40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    Rowed 6k (new PB), followed by some upper body strength work.

    There's a new guy at the gym that I'm fairly sure I went to high school with. But now I've seen him a few times and haven't said anything, so it'll be weird if I do.

    Seeing him made me think about how unpredictable life is. He was a football player -- very fit. I was not athletic at all. Now, 29 years later, he's struggling to walk at a moderate pace on the treadmill, and I'm training hard for my next race. Life happens to all of us.

    Sooo true!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    orionaimee wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "P90X3 Eccentric Upper"=Done!

    Way to go! I couldn't imagine doing any of the P90X workouts at this stage in my fitness journey, hats off to you!

    Lol! I did the original P90X for about 2 weeks and scrapped it. However, I love P90X3! Lots of variety! And very doable for all fitness levels!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Well it's race recovery week and Hammer & Chisel recovery week for me. I'll still be working out but I'll be keeping it light!

    Next week I'll start working on my speed with a new running training plan and cross training with swimming and Hardcore 22. It's going to be an interesting summer.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X3 X3 Yoga"=Done!
  • TarrahMJ
    TarrahMJ Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here. Turned 40 in March. I love working out but I love feeling better even more. Busy mom, wife, full-time employee and youth leader. Lots of things going on but I need workout time. Would love to join this group! Haven't ran in 2 years and just started back this week.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Welcome new folks...

    Got out and about early today. Opted to hit the gym instead of paddling as I'm still a bit achy/sore from Monday and this will give more recovery time before Sat's race. Decided to walk to the gym (2.43 miles one way). Had a pretty good sweat going by the time I got there. Worked out with some weights and then did some exercises on the 360 balance cushion. Walked home (though a bit slower as I was detained while petting two cute puppies...always have to stop for the pooches). Time for a nap... ;)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey cool kids. I got a nice workout in yesterday. Did upper body / core strength training and then a nice 6+km walk with my husband. Was supposed to go to Pilates tonight, but ended up with last minute B&B guests....and that is how my planned exercise gets scrapped.

    Welcome new kids!
    Great job bringing it friends!
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    3m run this morning, followed by some lower body strength. It's getting hot out. I may need to settle for the treadmill for a few months. Hate running in the heat.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X3 Eccentric Upper"=Done! WOW! that one's a MONSTER!!!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning kids, full body weight training done. It is supposed to be another humid day, 93 degrees in May is a little concerning. Did someone say a mimosa with a lot of ice? Welcome to all newbies. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • orionaimee
    orionaimee Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning! Did 9Rounds last night, the ab work on the bosu ball was a killer. Starting to enjoy time at the pool and will have to resist the temptation to start skipping workouts to soak in the sun. gam3rguy you continue to amaze and inspire me with your P90X journey. TmacMMM you are my hero if you can do long runs on the treadmill, I cant seem to get into that like running outside. Have a great day!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Yesterday's 3-mile easy run was brutal in 90+ degrees heat! It's going to take me a bit to get used to that again.

    I'm still enjoying a recovery week, which means I'll be doing easy runs and test driving Hardcore22.

    It should only take me a week or so to adjust to the summer heat, but if it ends up staying in the high 90's for long stretches, I may have to start running at night after work.

    Have a great day everyone and thanks for all of your amazing inspiration!
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    orionaimee wrote: »
    TmacMMM you are my hero if you can do long runs on the treadmill, I cant seem to get into that like running outside. Have a great day!

    @orionaimee - I don't like it, but I'm pretty sensitive to heat and my performance drops dramatically. I also have rosacea, so if I get too overheated, my face looks and feels like someone has taken sandpaper to it. Pass. I'd rather suffer a little boredom and watch a little Netflix. :)
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    Rowed intervals: 8x500m/3:30r @ 2:10/500m. Starting a training program called The Pete Plan, which consists of three-week cycles of intervals, hard/medium distance, and long/slow distance rows. I've modified it by swapping some of the medium distance rows for runs.

    Then upper body strength.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Morning kids, full body weight training done. It is supposed to be another humid day, 93 degrees in May is a little concerning. Did someone say a mimosa with a lot of ice? Welcome to all newbies. Keep up the good work everyone.

    I'm thrilled that we didn't hit 90's until mid-May, but did it have to go to 97?!!! I'm diggin' your idea of a nice cold mimosa as a recovering drink!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    Welcome new folks...

    Got out and about early today. Opted to hit the gym instead of paddling as I'm still a bit achy/sore from Monday and this will give more recovery time before Sat's race. Decided to walk to the gym (2.43 miles one way). Had a pretty good sweat going by the time I got there. Worked out with some weights and then did some exercises on the 360 balance cushion. Walked home (though a bit slower as I was detained while petting two cute puppies...always have to stop for the pooches). Time for a nap... ;)

    Did you do a SUP race this past Saturday? I have a friend that did one and it was the first time he DNF'd. He said the wind was so bad he kept going backwards. I thought of you and wondered if you were there and how it went for you.
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    I became a cool kid this year. I've been mtn biking pretty consistently for about 8months and weight training the last couple months. I'm doing the body for life workout again. I did it 10yrs ago for about a year and it worked great. I used the excuse of changing jobs and life situations as the reason I stopped. I feel right now the BFL workout fits my lifestyle and how much effort I'm willing to put into staying in shape. Mtn biked 7.5 miles today.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    b3achy wrote: »
    Welcome new folks...

    Got out and about early today. Opted to hit the gym instead of paddling as I'm still a bit achy/sore from Monday and this will give more recovery time before Sat's race. Decided to walk to the gym (2.43 miles one way). Had a pretty good sweat going by the time I got there. Worked out with some weights and then did some exercises on the 360 balance cushion. Walked home (though a bit slower as I was detained while petting two cute puppies...always have to stop for the pooches). Time for a nap... ;)

    Did you do a SUP race this past Saturday? I have a friend that did one and it was the first time he DNF'd. He said the wind was so bad he kept going backwards. I thought of you and wondered if you were there and how it went for you.

    Oh wow, we must have been at the same race!! I also DNF'd (my first also). 48% of the racers either DNS'd or DNF'd. I probably paddled for about 5 minutes and after realizing I wasn't even past the start buoy because I kept getting pushed back, I bagged it. I didn't feel too bad, when my friend who has been racing for 5 years or so, and also does marathons and triathlons came in about 5 minutes after I did. We have two races in the area this weekend (and they are for regional placement/points), so it wasn't worth the effort in the conditions. Some are opting to do one or the other race this weekend. I'm attempting both. I plan to be completely spent after this weekend, but remember feeling this rough last year in May as we had 4 races then too. At least the rest of the races this year are all in one weekend instead of still having two race weekends to go.

    Got a 'light' paddle in today - 2.5 miles, 66 minutes. Strong winds from the east continue, and the forecasted 'light' chop was more moderate than light. Good workout, but probably stupid to do so close to the race. Don't have much planned for the rest of the day, and tomorrow is just going to be some board cleaning and hitting the pre-race happy hour to pick up my race packet. I'm so tired, I'm brain dead right now. Had a three hour nap yesterday...there might be another one in my near future today.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    @b3achy That sounds exhausting to me! I'll be praying for calmer seas and a lot calmer wind for this weekend. Rest up!