Not so nice...



  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    Oh I just remembered another happening...

    I was at the park and had just got done walking 1/2 mile with my husband and daughter. ( which might not seem like a lot but to me it is really good) It was about 90 outside so yeah I was sweaty and tired. I sat down, hubby and daughter went to play. I was sitting about 200 feet from the road. It is a very spread out park...ANYWAY, I am sitting there, my back turned towards the road, looking on my IPod while I catch my breathe...and once again...young guys drove by in a truck and screamed "Where's the beef?" out the window....

    I try to ignore it and just pretend I am deaf...but seriously....grow gets old.
  • allybtucker
    I've always been tall and thin, average looking, and people generally are really nice to me, chat in stores etc. I have a couple of friends who are, and always have been very overweight, and when I shop with them, I can't believe how different they are treated than I am. They have a hard time getting clerks to help them. The clerks try to keep the interactions as short as possible. It's really annoying, because my friend's personalities are no different than mine, it's all about the way they look. My friends don't even realize they're being treated poorly, or differently, because that's what they're used to. Maybe they do realize. I hope not.

    Next time you see someone in public who is not what is considered "steroetypically physically attractive", whether it's because of weight, scars, disease, whatever, make an effort to aknowledge them and be friendly if the situation calls for it. Maybe it will help make up for all the jerks that avoid them.
  • wbane01
    wbane01 Posts: 3 Member
    I guess I look at this from the "other" perspective... I've never been overweight. At one point, I even had six-pack abs, which is rarely heard of in women. I'm 5'4 & about 138lbs now. The biggest I've ever been was 172, the day my son was born. At my smallest, I was about 105. I am what many of my male friends call all "t!ts & *kitten*". The fact that I have always been thin hasn't changed the number of people who have treated me terribly... The men are pigs & the women are just straight up hateful. Rarely can a man ever have a conversation with me & actually look at my face... They seem to believe my eyes are located on my chest. I've been smacked, groped & cat-called at in public for as long as I can remember. A couple years ago, I left a construction worker speechless, humiliated & in tears in front of his buddies in the middle of a restaurant after he made some particularly obscene remarks. I've been called a b!tch & a slut by women I don't know, not only because of the attention I receive from men, but because they think that a person cannot possibly be both attractive AND nice. The worst incident came from an older woman who actually SPIT on me while I was walking down the street, after I had just ignored a truck full of men who yelled out the window at me. I really don't think it much matters who you are, what you look like or how much you weigh... People are *kitten* in general & they will always find a reason to criticize and treat you badly.
  • rice161
    rice161 Posts: 59
    It still happens to me now after losing 50 lbs! I am currently 232 lbs and just walking last week when a group of teenage boys drove by, stuck their heads out, and oinked at me as they drove me. It's actually the most common thing I've had done. 7 years ago I worked really hard and with Weight Watchers, lost 140 lbs. I weighed about 165-170 and was in a gym working out even, and had the exact same thing happen! A group of young, um, jerks got on the ellipticals behind me and oinked for several minutes. The gym staff just watched and said nothing. I walked out crying and never went back. It was the start of gaining it back (other bigger issues though).

    Those things will continue to happen since society seems to think it's OK. I will say that as I lost weight then and again now (after gaining 100/ 140 back with a broken heart that I didn't handle well), I had a confidence that did have most people treating me differently. I'll never be the girl that guys chase after or approach but at least they mostly stopped ignoring me once I was below 200 lbs, haha!

    Good luck on your journey! Don't let them get you down... we can lose weight and they'll still be stupid!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    ys en i was a teenager I was trying to walk across the street, and i had to hurry but didnt want to run cuz someone would laugh at me but i did a little jog and someone in a car hollered "hey little biggy biggy get out of the road" And another time i was waring high heels, I was in the hall at school i took my shoes off a minute and some girl bigger then me i thought ask me "oh the big broke the heelo of her shoes she is so heavy ha ha ah is wha ti heard. It was hard that is just a little bit of the mean things i have heard.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    My dad and sister are obese and had been since I was very young. It was very hard to deal with other people talking about them; although it was nice to make them uncomfortable by saying it was a relative of mine. I don't know how my sister puts up with stuff like that; she's way stronger than I.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I have never been "obese" but I have weighed 30lbs more than I do now. At my heaviest (172 at 5'5"), no one was outright rude to me, but I noticed that I seemed to have disappeared. Clerks began ignoring me, others began to discount my was almost as if I was invisible. I HATED that feeling.

    Like a previous poster, I don't know if it was because of the extra weight or because of my lack of self-confidence at that point or a combo of both, but it was really disturbing to me.

