A healthy snack to binge on and reduce cravings?



  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    LVNF04 wrote: »
    The point I'm making is some people think OK I'm going to eat this giant bowl of fruit then complain they aren't losing weight. I've tried smoothies, eating healthier, cutting out junk food, adding more water, diet pills, body wraps, and throwing tons of walking and rowing and biking at it. It didn't work. I found out what does. And I have lost that weight and maintained that weight for over a year. Now I eat whatever I want in moderation and I never count calories. Ever.

    If you did count, you would discover that your calories average out to be your maintenance. Ice cream isn't the point, the point is that it is about calories, period. There are lots of foods that will easily put you in a surplus even in small portions. If I eat the same types of dishes in the same portions at restaurants that I eat at home, I guarantee the calories will be much higher. Typical hamburger meat has about 3 times the calories of extra lean. Even ground turkey varies greatly. Now, figure in things like olive oil, peanut butter, and salad dressing and it is easy to add a ton of calories with very small portions. Two spoonfuls of peanut butter has more calories than 2 pounds of the previously mentioned pineapple. So again, it isn't the weight or volume that is important. It is the calories. How you control your caloric intake doesn't really matter as long as it works for you and you consume the right amount of calories.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    "I'm going to eat this giant bowl of fruit then complain they aren't losing weight."

    Bad example because "most" fruit is very low in calories vs volume. You'd have a tough time getting fat off strawberries and pineapples. 2lbs is 2lbs, but one might be mostly water and fiber (calorie sparse) [like fruit/veggies], and the other might be mostly carbohydrate or fats (calorie dense) [like pasta or nuts]. There's a big difference because all that matters is calories in vs calories out. The 2lbs of fruit will work its way through your digestive system and be gone. The 2lbs of peanut butter will most likely push you into a calorie surplus.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    I snack on PB2, the chocolate flavor spread on a waffle or chocolate rice cake more than any other snack
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I already know everything you're saying. I already lost weight. Preaching to deaf ears
  • ThePoeToaster
    ThePoeToaster Posts: 1,681 Member
    carrots and hummus....Cliff bars....my fave is white chocolate macadamia nut
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    For me I had to take out white sugar and most carbs...it's regulating my blood sugar
    now when I am craving something to munch I will go to fruit, broccoli, cabagge cauliflower or zucchini ...i am shocked it is working so well bc i am used to majorly pigging out on chips popcorn licorice etc around 3 pm each day...complete nightmare turned into something much more manageable

    Yes, same for me. The only way I defeated the carb and sweet cravings permanently was to drastically reduce white sugar and most carbs (other than green veggies and a little fruit)

    I know a lot of people claim moderation is the key...but trying to moderate is MUCH more difficult than just cutting it out completely for many people. So try moderation if you like, but if you are still having problems with the cravings give just not buying the sweet stuff at all a try.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Are you being overly restrictive with your approach? You mentioned cravings for carbs and sweets... have you drastically reduced your intake of certain foods in order to achieve your goals? Do you have a medical reason to restrict carbs (they are in lots of foods like fruit, veggies, dairy, as well as grains and other starchy foods) or watch your sugars?

    With 30 lbs to lose you should be aiming to lose no more than 1 lb/week. With a modest deficit you should be able to work in a variety of foods you enjoy, within that calorie target, aiming for a balanced, healthy diet but it's possible to still eat things like sweets in moderation while losing weight.

  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    ElvenToad wrote: »
    If you have a blender you can make protein ice cream, makes a giant bowl and has changed my life <3

    60 ml sugar free maple syrup
    120 ml unsweetened almond milk
    30g protein powder (recommend chocolate or cookies n cream)
    Entire tray of ice cubes
    3g xanthan gum

    Add everything to the blender let it go 4-5 minutes.

    Pour into a bowl and top with more syrup and a few crushed up cookies or pb2.. whatever you have the calories for.

    150-160 calories depending on PP used and toppings. I will never waste $5 on Halo Top again!

    Credit to this youtube video skip to about 7 minutes in to see the magic happen :)

  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Omg! I think I'm going to love you forever after I try this, thank you! I've been craving ice cream a lot lately and I found something better than halo top, I forgot the name of it though. I cannot wait to try this and It definitely deserves it's own thread.
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    The other night I had PB2 with a few sticks of celery that seem to help me.
  • MarleneLong
    MarleneLong Posts: 1 Member
    I find that my cravings for sweets and carbs has reduced since being on the Keto90 lifestyle. Putting in good and real food gets rid of my spare tire and sets me up for a healthier self.
  • Getupgetatit
    Getupgetatit Posts: 23 Member
    Protein drink Greek yogurt and oats unsweetened almond milk mix in a blender, very satisfying
  • dancerinadeux
    dancerinadeux Posts: 19 Member
    I recently went through this. Reduce all sugars in your diet to natural sugars only. Read labels carefully for added sugars. Avoid processed foods. Reduce your carb intake (bread, pasta) to 1x/1serving/day or if you can only a few servings per week. Within a few days, you will no longer crave the carbs and sugar.
  • Size8Feet
    Size8Feet Posts: 9 Member
    Jelly! Sweet and you can have a huge bowl for relatively few cals
  • Size8Feet
    Size8Feet Posts: 9 Member
    Or make your own ice pops out of diet fizzy drinks - again you'll feel like you are eating with little calorie damage
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    lots of fresh fruit did the trick for me
  • ItsBetterThisWay
    ItsBetterThisWay Posts: 42 Member
    What are you eating for breakfast?
  • dnovak316
    dnovak316 Posts: 1 Member
    My go to when I have a craving is a pickle spear (or two). The sodium is not great, but it satisfies the taste buds!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Has OP ever come back to provide more information? If not, I'm really not sure why people are providing suggestions of things that worked for them, without knowing more about what specifically the OP is struggling with.
  • magdadgam
    magdadgam Posts: 13 Member
    Frozen grapes