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  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    That's my first full round, I hope to lose 1.8kg before 24th of July so for this round I want to lose 1kg! For me it's a lot, but seeing your progress I think it will inspire me to push myself to do so :smile:

    Let's start the countdown (hopefully)

    06/02 60.0kg I stayed under my calories limit and even exercised, so I hope that's just a water retention! Gonna drink more water today and see what will happen :smile:
    06/03 60.0kg even though I promised myself that I won't go over limit I did :/ and didn't drink that much water... Too many temptations during the weekend and too little time to focus on a goal. Exercised today and I hope that tomorrow the weight will drop #fingerscrossed
    06/04 59.5kg yay, i'm always happy seeing my weight drops :> I need to cut short eating sweets and high in sugar food, I started to put them into 'snacks' category instead of putting them into 'lunch' etc as an dessert and turns out snacks take up to 1/3 of my daily calorie allowance :o gonna work on it!

    Last winter I also realized, to my chagrin, that 1/3 of my calories were sweets related. I found the answer for me is more protein. I don't find myself craving junk. I feel full and don't look for something 'more'.
  • chriswalls1208
    chriswalls1208 Posts: 1,099 Member
    58 yr old, 5' 5"
    GW 130
    GW for here: 143
    Goal issues: night time snacks and beverages (esp. wine)

    6/02/17 144.6

    6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start.

    6/04/17 145.4 OK, today I'm disappointed. Oh well, gotta keep on. Things to celebrate: no snacks after dinner, no alcohol. Not so great: Amish donuts in the AM. Good thing they're only available once a week.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Started round 4 @ 151
    Started round 5 @ 150.6

    I'm currently at my plateau weight. I need to break through this.

    6/1 148.8
    6/2 148.8 I can give up wine for 10 days (I think). ANYTHING to get off my plateau weight.
    6/3 149.8 salty sushi?
    6/4 148.0

    CANCUN IN 12 DAYS!!!
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    Ok - I'll do this again! The last round was my first time joining the 10 day challenge, but the public accountability really helped me focus. I'm officially maintaining within a 137-142lb weight range but was nudging the very top of this at the beginning of the last round. I'm aiming to get to the bottom of this range by the end of the next 10 days and maintain there to give myself a bit of leeway on hols.

    Start of round 5 -141.8
    End of round 5 - 137.8
    Goal for the end of this round - 137.0

    06/02 - 138.8 (yesterday was a rest day)
    06/03 - 138.4 (weight training yesterday. Lots of walking planned for today)
    06/04 - 138.8 (birthday pizza last night. Weight training and core conditioning today)

  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I am definitely down for this challenge! I've been doing this on my own for the past 3 months now but it will be nice to have more people active in it. I'm down 15lbs since March and I have my next fitness evaluation at my gym on the 5th of June. I've been working really hard this past month and cannot wait to see my results.

    Female, 26, 5'10.5" - Starting weight: 330 Current weight: 315 Goal weight: 226.

    06/02 - 312.8 I'm excited to start this challenge but I've been feeling very off lately. My body chemistry is all out of whack because I ate more than normal on Memorial Day and then again on my anniversary on the 31st.
    06/03 - 309.8 - It is been such a struggle lately, so I am impressed by the number on the scale today.
    06/04 - 312.4 I've been struggling really hard with my nutrition lately. My anxiety has been higher again and I definitely see a correlation between that and my eating. Starting today, I am going to try and overcome these food cravings.

  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight: 148
    today's weight: (June 1) 134.8
    Goal: 132
    Ultimate Goal: 130

    06/02 - 135 stayed on task for logging, very happy about that. Probably ate a little too much at dinner, but not that concerned. Glad to be kept honest!
    06/03 - 134.4 surprised me! Did some emotional eating before dinner. But I guess the long walk with my dogs and the 1 hour and 15 minute gym workout helped. But this is good, it allows me to recognize my weaknesses. And I am on task w/logging!
    06/04 - 134.4 I am thrilled, since I spent most of the day at a brewery (Sierra Nevada) doing a tour and then of course eating and drinking. Logged it all :o Got my 5 mile run in already today. woohoo!!!
  • cooliopatra85
    cooliopatra85 Posts: 7 Member
    Height: 5'5
    Starting weight: 167
    Current weight: 167 (6/02)
    Goal weight: 155

    06/03 : 166.8
    06/04 : 169.0 ( ate whole tub of ice cream)
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
  • syrioforel
    syrioforel Posts: 21 Member
    Woohoo I'm ready for my second round! The last one was honestly so insightful. I started and ended at the same weight but also began lifting more seriously in that time frame. I've read that it can take up to a few weeks for the initial water retention that your body uses to repair microtears in the muscle to subside. So once again I'll be paying attention to the mirror and my measurements as well as the number on the scale.

    Starting Weight: 180.5 (5/1)
    Current Weight: 173.5 (6/1)
    Goal Weight: 140 (???)

