Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Recap Sunday 6/4
    1) church at 9 a.m. = feeling blessed o:)
    2) walk dog = No time right after church, I totally forgot about potluck lunch and voters meeting at church 11:45. Between service and potluck, I whipped together a Suddenly Salad to take. Ran out of time and hot, hot day = no dog walk. :/
    3) log food and keep net calories in the green = Guestimated food log for potluck, but I took very small portions of only some dishes and lots of fresh fruit. Allowed myself one dessert bar (peanut butter and chocolate chips, yum!) but skipped the cake & declined the mini chocolate bars being passed around. Later, after errands with hubby, he wanted to go for a drive with dog (which dog loves!), and we ended up at Dairy Queen! Of course I had my usual, a small hot fudge sundae. At least I made a healthy dinner of salmon, asparagus, and lettuce / tomato / radish salad. Net calories almost 400 in the red! :s
    4) enjoy the day! I did...after church / meeting, went shopping with hubby at Home Depot then my favorite plant place, Sweet Summer Bloomers, to stock up for planters. Got the rain barrel planter and one other planter done before calling it quits for the day. Hubby repaired other rain barrel for me, so more planters are waiting! :smiley:

    Just for today M 6/5
    1) Food & snacks already pre-logged except dinner...keep net calories in the green
    2) Focus at work today, really want to wrap up current project before the end of the week.
    3) Have snack with protein toward end of work day, before 5:00 hair appt. Supper will be late tonight.
    4) Make rhubarb crisp in evening
    5) Sort laundry, have ready to wash/hang on line before work T a.m.
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 & TV off...need to get sleep back on track, weekend is always a balancing act with my and hubby's different work / sleep hours. This week, I want to walk dog before work T, W and R. The Bellin 10K is 8 a.m. on Sat.

    I know this is a huge update today, but I need to get myself on track for a busy week, and this is will help! :p
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    My daughter (left), granddaughter Kendra (middle) and me (right) at Kendra's high school graduation today

    Beautiful picture!!! And .... you look great!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    1. get to the gym in the morning - wear off some of those extra 600 calories :):)
    2. work in the yard :/ Too hot - doing this today
    3. be thankful for our health, our safety, and each other :)
    4. read my advantage response cards -- should I have done this afternoon :)

    JFT, Monday
    1. prelog all food for today - plan ahead
    2. drink water
    3. log what I eat
    4. mow grass - this will take me 2+ hrs! so lots of calories burned
    5. eat smart tonite when eating out when my friend
    6. get together fabric to share with others
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    [@Bex953172; Now, bet you all didn't think I'd come check back in on you all!
    For those who said you were gonna try the video:----"I managed to do about 15 minutes of it---probably could have done more--need to work on stamina. Couldn't get any sound on my computer, but the motions were there, and I certainly got the gist of it. Foot sprain, or no, you must be in pretty good shape to complete that video! Kudos to you.

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Want to respond to some questions but I'm so rushed today. I'll check in later. This is going to be one of those days where I have to be mindful & stay on plan.....I can just feel it!

    Pretracked most meals/snacks. Need to figure out supper
    Switched to small iced coffee & milk instead of cream. Didn't miss it!
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me webinar.
    Will walk dog for 20 mins at park.
    Going to gym to do weights. Gym buddy already txt me!
    Aiming for 150g of protein.
    20 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Sit for all meals/snacks.
    Read something for inspiration look into the menopause/weight gain connection.

    Control the day or the day will control me!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well I'm on break from work right now. I have a whole 45 minutes more. I never take an hour break, but I have to today because between the two branches I work at, the number of hours I'm working this week got all screwy so they needed me to so that they don't go over. I'm working at the branch I actually like and feel so comfortable at today which is good because it's my first day back after a great weekend, but also after my terrible screw up on Friday. Everyone is talking to me like I'm gonna be here for a while, so I'm trying to take that as a positive sign that I'm not going to get fired at my meeting tomorrow. Duo there's hope for that! And once this month is over I'll be at this branch almost all the time. Which I'm really excited for. I love it here. The people are nicer, it's a little busier. I'm not afraid to ask questions or ask for help from my co-workers. I wish I had started here. I bet my issues wouldn't have happened if I had started here. But alas, such is life. LOL!

    I weighed myself this morning after my shower because I forgot to beforehand. And between my terrible eating this weekend and my wet hair, I only gained 1.5 pounds! I don't know how that happened, but I'm not going to complain! Lol.

    I would go for a walk right now, but it's raining out and I didn't bring a umbrella or rain coat, so I'm stuck in the break room which is really boring. Lol

    Ugh! I still have 35 minutes left!
  • thistlelips
    thistlelips Posts: 5 Member
    Just for today I will get outside, walk, try and limit the snacks after dinner and remember to do kegels.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    JF Yesterday 06-04-17
    <3 Stay green for the day in calories
    :| Drink Water 64 oz
    :) finish the two things I came into the office to do
    :o 10,000 steps - rain, rain (finally) and my treadmill would not start. I could not go outside and didn't even make 8000

    For today 06-05-2017
    1. Stay green for the day in calories or under. I have to save some space for the upcoming weekend.
    2. Drink Water 64 oz
    3. 10,000 steps
    4. Bed by 10:00 - up by 05:00 am Tuesday

    @Bex953172's workout video to do list for this week.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I did a new workout today! 40 mins YouTube vid with Simone De La Rue for sweatybetty
    I've never sweat so much in my life, I was literally pouring and my glasses kept falling off.

    Please someone try it lol
    All you need YouTube on the tv, a little bit of space to work out (although it's mostly on the spot) 2x 1.5kg weights or 2x tins of baked beans and a yoga mat/rug/just use carpet
    I had no equipment and used baked beans and a towel and it was still as effective so no excuses!

