JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 7



  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Starting weight 6/11 - 134.5
    Goal for 10 days - 132.5

    06/12 - 136.1
    I'm a little disappointed in myself. I maintained my weight Friday and Saturday (weekends are usually hard for me to eat within calories). Then last night was just a free for all. I went 1100 calories over for the day and it shows on the scale this morning. I've never weighed myself on a Monday. Back at it today though. Workout planned at 8:00!!

    06/13 - 136.4
    Well that went the wrong way ... had a good day though. Good workout and avoided temptation of food and beer at an impromptu get together with neighbors.

    06/14 - 135.3
    Good food day yesterday, just under 1200 calories. No time for my workout. Getting wo in first thing this morning!

    06/15 - 134.9
    Good day for exercise, bad day for food. I was around 700 calories over my 1200 net goal. To be exact, I was 3 full calorie beers, 1 m&m cookie and 1 serving of potato chips over :neutral: I'm hoping it doesn't catch up to me tomorrow because I have to weigh in for my biggest loser group.

    06/16 - 134.4
    Finally less than the day before this started ... but now the weekend. I have at least 3 meals out (my oldest son is graduating from high school tomorrow). I am more motivated than usual to stay strong this weekend, it will be interesting to see how it goes.

    06/17 - 134
    Moving in the right direction, but today is graduation day, dinner out and no exercise ...

  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    6/11 I'm in again.
    Woke up at 150.4 today thanks to too many carbs and beers while camping.
    Let's see what round 7 brings. Nothing but the best.

    06/12 149.4 OK, some water weight gone. Under on carbs and cals. 30 on elliptical. Still 1.4# over from when I started round 6. Gain so easy, lose so slow, that's the story of my yoyo. LOL My goal for this round is to get in the 147's.

    06/13 148.8 Yahooooo. 35 Elliptical (interval), trained, made cabbage soup to get me back on track.

    06/14 147.5 Yes!!! Did 30 on elliptical, an hour of water aerobics, ate clean. 1/2 more pound off and I'm halfway to my goal weight of 132. I am soooo stoked. It's been slow, with ups and downs, but it's happening.

    06/15 148.4 Ah, the dreaded fluctuation. Over on carbs, had some corn and ribs for dinner. I didn't over do it though so yeah for that. Did Elliptical for 50 min. Don't think I had enough water yesterday.Today I go to gym. Here's to a day of virtue.

    06/16 147.8 Heading back down despite too many carbs yesterday = 1/3 of an Aldi's pizza. Doesn't seem fair that 2 smallish slices of pizza should pack so many carbs. Oh, but it was good. So happy that I'm logging food and drink and being so good to myself. I may be the turtle in the race but he did win.

    06/17 148 No exercise yesterday; allergies had me feeling tired. Gonna go early today.
  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    Round 2 SW: 71.9 Kg
    Round 3 SW: 71.3 Kg
    Round 4 SW: 70 Kg
    Round 5 SW: 69.7 Kg
    Round 6 SW: 69 Kg
    Round 7 SW: 67.6 Kg

    06/12: 67.6 Kg
    06/13: 67.4 Kg
    06/14: 66.8 Kg
    06/15: 67.2 Kg
    06/16: 67 Kg
    06/17: 67 Kg
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Round 7
    6/11 SW = 229.7

    This is the first time I'm in on this challenge. I weigh myself everyday and I find it fascinating. I'm hoping this accountability will help me in my weight loss.

    06/12--229.4 Starting weight included some water weight I gained after eating out the day before, so today's weight takes into account losing some of that water weight.
    06/13--228.3 Rest of the water weight. Also did my weightlifting and stayed on track with my food.
    06/14--228.6 Ate well yesterday and met my exercise goals. Normal daily fluctuations. Overall trend is still downward.
    06/15--228.6 Had a hard weightlifting session yesterday, so probably retaining water from the workout. Overall trend is still downward.
    06/16--227.9 Happy with the loss. Some of it is the water I had retained after my weightlifting session, but I'll take it.
    06/17--227.9 Goal is to stay on track this weekend.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    6/12 - 243.0
    6/13 - 243.2
    6/14 - 244.4 - Not worried. I've seen swings as much as 3 lbs per day. Seems to be affected by how much sleep I get.
    6/15 - 242.8
    6/16 - 243.8
    6/17 - 243.4 - Back to the gym for the first time in months - the doc cleared me and I was doing my first set within 10 minutes.
  • tem1703
    tem1703 Posts: 8 Member
    Great idea. I am pretty bad at sticking with things, so having a go especially as I weighed myself today...must be a sign! First timer joining with R7:

