new year's resolutions: lose 5-15 pounds by labor day



  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    start weight: 150.5
    7/6 - 150.5
    7/13 - 149.8
    7/20 - 149.4
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 140

    I would like to have lost a bit more. I've kept a consistent 1/2 lb loss the past two weeks so I feel pleased with the results. Atleast I'm losing. I have 1lb/week programmed for my calorie limit and kept pretty much around that number except for one day (Saturday.) I've seen a lot of posts regarding overestimation of calculated exercise calories so maybe this is where the numbers are skewed. I usually end up saying I did something for less time than I do just because the calories seem high. I also started P90x again last Thursday so I'm hoping this first week was me adapting and gaining some muscle. I can't wait to see what happens this coming week and what my next weigh in will be.

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    start weight: 252.4
    7/6 - 249
    7/13 - 248
    7/20 - 248
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 240

    Well no loss this week but TOM came to visit and I did not gain either. Maybe next week will be better.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 123.8
    7/6 - 122.0 (-)
    7/13 - 121.6 (-)
    7/20 - 121.0 (-)
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 117

    thanks to the heat, i didn't eat very much yesterday. i feel a bit dehydrated though.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    start weight: 141.0
    7/6 - 139.0 (-)
    7/13 - 139.0
    7/20 - 139.0
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 132.5

    My weigh-ins are always from my most recent personal weigh-in. I'm in a bunch of different challenges that all have different weigh-in days but I only weigh once per week. So this is my weigh-in from the weekend and I am soooo hoping I am down to 138.0 by next week. I'm trying so hard to beat this plateau!

    Edited to add: I got in my extra glass of water each day!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Start weight: 6/22 - 185.6lb = 84.2kg
    7/06 - 187.4lb (85kg) + 2lb on this week
    7/13 - 185.8lb (84.3kg) -
    7/20 - 182.8lb (82.2kg) - 3 :bigsmile:
    7/27 -
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/07 -
    goal weight: 170.6lb
    Yay i have lost weight this week
  • jesscoff320
    jesscoff320 Posts: 50 Member
    start weight: 179
    7/6 - 177.5
    7/13 -177 (-0.5)
    7/20 - 177 (0)
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 167

    It is ok. I got the phone call for a job interview last Wednesday and the interview was yesterday. It is a job I have been trying to get for over 2 years. I gave into stress eating and stressed a lot. I was over calories some days and very close others.
  • vwgurl2
    vwgurl2 Posts: 52 Member
    start weight: 176.8
    7/6 - 180.2
    7/13 - 178.6
    7/20 - 178
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 165
  • Dala544
    Dala544 Posts: 13
    Start weight: 7/6 - 168
    7/13 - 168
    7/20 - 164
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 150

    Last week I saw no change, so I'm excited to finally see something out of the scale. I'm just trying to keep eating good and exercising . . . I just keep telling myself to "stay focused on the prize"
  • Dala544
    Dala544 Posts: 13
    start weight: 179
    7/6 - 177.5
    7/13 -177 (-0.5)
    7/20 - 177 (0)
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 167

    It is ok. I got the phone call for a job interview last Wednesday and the interview was yesterday. It is a job I have been trying to get for over 2 years. I gave into stress eating and stressed a lot. I was over calories some days and very close others.

    Congrats on your interview! Let us know how it turns out!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    start weight: 179.6
    7/6 - 179.6
    7/13 - 176.6 (-3)
    7/20 - 178.2 (+1.6)
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 164.6 (-15)
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    start weight: 143.8
    7/6 - 146.8
    7/13 - On a cruise!
    7/20 - 154.4
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 135

    You know they say you can gain a lot of weight on cruises....unfortunately "they" are right. Oy. That's over 7lbs.... fortunately I think a lot of it is water weight since I've already lost 4.6 lbs since monday! Plus its tom so that doesn't help....hopefully I'm back next week around 150 if not under. Soooo frustrating. But i did have fun.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO GO FOR A HIKE OF ANY LENGTH. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun out in nature's playland! :)
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    A little late checking in because I have been at the beach for the last couple of days and didn't have time to log in. I stayed the same weight dang it! That is typical of my cycle so I am going to chalk it up to water retention and know that I will be back in the game next week!

    start weight: 196
    7/6 - 195
    7/13 - 192
    7/20 - 192
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 181
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I'm a little late getting on...I was traveling for work (again!) and didn't have a scale. I am posting today's weight, but it probably is the same as last Wed...because it is basically the same as the Wed before! I have been stuck forever! I talked to a dietitian this week and she suggested I bump up my daily calories to 1600 from makes me nervous, but I am going to give it a shot!! She said I may see a gain for a week or two while my body adjusts...anxiety attack! This will be a good way for me to track it!!

    start weight: 199.6
    7/6 - 199.8 grrr!
    7/13 - 197.3 :-)
    7/20 - 197.4
    7/27 -
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 189
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    I'm on maintenance from my summer slim down program - and seems to still be whittling weight off. I feel great. Going to see someone this weekend I haven't seen in 2 months. We'll see if they notice all my hard work!

    start weight: 223.2
    7/6 - 220.8
    7/13 - 219.4
    7/20 - 219
    7/27 - 217.4 (-5.8 lbs)
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 - Camping trip goal- new swimsuit!

    Goal weight: 200 (argh! so close!)
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow, i know there will be a gain this week, tom is due & i feel like ******* (insert what any word you like) for 4 days now. burn my hand @ work on Sunday got bk from a & e (just to cheek it was fine & i went to work Monday) for mum to tell me my cousin had died & is no longer in any pain (cancer). i have been having migraines from hell that wont shift (tom related & normal to happen) so im going to have some food take another pain killer wait an hr then go to bed.
    I have 30 children from 0 to 13yrs old coming to my sons birthday party tomorrow & it is going to be so noisy.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I want to go on a hike so bad but I just can't fit it in this week. I will keep it in mind for in a few weeks when I have time to get out into nature!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Start weight: 6/22 - 185.6lb = 84.2kg
    7/06 - 187.4lb (85kg) + 2lb on this week
    7/13 - 185.8lb (84.3kg) -
    7/20 - 182.8lb (82.2kg) - 3
    7/27 - 184.3lb (83.6kg) +
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/07 -
    goal weight: 170.6lb
    man i have put on this week. i will have a loss next week
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    start weight: 252.4
    7/6 - 249
    7/13 - 248
    7/20 - 248
    7/27 - 244
    8/3 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -
    9/7 -
    goal weight: 240
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    Good job everyone! I'm not looking forward to weighing in. I actually am waiting until after work since I'm pretty sure I will weigh less later in the day. The past week hasn't been too friendly on my diet, but I feel I made the best decisions I could. Tom is coming soon and just hoping to get through it as fast as possible. Workout time has been very scarce. I just need to bite the bullet and wake up at 5 to work out before work.

    Good luck to everyone who hasn't weighed in yet.