My best friend doesnt believe in CICO



  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    panda4153 wrote: »
    Okay, I need to derail this for just a minute, why all the fro yo hate people! LOL I love fro yo and I love ice cream! Both are delicious, and can be incorporated in your diet successfully. Also, why would anyone be against a milkshake for breakfast if it fits your goals haha. Ok, I'm done.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm totally not against a milkshake for breakfast. Just saying, it's not a bragging point for nutritional superiority.

    I agree its no better than vanilla ice cream however the choice at this particular ice cream stand makes fro yo the lesser of two evils calories wise lol
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I would love to know why your friend thinks CICO doesn't work. Not what works instead, but what she thinks is wrong with the idea. Science aside, the principle of "things have to equal out" is such a core concept in human thinking that we apply it even when we shouldn't, such as in the stereotypes of smart-but-weak and strong-but-dumb. You have to balance the equation.
  • lilolilo920
    lilolilo920 Posts: 184 Member
    edited May 2017
    The "it wasn't exercise because it wasn't in a gym" seems more ridiculous than not believing it's all about CI<CO to me.

    Agreed. But I mean, come on-Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, Michael Phelps?!!? They might not go to the "gym" but they're sure as hell fit!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    The "it wasn't exercise because it wasn't in a gym" seems more ridiculous than not believing it's all about CI<CO to me.

    Agreed. But I mean, come on-Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, Michael Phelps?!!? They might not go to the "gym" but they're sure as hell fit!!

    You can be pretty confident that all the of them spend a good proportion of their training time in the gym. Success means doing a range of things to improve performance.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I recently had a two week spell of only 1 gym visit, as opposed to my usual 4 days a week. I did do five morning runs (outside, does that count?) and in that period I ate mostly below my calorie allowance, but was not eating healthily.

    I lost 3 lbs.

    <sarcasm>Does she also think that one can keep spending money regardless of what money comes in? Lots of smaller amounts can't possibly exceed that large sum that comes in once a month. It's just not possible. </sarcasm>
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    There are people that believe the world is flat.

    Can't fix stupid.
  • LexyGetsFitUK
    LexyGetsFitUK Posts: 13 Member
    Might be an unpopular opinion, but for me CICO only works till a certain point. I have a history with disordered eating, so I've spent lots of time counting every single calorie that gets close to my mouth and obsessively tracking my exercises, but whenever I only focused on CICO, I could never get below 110lbs (I'm 5'2) Most days I was barely eating 300cal and exercising like crazy but I didn't lose another pound or another inch. Looking back, I'm not surprised because more often than not, I ate less than 1000cal and nearly all my food was junk food high in sodium and carbs. (A 300 cal day was usually small fries from McDonalds and a diet coke...) Obviously CICO works, but at a certain point you need to start looking at what you're eating too.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    Because "I can wear that thermal jacket, stuff my face and still lose". Or "I can take these pills, stuff my face and still lose". That's the type of rubish I've been told by my 'friends' loughing at me counting calories... And when it doesn't work for them it is never cico, it is always "slow metabolism"... \hipthrust
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    edited June 2017
    It works. But it works less and less the more times it's done. I think the minimum calories per day thing is hogwash as long as you get enough calories over time.

    I enjoyed this article on CICO

    The Truth About Calories: Why Calories-In, Calories-Out Is Total Nonsense
    by Kevin Michael Geary
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    So the title says it all. My best friend doesn't believe in CICO. I only told them recently that I started losing weight ( I told them once I was 15 lbs down) we went for a hike the other day, and then were walking back to their house, we stopped for ice cream. I had a ton of calories left so I got a flavor I actually wanted rather than just frozen yogurt. She was shocked and told me i'd never lose weight if im eating ice cream, and that our hike didnt count as exercise because we weren't in a gym (we burned over 1000 calories according to my fitbit!) I explained to her what MFP is all about it, and CICO and she said I was "getting obsessive" with calories I need to stop focusing on that, and eat only healthy foods and go to the gym for an hour every day, dont pay attention to calories. Im shocked that she would have such a strong opinion on it, shes a science major so I assumed something simple like CICO would make sense to her, you need to burn more calories than your body is taking in. Finally I explained I could eat one scoop of ice cream every day, even if thats all I ate, and I was in calorie deficit I would lose weight, she simply just said no you would gain weight and be terribly unhealthy. I agree you wouldnt be healthy, but you would still lose weight. That was it, she said after she didnt want to talk about it anymore. What do you guys think? I know CICO works, its been working for me, and so many other people on MFP. Why do people think CICO wont work??

    @laurenebargar you both are correct actually. She is talking about how to eat to live a long healthy life. You are talking about losing weight in a way that may or may not lead to a premature and painful death.

    CICO does not directly to human beings that are body, mind and spirit but it does apply quite well to a car engine.

    The macro one eats instead of the number of calories that one eats is what determines future health.

    Now if a person has a physical/mental condition that prevents the "You Are Full Stop Eating" signals then perhaps long term calorie counting will be a requirement but not in otherwise healthy humans.

    Intuitive eating may be damaged in people that never ate a healthy macro in their life. In that case they may be required to count calories for life. Just keep in mind in humans CICO is a false concept when it comes to good health and a long life. If one does not get the protein and fats that are required for good health then they will suffer health wise. The ratio of one's macro is not fixed in some book somewhere but is something we learn over time.