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 193.4lbs 30mins on elliptical
    06/13 - 192.4lbs another 30mins on elliptical!!
    06/14 - 192.2lbs wow feeling inspired and did another 30mins on the elliptical today!! this is very strange and matches the number of times I had exercised in the last 3 weeks, but it could be guilt. Had a tasty strawberry tart yesterday and some wine, but was well behaved enough to log it on MFP.
    06/15 - 191.2lbs officially lost 2.2lbs since 12th June. Very pleased. Busy day ahead, so focussing on sticking to the calorie plan.
    06/16 - 190.2lbs no workout today but tried to stay active even though I was at the funeral of my 46 year old cousin today (too young to go...RIP). working out how many calories I had eaten from a buffet was tricky.
    06/17 - 190.0lbs food choices become interesting when logging all you eat. still going in the right direction even though was a bit unsure of how yesterday may affect weigh in.
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    SW - in March - 182.3
    GW- going to get to 150 and evaluate from there.

    06/11 - 160.0lbs - coming in from round 6

    06/12 - 161.2lbs - TOM gets the blame for this one as I know it wasn't my activity level and food yesterday.

    06/13 - 161.6 - I know I ate under maintenance calories yesterday...so once again it's all TOMs fault LOL. My rings are tight and my feet are puffy...so I'm sure the water will shed when TOM leaves. Because I weigh every day I know this is a typical fluctuation in my cycle.

    06/14 - 160.8lbs - on the way back down...the 150's are calling me!!

    06/15 - 160.6lbs - not bad considering I did some quality control on the oatmeal cookies I made for today's school fair bake sale....and finished my kid's fries last night...must have been the 14000 steps that kept me in check.

    06/16 - 159.6lbs - HELLO 150's!!! Worked my butt off at our School Fun Fair yesterday so even the bites of brownie and gelato I shared with my kids didn't make a difference (17000+steps and lots of lifting)

    06/17 - 159.8lbs - still in the 150's.

  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    edited June 2017
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6

    06/12 142.2 No alcohol yesterday and under carb limit
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 142.4 Stayed under 1590 calorie goal
    06/15 141.0 Only had 1100 calories and under carb goal. However protein is too low so need to focus on that.
    06/16 141.6 Too many carbs from late night snacking on chips. Why do I sabotage myself!
    06/17 141.8 My husband is the cook in the house and our meals are rarely healthy. So I try to make the best of it on a daily basis. Instead of 3 slices of pizza last night, I had one slice and a salad. Had too many drinks though so too much calories, carbs and sodium yesterday.
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    edited June 2017
    Starting Weight: 171
    10 day challenge weight - 168
    Goal Weight: 139 by October 31st

    06/12 - 171

    06/13 - 172.4 - grrrr that's annoying. I came in under calories and spent 30 min on the elliptical yesterday.

    06/14 - 172 - better than yesterday but still discouraging. Again came in slightly under calories but no time for exercise yesterday. Determined to keep it up and see better results tomorrow.

    06/15 - 171

    06/16 - 170 - Yay! No exercise yesterday, but continue to meet my calorie goal daily. Doing the elliptical this morning. Typically do 30 min. Will try for 35 min today.

    06/17 - 170 - did 35 on the elliptical yesterday and 36 minutes this morning! 4 days of exercise this week up from 3 last week. Did a lot of walking as well...well, a lot, is relative. My job keeps me pretty sedentary but had to walk up 6 flights of stairs due to a broken elevator.

  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Goal weight 132
    Ultimate weight 130

    06/12 - 135.4
    06/13 - ... no scale, but being mindful
    06/14 - ... no scale, but homeward bound
    06/15 - 134.2 woohoo!!! It helps to have mindful eating even when there is no scale lurking around the corner. Plus, I am home and getting back into my usual workout routine. Winner :)
    06/16 - 133.6 don't think it's going to stay there. But love the downward direction of the scale. Logging and mindful. And getting back into my workout routine at home.
    06/17 - 134 I am very happy with where I am at. This is a great reinforcement to keep up what I am doing.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    6/12: 171.4
    6/13: 171.0
    6/14: 171.2
    6/15: 170.8
    6/16: 169.6
    6/17: 170.0

    I was expecting my weight to fluctuate back up. That's just how my weight works. I also had a ton of sodium yesterday so I'm happy that it's only a .4 lb fluctuation and not more. Going to eat low sodium today and drink a lot of water to hopefully get back down by tomorrow.
  • Mysticalmudd
    Mysticalmudd Posts: 10 Member
    GW: 135

    10 day challenge goal-set a base line for future challenges.

