20in6 DAILY CHAT! [closed] 7/21



  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    well done girls! we're over halfway through week 1!! well done on resisting a big sundae Katie and extra well done for choosing salad!! I have a question for all you lovely ladies, when you weigh, do u weigh naked or clothed? and when in your day? Katie, are we allowed to count housework as exercise? if yeah I'm well over my 180 if not I'm about 40/180 sorry for random nonsensical post hope you're all well and hoping strong xxx
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    Hey day four!! Sorry I haven't really had a chance to get on here yesterday, but I'm doing pretty good!! Yesterday was a going away party for my friend who's moving to Chicago && we ended up going out to dinner and having a margarita && eating some mexican - it was delicious, and luckily i worked out enough in the AM to where I didn't go over my calories TOO much (my sodium though, WHOAH!) - but I'm happy about that!

    I'm a bit tired today, had to wake up super early but that's okay! I'm trying to figure out if I want to go work out or not - Sunday is usually my "rest" day of the week.. ( I usually work out Monday - Saturday) - but I feel like after mexican yesterday && wanting to do well on our 20in6 plan, maybe something simple like hopping on the elliptical will be helpful??

    I"m kind of frustrated though because on Saturday I will be running my first 5K - I AM SO NOT READY! I signed up with only a "month" to train and try to get it together, but it's been SO hot the past week and this whole month has been hectic I've only been running a few times && I'm not ready for it at all!! But regardless if I have to walk the entire thing, I WILL do it! #rant!!

    My feel good thing for today is going to be when I get to relax and pick up my show I"m watching at the library - I don't know if i'll get a chance to watch it but It will make me happy when I get to go pick it up and just lounge around for a little bit today!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Jen, I think it's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after emptying your bladder. I always do it naked lol. And of course you're supposed to do it at the same time every time you do it because of the fluctuations your body goes through every day. It's also more rewarding to weigh yourself only once a week. ;)

    The housework thing? Usually I just do a little here and there, so I don't track it. BUT sometimes I do housework FOR exercise, like yesterday, and I make sure to be moving and cleaning *constantly* for a long period of time. :) It's actually a good motivation to get the bathrooms clean - I'll burn calories! lol. Good questions. :)

    Ashley, good luck on the 5k!!! I know I could only walk it. I haaaate running. Does anyone have any advice on how I could enjoy it better? I've always just hated it. I love walking, and I love biking (cycling?), but not really running....

    I try to have Sundays as my rest days too, but I did track some more "cleaning/housework" for today so I can have an extra slice of (organic) spinach pizza for dinner...

    Does anyone else try to eat "clean?" I'm getting really good at avoiding most processed foods, and I try to get organic produce and meat/dairy. I love it!
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    cheers katie, i just wondeted what everyone else did as i weigh too often but do certain thing like being naked n emptyin my bladder lol, i count housework on here but not as actual time ive spent putting effort into losing weight so still need another 100mins done by this time Wednesday. as for running, I've just started c25k yesterday that's supposed to be good but I'm yet to know but worth a shot, if I still can't run or still don't like it when completed c25k I've still burnt while doing it and hopefully will have lost weigh, know what I mean?
    I only got 20 mins of exercise in today and rewarded with food for my treat - an extra apple - so not too bad. hope you've all had/are having good day 4s and all have good day 5s xxx
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone....today I walked for 30 minutes. Yesterday I walked for about 45 minutes. My feel good today is spending the day relaxing with my husband.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Time is going by so fast!

    I am working my booty off and have lost 3lbs since we started- very excited about that! I am also proud of myself for burning 1500 calories yesterday!

    Ironically, my feel good for the day was to sleep in! But, I slept so much that I feel drained and lazy. Bleh! I'm about to go do my work out so hopefully I will get a burst of energy at some point .. otherwise this work out is going to be painful!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and catch ya tomorrow!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Time is going by so fast!

