Looking for support while trying to get healthy dealing with depression



  • Memerex5
    Memerex5 Posts: 55 Member
    My name is Lisa. I am a childhood rape/incest survivor with an angel baby. My uncle was the sexual predator. Due to his actions I suffer from 35+ years of major depressive disorder? Severe anxiety and PTSD.

    Yesterday I spent the day in tears have flashbacks. Fear of him finding me, of watching me, of him touching me. It was awful. So I began binge eating. Needless to say it was 142g of carbs.

    This morning I am renewed and ready to get beach at this. He won't stop me. The scale barely budged. Only gained a pound. prayers and blessings. Encouraging words help. Thank for the vent.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Memerex5 wrote: »
    My name is Lisa. I am a childhood rape/incest survivor with an angel baby. My uncle was the sexual predator. Due to his actions I suffer from 35+ years of major depressive disorder? Severe anxiety and PTSD.

    Yesterday I spent the day in tears have flashbacks. Fear of him finding me, of watching me, of him touching me. It was awful. So I began binge eating. Needless to say it was 142g of carbs.

    This morning I am renewed and ready to get beach at this. He won't stop me. The scale barely budged. Only gained a pound. prayers and blessings. Encouraging words help. Thank for the vent.

    So thankful you got away from that situation, you are so strong and such a survivor! Thank you for sharing your story, hearing from courageous people like yourself is such a inspirational thing for others.

    I love that you didn't let yesterdays struggles stop you from trying again today! Every day is a new day as far as dieting and exercise goes, can't do anything about yesterday but we can always do something today!
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Thanks @WickAndArtoo I am keeping balanced and on top of the more mundane self-care (sleep!) so I think (fingers crossed) better days are here.

    But when I'm overwhelmed I eat. And got overwhelmed today, for no good reason. So @rebruce449 I can relate and hope your anxieties are helped by getting this appt over with! @Memerex5 I hope days like those are few & far between. Way to go, picking yourself up today.

    @claireariela yay for new sneaks!
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm beat was a long day. My Dr is 1.5 hrs away as I work in a small community in the business so I travel for care. Thanks again for the kind words, I'll thank individually when I'm not blurry eyed. I am feeling better, upped my mood stabilizer meds and seeing my son for lunch really helped. I need to exercise I know but it was HOT here today ( current excuse) and I had long day of driving. Eating was on point so Im really proud of that the gastropub we went to has amazing burgers but I had a green salad that was awesome too.
    Tomorrow the exercise begins! (again) @sportynad9 thanks I do meditate and its a game changer, I used to attend a Shambala temple but there isn't one where i currently live so I make do at home. Its a wonderful way to quiet the mind, I listen to meditation as well every night on my iPhone to fall asleep. Nite all.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    How's everyone on this thread doing??
  • Memerex5
    Memerex5 Posts: 55 Member
    Honestly.....not good.
  • christinecameron901
    christinecameron901 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi,I am bipolar and also suffer from anxiety. There are days I don't feel like doing anything or seeing anyone..but I force myself to stay active in life.Afterwards I am glad I did, because it helps me feel better about life.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Memerex5 wrote: »
    Honestly.....not good.

    I'm sorry to hear that, me either... I think a lot of us started not feeling well and that's why no one was posting.
  • newmanel
    newmanel Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everybody! I have gained weight in part due to depression/PTSD and anxiety that has made me uneasy about leaving my house. New meds have helped, as has biking instead of walking/running (men can't harass you as easily that way!). Looking forward to being part of this supportive community. I am back on MFP after a long hiatus so please add me if you like.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    newmanel wrote: »
    Hi everybody! I have gained weight in part due to depression/PTSD and anxiety that has made me uneasy about leaving my house. New meds have helped, as has biking instead of walking/running (men can't harass you as easily that way!). Looking forward to being part of this supportive community. I am back on MFP after a long hiatus so please add me if you like.

    That's the nice thing about having my dogs with me, no one bugs me lol! Glad you found something that works too.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    edited June 2017
    @WickAndArtoo - I think you're right. What's been happening? I myself have been pulled under for a week or ten days. Just low grade frustration at everything. Rather than handing things well I've gotten overwhelmed and just given in to more negative thinking. I might be fighting my way out of it though.

    I'm around if anyone wants to vent.

    @Memerex5 it's good you (all of us) are still logging on. I think just being on MFP is a nice healthy link to others that is helping me.