    I'm sorry you've had to encounter such thoughtless people...those remarks can really stick with a person and replay over and over in your head. I can still feel the sting of a remark that some stupid punk-*kitten* loser kid made to me in junior high :(
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    People are just simply rude. I was out with some friends, we were going dancing and to karaoke night. It was a narrow walk way, so I was the last to fallow. As we walk by a few guys said "hey ladies, how is it going" and then I walked passed and I got..."oh wow, not you! You're ugly"

    Awesome way to start the night lol, it hurt at the time but honestly why do I care? They don't know me, nor would I want them even if they had wanted me. I think the moral to all of the post is that being able to shake it off and be confident and cure all of those hurt words.

    I know I have weight to lose, and I know it was be a struggle most days...but I also know that I am smart and that I AM BEAUTIFUL, just like each of you on here, and honestly that is what keeps me going.

    Happy monday everyone!
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Goodness, my heart goes out to everyone here who has shared an awful story. People are so cruel.

    I was bullied nonstop through school for being overweight, and it really affected my self esteem. For years I was terrified to go out in public by myself because I couldn't stand what I thought people were thinking about me. I was very friendly, funny, and charismatic around people I knew, but I just lost it around new people because I assumed they were thinking what all the bullies were saying. I really, truly hated myself and I don't know if I'll ever recover from it. The worst part is that I was never even obese or even that overweight. I had a BMI in the highest range of normal, but still. After high school I gained a lot more weight and then realized how mean people were to me for just being chubby. Heck, I'm that weight now and I look pretty good. =)

    But now, after loosing nearly 50 pounds and moving to a new city where no one knew me as an obese person, I can confirm that people treat me differently. Cashiers and salespeople are more courteous and helpful, I don't get interrupted in conversations, and people actually listen to my ideas and opinions. Plus a steady amount of looks and flirting from guys, and occasionally girls. ;) When I was heavier I was aware that strangers didn't treat me as well, but I wasn't sure if I was imagining it from my low self esteem or not. I think, especially after this thread, that I was not.

    Keep your chin up, OP and everyone else here. You are all doing really well to take care of yourself and no jerks deserve to even talk to you to make you feel bad. =)
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    That makes me so angry! Some people are incredibly mean and heartless. You do not deserve that! I'm sure you've heard what I am about to type, and however hard it is to live by, you need to. It's not what people say to you that is upsetting you, it's how you react. Make the decision to not to let it bother you. You have to know that you are a wonderful, loving kind compassionate person and they are scum. Their words mean nothing! Remember that.
  • mystic2girl
    People who say those sort of things just delight in torturing others. And for men especially, commenting negatively on a woman's weight seems to be their nastiness of choice. When I was 30 pounds thinner -- well within a healthy weight-- a boy at my college called me a "fat ***** who needed to walk" because he tried to cut me off for a parking space and I didn't let him. To this day, it still bothers me and it's because as women we put a lot of stock in self-image. The WORLD puts a lot of emphasis on beauty and thinness.

    You've got to remember those guys are *kitten* and karma is a *****: one day when their football days are behind them that beer is going to start catching up, their metabolism will slow and they will be wondering what happened.

    I laugh to think in high school, boys like that made me feel ugly and fat. I was 5'10, 130 pounds and wore a SIZE 3 for crying out loud and guys like that still made me feel horrible. What I've learned now at 183 pounds is it's about knowing my own worth and listening to people who value it. It's being around people like my husband who calls me beautiful and sexy just for being the way I am.

    Lose weight because it's about improving how YOU feel about YOURSELF. In this world there will always be jerks like that unfortunately.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    i've never been overweight, but i put on weight when i was pregnant and because i started eating healthy and exercising i lost 10kg and got healthier than before i was pregnant. and everyone critises me saying i am anorexic and i lost too much weight too quick. it makes me upset that they cant support me and my healthy lifestyle but theres nothing i can do except keep going the way i am and they will see that its good and it makes me happy!
    it can go both ways. but being critisised about your body hurts no matter what.
    keep it up!
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    People are, excuse my language, ****ing *kitten*.

    To all the people that have posted their stories on here: I'm really sorry that happened to you. It's extremely unfair.

    In school once, when I was at the height of my self-consciousness, a guy called me fat. A year later, I mentioned it to him, when he asked why I was trying to lose weight. Turned out, he was just joking. People just don't get that it's not funny.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    You are all beautiful.
  • PurpleCoookie
    These posts brought tears....

    Yes, I was picked on since elementary. In middle school, this one girl, dared by her friend, pushed me into an art display and both laughed there head off. I guess it was funny to push the fat kid. High school was the worst....those girls there crushed what was left of my self-confidence. Every time I passed by they would say fat*** and I would literally run to my parents car to go home. I starved myself, hoping that some weight would drop off or lie about being sick to skip school. My self-esteem is getting better now because at first I was scared to go out in public. Every time there was a skinny girl in sight I would walk away far from her as possible. I know every girl is not like that but it just brought back memories. In the beginning, I wanted to lose weight so people can treat me better but that is not right for me. Being skinnier doesn't guarantee acceptance, so I changed my goal to be healthy and fit for me only.

