Juice fasting



  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I'm on day 2. Just heard about the documentary a week ago. I tapered off coffee for a few days prior. I did not ask a Dr. The Dr. hasn't cared that I'm 45 lbs. over weight. The Dr. didn't care when I was eating toxic food! I don't want his input on this. If I had a good Dr., one that actually cared about me rather than belittling me and making me feel like a waste of his time maybe I'd feel different. Small town, not a lot of choices. Hard to find a good one!

    Maybe go to the next town to find a Dr. Just be careful. But I think you will be just fine, just don't starve yourself
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    just finishing up drinking my first juice...I feel like it was a lot of juice, at least 16 oz, but it's still pretty low in calories for a lunch... Those of you that are logging, how are you doing with getting enough calories in? I feel full, but I want to make sure I'm getting enough to eat!

    Amy: I haven't really been able to do P90X since I started and I am on Day 5. I will start to get surges of energy so hoping to start back up in a few days. Will add my protein powder to the juice if I have issues with not being able to do the workouts. I am not logging by the way so I'm probably not getting enough calories. I don't drink a lot of juice when I do this.

    I just had a salad for dinner with so much fresh spinach, I had to eat it out of a mixing bowl instead of a regular bowl. But that puts my total for the day at barely 800 cals. So yah, without eating too much fruit... this should be interesting.
  • Shay6457
    Shay6457 Posts: 3
    I watched the same thing on Netflix
  • J5lester
    J5lester Posts: 5 Member
    A message to all of you who are juice fasting. Consider getting a Vitamix or other similar blender that keeps the whole food (fiber too). It will keep you full longer and though the texture takes getting used to, I think it is a healthier way to go. I don't fast, but I am not a good veggie eater either. So, I make my "salad in a cup" and get more then 5 servings of veggies all the fiber included in one drink.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Good luck, Bump to see results:smile:
  • poutinEeyore
    poutinEeyore Posts: 48 Member
    My husband and I are doing this, too!! We watched a documentary on NetFlix yesterday about 'rebooting' and were totally inspired (this is HUGE bc I've lost and maintained a loss for almost 3 years now and he still has yet to be motivated by ANYTHING to lose weight...and he has 50ish lbs to lose). We're just doing 10 days to start, if we like it, and don't die (lol jk!) after 10 days, we'll see how much longer we want to continue. The subject in the film yesterday did it for 60 days...

    What was the name of the documentary that everyone is seeing? I like to check it out. Thanks.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    I think juicing is great for a detox and the weightloss that some are realizing is a bonus. Calories are so low though and not enough fiber. I think the real benefit is how wonderful and full of energy you feel. I own a juicer and have never used it, I use my blender for fruit and green smoothies, that way I get the benefit of all of the nutrients of fruit and green vegetables and the fiber also. After your juice fast consider smoothies as your transition to normal eating.

    Good luck everyone!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Day 6/40

    We had a protein shake with almond butter and frozen banana in it last night. Not for everyone since it's not technically part of the juice fast, but it was so good!!

    We made an amazing juice for this morning that I am drinking now and must share because it is something heavenly!

    1 pineapple
    1 sweet potato (I peeled mine)
    4 oranges (leave as much of the white on as you can but get all the orange peel off)

    Creamy, sweet and wonderful! We have our mean green for later in the day. Have a juicy day everyone!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I think juicing is great for a detox and the weightloss that some are realizing is a bonus. Calories are so low though and not enough fiber. I think the real benefit is how wonderful and full of energy you feel. I own a juicer and have never used it, I use my blender for fruit and green smoothies, that way I get the benefit of all of the nutrients of fruit and green vegetables and the fiber also. After your juice fast consider smoothies as your transition to normal eating.

    Good luck everyone!

    Thanks I think I will
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Wow Day 9 and I am feeling great. I got an interview today, so hopefully it will be good and I will get it. Ready to exercise, but gonna wait till after the interview. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.