    I actually hope one of you does try, don't watch it first, just stick it on and go with it!
    I had to rest a lot and couldn't do the last bit cause of my foot but from what I did do I feel properly worked out!


    @slittlemeister enjoy :lol:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Today I'm going to the pub with friends for dinner - always a dangerous occasion but I'm not going to allow myself any alcohol this time. If I fail on this one, can you guys tell me off tomorrow please?!

    I'm onto you now!
    I told Joan off the other day!!

    You can do it! And you will feel a great sense of achievement if you do.
    Ill be looking out for your post later!

    Er... so I did end up drinking. I decided to swop my no alcohol day to another day. But that's not really good enough so please do tell me off...

    This week I'm not drinking on Monday, Tuesday and either Wed or Thu. I'm not allowed to carry any over to next week!! (Or to the weekend as I'm going away with friends so it's totally unrealistic to think I won't drink then)

    Well, that's disappointing.

    Ahah I'm joking!
    At least your swapping for another, just as long as you don't drink on that day :lol:
    And good that you're keeping realistic goals too!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Sorry to make the thread morbid but my nan died suddenly yesterday
    So I ate everything in sight!
    The chocolate cupboard got thoroughly raided!
    I'm alright about it though!
    Had my binge and now I'm back on it and had a semi healthy day. Not logged it all yet but should be okay!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Oh @Bex953172 I'm so sorry! That's terrible! Well I'm glad you had your binge. Hopefully you can move past the pain fairly quickly! That's so sad though. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I'm home from a great day at work! And I mean a GREAT day! It's been a really long time since I've been that relaxed at work! There was even a hiccup with my till and I couldn't proof but I'm still not stressing about it. It wasnt my mistake. A coworker was teaching me how to do something and did it wrong. But we didnt know it was wrong until I tried to close out my drawer for the night. But it got figured out and I dont think it will come back on me. But I have a meeting with my Market Manager(my managers manager) and my manager from the branch that I've been having all the problems at. I talked to my direct manager(I know it's confusing. Lol) and she said not to worry. That I just have to make it through June and then I will be predominently at her branch. Which I seriously cant wait for. I just have to keep my head down, ask for help when I need it and push through until July! So there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

    Eating dinner right now, DH bought his dinner since he got home a lot earlier than I did. I just heated up a frozen steamer meal and boy is it yummy!

    Thank you for listening to my random ranting and complaining! I really appreciate it! It's nice to have virtual friends who I can share not only my weightloss journey, but also my life with!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sorry to make the thread morbid but my nan died suddenly yesterday
    So I ate everything in sight!
    The chocolate cupboard got thoroughly raided!
    I'm alright about it though!
    Had my binge and now I'm back on it and had a semi healthy day. Not logged it all yet but should be okay!

    I am so very sorry for your loss Bex. You deserve to eat that chocolate --- prayers and hugs for you.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sorry to make the thread morbid but my nan died suddenly yesterday
    So I ate everything in sight!
    The chocolate cupboard got thoroughly raided!
    I'm alright about it though!
    Had my binge and now I'm back on it and had a semi healthy day. Not logged it all yet but should be okay!

    Bex, I'm so, so sorry for your loss hon! You raid all the chocolate you need to during times like this. sending you hugs over that great big ocean...can you feel them?

  • thistlelips
    thistlelips Posts: 5 Member
    Didn't accomplish any of my goals today. I've eaten my allotted calories and am starving. This is harder than I expected.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 Really sorry to hear about your nan, that's really rubbish. Hope you and your family are doing ok. Enjoy the chocolate and maybe a comforting film too....? X
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Not a great day yesterday diet wise, intentions did not match up to behaviour!

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks :'( Ended up eating some cake my colleague brought in (*kitten*). I resisted all day but cracked about 4.30. This is quite often the time I crack and I don't know why. Maybe it's the stress of knowing I still have loads to do? Boredom? Willpower running out? Next time it happens I need to examine what's driving it as it's becoming a recurring pattern!
    - Choose healthy lunch, no more than 450 cals :)
    - Be in the green with a deficit :'( -375 due to cake and slightly more fattening dinner than expected (boyfriend made it)
    - No alcohol :)
    - 30+ minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :)
    - If getting stressed, make a cup of tea or meditate rather than eating :| not sure if I was actually stressed (see above) but I did end up eating
    - Focus on key priorities :| I did focus on the most important things but wasn't especially productive
    - Leave work by 6 - lots to do in evening (including quality time with boyfriend!) :'( 6.45

    Today is probably not going to be a great day and it's already started badly due to row with boyfriend before work. Need to be careful I don't end up comfort eating!

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita - if I am HUNGRY
    - Choose healthy lunch
    - Be in the green with 200 deficit
    - Exercise class after work
    - No alcohol

    - Listen to music to boost mood and focus
    - If getting stressed, make a cup of tea or meditate rather than eating
    - Get top priority activity DONE before starting on anything else
    - Leave work by 6.30 LATEST (which means start clearing emails/ updating to-do by 6)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Thanks for your support!
    Tbh I'm okay about it.
    It was quick, painless, she was 83 and she was happy and smiley before it happened.
    My dads really upset,especially as it was his last living parent.
    Someone's got to be level headed about it all.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Didn't accomplish any of my goals today. I've eaten my allotted calories and am starving. This is harder than I expected.

    Ahh I do this so many times!
    I don't know what you've ate today but I soon found myself making smarter choices and eating lower calorie foods so I wouldn't get hungry because I could eat more!
    Remember its okay to be a bit hungry, but not starving.
    Or you could eat over your allowance and burn off the excess with exercise?