Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Rachael
    Age: 36
    Height: 5' 6"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 292.3
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): <285.0 (<280 even better but i am cautious due to my failure of the earth day challenge)

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 290.8
    2. May 3: 294.8
    3. May 10: 292.8
    4. May 17: 292.8
    5. May 24: 292.8
    6. May 31: 293.2
    7. June 7:
    8. June 14:
    9. June 21:
    10. June 28:
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: +0.4
    Weight -/+ total: +0.9

    GOOD LUCK :wink:
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    Thursday Truth: On April 25 I started swimming laps. Just once a week, then twice a week. I missed a week but now I am back at it.
    This morning I was hoping for a wt loss but instead I had a gain. I instantly blamed the exercise and got mad, ready to swear off extra activity. But then, as I stewed over it, recalling everything that I have done and eaten over the past month, I began to relize that the scale wasnt giving me the whole picture.
    For one thing, exercise is good for many reasons not just wt loss. It improves mood, helps stress management, aids flexibilty, adds strength and bone density ... the list goes on and on!
    And two, I might not have lost wt but maybe inches ... I had to tighten the straps on my bathing suit. And if I continue to exercise, eventually my addtional muscle growth will slow down and fat loss will finally begin to magically appear on that *kitten* scale! :triumph:
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    Seriously!? B a s t a r d is a forbidden word on mfp?
  • pinelopi22
    pinelopi22 Posts: 18 Member
    Didn't post a wish yesterday, so here goes: I'm following through on a promise and taking my daughter (10) to a climbing wall on Sunday afternoon. I wish to fit in the climbing harness and to not embarrass myself on the wall. Blowing on the dandelion puff now... ;)

    Truth Thursday: I ate two spoonfuls of dried up Ghirardelli brownie crumbles yesterday in lieu of drinking my tea with honey.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth - it seems that as time goes on making decisions becomes more difficult with each one I need to make. I waste an inordinate amount of time trying to make the 'best' choice, and it's occurred to me that if I struggle this much over those I consider to be big decisions that it most likely sifts down to having difficulty with small ones as well ... those that are so small we hardly notice them because they are in our back-thoughts ... like what clothes to put on or what meal to to make, or which product to choose at the grocery store.

    This past month, I have spent much time trying to decide which furniture arrangement to use in the change over from home-office to guest-room/office in my small spare room (less than 9x10 ft) I use an online room planning app and must have made 30 plans. Now I'm down to two and still cannot decide. Each has pros and cons, each has obstacles that can be managed with different levels of difficulty. Each involves completely emptying the room and then putting things back, plus bringing in a twin bed that has been in storage.

    In the meantime, nothing is getting done while I am caught up in the struggle to make up my mind (like actually empting the room LOL, and I am running out of time because there is a guest coming in 14 days). What ever happened to that girl who made snap decisions without a second glance back?

    Maybe you can help me decide by voting for which plan is most appealing ... bed under windows or desk under windows ... The photo link is below and should open up in a separate view. ... oh yeah, that red square thing is a small ottoman that can be moved around as needed.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Truth Thursday: I am having to accept that this week is going to be tough, and that even though I may not meet my exercise goals, THAT IS OKAY. I get so discouraged when I don't accomplish something I set out to do. I hate making excuses! But after three consecutive nights up with both kids (one sick, one teething) I was just not feeling up to trying to do my early morning runs this week. :(

    Weight loss is HARD. Parenting is HARD. It would have been easier to lose the weight before having children. But I am on this journey now, which is much, much better than never having started at all.

    I have recommitted to my "Plan B" goal of getting some form of exercise 5 days this week, though. I went to the mall last night and walked for an hour, slowly. It wasn't exactly purposeful exercise, but hey it all counts, right?
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    @Nikion901 I vote desk next to winow because 1) if it is a guest room YOU will be using it as a office more, so I would want to be at the desk near a window and 2) as a guest I have always felt weird sleeping next to a window when I'm not in my comfort zone ie my own home, I feel exposed/vulnerable I guess.