    I am working my booty off and have lost 3lbs since we started- very excited about that! I am also proud of myself for burning 1500 calories yesterday!

    Ironically, my feel good for the day was to sleep in! But, I slept so much that I feel drained and lazy. Bleh! I'm about to go do my work out so hopefully I will get a burst of energy at some point .. otherwise this work out is going to be painful!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and catch ya tomorrow!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Bernadette and Sarah... GREAT JOB!!!!!! I did well today until nighttime... totally snacked too much!!! AGHH!!!! I guess there's tomorrow, right??

    SPEAKING OF TOMORROW, IT'S DAY 5!!!!!!!!! Three days until weigh-in!!!! I better see some WEIGHT LOSS, LADIES!!

    My feel good today was watching True Blood... while the baby was awake!!! (I usually wait until he's sleeping, but my mom watched him. ;) ) So..... any ideas for a DAY 5 FEEL GOOD?
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    I'm super impressed with the effort you guys are putting in particular on the exercise front - well done :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So an interesting couple of days - Saturday night ended up being very different to what I thought. I finally meet a guy I really like & we hit it off :love: (I havent even liked a guy let along dated in 18 months); we ended up staying up all saturday night (its was all inncocent I promise & I only had 4 glasses of wine). Long story short I dont think were going to go much further because his best friend (a girl) is in love with him & reacted very badly to the new we were still out on the town at 8am the following morning. Oops!

    I was on a huge high after & even managed a 30 minute run despite no sleep - woohoo, plus a 60 minute bootcamp this morning. On the food front the past 2 days I'm under eating - not intentionally I think its due to tiredness - I know its extra bad as I'm not eating back my exercise calories. I'm going to watch it closely over the next few days.

    Excercise summary since we started:
    20min kettlebell session
    70min running plus additional walking for warm up/cool down
    60min bootcamp (circuits - weights, core, run)

    So I have a question for everyone; my trainer has been on holidays for 3 weeks & I've been doing outdoor bootcamp instead. Wednesday is boxing (which I love) but its Mike's first day back - I'm thinking of doing both session which would be 2 hours of training. I wouldnt be boxing with Mike, we'll properly do a circuit with rowing & hard core weight lifting. I was going to take a rest day tomorrow. Is that a good idea?
  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry i have not been on. Been really ill, since saturday. Spent all of friday night throwing up, and not felt well since. Laid up on the sofa today, luckily it's the other halfs day off, so he's taken the kids out. Poor kids basicly been playing in their bedrooms and watching tv since friday. Except the baby, who's spent most of her time in bed with me!!

    Had already started 30ds last monday, so going to start it again when i'm better. (the last time i started it, i got a bad case of tonsilittus, within the first week!!! Maye it's my bodies way of saying it doesn't like exercise lol)

    Hope everyone getting on ok

  • cherrydietcoke1
    Hi everyone, you are all AMAZING!!!

    Aoife give yourself a fecking day off lol! x good luck with the guy!

    I've finished my nights, off til thursday now so today is 20 mins of 30 day shred then big swim with hubby when he finishes work. Plan for big gym workout tomorrow and weds before double shifts start on thurs and fri.

    keep up the good work everyone.

    my treat today will be snuggles on the settee and a film, hardly see him when I'm on nights- sorry everyone who has partners in the military etc, I dont know how you cope...
  • rex8loves11me

    I haven't written anything in a few days and I didn't really write my food logs :( It's been super crazy for me because I am finishing two summer classes this week, so I have an exam tonight, Tues and Wed!!! Yukkkkk I also don't know when I'm going to fit in a good workout today, but I'll deal with that later. I hope everyone is doing amazing!!! You guys rock! Stay strong:)
  • gooberkn
    gooberkn Posts: 18
    HI Everyone:

    Great work to all that have posted. You are all inspirations. It's okay to cheat once in awhile, but if we keep saying "there's always tomorrow!" we will never fully change. Let's try and not cheat too much more during our challenge.

