JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 7



  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    SW:274 CW: 257 MGW1(mini goal wt): 249

    06/12: 262.4 (up .2lbs but it's expected as I did not do much exercising yesterday and ate a bit over my cals. Tomorrow will hopefully be better as it will be Tuesday and I usually eat better throughout the weekday vs the weekend.)
    06/13: 262.4 (More like Cal in Cal Out when your body wants it out...ugh. I wasn't that hungry yesterday and ate a little below 1200 (not on purpose) and worked out really hard. I guess my body is not used to it and is trying to hold on to every little carb and sodium I do take in)
    06/14: 260.2 (I couldn't eat that much last night but forced myself to eat an apple and pb2 to get to 1000 cals after working out for an hr...will try to eat a bit more today if I workout for a long time...on a positive note that's 14lbs down in almost 3 weeks eating on average at 1700 cals!)
    06/15: 259.4 (Awesome beans!)
    06/16: 259 (I couldn't workout last night due to the power going out...ugh but I still went down .4lbs so I am content...now here comes the hard part...the weekend)
    06/17: 257.8 (I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to eat. Still managed to get in at least 70 mins of exercise in and 1200 cals (at least I think...I hope I am not underestimating my cals) though!)
    06/18: 259.2 (not gonna lie I am kinda bummed out about this number because I worked out hard yesterday and I was sick. I also ate pretty decent...not going over my goal. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days so maybe it's that or I overestimated. How many calories does Swai fish really have? Cuz thats the only thing I ate that I wasn't sure about in cals everything else was a no sugar added peach cup(35) brown rice which I measured to be 180 cals, stewed tomatoes (155) quest bar(190) banana(121) unsalted rice cake (40) with my 0 cal tea and an apple(130) and 2 handfuls of sea salt popcorn(105)...and all of this was during the day. Did not eat after 5 because I was really sick...dunno)

    Drink lots of water today to flush out the water you are retaining... sodium is bad for holding it in. I would just like to say though, if you didn't go over your calories and you were mindful then it will eventually all balance out. You would have had to gone over by your deficit and 5000 calories to gain 1.4 pounds and no matter how you weigh it, Swai fish isn't that much! Good luck! (FYI.. you made me look up Swai fish)

    Haha yeah yesterday was my first day trying it and its pretty good. I think it helps with cholesterol too.

    And I hope so and it more than likely will...I am just having a bad day and seeing the increase today did didn't help but I am going to drink lots of water and green tea today and see if that helps.
  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    Try this again.
    Round 6 Total -.6lb
    Goal: To beat last round total lost.

    06/15=195.6 Wasn't as careful with what I ate yesterday. Working outside in the heat, a lot of snacking.
    06/16=196.2 Had the last two days off. Need to commit more to cooking than fast food.
    06/17=197.4 Late Chinese buffet dinner.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,903 Member
    Your Round 7, My Round 1
    Starting weight 167
    Ultimate Goal weight 137

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 167
    06/13 167
    06/14 167 At least I'm not creeping up!
    06/15 167
    06/16 166
    06/17 166 (forgot to post yesterday)
    06/18 166
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Round 7
    6/11 SW = 229.7

    This is the first time I'm in on this challenge. I weigh myself everyday and I find it fascinating. I'm hoping this accountability will help me in my weight loss.

    06/12--229.4 Starting weight included some water weight I gained after eating out the day before, so today's weight takes into account losing some of that water weight.
    06/13--228.3 Rest of the water weight. Also did my weightlifting and stayed on track with my food.
    06/14--228.6 Ate well yesterday and met my exercise goals. Normal daily fluctuations. Overall trend is still downward.
    06/15--228.6 Had a hard weightlifting session yesterday, so probably retaining water from the workout. Overall trend is still downward.
    06/16--227.9 Happy with the loss. Some of it is the water I had retained after my weightlifting session, but I'll take it.
    06/17--227.9 Goal is to stay on track this weekend.
    06/18--228.3 I went to the movies and instead of eating a whole bag, only had a couple of handfuls of popcorn and I was still within my calories. Happy with only a small increase. I will be going out of town, but hoping to weigh in over the next couple of days.
  • fern3378
    fern3378 Posts: 8 Member
    Just 10 days...

    Goal: make exercise a habit, feel strong, get back to eating healthier. Goal weight is 120 lbs.

    06/12 Today I went to the doctor and weight 124 lbs. I would like to lose about 6 lbs to lean myself out. Today I worked out for about 60 minutes and ate clean. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as easy as today.