    @RunningOnWontons just YES to all of that!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thanks @jam5660 ... you have a good point, the bed 'feels' more secure with solid walls around it.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I also started the thread late but I do have my weigh-ins for the following dates:

    Ready For Summer 10-week Challenge

    MFP Name: BarneyRubbleMD
    Age: 57
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start weight (week of April 19, 2017): 281.4 lbs
    Goal weight (Saturday July 1, 2017): Not-A-Clue lbs

    Weigh-in week of:
    1. Apr 26: 280.2 lbs
    2. May 3: 276.2 lbs
    3. May 10: 285.0 lbs (binged May 5-7 & gained weight)
    4. May 17: 276.6 lbs
    5. May 24: 273.0 lbs
    6. May 31: 269.4 lbs
    7. Jun 7: ?
    8. Jun 14: ?
    9. Jun 21: ?
    10. Jun 28: ?
    Final weigh-in Jul 1: ?

    Weight +/- this week: -3.6 lbs
    Weight +/- since start: -12.0 lbs
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--regarding your question about recording the MFP prediction, YES--I used to do that every once in a while. I would actually post it in the food notes for 5 weeks in the future so when I got there I could see if it was close. I honestly don't remember how often it was correct; it was just a fun little game that kept me going. I'm currently still above my MFP weight, so it's way off for me. Once I lose this extra 15 I've gained, I will probably start doing that again.

    @niki-- I like jam's reasoning!

    @RunningOnWontons --I don't have kids of my own and have often marveled at how those of you with children--especially little ones--manage to do anything for yourself. It's hard for me even without that responsibility. Good for you for committing to your Plan B! I read a really great article recently about how current social norms have shifted to making the children the most important members of the family. It was all about how this leads to entitled children who don't learn a lot of important lessons like patience, delayed gratification, how to handle disappointment, etc. Instead, it reasoned, the adults should be the priority b/c if they aren't happy and healthy, they can't take care of the kids. It actually made a lot of sense. If I can find it, I will share it.

    It's so great to see everyone's weigh-ins--you all are doing awesome!!

    Thursday Truth:
    I weighed in yesterday and today, but I'm not recording this week's weight until Saturday since that's when I posted for last week. So far there in no change on the scale, but that's okay b/c at least I've gotten back in the logging habit and I've been under or close to goal. Progress. :)

    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 199.8
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 193

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    5. May 24 -199.8
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ total:
    Total weight loss:
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @Nikion901 my recommendation is to set up the room in the best configuration for how you will be using the room most of the time. If you normally going to be using the room as an office put the desk under the window.

    Also don't stress about it. If you set it up one way and you don't like it....guess what???? You can move the furniture again.
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Thursday Truth - it seems that as time goes on making decisions becomes more difficult with each one I need to make. I waste an inordinate amount of time trying to make the 'best' choice, and it's occurred to me that if I struggle this much over those I consider to be big decisions that it most likely sifts down to having difficulty with small ones as well ... those that are so small we hardly notice them because they are in our back-thoughts ... like what clothes to put on or what meal to to make, or which product to choose at the grocery store.

    This past month, I have spent much time trying to decide which furniture arrangement to use in the change over from home-office to guest-room/office in my small spare room (less than 9x10 ft) I use an online room planning app and must have made 30 plans. Now I'm down to two and still cannot decide. Each has pros and cons, each has obstacles that can be managed with different levels of difficulty. Each involves completely emptying the room and then putting things back, plus bringing in a twin bed that has been in storage.

    In the meantime, nothing is getting done while I am caught up in the struggle to make up my mind (like actually empting the room LOL, and I am running out of time because there is a guest coming in 14 days). What ever happened to that girl who made snap decisions without a second glance back?

    Maybe you can help me decide by voting for which plan is most appealing ... bed under windows or desk under windows ... The photo link is below and should open up in a separate view. ... oh yeah, that red square thing is a small ottoman that can be moved around as needed.