    Excuse me for the mistakes in my post, right now I'm mad because of what happened to me in the past...
  • jillwaller
    jillwaller Posts: 82
    I'm so sorry for everything that's happened to anyone who's posted here :(

    I know one of my biggest motivations to stay healthy stems from when I was a little kid. From about kindergarten through 6th grade, I was always one of the bigger girls. (I think part of it was from an unhealthy lifestyle, but a lot of it was frankly just being an awkward kid.) Anyway, you know how people say kids can be cruel? Throughout elementary school, people I didn't even know would call me pregnant, or tell me how fat I was or how much my stomach was showing. It really hurt, and I remember crying alone in my room because I was too embarrassed to tell my parents. That's just something you don't forget, you know? Suddenly, puberty hit and I grew up instead of out, but I never forgot how I was treated. Later in life, a rude ex-boyfriend said rather hurtful things about my body, but looking back I know I was completely healthy and he was just mad that I was way too good for him :wink:

    And I know this goes both ways too- my aunt is a runner, and she's extremely thin. She's very healthy, but I know she's become self-conscious due to snide remarks people give her about how skinny she is. Frankly, she's the healthiest woman I know, and it's awful to see someone who does everything right for her body get rude feedback.

    Basically, from all of this, I've learned to never comment negatively on someone's physical appearance. No matter how mad I've ever gotten at anyone, I have never thrown out insults about being fat or too skinny. It can really hurt, and people do remember. I hope that karma comes around and gives whoever insulted any of you what he or she deserves.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    What gets me is I see all your pictures and you are all beautiful!

    I think people will always fall back on making fun of a person's appearance or weight when that person is uncomfortable or jealous of a person.

    I think when a person grows up around rudeness, be it their family or friends, then they will also be rude.

    I remember once at a soccer game this little boy, about 4 runs up to me and says "Wow that's a big belly" I wanted to thump him but it made me kinda sad to imagine how the parents talked about people in front of this little kid.

    And something to make you nephew is 6. His parents, him and his siblings went out to eat at a buffet restaurant. My sister said her son kept staring at this older heavy black woman. It was a Sunday and she was decked out complete with a feathery hat. And my nephew kept staring and everything. He finally got up as they were leaving and said Mom I have to tell this lady something. My sister was scared he would be rude. Instead he told this lady she was so beautiful and looked like an angel. My sister said that lady was all smiles!

    So not all people or kids are rude.
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    The thing is that it doesn't matter whether you are skinny or fat people will always find something to make fun of you for. In school my friend was always big and the guys always made fun of her and I would stick up for her and tell them to f off. But they would also always make fun of me too even though I was small, they would call me Sasquatch and such, really don't know why cause this was before we hit puberty and I am not hairy.......

    The thing is people like to find things about others that aren't "right" so they can feel better about themselves. I always found that in school the best and easiest thing to do was pretend you didn't give a s*** and they would leave you alone. As an adult I have found telling them to f off is much more satisfactory!!!!!!:drinker: :laugh:

    You are all BEAUTIFUL and always remember that!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    So sorry to everyone who'se been treated cruelly due to their weight. Some kids always seem to be looking for someone they can pick on. When I was a young teenager, my girlfriend (we were both skinny and not in the 'in' group) would get yelled at "sexless xxx", we were both late to develop, she was tall and thin and at the gawky stage. It was really hurtful for a young girl to have her 'sexuality' ridiculed. Later , she matured into a gorgeous woman that all the men were after and she did professional modelling. Anyway, it became her nickname all through highschool. She doesn't have good memories of highschool and ended up leaving our town and moving across the country right after graduation. There's a lot of ignorant people out there.
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    At some point in my life I personally started finding this sort of stuff amusing. I mean, I know I'm fat, its not a secret, its something I'm generally aware of, and the very idea that people had to announce it kinda struck me as incredibly stupid... how stupid do you have to be that you find it necessary to announce the obvious to yourself or your friends.

    For good or ill they're idiots who are telling you something, its either A. True, something you're aware and either active choose that or are working on it/can't do anything about it, or B. Absolutely false and who the hell cares what some random tosser thinks.

    But I'm a weird bird and had to deal with a lot of similar stuff in high school, except in high school it was primarily focused on my choice of clothing or hobbies.

    The few times I've had someone call me a fatty or whatever pointless insult they can think of I usually rebuke it with, "Why thank you Captain Obvious, are you going to tell me next the sky is blue and the sun is hot?"