    06/13 weighed 123 lbs from this morning, just bought a new scale so I'm not sure if it's completely accurate but to say the least I tried very hard yesterday to eat clean and exercise. Today I will work on continuing to eat clean but most importantly exercise and drink more water today.

    06/14 weighted 122.8 this morning. I felt so horrible yesterday, I think it was a combination of not eating enough but also detoxing all the sugar. I had a headache and it continued today. I drank a lot of water yesterday more than usual and I'll continue to do that today and eat more.

    06/15 123.2 I ate more yesterday because I felt I wasn't eating enough. I felt the best I could. I also took a day off of not working out but will continue today along with drinking more water.

    06/16 124 lbs. went out with a friend and drank. Didn't feel any good because I've been eating clean. At the end of the evening for a late snack I ordered a veggie plate instead of something else I would've ordered.
    06/17 n/a
    06/18 123.6 lbs. I had a mini vacation and was visiting with a friend. It was harder to stay on track when your around your friends. I didn't drink any alcohol, so that was a win for me. Continue exercising and walking my dog yesterday.
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    Starting Weight: 171
    10 day challenge weight - 168
    Goal Weight: 139 by October 31st

    06/12 - 171

    06/13 - 172.4 - grrrr that's annoying. I came in under calories and spent 30 min on the elliptical yesterday.

    06/14 - 172 - better than yesterday but still discouraging. Again came in slightly under calories but no time for exercise yesterday. Determined to keep it up and see better results tomorrow.

    06/15 - 171

    06/16 - 170 - Yay! No exercise yesterday, but continue to meet my calorie goal daily. Doing the elliptical this morning. Typically do 30 min. Will try for 35 min today.

    06/17 - 170 - did 35 on the elliptical yesterday and 36 minutes this morning! 4 days of exercise this week up from 3 last week. Did a lot of walking as well...well, a lot, is relative. My job keeps me pretty sedentary but had to walk up 6 flights of stairs due to a broken elevator.

    06/18 - 170.7 - Ate sodium and fat laden fried catfish with a couple of hush puppies and fries yesterday... :-/ but already did 37 min on the elliptical and will try to stay at calorie goal and burn some extra calories doing housework today.

  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6

    06/12 142.2 No alcohol yesterday and under carb limit
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 142.4 Stayed under 1590 calorie goal
    06/15 141.0 Only had 1100 calories and under carb goal. However protein is too low so need to focus on that.
    06/16 141.6 Too many carbs from late night snacking on chips. Why do I sabotage myself
    06/17 141.8 My husband is the cook in the house and our meals are rarely healthy. So I try to make the best of it on a daily basis. Instead of 3 slices of pizza last night, I had one slice and a salad. Had too many drinks though so too much calories, carbs and sodium yesterday.
    06/18 142.4
  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    Round 2 SW: 71.9 Kg
    Round 3 SW: 71.3 Kg
    Round 4 SW: 70 Kg
    Round 5 SW: 69.7 Kg
    Round 6 SW: 69 Kg
    Round 7 SW: 67.6 Kg

    06/12: 67.6 Kg
    06/13: 67.4 Kg
    06/14: 66.8 Kg
    06/15: 67.2 Kg
    06/16: 67 Kg
    06/17: 67 Kg
    06/18: 67.5 Kg

  • princesspea43
    princesspea43 Posts: 11 Member
    06/12 - 205.9. Yesterday was the first day that I've tracked my calories using MFP. I did pretty well, had about 150 calories to spare. I'm not following any specific diet, just eating what I would normally eat, which is a vegetarian diet, and watching my portion sizes, making sure to measure when needed. Today's weight is actually 3 ounces more than yesterday's weight. Hopefully it will start going in the opposite direction by the end of this 10-day challenge. Oh, and I exercised today. I did a beginners step aerobics dvd.

    06/13 - 205.7. Down 2 ounces. Yay for the downward trend! Today I had a crappy day at work and I ate more chocolate than I should have. Stress is a food trigger for me and I need to keep that in mind and make a point to change my behavior (turning to food) next time. I logged all of my meals today using the MFP app. No exercise today. I'm going to attempt to get up at 5:15 am tomorrow and do step aerobics before work. We'll see how that goes.

    06/14 - 205.8. Not the direction I was hoping for. I know from past experience with weighing myself every day that my weight fluctuates up and down during the week. On a good note, I did get myself out of bed at 5:15 am and worked out.

    06/15 - 205.1. Yes! Now I have to keep this up. Didn't get up at 5:15 am this morning. I was tired all day yesterday from getting up early. I'm going to try exercising after dinner tonight and see if that works better for me. I've tracked all my food and today I started tracking my water intake -- 9 cups so far today.

