"Eat everything in moderation" VENT!



  • The only thing that helps me "eat in moderation" is keeping busy! If I go home right after work, the snacking begins! If I go to the gym right after work, when I get home I only have time to take a shower, make dinner, cool off and go to bed. One other thing that helps me are those 100 calorie packs. If you stock your cabinets with healthy, individual snacks it is easier to limit yourself :)
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    no body has trigger foods sorry to say!
    it is triggers that make you eat foods..i.e stress,emotion and bordom...if you can beat these the rest comes easy!

    That is not true. I can eat carrots and not feel the slightest urge to overeat, but if I have a doughnut I ALWAYS want 2 or 3.
  • darlynnwd
    darlynnwd Posts: 43
    Acknowledging your addiction (no matter what type it may be) is the first step... When it comes to food (that stuff you can't live without), knowing your limits is CRUCIAL! So kuddos to you for recognizing what that is. Breads, pasta, white potatoes, & sweets are my triggers. It's so hard for me to stay away from them and/or not have too much! There's a lot of talking to my inner voice when I feel the pull. Keep up the good work. Resolve to take it one day, one moment, one meal/snack at a time. You can do it! :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    "Eat everything in moderation" is a weak-minded person's way of saying "it's ok if I eat alot of high trans fat food, sweets, sodas and all the other crap processed food as long as I don't eat alot of it"

    Sheesh - I am NOT weak-minded at all and I believe whole-heartedly in 'everything in moderation'! First, for the record, I rarely drink soda or consume a lot of trans-fats and processed food. To me, 'everything in moderation' means I lose weight without doing anything special or following a rigorous plan. Everything in moderation means I eat like my naturally thin friends who don't have long lists of food rules and hang-ups.

    Eating in moderation means that I get to enjoy my awesome homemade pizza with fresh tomato sauce and crust I made myself. I also eat cake, cookies and ice cream when I want them - just not in gaping portions and not at every single meal. I make almost everything I eat at home with fresh ingredients - and almost nothing I make is 'diet food'. I watch my portions. I track my calories. I exercise. I don't label foods as 'good' or 'bad'. I don't believe in deprivation or saying 'I will never eat THAT again in my life'. I refuse to diet... period. It doesn't work for me.

    I think people need to respect differences and accept that what works for one person, might not work for another. 'Everything in Moderation' is working for me. I've lost 25 pounds in 3 months - easily and happily, with no hunger or cravings. Calling people who don't agree with you 'weak-minded' just seems rude. Your post just really rubbed me the wrong way.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    your vent could have word for word been written by me. I understand completely. It can be a helpless and depressing feeling when that lose of control occurs. Maybe some day I can moderate, for now, I have to simply attempt to drop things, and it is absolutely a daily challenge.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    for me I only lose control when I get really hungry, like after a super big work out or if I was forced to skip a meal. So for me I would say a good strategy would be to a/ plan your days eating ahead so you know what you will eat that day AND NOTHING ELSE
    b/ ensure at least two snacks are included between three main meals so you don't go too long without eating and your blood sugar level is kept even.
    I think this must be learned behaviour that can be unlearned, a psychologist told me once it takes 2 weeks to break a habit. Avoid completely "trigger foods" like chocolate, things you know for certain you will lose control over. If you don't eat them for at least two weeks I am sure you will be able to go back to moderation.
    Successful weightloss is also the biggest motivator and the more motivated you are the better you will become at controlling your urges.
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    Moderation in this case simply refers to restricting your intake by some measure. If you can't have any of a food without triggering a craving, then moderation in this case = zero.

    Eat in moderation isn't a weak minded thing at all though. In fact it probably takes more self-control to lower your intake than it is to cut it out completely.

    Completely agree. I cut a few things out for short periods of time, and now find when I go back that I naturally need less of it before it tastes too sweet or fatty. But I think that the whole "in moderation" thing is just to remind people that eating a slice of pizza or a bag of chips isn't failing - so long as you balance it elsewhere. If you're not there yet, you're not there yet - but this guy is right - you need way more willpower to stop at one candy than to not have any. And although I want to lose weight and be healthier etc, I don't see denying myself all the things I enjoy longterm as being productive to my enjoyment of life at all (which is after all why we're all doing this right?). I'm all about the "eat less, move more" mantra...
  • I get that and I'm not a food addict, but if I try to eat things that I love that I know I can't just eat one serving of, I'm in trouble!! I was WAY more successful by changing my habits altogether and only eating foods I thought would keep me on track and help me lose weight. Feel free to look back in my diary (probably start a few weeks ago and further...I'm on maintenance now and have been more relaxed)

    With that said, I think you can follow your current plan with more calories and be successful. I found eating walnuts, berries, greek yogurt, chicken, etc worked for me and was able to easily get in 1300 calories and lose weight.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Spin the whole moderation thing on it's head.