    Happy Juicing
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Day 2... made:

    beets (greens included)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Day 2... made:

    beets (greens included)

    How is it? I have some beets but haven't tried them yet. I've heard to peel them so your juice doesn't taste like dirt!
  • RunLikeBelle
    RunLikeBelle Posts: 11 Member
    Ok I did one day and lost 4 lbs. Yippee! I have a little more energy but am not ready for more than a one day fast. I feel like I need to transition a little more slowly and eat more raw fruits and veggies and a healthy diet mixed with a few glasses of juice for a month or so before doing a longer fast.

    Also I gag if I drink any veggie juice....even carrots and apples. I think I need a more gradual change for my palette by cutting out all processed foods and eating more healthy foods.

    Can't wait to keep watching everyone's progress.
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Start of day 5 for me. I lost another pound and i feel great this morning. No headache and i just have a really clean, clearminded feeling going on. I've been a good boy and stuck to just fruit and vegetables juices. I usually have 16 oz of mostly fruit and some veggies in the morning, afternoon and mid afternoon, a coconut water a few hours later and 16 oz of just veggies before i go to bed. The veggies make me gag by the last sip but oh well, seems to be working great. Good luck to Everyone.
  • PGAWife
    PGAWife Posts: 1
    Glad you have cleared this with your Dr. Be careful of your blood pressure at first and find out from him what he would suggest to combat that dizzy feeling. He will know what is best for you in that regard. As far as recipes, I would recommend the site "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". You can print off a lot of wonderful combinations and they all have calorie contents so that you can manage your intake better. You don't have to be a member of the site to get these and it is worth it as the flavors really rock. There were only one or two I really didn't care for, beets are not my friend! Good luck and Juice On!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Bump...I've always wanted to try a juice fast but have been skeptical. I read the 21 day Detox Diet last year and almost tried it then. Now I'm 10 days away from a beach trip & am thinking.
    ..no time like the present.

    Can a blender or food processor be subbed for a juicer until I get mine?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Bump...I've always wanted to try a juice fast but have been skeptical. I read the 21 day Detox Diet last year and almost tried it then. Now I'm 10 days away from a beach trip & am thinking.
    ..no time like the present.

    Can a blender or food processor be subbed for a juicer until I get mine?

    I don't see why not, you can use a blender, read some of the other post on here, some people have been talking about blending to. Good luck.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I want to Congradulate everyone on their weight loss and progress, you all are doing so well. Keep it up Juicing and blending is wonderful
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Day 4: Lost 11.6 lb. to date. I feel great! I used to be a morning person but as I put extra weight on happy guy went away and was replaced by in pain guy. Oddly enough, much to my surprise I'm waking up very relaxed in the morning. I use an APAP myself as I have severe sleep apnea. Hopefully, it will improve with time and losses.

    I feel like a vampire though. In the morning before my first juice i'm a little low on energy and voraciously looking to make some juice. Fortunately there was some "evening treat" left from last night (see previous menu) and that hit the spot. I feel totally great. I drink these drinks rather fast though. To be honest, I can chug the whole thing in one big gulp. My supper seemed rather "grassy" last night but yet I felt great. Who am I to judge?

    So far so good. My wife has lost 4 lb. in the same time frame. Not bad. I think she's committed so far to 15 days. I'm committed to 60. Good luck everyone! And see you at the bottom of the hill! :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Day 2... made:

    beets (greens included)

    How is it? I have some beets but haven't tried them yet. I've heard to peel them so your juice doesn't taste like dirt!
    it's pretty good. My juice is mostly carrot, some beet, and a little bit of orange. The texture is quite thick, but the citrus lightens it, and makes it palatable. It definitely tastes a little like dirt, so that's good to know about peeling the beets.

    On another note, I was a little over a lb down this morning, I guess from initial lack of sodium? I didn't figure there was any logical reason I would lose weight doing this, since I'm already so far into my weight loss journey, but we'll see.
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