    @christinecameron901 right on. Down with anxiety. @newmanel way to go, finding a way to workout that's comfortable.

    @rebruce, @claireariela - are you around?
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @wellnesschaser ugh yeah me too. It's so weird how sometimes it's easier to handle it properly, and sometimes it's just overwhelming. Thanks for being there for us :smile: I hope you are feeling better.
  • Memerex5
    Memerex5 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm back. Been battling those PTSD demons. Depression and anxiety are at an all time high. Thus I gained 5 of the 11 pounds I lost. Trying to get back to feeling "normal". Seeing the psych today, hopefully he can help.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    I am sorry for what you are going through. I had severe depression about five years ago after getting diagnosed with MS. I was very ill and couldn't do much for about 8 months. I did an outpatient treatment program for 3 weeks. I also couldn't work for 8 months - could barely stand or walk and suffered from severe fatigue.

    I have been on anti-depressants ever since. I also suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder).

    Last October, I decided to go back and start swimming again. (used to be competitive swimmer) I started 2 days/week and got a migraine every second day a week I swam. That eventually went away and I got up to 3 days a week, then by January up to five. I am now up to 6 days a week. It has been a slow process.

    I got off my SAD meds in January. (that med was bad for weight gain) I met with a dietitian. In Feb I met with another dietitian and started to lose weight. I have lost over 30 lbs now. I also went down a couple of months ago on my depression meds.

    A few weeks ago I have been dealing with some personal things and decided to go back up on my depression meds. I know this is temporary as there is a lot going on right now and I don't want to fall apart. Luckily, I know my body pretty well and this little change is helping me hold everything together and feel normal.

    I will probably always deal with anxiety/depression. Exercise and eating well is helping me feel better and I am pretty happy. I know that my life is a little challenging at times and I may have to make adjustments.

    I wish you luck with your journey! Don't be afraid to reach out for help.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    @wellnesschaser ugh yeah me too. It's so weird how sometimes it's easier to handle it properly, and sometimes it's just overwhelming. Thanks for being there for us :smile: I hope you are feeling better.

    I've definitely come out of it. It makes making healthy choices hard. But I have myself some tough love the other day and righted myself. I hope you're feeling better too!
    Memerex5 wrote: »
    I'm back. Been battling those PTSD demons. Depression and anxiety are at an all time high. Thus I gained 5 of the 11 pounds I lost. Trying to get back to feeling "normal". Seeing the psych today, hopefully he can help.

    I hope seeing someone does help. Gaining because of anxious eating is so frustrating. I feel for you memerex.

    @nickiphillips1 That is great that you overcame those challenges. I like your attitude around accepting that it's something to always manage. I'm working on feeling more neutral about the fact that this is something to work with for the long haul. No sense feeling bad about feeling bad!
  • JamieCroyle
    JamieCroyle Posts: 109 Member

    Hi My name is Jamie A. Croyle

    I having been suffering from depression since 7th grade thru H.S. I've been on every " Happy Pill " from A-Z I walk all week to music on mp3. I like to listen to music with a beat it help me walk fast... walk/run thing. I've been doing WW for 8 straight years. I've managed to lose 42#lbs. With only another 25--- 30 lbs to go. I have added cardio to my routine.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    @JamieCroyle music is awesome for mood. Sometimes I actually forget this fix when I'm bleh because it's so simple. Glad you mentioned it and way to go!
  • xxdashax
    xxdashax Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I've been battling with depression for quite a while now. It's sad because every time I'm sad I eat and then it makes it even worse because then it makes me hate myself for overeating. This week has been especially hard.

    I'm definitely going to go on a walk tomorrow to clear my mind and focus on healthy foods to nourish myself.

    I feel when I keep myself busy it isn't as bad. Anyone have any suggestions about things to keep busy with? Sometimes I feel like there's nothing for me to do.
  • neekonico
    neekonico Posts: 18 Member
    When I was going through a period of depression a few years ago I went to my doctor to see about having my medication dose increased, she suggested exercise instead. I believe she said an hour of exercise is the equivalent to an extra dose.
  • sandiikat
    sandiikat Posts: 104 Member
    neekonico wrote: »
    When I was going through a period of depression a few years ago I went to my doctor to see about having my medication dose increased, she suggested exercise instead. I believe she said an hour of exercise is the equivalent to an extra dose.

    Wow thanks for that tidbit.