    Ban all 'bad' foods from your diet.

    I guarentee that this will demotivate most people and cause them to binge / purge becuase banning something sets you up to have an unheatlhy relationship with that food.

    People of a healthy weight / naturally thin people do not have trigger foods, they do not ban anything completely - they just know what they should be eating (the vast majorty of food being fresh, home cooked, not too high is salt / fat etc.. with a few treats here and there)

    OP - I hope you are seeking treatment for your food addiction. I know that food addiction exists but what annoys me is that many people label themselves as food addicts when in fact that are not. Lots of people simply like food and eat too much and eat the wrong things....

    That is me and I hold my hands up to making bad choices, to eating too much, to not taking enough exercise and generally not taking responsibility for my health - but I am not a food addict as I have been able to change my ways and I do still have some 'not so healthy things' in moderation.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    "Eat everything in moderation" is a weak-minded person's way of saying "it's ok if I eat alot of high trans fat food, sweets, sodas and all the other crap processed food as long as I don't eat alot of it"


    You could eat things in moderation, go over your calorie intake limit and gain weight.

    So yea I agree, it's a bull**** term.

    Well aren't we judgmental

    I am one of those eat everything in moderation people.. and lo and behold I have lost 23 pounds in a little over 6 months.

    For me "in moderation" means this:
    No soda or juice. Only Water, un sweetened iced tea and low fat milk.
    Having one junk item a day(cookies, candy, ice cream, cupcakes)
    Eating out 1 or 2 junk meals a week(pizza, burgers, fries, etc)
    Working out 3-4X a week(Cardio and Weights)
    Not drinking much alcohol unless I really want it.
    If I eat out more then once or twice a week, I'll modify the meal(IE only half a bun, fruit instead of fries, etc)

    If I didn't eat in moderation, I'd never be living my life. I'm young.. I'm 23. My friends and I like to go out to eat or to a bar to have a drink or two. There is nothing wrong with that as long it's not everyday 24/7 type of thing I feel.

    To me, what I do is not weak minded.. It's called that's what works for me. Just like OP is doing what works for her.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    "Eat everything in moderation" is a weak-minded person's way of saying "it's ok if I eat alot of high trans fat food, sweets, sodas and all the other crap processed food as long as I don't eat alot of it"

    Sheesh - I am NOT weak-minded at all and I believe whole-heartedly in 'everything in moderation'! First, for the record, I rarely drink soda or consume a lot of trans-fats and processed food. To me, 'everything in moderation' means I lose weight without doing anything special or following a rigorous plan. Everything in moderation means I eat like my naturally thin friends who don't have long lists of food rules and hang-ups.

    Eating in moderation means that I get to enjoy my awesome homemade pizza with fresh tomato sauce and crust I made myself. I also eat cake, cookies and ice cream when I want them - just not in gaping portions and not at every single meal. I make almost everything I eat at home with fresh ingredients - and almost nothing I make is 'diet food'. I watch my portions. I track my calories. I exercise. I don't label foods as 'good' or 'bad'. I don't believe in deprivation or saying 'I will never eat THAT again in my life'. I refuse to diet... period. It doesn't work for me.

    I think people need to respect differences and accept that what works for one person, might not work for another. 'Everything in Moderation' is working for me. I've lost 25 pounds in 3 months - easily and happily, with no hunger or cravings. Calling people who don't agree with you 'weak-minded' just seems rude. Your post just really rubbed me the wrong way.

    My post is a wake up call for alot of people, nothing more. It's not being rude. If you took it that way, then you are overly sensitive.

    Everyday I see post after post, thread after thread of people who originally lost some weight, then either plateau'd or worse started to gain a few lbs. Then they come here and complain. And maybe not always but alot of times it's because they thought they were eating at a deficit with the "eat everything in moderation" but calories CAN and DO sneak up on you if you aren't accurate. Next thing you know you are not losing weight anymore.

    Don't be so overly sensitive.
  • Judgirl83
    Judgirl83 Posts: 12
    I completely understand your pain. I suffer greatly from binge eating. I had lost 90 lbs and was almost at my goal weight. For me I had to do a very strick program under my doctors advice (do to my food additction) so I did medifast. Its not for everyone but it let me eat without having a fear of binge eating.

    Once I got to my 90 lbs lost I decided to transition back to normal food like the program says and just "eat healthy". I did really really well for about 3 monhts. I then went out with friends and ate one of my favorite dishes. That unleashed a binge fest that lasted almost a month. I am honestly addicted to food. I dont want to be bad and binge eat, but it is like I almost have no control. Once I do it I cry and cry. I have always struggled with this addiction even as a small child. In my teenage years I resulted to purging. I finally got that stopped but never got control of the binging. So I balloned in weight.

