How often do YOU eat fast food/takeout/restaurant food?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    I believe that you two are misunderstanding me. I am referring to junk food as in snack cakes, cookies, chips... the usual. Food with little or no nutritional value that is eaten for pure enjoyment. Not everything else.

    I get pure enjoyment from all the food that I eat and all the food I eat contributes to me meeting my energy and macronutrient goals. That includes the processed stuff, like the oatmeal-raisin cookie I will be having with lunch. The cookie has carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as well as fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamin C.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    kaygold wrote: »
    For those who eat out at restaurants at a higher frequency, how do you manage that while trying to lose weight?

    Every time I try to have balance on a deficit by eating out, I find I gain weight (and I don't mean just water weight), even if I only go out 1-2 times a month. It's caused me some anxiety because unless a restaurant posts its calories, I don't want to go, and end up missing out. I want the balance, but hate the step back my body ends up taking. Any advice would be super appreciated!

    Order carefully when you want to reduce calories. Grilled fish/meat, non-breaded veggies not slathered with cheese, salad with a vinaigrette or low fat dressing on the side.

    grilled chicken instead of fried chicken
    sirloin or filet mignon instead of T-bone or ribeye
    grilled salmon or trout instead of deep fried fish

    baked potato with a little butter or sour cream instead of a loaded baked potato or fries

    Order salads with no cheese.

    Skip dessert or share and only have a few bites.

    Little decisions like these can make a huge difference in calories and allow you enjoy eating at restaurants while still staying within your calorie goals.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited May 2017
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.

    Sorry your taste buds think so.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.

    Sorry your taste buds think so.

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.

    Sorry your taste buds think so.


    Because it sounds very closed minded.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.

    Sorry your taste buds think so.


    Because it sounds very closed minded.

    Yeah, my buds have always been fairly snobbish.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.

    Sorry your taste buds think so.


    Because it sounds very closed minded.

    Yeah, my buds have always been fairly snobbish.

    That's too bad.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    I agree that much of the food that is commercially available is processed in some way. That doesn't make it junk. It's just food, and things like bagged salad, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, rice and quinoa can all be part of a healthful diet. So can packaged lunch meat, sandwich bread, dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce, frozen vegetables, milk, precooked chicken breast, frozen meals, and gelato.... all of the above are staples in my diet, none of which are junk.

    None of that has anything to do with eating in restaurants which is what this thread is about. How is a local farm to table restaurant which prides itself on locally sourced ingredients (presumably many of which come from the ground or animals) "junk"?
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Never. 100% clean nutritional plan here . I only eat extra lean protein, steel cut oats, flaxseed, and do vegetable juicing twice a day. I have no desire for processed food like product or junk. If it didn't grow out of the ground or come from an animal I don't eat it.

    That sounds unnecessarily restrictive...

    I have a severe digestive disorder and can't eat 95% of the food available at supermarkets. Mostly rice based products I can have. No dairy, egg, soy, processed, fruits, fresh veggies (can juice to remove fiber), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, more than a half dozen grams of sugar, among other things. :(

    That's unfortunate but I'm not understanding how that makes anything that doesn't come from the ground or an animal "junk" for the rest of us.

    Most food available in supermarkets is either processed or junk food. The western diet is based upon primarily taste and ease of use (and what is the cheapest way for the manufacturer to make it.) I shop the perimeter of the store for fresh food sans the rolled oats. Due to my health ailment I really can't go near processed foods (and junk food is out of the question) and have to stick to fresh foods. It's better for me anyway. My digestive issue saves me from the temptation to eat unhealthy because I really can't do it.

    How about you don't label food and just call it food. Just because you can't eat it doesn't make it junk. :noway:

    Meh, I label almost all fast food as junk food or crap. Because that's what it tastes like to me. Crap and junk.

    Sorry your taste buds think so.


    Because it sounds very closed minded.

    Yeah, my buds have always been fairly snobbish.

    That's too bad.

    We all have a cross to bear.
  • dferrig
    dferrig Posts: 1 Member
    About 1 meal a week..Too expensive.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    I eat home cooked food M-F for breakfast lunch and dinner (occasionally i'll deviate for taco Tuesday because tacos are too delicious to pass up of course). Other than that I eat brunch out every Saturday and usually dinner out on Saturdays and Sundays. My meals out are almost always at a nice sit down place though, I eat fast food (a Chipolte type place, never a MCDonalds type place) maybe once a month.