    06/16 - 204.6. I did a little happy dance this morning when I weighed myself. Last night I worked out, did one of the 2-mile Walk Away the Pounds DVDs, and that worked out better for me. This challenge is forcing me to evaluate what I'm doing as far as exercise and eating and tweaking as I go along. I like that. In the past, I'd never put a lot of thought into my weight loss attempts. I would just try to eat less or count points or sporadically exercise, and that's probably why I've failed in the past. This 10-day challenge keeps me focused and accountable, which is a good thing.

    06/17 - 204. 6.

    06/18 - 204.4. Down a pound and a half...yay! I'm pretty sure it'll be higher tomorrow, though. I haven't been to disciplined today.
  • jch539
    jch539 Posts: 21 Member
    Start/goal weight: 245 lbs/200 lbs
    Round 6 Staring Weight 239 / End Weight 236
    5'8", Male, 43 years old

    06/12 --234.6 Not bad day. looking forward to a good week.
    06/13 --232.6 good morning!
    06/14 --232.2 down from yesterday but had no energy this morning to go for run. Probably be a long day.
    06/15 --231.2
    06/16 --231.0 Well its been a good week in the right direction. Hopefully i can get through the week at same weight or even better a little down. Have great weekend all!!
    06/18---didn't check weight no scale out of town last night. And Father's Day today a good day little to much food and beer I will have to work hard this week to make up for this.
  • Mysticalmudd
    Mysticalmudd Posts: 10 Member
    GW: 135

    10 day challenge goal-set a base line for future challenges.

    06/12 - 188 lbs
    06/13 - 187 lbs I ate okay today and worked out twice. Water walking in the am and treadmill and weights in the pm. I am looking forward to positive results!
    06/14 - 186 lbs ate good today even went to dinner with family and did okay. Mowed the lawn this morning and then did my cardio/weight training in the afternoon. Blew away my steps goal for the day.
    06/15 - 184 lbs thankfully I have the time this summer to commit to myself! I water walked this morning for an hour and now off to do my regular cardio/weight training. I think monitoring my food has made a large impact. I have really been focused on serving size instead of mindless eating.
    06/16 - 185 lbs planning on doing cardio and weight training along with organizing the basement. I figured I should log this before I forget. Here's to another healthy day!
    06/17 - 184 lbs Yesterday ended up being date day didn't eat healthy or exercise, but made it under my daily total. This morning I did cardio for 30 minutes walk and run combos before finishing off with weight training.
    06/18 -184 lbs worked out and had father's day bbq - somehow just made it under my calories goal too!

  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    06/11 starting weight 144.6

    06/12 143.4
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 143.0
    06/15 143.0
    06/16 142.8
    06/17 143.2
    06/18 143.4
  • websterc1
    websterc1 Posts: 17 Member
    06/12 62.9. yesterday I was 61.9, the day before 63... it's funny how much water weight you can gain/ lose in a day, and how sad it can be!

    06/13 62.4. yesterday was supposed to be my 'fast day' for 5:2. broke, and had about 800 calories instead of the 500. i think that the 5:2 diet is not for me. Or maybe I need to buy a stack of celery.

    06/14 63.3 today, which is annoying! I walked 10km but didn't actually do any other exercise. i also saw a concert and had four pints. Probably deserve it. have my 3 gym classes tonight + 7- 10 walking, so hopefully tomorrow is better. If I drink tonight, I'll avoid beer...

    06/15 63 disappointing after such a huge amount of exercise last night, but did eat quite late.

    06/16 62.

    06/17 61.5 did three cardio classes today at the gym.
    06/18 61.3... SO CLOSE!
    06/19 62.5. So close... (go giving up.)

  • Mccloud74
    Mccloud74 Posts: 788 Member
    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 189lbs (day back after a very indulgent Hen weekend)
    06/13 - 188lbs
    06/14 - 187lbs
    06/15 - 186lbs
    06/16 - 185lbs
    06/17 - 184lbs (weekend's here, aim is to not blow it!!)
    06/18 - 184lbs
    06/19 - 185lbs (ooooops, was worth it though :smile: )
  • Mumzy_44
    Mumzy_44 Posts: 12 Member
    Round 7
    6/11 SW = 267
    I would like to join. I am in this challenge for the first time also. I have a lot of weight to lose. I am a widow - live alone, no one to report to or keep me accountable so I tend to fall off the diet plan very easily. I am at he very highest weight I have ever been

    female 5'3" 72 years old
    Goal to lose 5 lbs.