  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Thursday truth - dieting is hard! I'm hungry and I know part of it is that I'm tired. I just want to stuff myself and go to sleep. So since I already completed my diary I'm just going to go to bed. But I have to stay up until the end of the warriors game!!!! Only 1min 20 seconds of game time. I can avoid food for that long
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Nikion901 - had trouble figuring out where the window was, but I like the 2nd one with the bed on the bottom of the plan. BTW I don't see any closet or storage, unless the printer table is actually a dresser. Do you have somewhere that your guest can store their things?

    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Tracy
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (week of April 19 or 26): 195
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 180
    I will weigh on Fridays:

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 - 192.2
    2. May 3 - 192.4
    3. May 12 - 192.6
    4. May 19 - 193.3
    5. May 24 - missed
    6. June 1 - 193.1
    7. June 7
    8. June 14
    9. June 21
    10. June 28
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1

    Weight -/+ this week: -02
    Weight -/+ total: +.9

    Consistency and vigilance are the words for this challenge

    for me, along with "KEEP THAT BODY MOVING"!
    Missed the weigh in last week, but it apparently didn't matter, my weight is not doing anything but going up and down a few ounces!
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Friday fitness: if you use an activity tracker and you are all of a sudden not getting your average number of steps in but can't figure out why....change to battery. Past that I ain't got nuffin for Fitness Friday.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    Tonight I figure out a wt lifting circuit. I'm told wt lifting is better for wt loss than cardio bc you build muscle wt lifting better than you do w cardio and muscle burns fat even when at rest unlike cardio. :sweat_smile: Feel the burn! :lol: jk
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Friday fitness: I will go for my walk at lunch today. No excuses. Work is not more important than my health. I will get my 10k steps in today! I'll check in tonight to let you know how it went.
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5 ft 2

    Weight on Feb 19th - 322lbs or 23 stone in the language of my people

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 303.5lbs
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): 288.5lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 303.5lbs
    2. May 3: 304.5lbs
    3. May 10: 301.75 lbs
    4. May 17: 305lbs
    5. May 24: 303lbs
    6. May 31: 301.5lbs
    7. June 7:
    8. June 14:
    9. June 21:
    10. June 28:
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.5lbs
    Weight -/+ total: -2lbs

    After last week, where I had a bigger loss the day after I posted, I'm getting this one in now! Still no lower than that "day after" but I am still feeling groggy with swollen throat glands, brain fog etc. Not put any pounds on though, despite sometimes poor food choices just because I don't feel well enough to prep a lot of veg and so on. This is progress for me, usually something like illness will put me right off a weight loss attempt. This time, it feels normal to be logging whatever I do eat, even if not ideal for my calorie limits.

    Just 2lbs more off will see me under 300lbs, might have to starve for a few days :D
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Name: tracey
    Age: 52
    Height: 5' 7

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 278
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): 258

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 278
    2. May 3: 277.5
    3. May 10: 277
    4. May 17: 274.2
    5. May 24: 276
    6. May 31:. 276
    7. June 7:
    8. June 14:
    9. June 21:
    10. June 28:
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Weight -/+ total: -2
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited June 2017
    @RobinB0812 I have kept track of the 5 week mentions several times, just for fun and most of mine were right on target! Except today's which said I will gain weight if I continue like this! (see below)

    @Nikion901 desk by window! :)

    Well I have a heavy heart, it's been a hard week for me. I decided over the last weekend that it was time to put my sweet little 16 year old Yorkie/Shih Tzu down. Her dementia was getting her very confused and stressed, plus she had some health problems too. I waited until today so I could have the week with her. I have had her for her entire life and she has been seeing the same vet since 2002 when I moved to FL. I know it was the right thing to do but I already miss her so much. To add to everything, I stress eat and I don't think I stayed on goal since I made the decision last Monday, especially today. :(