    06/02 – 173.5 – Had a good day at the gym yesterday! Today I'm making black bean brownies.
    06/03 – 173.5 – Did I perhaps go overboard on the brownies? I plead no contest.
    06/04 – 176.0 – Wheeew. The last thing I'd like to do is overanalyze but I have two ideas about this. I've been at the gym consistently but yesterday was one of the first days where I ended up eating back my calories, and they were mostly from carbs (healthier ones though, hellooooo Chipotle bowl!) which I've been trying to avoid. My second thought is that I had to wake up a LOT earlier than normal this morning so maybe that had something to do with it? Still I'm not worried though, I'm just trying to be mindful of my actions and my body's reactions!

  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Current weight: 177.1
    First Goal weight: 170

    06/02 - 176. Walked 6k around the lake
    06/03 - 175.3. Ran yesterday . C25K week 4
    06/04 - 175.4 I'm good with this. I'm trying to slow my loss rate down so I'm playing with my calories and nutrition. Ran yesterday morning and it's so little but I'm so proud. I've a long way to go but I'm slowly getting there. Today's goal +20,000 step walk
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    06/02 141.2 Stayed under calorie goal
    06/03 141.4
    06/04 143.6 Had a late night dinner & too many overall calories. Also ever since I told my husband my plan to not have alcohol for 10 days, he's been trying to sabotage it. Yesterday he brought me an opened beer. I drank half and dumped the rest when he wasn't looking
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    @NormaV14 I work at Sierra Nevada Brewery. Hope you enjoyed your visit and tour!
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    So I ate nearly perfect yesterday and where did that get me...

    I drank a lot of water yesterday too so I don't understand.

    SW: 274.8 CW: 266 MGW(mini goal wt 1): 249
    UGW: 132

    06/02: 267.4
    06/03: 266.0
    06/04: 267.8 (don't understand but hopefully tomorrow will be better)
  • Memerex5
    Memerex5 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in! I've been weighing daily anyway and am struggling to stay on track.
    Starting weight: 218#
    Today's weight: 210.8#
    Initial goal weight: 180

    6/02 211.6# dealing with constipation
    6/03 210.8#
    6/04 209.7#
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    This is my 2nd block of 10 days. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP 8 1/2 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    I didn't do as well as I had hoped to in the first 10 day challenge. I will try to do better this time.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/01 287.5 lbs at the weigh-in for this 10 day challenge.
    06/02 287.5 lbs No change. Because of that I will today (1) watch the carbs and (2) watch the intake of sodium.
    06/03 286.5 Down 1 lb. Yay! Careful food choices and over 7 miles walking yesterday got me jump-started.
    06/04 286.5 lbs No change. We went to the OC for an all-day celebration of a nephew's HS graduation. 2 hours each way. I avoided all things sugary, starchy, high-carb, and turned down every offer of beer and wine. So getting to today undamaged is OK. I got walking in, but didn't make my 10k steps.

  • vickikirk100
    vickikirk100 Posts: 26 Member
    Must try harder than the last round. Albeit I lost a lb I would ideally love to lose more than that in the next ten days. I'm going again so that I can try and stay focussed.

    Starting weight 137.2

    Day Weight Comments

    06/02 136.8 lbs off to a good start. Had lots of water, walked my 10,000 steps and went to yoga last night. Was good with my eating also. It must be paying off. Must repeat
    06/03 136 lbs heading in the right direction. Hope the brownie I had doesn't register.
    06/04 137 lbs whoops although I did weigh myself in my pjs, could they be the extra lb - clutching at straws but here's hoping.
  • OY74NmFGBL
    OY74NmFGBL Posts: 384 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm in! Joined round 5 and love this challenge.

    HT 5'6

    R5: Ended at 136.6. Down 1.4.

    R6 SW: 136.4

    R6 GW: 135

    Day Weight Comments

    06/02 136.4 rest day. Went on a school field trip to the aquarium and then the beach. Packed myself a salad for lunch. Staying with my parents for the weekend and my mom cooked my faves. Starchy foods. I'll be happy to maintain this 10 days

    6/3 136.8 rest day. I did go to the beach again and did some walking. First meal was at a buffet. Pistachios for snack. And favorite home cooked foods for dinner. I am noticing the munchies TOM will start soon.

    6/4 138.8. yikes two lbs. But this is normal considering how I ate yesterday. Must drink water to combat retention. Zaxbys for lunch. My son wanted the birthday cake shake with a whopping 900 cals in it. Thought about it and decided okay bc I knew at most he would drink a third of it. Told my mom I almost did not get it bc it had so many calories. She was like oh you don't need to worry ab that you need to eat. Smh I was like I was thinking about Jack do u think he needs to drink 900 calories. Not worried ab myself bc I'm good after a couple tastes. More than half the shake is left. My son and I got two walks in today. Almost 3 miles.

  • thinkpink73089
    thinkpink73089 Posts: 67 Member
    Today 154 , up from yesterday which was discouraging but today I'm going to be a lot better with my eating! No bingeing today