    06/12 missed - forgot to weigh
    06/13 263.2 went on a road trip with my sister ate a fast food burger place and was in the car all day no exercise
    06/14 263.4 well I deserve that gain back on track hope yesterdays indulgence doesn't appear again tomorrow Today I am trying to do Intermittent fasting 16 fasting/ 8 eating so two meals and snacks losing breakfast
    06/15 missed - forgot to weigh
    06/16 missed - forgot to weigh
    06/17 I am not sleeping well at night. My arthritis pain has been bad especially in my right arm shoulder and even my wrists
    It's hard not to use food as my comfort
    06/18 262.6
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    I like the idea of putting in numbers from other rounds because it shows how far people have come. It's 'only' 10 days but they add up when you keep committing. Sometimes it seems like a daunting task when challenges last for months. So here goes:
    R2 SW 221
    R3 SW 217.4
    R4 SW 215
    R5 SW 212
    R6 Missed- Was away with no scale
    R7 SW 208.4 (June 11)

    06/12 - 207.8
    06/13 - 207.4
    06/14 - 207.6 Getting close to a mini goal, as usual I'm going to have to buckle down and fight for it :)
    06/15 - 207.2
    06/16 - 206.6
    06/17 - 205.8 <3
    06/18 - 205.2
    06/19 - 204.8

  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    edited June 2017
    Goal for 10 days - 132.5

    06/12 - 136.1
    I'm a little disappointed in myself. I maintained my weight Friday and Saturday (weekends are usually hard for me to eat within calories). Then last night was just a free for all. I went 1100 calories over for the day and it shows on the scale this morning. I've never weighed myself on a Monday. Back at it today though. Workout planned at 8:00!!

    06/13 - 136.4
    Well that went the wrong way ... had a good day though. Good workout and avoided temptation of food and beer at an impromptu get together with neighbors.

    06/14 - 135.3
    Good food day yesterday, just under 1200 calories. No time for my workout. Getting wo in first thing this morning!

    06/15 - 134.9
    Good day for exercise, bad day for food. I was around 700 calories over my 1200 net goal. To be exact, I was 3 full calorie beers, 1 m&m cookie and 1 serving of potato chips over :neutral: I'm hoping it doesn't catch up to me tomorrow because I have to weigh in for my biggest loser group.

    06/16 - 134.4
    Finally less than the day before this started ... but now the weekend. I have at least 3 meals out (my oldest son is graduating from high school tomorrow). I am more motivated than usual to stay strong this weekend, it will be interesting to see how it goes.

    06/17 - 134
    Moving in the right direction, but today is graduation day, dinner out and no exercise ...

    06/18 - 134.9
    Well I'm up a little, but not bad. We went out to dinner last night after my son's graduation. I have to say knowing I had to post my weight this morning totally made me order off the healthy section of the menu and it tasted good! Last Sunday I went a little crazy. Lots to do today, hopefully no eating out! No time for exercise though, we go straight from football to baseball so not home all day.

    06/19 - 135.1

    No where near my goal of 132.5 ... but from Friday to Monday I'm up less than one pound. Generally the weekend sees me up 3-4 pounds and then it takes all week to get back to where I started and that's why I have not been able to lose the last few pounds. Next 10 days I'm setting my goal based on day 1 of weigh in, not what I weighed the day before. I'm going to rock the next two days!!!

  • jch539
    jch539 Posts: 21 Member
    Start/goal weight: 245 lbs/200 lbs
    Round 6 Staring Weight 239 / End Weight 236
    5'8", Male, 43 years old

    06/12 --234.6 Not bad day. looking forward to a good week.
    06/13 --232.6 good morning!
    06/14 --232.2 down from yesterday but had no energy this morning to go for run. Probably be a long day.
    06/15 --231.2
    06/16 --231.0 Well its been a good week in the right direction. Hopefully i can get through the week at same weight or even better a little down. Have great weekend all!!
    06/18---didn't check weight no scale out of town last night. And Father's Day today a good day little to much food and beer I will have to work hard this week to make up for this.
    06/19 --232.0 better than thought it was going to be
    06/20 --
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    I am in again for this round. I am really hoping by the end of this round to be really close to 200 as the day this round ends it is my birthday.

    6/12 - 203.0
    6/13 - 202.8
    6/14 - 203.0
    6/15 - 205.2 wrong way!
    6/16 - 204.8
    6/17 - didn't weigh myself today
    6/18 - 204.5
    6/19 - 204.0