    I've kept up with my walking everyday and eating healthy and doing my strength training at night. It's been fun challenging myself to pick out the better options for meals and snacks instead of always going to my old favorites. Plus, I have made some amazing smoothies with my new Magic Bullet.

    My great moment for myself yesterday was enjoying a good barbeque with friends. I was able to stay within 50 calories of my calorie limit (just went over) but I had stuffed clams and a few coors lights. I made sure I had a whole wheat bun for the hamburger and only took half a serving of potato salad. While everyone went for seconds, like I normally would, I drank another water and filled myself up. I learned how to still socialize but do it in moderation so I stay on my plan. Such a rewarding experience!!!

    So my guilty pleasure is portion control - I always eat more than a portion and am striving hard to eliminate that from my vocabulary during this challenge. I've even started using the smaller plates in my house so I have less room to fill it with food. My question for the group is ----

    "What's your guilty pleasure with regards to your health that you will commit to work on during this challenge?"

    Although this is a six week challenge, I want it to be something that we can learn and grow and change for the future :)

  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    "Great work to all that have posted. You are all inspirations. It's okay to cheat once in awhile, but if we keep saying "there's always tomorrow!" we will never fully change. Let's try and not cheat too much more during our challenge. "

    This!!! Well, put Katie.

    Hmm.... what's my guilty pleasure... I usually have more than one serving of something, but I make sure to keep under my calories? I don't see any harm, if it's not junk food and I don't go over. ;) Something else then... I think it would be always snacking. True, it's usually all healthy (or only a small treat like a Kiss or something) but I would like to teach my mouth that is does NOT have to always be occupied!!!!

    How is everyone doing today? I got up and did some Wii Fit right away, so I'm feeling good!!!
  • cherrydietcoke1
    I think my problem is snacking, caused by thinking I'm hungry when it is thirst. So I will work on that. I am so determined to lose this weight now!

  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    It's day........... SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What does everyone think of bumping up the exercise minutes goal next week?! 240, maybe????

    My feel good for day 5 was having some quality one-on-one time with my son (8 months)! We went to Babies R Us and Walmart!!

    For TODAY I will be seeing Harry Potter..... AGAIN!!!!!!! (3rd time!)

    How is everyone doing??? I can't believe almost 30 people joined this group lol. Only a few are posting everyday! ;)
  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    Starting back on the 30ds today after being ill......looking forward to it to be honest. Love looking at people pics, while doing it. It is an amazing transformation. Personally at the moment, i think i am retaining some water, i couldn't eat or drink on saturday body is trying to make up for it.....Hopefully i can bring scale back down by friday!!! :)

    Bumping the exercise minutes would be great.....I'm going to have to work hard from today to catch up with exercise minutes from this week!!! but I CAN DO IT :)

  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Your right Katie - where is everyone!!!! Maybe we should have a goal of everyone posting at least 1 a week, we want to know you so we can all support each other.

    I've taken today off & went for a remedial massage - omg so worth it! Tomorrow I've got a big day - outdoor bootcamp is boxing (my dave) & my personal trainer is back so I'm aiming for a bit of a biggest loser style day.

    What has everyone planned? Are you struggling with something? Have you a success to share?
  • gooberkn
    gooberkn Posts: 18
    Here's my challenge for everyone today....

    In addition to your normal exercise routine and eating, try to add the following:

    -- 50 crunches and 50 jumping jacks
    -- at least 72 oz of water

    Let's do it folks! Reply to all in our messages when you complete the mission :)

    I'm on 25 crunches and 25 jumping jacks and 16 oz of water and its only 8:35am by me!

    Happy getting healthy folks!
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    hey everyone, just posting to say I'm still here, I struggle to keep up with and respond to posts so address me if u need a response from me. Katie, I think it's fine to up our minutes, I've lost count this week though think I'm near target though, also I apologize if I seem self absorbed, struggling with my bpd atm. hope you're all well! xxx