Binge eating/food obsession



  • briannadora
    briannadora Posts: 5 Member
    I've eaten one of those microwavable oatmeal bowls, two bananas, a couple strawberries, half a jar of peanut butter, a couple snack packs of almond butter, an apple, a protein bar, and most of a protein shake. It's like I loose my mind while I'm eating and become like a ravenous animal. It all started because my family and a bitchy nutritionist told me I lost too much weight, ate at too much of a deficit (which at first I did, but towards the end I was fine) and that I cannot trust my body's hunger and fullness cues. With that being said, I got into the unhealthy habit of stuffing myself and now regulating myself is a constant battle. It's so overwhelming. I am going to see a therapist next week. How did I get so bad?
  • kristen5059
    kristen5059 Posts: 2 Member
    I also have a problem with binging. I have tried to keep just healthy items in the house. My husband keeps his snacks hidden in his shop. I also keep sugar free popsicles in the freezer in case I am feeling weak & need to snack. They are only 15 calories a piece so if I have 3 or 4 - I'm not killing my diet.
  • miratps
    miratps Posts: 141 Member
    I'm fairly similar but I make sure my 'binge' essentially becomes IF if that makes sense. I will save all my calories till the evening, log everything before hand and then feast. It will include a big meal, yogurts, chocolate and protein bars.
  • logiatype
    logiatype Posts: 110 Member
    cuhris wrote: »
    Sometimes you may be dieting too harshly or rushing too quickly into a diet. I used to binge because of that. If you're used to eating a lot, you should slowly drop your calories/carbs instead of going cold-turkey.
    It's usually this for me. My worst binges have come after weeks/months of rigid dieting. Other times, I'll drastically under-eat, spend a lot of energy playing a sport, feel light-headed, then immediately binge.
    Consistent eating and setting aside a few weekend calories for snacks helps a lot.
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    As the title states I have a binge eating problem which stems from having a food obcession. I would love to keep in contact with people like me with support.
    Even if I'm eating healthier, I think about food 24/7. When I am going to eat next is always on my mind. And binge eating has always been a problem. I need friends like me and what helped you if you have these problems!!

    Completely. What I'll do is plan a Saturday post-workout meal all friggin week. I'll look up restaurants, etc and spend all week lusting after what food I'm going to indulge in. Saturday, I'll kill a loooong heavy workout and then eat 2 bacon double cheeseburgers and platter of loaded fries or something like that. What I found is after doing this a few weeks my need to do this got less and less.
  • adzovi2009
    adzovi2009 Posts: 4 Member
    please add me to these posts
  • Rowan09
    Rowan09 Posts: 35 Member
    I would definitely say I'm a binge eater but I've been doing well for about 2 weeks, which is longer than I've been before.
    I make all my meals in advance (anywhere from 4-6 days depending on what I make). And I DONT SNACK. Snacking was my downfall and I just have to accept that right now I can't snack at all because I can't stop myself. Knowing that what I am going
    To eat all day is ready and set aside helps keep my mind off of food, because I don't have to worrry (or Fantasize) about what I'm going to eat that day. I try to keep my meals around 400-500 each, so that way I'm also not competing with myself to restrict calories (something I've done before too- and then binged when I got too hungry.)
    I also make food that I KNOW I will like. I'm never going to plan to eat a salad all week because I hate salad, and I know I'll ditch it for something else and that's when I get in trouble. So I focus on veggies I know I like and try to keep reasonable expectations for myself in what I'm going to make. Healthy choices, but ones I know I'll enjoy.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Muchabibi wrote: »
    Please add me. I have struggled on and off since the age of 9, & I'm in my mid 40s now. I am 1st-gen American, came from a very passive, almost reclusive immigrant family & was taught that wasting food was immoral. After all these years I have come to find that it is absolutely NOT about the food---I have binged on both healthy & processed food, so I respectfully disagree that focusing on food you like can prevent a binge. I have had success so far in reflecting what event/s in my past triggered this coping mechanism. Still a work in progress

    This is so true. I spent a year in counseling on a topic not related to food, but figured out I binged to calm nerves and protect myself. It is 5 years later, still struggling with losing weight, but have a stronger sense of who I am and what works for me. I also can binge on any type of food, healthy and junk.

    For orginial poster: You may need to explore WHY you binge in order to figure out how to control it. Just a suggestion. Best wishes on your journey!!
  • nadinecurry1
    nadinecurry1 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me guys :) I just ate a whole pizza and not feeling to well haha. I need help!
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    If you look up 'binge eating disorder online help' it will take you to some great forums that you can meet friends and discuss problems and share ideas. I beleive one is called Psych Central.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Necro thread
  • 0093
    0093 Posts: 12 Member
    Binge eater. Please add me. I need help and support. :(
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    Feel free to add me. Long history of struggling with this behaviour since childhood (and I’m in my 40s now). Right now I’m in a better place but a month ago I was struggling to get myself to this place.last year my health and fitness routines took a hit when I had a major health issue which hindered my energy level and exercise - and i became depressed. Then the binges started again. 8 months later after losing much of my fitness (muscle tone gone, gained fat instead of muscle, shorter less difficult workouts, etc,) I had surgery for that same health issue, and the recovery was 4-6 weeks - I was unable to exercise the entire time. I ate my way through it - lots of binge behaviours...and because i was on bed rest I’m pretty sure I gained 10 lbs of fat. Then, after 6 weeks i was able to workout and starting to get active again, but it didn’t last because ....then I got the flu! I was down for another month. For the last six weeks I’ve been active again and weight training. My binge behaviour issues have been difficult but I finally got to a good place about 10 days ago and can say that I’m definitely in a healthier place. I’ve lost 6lbs, almost an inch of fat is gone. I’m not where I was but I’m happier because I’m not binge eating.

    The issue is the behaviour. It’s a cycle. The most important part for me is to remember that healthy behaviour feels better - I’m happier! When I binge eat, I beat myself up and it becomes a cycle.

    I was once told that behaviours are like drawers in a bureau. There’s a certain amount. So if I wanted to change a behaviour, I’d have to take it out and replace it with something different.

    Every time I’ve been healthy, it’s been because I’ve replaced the binge behaviour with something else. For me, using these forums and this app, and doing new things at the gym has helped replace the negative behaviour, and the sense of happiness that results is a positive reinforcement of the change. It’s working for me right now, but Im always going to struggle with the tendency to eat my way through things. Fact is, I feel better when I deal with life in healthy ways.

    Anyway, pardon the diatribe here but feel free to add me. I’m just now crawling out of a hard year with binge eating and food, and looking for people to relate with. It helps a lot.

  • bluecitra
    bluecitra Posts: 1 Member
    I also binge eat. I often feel like food controls my life. It’s an obsession. On my mind most hours of every day and even while I sleep. Yes, I even dream about food. I dream of beautiful buffet tables covered with all my favorite foods and I get to freely scarf it all down. Would love some support. Anybody in NYC area?
  • fatvegan88
    fatvegan88 Posts: 71 Member
    Intermittent fasting helped me to stop binging. You can’t binge if your eating time is only 4 hours. Although my eating window is 8 hours now and I purposely make it so that it’s not late at night, I know I can’t binge because it’s not my eating time. I eat from 12:30 to 7:30 every day if it’s 10 pm, I can’t eat because I’m fasting so too bad.