw diet / juicing tomorrow morning. I'm curious how it will turn out. Gonna eat fruit for breakfast, and salad for dinner, but everything else will be juice. Salad will only be veggies - spinach, cucumber, tomato, avocado, etc.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member

    dakota, nice new av picture! You're doing great in avoiding the forbidden solids.

    Bump = Bring Up My Post

    It draws attention to an interesting or important post by bring it to the top of the 'RECENT' queue.

    Some people like to bump it to put it in their topics to read later.
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Day 3 done, i had a headache today that wont go away and little energy, but i still somehow feel better mentally. Ive lost 9 pounds but i was a bit water heavy beggining the fast. Hopefully the headache goes away i can get up at 6 am tommorow to juice and go to work
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    So Today I am starting the Juice fast, nothing but fruits and veggies juiced for 2 wks to see how I feel. I know some might disagree, but I got it okay'ed by my doctor and he will be watching me through this. It is safe and very healthy. Anyways I'm gonna write on here everyday, tell you how I feel and just kind of log stuff. If you want to join me, great, if not I'll let you know how it went. Pretty much what I want to do is cleanse my body from the toxin's and start my life over. Tired of being fat and I need to jump start my metabolism. And this is a way to do it. Yesterday My fiance and I got rid of All processed foods, my cuboards are bare and only a few spices, my frig became emptied and refilled with FRESH veggies and fruits, no frozen veggies or fruits, all have to be fresh and yesterday also went and bought a juicer, expensive, but in the long run, so worth it. I just had my breakfast of juiced strawberries, and apple and a large carrot. It was actually pretty good, I decided to drink it slowly to I stay full and well maybe this will help shrink my stomach, lord knows I love food and what I use to eat at one meal, so my stomach is pretty large. I'm gonna go ahead and tell you my weight. I normally like to keep this private because of how embarrassing it is to be big, but I think this will help me. Todays weight was 270......Last yr. Jan 2010 my heaviest was 280 and I have been able to keep 10lbs off, but I'm tired of the 200's ready to see 199. So this is the beginning of my new journey. The first couple of days WILL suck. I will be consuming lots of water to help not think about food. But It will get better. It just has to.

    How often do you go to your doctor to have your numbers checked? I can't wait to hear about his (or her) report about how you're coming along! :smile:
    How do you log in all the veggies and fruits calories?
    I got a juicer today :drinker: Not to be used for every meal, but just one to two meals a day.

    I'm not "getting" why everyone is drinking so much fruit juice when there's so much sugar in fruits. It's the dark, leafy greens that have all the great micronutrients.
    I've been playing around with a coffee "smoothie" which tastes just like a shake. ..

    Coffee Shake Smoothie:
    8 cubes of frozen strong coffee
    1 cup vanilla flavored almond milk
    1 banana
    2 cups baby spinach
    1 scoop tasteless protein powder

    I mix liquify the coffee and milk, then add the banana, then spinach and after that's thoroughly blended I stir in the protein powder and serve. It's 271 calories and the taste and texture is JUST LIKE a coffee-vanilla flavored shake :love:
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Bump for later.
  • RunLikeBelle
    RunLikeBelle Posts: 11 Member
    OMG I am so glad I found this thread. I watched the documentary too a few nights ago...ironically while I was eating a supreme pan pizza. I got so inspired. I've been feeling like crap lately. Here's the short story....4 years ago I had sever hyperemesis while pregnant - meaning I puked 10 or more times a day for 6 months. I had to go on a feeding tube and lost 40lbs during the pregnancy. My body was severely depleted of all minerals and nutrients. Once baby girl was born we ate mostly junk or fast food for the last 4 years because there is no time to cook. I only eat veggies about once a week. For the last 4 years I've never drank water. I've lived off sweet tea and diet coke. For the past 6 months I've felt like I have mono. Went to the doctor and tested positive for Epstein Barre virus. So in the last month I've been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, the beginnings of fatty liver disease, and arthritis. I'm only 39 and I feel like I'm dying.

    So I'm starting my juice fast/reboot tomorrow. I've thrown away all the junk food. Stocked up on fruits and veggies and bought yogurt and protein powder in case I get desparate for protein. I HATE veggies and just made my first shake veggie shake tonight with spinach, carrots, 2 oranges, a lemon, ginger, cucumber. When I first drank it I about gagged. I added a lot of ice and ended top drinking TWO glasses!

    My theory is that my body is still depleted of nutrients so I'm hoping to use this fasting period as a time to overload my body with micronutrients, shrink my stomach, adjust my palette, and mentally prepare myself for a permanent healthier lifestyle.

    Because of all my health problems I can't do any exercise so I really have to get a lot of weight off to add any exercise. With the active Epstein Barre infection if I do any physical activity it takes 2 days to recover. Even buying groceries wears me out.

    I'm excited to see everyone's progress.