Week 1 – C25K Running Group

:bigsmile: Week 1 of C25K!

We can use this thread to post comments about our progress with C25K, how we feel about it, and anything else you feel! I plan on creating a new thread for each week; so keep your eyes peeled for next week’s thread and don’t forget to check the Blog (link below) for updates!

:drinker: Week 1 Day 1 of the C25K!:drinker:

I hope everyone is ready to get started running! Just think in 9 weeks we should all be able to run a 5k!
The following are some suggested topic starters after each run you complete for the week:

Before C25K today I felt:____________________________________________
During C25K today I felt:____________________________________________
After C25K today I felt:______________________________________________
I have a question about:____________________________________________
So far I think C25K is:______________________________________________

You can also post anything else you feel is necessary! We should use the thread/blog to help support each other through C25K!

Good Luck everyone! Have a great run today and thank you again for the support!


Blog Link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/hzminda


  • mwatson23
    mwatson23 Posts: 18
    This is great, I really want to start this but would love to do it with others that are "non-rrunners" like me. Thanks so much excited to get started! (but a little nervous too!)

  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    I'm also a non-runner, so no worries, I'm sure there are plenty of us here. It's a bit intimidating, but I'm ready for tomorrow's challenge!!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Great! I just finished Week 3, but I don't know if I'm going to be doing C25K at all for a little while -- I overdid it this last week. :frown: Yesterday I jogged a mile and a half after we did our regular C25K workout -- I was so proud!!! and then I realized I hurt myself. Managed to avoid shin splints, ended up with plantar fasciitis instead. I really should have just followed the schedule instead of pushing it!!

    But I'm stretching my foot and taking care of it, and hopefully I won't be out of commission for long. To anyone just starting out: good luck -- you can do it!!
  • winneau
    winneau Posts: 139 Member
    I just started C25K for Week 2 and I'm still in love with it!!! One thing I am started to question is my running "form" or complete lack thereof. For week one, I could just kind of push through each 60 sec. of running, but the longer runs in week 2 are really making me feel how little I know about proper posture and breathing.

    Has anyone else found any specific advice about form or cadence or breathing helpful? I could use some tips, for sure!!!

    Stay strong, C25Kers!!! Love to you all :heart:
  • winneau
    winneau Posts: 139 Member
    I just started C25K for Week 2 and I'm still in love with it!!! One thing I am started to question is my running "form" or complete lack thereof. For week one, I could just kind of push through each 60 sec. of running, but the longer runs in week 2 are really making me feel how little I know about proper posture and breathing.

    Has anyone else found any specific advice about form or cadence or breathing helpful? I could use some tips, for sure!!!

    Stay strong, C25Kers!!! Love to you all :heart:
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    Done with Day 1! I had a hard time finding a place where to jog since I live by the high way, anyway, I did it! Hope I can finish this week!
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    I did 2 days of Week 1 last week, never ran before. I'm starting fresh this week since a group of my girlfriends have decided to join me on this journey! I absolutely can't wait to get on this afternoon! Good luck to all of us!

    Can my friends join this blog?
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    starting week 2 today!! did 4 days of week 1 since i have not run since high school!!
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    Starting week three today, eek. I struggled a bit last week with my knee but I'm hoping paying a bit more attention to form and slowing down will help. Good luck!
  • jernigan51
    jernigan51 Posts: 92
    I did W1D1 this morning and was completely shocked! I have never been a runner and I made it through without feeling like I was going to absolutely die! I have more confidence that this is actually an attainable goal now!
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Before C25K today I felt: Anticipation - could not wait to get going!

    During C25K today I felt: Great! I was really focusing on my breathing and running style. Trying to keep my shoulders relaxed and my breathing steady. I found that some of my faster music made me naturally swing my arms faster - amazing how sound affects you!

    After C25K today I felt: Great! I downloaded the C25K app on my Android phone and it is a huge help. It's also FREE! It helps keep track of your walking/running periods for you and makes chime noises between the session so you know when to stop/start each. I just wish it would make my treadmill speeds change too!

    Anyone else using the app? Or any other apps?

    So far I think C25K is: Doable!

    I did read the C25K tips thread - lots of good info there. I'm taking each day one day at a time. Trying to think of what I will do when I have vacation next week. I will not be home. Going to the St. Lawrence - we rented a camp on the river - for the whole week. We are bringing our bikes. Not sure I will be doing any running tho. I run on my treadmill currently - in my basement where it's somewhat cooler. Not sure I could run in the heat. I plan on bringing my running shoes and since I have the app on my phone, I can attempt the program w/out my treadmill. Might have to repeat week 2 when I come back home.

    Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to everyone's feedback about their first day!

    fran :happy:
  • lovinlulu
    lovinlulu Posts: 65 Member
    Just finished day 1...
    Before I was feeling, lazy and didn't really want to do it :) but it is done
    During, it was good, I have plenty of pent up anger I use to fuel my run times.
    Now I feel sweaty and gross :)

    I unfortunately do not have the app on my phone or anywhere. I took my ipod and changed my songs to only run for 60 or 90 seconds so when the song changes I switch.. Not the perfect option but it works!

    I am looking forward to doing this, full force!
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    Week 1, Day 1, DONE! I would feel pretty awesome if I hadn't decided to have my special week start right before I ran, lol! That kinda sucks! I did try it 2 days last week and did really well and then today my body was all tense. Wednesday will be better for sure....can't wait!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Before C25K today I felt:__excited to begin
    During C25K today I felt:__when will the running be over
    After C25K today I felt:__like i accomplishe something I should have been doing
    I have a question about:____________________________________________
    So far I think C25K is:__ok
  • Just did first day of Couch to 5K this morning! It was pretty hard but I feel awesome!

    Before doing C25K I felt tired and sore( must have slept weird)
    During C25K I was worried I couldn't finish, breathed easier, and listened to a "glee" playlist
    After doing C25K I feel energized and happy! Excited about this group.

    Also, I have the app on my iPhone and it was so helpful! I love the cues of when to jog and walk

    SW: 274
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    great job, everybody. I will be starting week 2 today - wish me luck!!
  • shawnaf77
    shawnaf77 Posts: 25
    Just joined MFP and I have been seeing C25K comments. Can someone enlighten me to what exactly this is?
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    Bumping this. I am thinking of starting this next month.. but maybe I can push it up to today to be in step with y'all :)
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    Just joined MFP and I have been seeing C25K comments. Can someone enlighten me to what exactly this is?

    It's a running program called Couch to 5K or c25k for short. Basically, it helps you to go from being a couch potato to running a 5k in 9 weeks. I believe the website is coolrunning.com if you want to check it out.
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    Just finished day one, I overslept big time today so didn't go out this morning. Now my husband is at work till 11pm and I'm here with the little ones so I ran in my kitchen (no treadmill, but I have a long kitchen). I know it sounds weird, but it's better than nothing. I don't want to put it off another day and take the chance that something will get in my way again, so I did what I had to do!

    Before running today, I felt disappointed since I overslept, irritable because I was mad at myself (and the house is a mess!), crappy because I had two days of bad eating prior to this.

    During my run today, I felt good because I was still doing what I was supposed to and proud because I was pushing myself. Also, I felt sweaty and out of breath!

    After my run, I felt extremely sweaty!!! I also felt proud that I had finished what I had set out to do, and energized because I got my body moving. Now I feel like I need a shower.

    I think c25k is pretty awesome. I know I can do this as long as I push myself.

    On another note, do any of you have trouble exercising in front of other people? I am so afraid people judge me, look at my VERY red face and my flab jiggling everywhere and just think mean things about me. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?