    06/12 - 188 lbs
    06/13 - 187 lbs I ate okay today and worked out twice. Water walking in the am and treadmill and weights in the pm. I am looking forward to positive results!
    06/14 - 186 lbs ate good today even went to dinner with family and did okay. Mowed the lawn this morning and then did my cardio/weight training in the afternoon. Blew away my steps goal for the day.
    06/15 - 184 lbs thankfully I have the time this summer to commit to myself! I water walked this morning for an hour and now off to do my regular cardio/weight training. I think monitoring my food has made a large impact. I have really been focused on serving size instead of mindless eating.
    06/16 - 185 lbs planning on doing cardio and weight training along with organizing the basement. I figured I should log this before I forget. Here's to another healthy day!
    06/17 - 184 lbs Yesterday ended up being date day didn't eat healthy or exercise, but made it under my daily total. This morning I did cardio for 30 minutes walk and run combos before finishing off with weight training.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    06/10 - 141.8
    06/11 - 141.6

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 142.4
    06/13 - 143.4
    06/14 - 143.4
    06/15 - 144.0
    06/16 - 145.0...yeah, way wrong way.
    06/17 - 144.2

  • janis965
    janis965 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in! This challenge kept me motivated for the past month. Hopefully at the end of round 7 I will achieve my overall goal weight of 49kg.

    Round 4 start weight 52.8kg/end weight 52.7kg
    Round 5 start weight 51.8/end weight 50.8kg
    Round 6 start weight 50.7kg/end weight 49.6kg
    Round 7 start weight 50.0kg/goal 49kg

    12/06 50.0kg
    13/06 49.7kg
    14/06 49.3kg
    15/06 49.4kg
    16/06 48.9kg
    17/07 49.9kg not sure what happened as I didn't have a lot to eat yesterday...
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,194 Member
    Initial 6/11/17 /final goal weight: 156.4 lbs | 98 lbs (?)--not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    Start/goal weight for this round: 156.4 lbs | 155.4 lbs

    4'11", female, 55 years old

    06/12 156.4 Felt lucky to get that! I finished my last food pretty late...
    06/13 158.0 Figured I had gained after stressful day, yesterday & then out of control eating. I'll do better before
    this round is done. :smile:
    06/14 157.4 Stuck with my meal plans, yesterday.
    06/15 157.4 Was okay with this... stayed right at about 1200 calories, yesterday
    06/16 158.8 Uh oh... heading the wrong way...
    06/17 159.6 Obviously, I'm having some serious issues. I'm not giving up, yet. :smile: :blush:
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    06/11 starting weight 144.6

    06/12 143.4
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 143.0
    06/15 143.0
    06/16 142.8
    06/17 143.2
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    I am in again for this round. I am really hoping by the end of this round to be really close to 200 as the day this round ends it is my birthday.

    6/12 - 203.0
    6/13 - 202.8
    6/14 - 203.0
    6/15 - 205.2 wrong way!
    6/16 - 204.8
    6/17 - didn't weigh myself today

  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    SW : 140.5
    GW 06/21: 138.5

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12: 140.5 lbs. Feeling excited - day has gone well so far with staying on track :)
    06/13: 140 lbs. Just realized my home scale only measures in 1/2 lb increments... not going to be as precise as most of you folks!
    06/14: 140.5 lbs
    06/15: 140 lbs
    06/16: 140 lbs
    06/17: 140 lbs .... hmmm. Not gaining, but goal wt is looking overly optimistic! Lots of garden work today, stayed within calorie goal.

  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    06/11 SW 212.2 I started drinking water like I should and only had one soda this day
    06/12 CW 212.2 Really pushed water today nothing else but coffee in the morning, stayed within my calorie goals!!
    06/13 CW 210.2 So far so good today 8 cups of water in already and continuing to make healthier choices!
    06/14 CW 209.2 Today it was easier to eat within my calories and I had absolutely no cravings for soda! My goal is to get a workout in today.
    06/15 CW 208.4 Another great day yesterday, I even turned away chocolate I will let myself have stuff in moderation but, since I literally just started back I'm waiting to let myself have stuff that I usually don't control myself with. I'm not sure why I'm losing so quickly I'm wondering if it could have to do with my body bouncing back into what was my "normal" since it hasn't been that long since I lost 30 pounds and put it back on again but, whatever the reason I'll take it!!
    06/16 CW 208.4 I stayed the same which is actually surprising I thought I might have gained because even though I did stay within my calories and ate healthily I only had a breakfast and didn't have time to stop for anything until dinnertime where I ate most of my calories for the day but I had a lot of carbs.
    06/17 CW 208