    I thought once I got into a healthy wieght that I would be a different person, that I could eat in moderation. Truth is, I am still the same "fat chick" just in a smaller package. I realize now this will be a fight for me EVERY DAY! and that is very overwhelming. I know know there will be certain foods I can never eat. That really saddens me, but due to the fact that my mom suffers from food addiction too, I know if I dont get control of this now and don't follow through with depriving myself of my favorite foods, I am going to end up being obese again with sevear health issues. I see my mom and know that is my future if I dont fight this.

    I wish you the best of luck. Do what you have to do to keep the bing eating in control.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    It's amazing how sensitive people are on this forum. Did I really hurt someone's feelings? lol
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am slowly learning to eat everything in moderation.

    I used to never be able to have one cookie from the tin or one chocolate out of the box but I have amazed myself since doing MFP that I CAN just have one and don't need to have them all- and I'm allowed to have one as long as it fits into my allowance
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Yep, that's me too. I have to stay away from a lot of stuff or I just start binging. Portion control is very tough for me.

    You mentioned the 100 calorie packs...reminds me of when I did Nutrisystem. Doesn't work if you eat your weekly desserts all in one night!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I'm with you. I posted a while ago about food not being my friend. If you have trigger foods and will eat past reason it is NECESSARY for you to take pleasure out of the equation of food. Not that you have to eat things that taste like crap but you can't eat the things that make your mouth water, your eyes roll back and your head and turn you into Homer Simpson looking at a donut. Just can't do it. I have a donut maybe once a year. I have candy bars even less. As soon as I find a good for me food that I LOVE I have to take it out of the house because I will eat 3 or 4 of them in one sitting. Not everyone suffers this way with food so I understand if they DON"T understand but for some of us it is just a fact.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    It's amazing how sensitive people are on this forum. Did I really hurt someone's feelings? lol

    I get your point - but your phrasing wasn't that great!

    I am a great believer in making the most of my calories (I have been on 1200 cals for 6 months so I NEED to make the most of them)

    I know that having a controlled portion of carbs, some tasty protein (normally chicken or turkey prepared with spices / healthy marinades) and a huge serving of salad and or veggies means I get a massive dinner for less than 500 cals. I know I'd use more calories if I had small fries and Hamburger from MacDonalds.

    However to me moderation doesn't mean using my calories to eat less junk, it means occasionally having something not so healthy if I really want it... Moderation means having the option of choice and never having to say "no" to a small portion of something I really enjoy.

    I have been here a while now and I know that I'd much rather have my healthy dinner with all that glorious, fresh food instead of a crappy take away BUT if someone said to me "you can never have a take away again" it would be counter-productive.

    I am not here to ban myself from eating certain things I am here to re-educate myself!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    no body has trigger foods sorry to say!
    it is triggers that make you eat foods..i.e stress,emotion and bordom...if you can beat these the rest comes easy!

    That is not true. I can eat carrots and not feel the slightest urge to overeat, but if I have a doughnut I ALWAYS want 2 or 3.

    :laugh: EXACTLY. I have never bined on lettuce.Or burgers for that matter, though I like them. Donuts, show me a box and I will empty it. A bag of cookies, gotta get 'em all.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    It's amazing how sensitive people are on this forum. Did I really hurt someone's feelings? lol

    You certainly didn't 'hurt my feelings'. I just categorically disagree with your opinion.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Different strokes, different folks. What works for me, may not work for others. Etc, etc.

    Personally? I eat in moderation. I do not deny myself any of the things I enjoy or like, I just cut back on how much and how often I eat them. I also try something new every week because who knows? I may discover a new favorite that isn't "bad for me."

    If I deny myself one of the things I love to eat, then I become sort of obsessed with it and wind up binging on it. By allowing myself these things, I never become obsessed. All I need is a taste of it and I'm good.

    That may not work for others.

    Basically, figure out what works for you and gets you to your goals and that is all that matters. I pretty much ignore the experts and the advice of others because I know my own body and I know what works for me.

    This is exactly how I am too. Wish I could avoid all those things that I love but the harder I try to stay away, the more I want them and in the past, this is why diets have failed for me. I get sick of being unhappy without my fave foods and I give up. The best example is when I was on Atkins for a year. I dropped 40-50 pounds and even allowed myself a cheat day each week so I wasn't deprived. Then I went on vacation with some friends and really indulged and realized I missed things like yogurt and cereal and other normal foods. Part of that was reactiviating the sugar addiction but still, point is, I was missing food and couldn't get away from it.

    Now I eat what I like but exercise to make up for the extra calories or keep my portions in check (or both) and it works for me.

    And by the way - it is not weak-minded BS...sure some people use it that way but those who truly follow the principle don't.
    ETA: my feelings are hurt - you just weren't too tactful with your generalizations and terminology
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